Meng Yuting took Jiang Wan to the largest amusement park in K city. Jiang Wan looked at all kinds of large amusement equipment, slightly opened his mouth, and small stars appeared in his eyes. Obviously, he was also very interested.

In the past, Jiang Wan was tired of taking care of his sick mother every day. In his spare time, he usually took it to learn all kinds of acting skills.

Every day, either in the hospital or in the crew and library, this three-point and one-line life has always oppressed Jiang Wan.

She came to the amusement park a few times since she was a child, and every time she was just the foil of her sister Xia Yunhan.

She also wants to be able to play in the amusement park.

Meng Yuting looked at Jiang Wan's performance and smiled with satisfaction. He also had a detailed understanding of Jiang Wan's information. Because of Jiang Wan's lonely character, she generally didn't go to places with many people. Now the amusement park at least has a sense of freshness for her.

Although I don't know that Jiang Wan has already changed people, I've met this idea.

"I want to sit there!

”Excited Jiang night jumped up, pointed to the roller coaster with at least 100 meters ahead and said to Meng Yuting.

Meng Yuting was stunned and looked at the place where Jiang Wanzhi pointed. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly and his heart was crazy.

He never thought that Jiang Wan would be interested in that terrible roller coaster!

God, don't girls like Disney theme projects? Isn't it satisfying to take a group photo with Mickey Mouse? According to the script, Jiang Wan should tell him with star eyes that brother Meng Yuting wants to see Mickey Mouse. Will you take me? Then Meng Yuting can stand around Mickey Mouse and take happy photos with her very politely! What girl will jump up excitedly pointing to a roller coaster nearly 100 meters high? Although Meng Yuting was guilty, he still hardened his head and said to Jiang Wan, "no problem, let's go now, as long as you have a good time.

”Jiang Wan obviously didn't see Meng Yuting's slightly uncomfortable expression. After she went to the ticket office to buy tickets, she trotted all the way to the queue of the roller coaster and shouted to Meng Yuting, "come here quickly!

We're going to sit in the front row in a moment! "Meng Yuting heard this, and his heart seemed to have photographed a bitter gourd.

But you have to pretend to be happy on the surface.

Ten minutes later, all the passengers of the last roller coaster came down and replaced them with Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan rushed up first and sat in the first row. She waved to Meng Yuting who was still behind the queue and smiled brightly.

No, never lose face in front of girls, especially in front of Jiang Wan!

Isn't it a roller coaster? Come on, Meng Yuting, just a few minutes. Hold on!

Meng Yuting encouraged himself in his heart. On the surface, he was as warm as the spring breeze. He gently nodded to Jiang Wan and walked over.

"Wow... Look at that boy, he's so handsome!

”Some girls who were on the same roller coaster with Jiang Wan and looked at Meng Yuting, who looked evil, couldn't help discussing one after another.

Meng Yuting heard some whispers behind him and strengthened his idea that he must not lose face.

He sighed and said, "I don't know how long this roller coaster will last. It won't be fun if there's less time.

”Jiang Wan also repeatedly agreed.

No one knows what Meng Yuting feels like now.

Soon, the roller coaster started. At the beginning, it was just an uphill, and there was no thrill. Meng Yuting looked at the roller coaster slowly moving forward, took a deep breath, and all the veins of his hands appeared.

"Hey, aren't you a little nervous?" Jiang Wan looked at Meng Yuting, who was silent next to him, and joked.

"How could it be? I'm looking forward to the moment of sprint.

”Meng Yuting responded with a sunny smile.

After the roller coaster climbs to the top, the front of the roller coaster is slowly flattened. As long as it goes further 10 meters, it is a big downward sprint.

"Finally got on the roller coaster..."

While Meng Yuting was nervous, he seemed to hear a whisper. He looked at Jiang Wan next to him. Jiang Wan just smiled cunningly.

Did he hear wrong? Shua, the car mountain fell down from the front, and the speed reached 200 kilometers an hour. Everyone shouted. Meng Yuting shouted the loudest in front, and the passengers behind couldn't suppress his voice.

The roller coaster is like a smart spirit, shuttling freely in the beautiful forest of the amusement park, mixed with girls' laughter.

The speed was a little fast, which made Meng Yuting pale.

After sparing two laps, the roller coaster soon reached the end. Looking at the front of the roller coaster slowly approaching the platform, Jiang Wan regretfully said, "it's fun, but there's too little time.

”Meng Yuting, who was in a cold sweat, felt the slow deceleration of the roller coaster. He was finally relieved. It was so scary that it was finally over.

Although he thought so, Meng Yuting pretended to be relaxed and said to Jiang Wan, "yes, it's a pity that there are only two laps.

”"Why don't we do it again?" "..."

"Ha ha, I'm kidding you!

”Meng Yuting and Jiang Wan untied their seat belts together. After getting off the roller coaster, Jiang Wan shaved his nose and said to Meng Yuting, "let's go and play other projects.

”Meng Yuting certainly won't refuse. The purpose of bringing Jiang Wan here is to have a deeper understanding of Jiang Wan.

"What do you want to play?" Jiang Wan looked at Meng Yuting with a pair of watery eyes and said, "I'll take you to play today. You can choose as long as it's your favorite project.

”Meng Yuting looked at Jiang Wan's lovely face as if something had moved his heart.


The next item is, jump!



Let's go!

”Jiang Wan raised his hands over his head and shouted with a bright face.

"Ah?" Meng Yuting's mind suddenly went blank. He was afraid of heights!

Now he just wants to pat himself a ear of melon seeds. Why should he let her decide? The Lord doesn't look like an ordinary little girl. Hey, can I go back on my word!

Meng Yuting, who wants to cry without tears, can only follow Jiang Wan to the jumping machine in despair.

"Let me see. It's almost twelve o'clock.

Let's go to dinner.

”Meng Yuting played with Jiang Wan all morning. He felt that he was almost immortal. What was the stimulation of this girl? He didn't even look at that lovely thing!

With the passage of time, Meng Yuting finally had reason to stop Jiang Wan. He was really going crazy several times.

"Well, I'm hungry, too. Let's go to the steak house in front.

”Jiang Wan patted Meng Yuting on the shoulder and gave this request.

"Well, let's go, let's go.

”Meng Yuting hurriedly took Jiang Wan to the restaurant. He could accept whatever he ate as long as he didn't play that terrible project.

After arriving at the restaurant, the two ordered a meal according to their own taste. Jiang Wan made some changes to Meng Yuting at this time. After a short time together, Meng Yuting was really good except for his playfulness.

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