She couldn't help it. The email she sent was like a stone in the sea. She didn't get a reply, so she called.

In the past, no matter how busy Austin was, as long as she was not in a meeting, she would answer her phone at the first time. According to her understanding of his work and rest, he should not be working at this time, but the bell rang a lot. She felt a little uneasy.

Fortunately, at the end of the day, Austin finally picked up the phone and was relieved to hear that his voice was still gentle. "Are you busy?" Pei Xinya asked cautiously. After all, she wanted to ask him for funds. She felt a little guilty, but encouraged herself that since Austin liked herself, she would certainly support her career, He opened his mouth and tried to exchange greetings.

Auston raised his lips and felt a little cool in his heart. He just faced peixinya and said his words are still full of tolerance and tenderness, "what's the matter? I'm reading the documents now.

”"Well, Juxing's recent investment plans are full. You know, I'm very anxious to do a big business and get my father's approval, so..." Pei Xinya didn't directly say that she wanted him to help, but said something else.

Auston saw through her idea and whispered, "is the money tight?" "Well... I think about it. Only you can help me. Can Au inject more capital into Juxing? When the revenue returns this year and the flow slows down, Au, as an investor, will also make a lot of profits. I have made a business plan and sent you an email. Investing in our company will not disappoint you.

”Pei Xinya knows that in the eyes of businessmen, interests must be essential. She can't be shameless and keep asking Austin for funds.

The most important thing is to give the other party a reasonable business plan and promise him the expected revenue.

"If we gather stars, what if we can't fall to the promised profit percentage?" Auston asked with an eyebrow.

Peixinya didn't expect him to ask like this, because Austin has always been very tolerant to her. She thought that as long as he said, Austin would not have any doubt. After all, Austin has always been a persistent suitor to her for so many years.

Although Pei Xinya expressed her gratitude for his help, she took it for granted. She even felt that it was worth showing off that there were powerful suitors waiting for her around her.

In Pei Xinya's bones, she is proud. Now she feels that it is more condescending to call Austin to ask for capital injection. She has always placed herself in a very noble position in front of Austin's pursuit.

"No, Auston, you should believe in my ability. I can certainly reach the profit point in BP. I won't lose.

”When Pei Xinya said the last sentence, there was a cruel force in her tone.

Auston sighed softly and said, "if there is no problem with the capital chain, you haven't called me for so long after you return home.

”Strictly speaking, this was the second call. The previous one was the first time to ask him for funds. Thinking about Austin, he felt cold. He took a breath of air conditioning and laughed at himself.

"No, I'm very busy after returning home..." Pei Xinya's voice was a little stuttered. She didn't know what to say for a moment, because she had always been a distant attitude towards Austin and took him as a spare tire, but Austin never asked so frankly. She thought Austin would always pursue her attentively.

Pei Xinya was afraid that if he was angry, the funds would be gone, so she quickly explained: "you know, I'm at home. Although I'm an only child, my father has an illegitimate son. I'm eager to get his approval, so I'm struggling for my career now. I don't have time to take care of many things. I didn't mean to contact you.

”Her words are half true and half false, but she knows that Austin will be soft hearted 90%, because at the earliest time, her family situation made Austin feel pity for her. In order to conform to Austin's aesthetics, she has been subconsciously pretending her soft and tough image in front of him.

She knows that Auston likes people who can be serious and tough in their career and women who can be gentle and beautiful in life.

Sure enough, Austin softened his heart because he let go, "I asked the assistant to ask the finance department to transfer the funds later. Don't worry.

”When he said this, Austin was more or less helpless, and his smile was still cold.

"Well, great.

”Peixinya suddenly exclaimed and was surprised. Instead, she thought of what Austin had just said. Her voice calmed down and continued: "Austin, you really don't misunderstand me... I......" peixinya wanted to say something. Austin interrupted her and said, "no, I'm just kidding you. Don't be so nervous. You know how much I like you.

”Hearing Austin say this, peixinya suddenly put down a big stone in her heart. This gold owner can't be easily lost. It's difficult to fight and worship huoshiqin without Austin's support.

After all, in competition with Huo Shiqin, a legendary figure in the business world, Pei Xinya can only take various means of burning money to snatch various projects of Juxing.

She didn't know how much share she could complete in the business plan she gave Austin, but she relied on Austin recklessly and wouldn't be demanding on her in the end.

When she heard Austin say she liked herself very much, peixinya couldn't help being arrogant again. She had heard this sentence hundreds of times in her three years of studying abroad. She just regarded it as a kind of capital that she could squander.

"I know, thank you.

”Peixinya and Austin said thank you, but never made their relationship clear.

Auston has been used to it. After all, this is not the first time. In fact, he is not a fool. He knows that peixinya's "thank you" is too utilitarian, and it will be cheap when he speaks more times.

The smile on the corner of my mouth was frozen, showing a trace of coldness. Suddenly, the conversation turned and said: "Au is not a charity company. If there is a request for capital injection next time, I will put forward certain requirements.

”There was a hint of joking in her tone, which made Pei Xinya think he was joking again, because he would say so every time she asked Austin for help in the United States, but he never really asked her for anything.

Pei Xinya has always been responsive to her requests, so this time, Pei Xinya didn't take it seriously. It was just a joke. Even if she heard it, she didn't take it to heart. She replied absently: if you have any requirements, just mention it. Since we cooperate, of course we want to help each other.

”Auston didn't say anything, but smiled. Peixinya chatted with him again and hung up the phone. Anyway, she had got the investment money and was about to withdraw.

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