Auston saw the knife light at a glance and subconsciously pushed away Jiang Wan.

For a moment, a tearing pain came from Auston's abdomen.

Peixinya's pupil suddenly widened and looked at Austin incredulously.

When I looked down, I saw that only one handle of the sharp fruit knife was exposed.

With a fierce tremor of heart, Pei Xinya loosened her hand and saw the red blood on her hand. She sat down on the ground and screamed back.

Jiang Wan, who was pushed aside, heard Auston's stuffy hum and turned around quickly. He saw that blood penetrated his white clothes and bloomed a huge flower of blood.


”Jiang Wan rushed over and reached out to block the gushing blood, and his eyes were red.

The huge pain made Austin speechless. He trembled and stretched out his hand to brush away the tears on her face, and finally fell powerlessly to the ground... "Hold on to Austin, you'll be fine, trust me!

”Jiang Wan cried at the top of his voice, and his hands dared not relax for a moment.

When the doctors and nurses arrived, they saw Jiang Wan's hands tightly attached to Austin's arms, and his hands were covered with blood.

Pei Xinya curled up in the corner, holding her head tightly with her hands and screaming.

The doctor and nurse were divided into two groups. One wave hurriedly carried Auston to the operating room, and the other wave dealt with peixinya curled up in the corner.

Feeling the touch of others, Pei Xinya made a sharp cry again. Several strands of hair fell to the ground. It seemed that there was a shocking feeling.

The doctor quickly gave her a sedative. After a while, she fell into a coma.

On the side of the operating room, Jiang Wan has been sitting outside and watching the light outside the operating room for a long time.

There was a rush of footsteps in the quiet corridor, and then Jiang Wan was tightly held in his arms by Huo Shiqin.

Jiang Wan, who has been stiff, smelled the familiar smell and relaxed for a moment.

He felt Keren trembling slightly in his arms. Huo Shiqin only felt that his heart seemed to be stabbed by something sharp, and there were bursts of pain.

"Don't be afraid, I'm coming.

”Generous and warm hands kept gently touching Jiang Wan's back.

God knows how anxious he was when he learned that Pei Xinya went to the ward to kill Jiang Wan and stabbed Auston.

He was afraid of coming late and would never see her again.

"Shi Qin, how did you come..." Jiang Wan's choking words made Huo Shiqin's heart tingle.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone in the ward. I'm sorry..." Huo Shiqin comforted softly, for fear that one might accidentally break the porcelain doll in his arms.

A long time later, Jiang Wan stretched out his head from Huo Shiqin's arms, and his eyes were slightly red and swollen, which hurt Huo Shiqin's heart again.

"Austin is still in the operating room. Will he save me..." Jiang Wan's mind still echoes the scene of Austin's hand falling on the ground from time to time.

"No, don't think so much. Everything has me. Give it to me, okay?" Huo Shiqin interrupted Jiang Wan and didn't let her think so much.

The deep and hoarse voice seemed to have the magic of comforting people's hearts, which calmed Jiang Wan's heart.


”Jiang Wan nodded and buried his head deep into Huo Shiqin's arms again.

Only by drawing on his breath did she feel safe.

Even though she has experienced too many things, what just happened still makes her unable to return to God.

Just then, the door of the operating room opened and the doctor came out.

Jiang Wan immediately pushed Huo Shiqin away, ran to the doctor and asked anxiously, "doctor, how's Austin?" "the patient just lost too much blood and was unconscious. Fortunately, he was injured in the hospital, otherwise he would lose his life with the depth of the wound.

”After listening to the doctor, Jiang Wan was completely relieved, "thank you, doctor.

After he came out, can he go to see him? "Huo Shiqin was unhappy when he noticed Jiang Wan's tension about Austin. He stepped forward and stretched out his big hand to hold her up.

"Shi Qin, what are you doing?" Jiang Wan, who suddenly lost his focus, almost screamed. He noticed the ambiguous eyes of the doctors around him, and his face turned red.

"Since Auston's life is no longer in danger, you should stay in the ward and don't run around, you know?" Huo Shiqin's voice was mixed with jealousy. Jiang Wan, who only blushed and heartbeat, didn't notice, otherwise she would be happy again.

"But he hasn't woken up yet. I want to see him.

”Jiang Wan's voice was soft and his eyes were bright.

"If you look at him here, can he wake up?" Huo Shiqin was even more jealous. At this time, Jiang Wan noticed his abnormality.

Looking at the tight corners of his mouth, he couldn't help reaching out and poked.

"Why?" "I'm just grateful to Austin. If Austin hadn't arrived, you'd never see me again.

”Jiang Wan suppressed the remaining fear in his heart and tried to describe what had just happened in a peaceful tone.

Despite this, Huo Shiqin still heard her feelings from the imperceptible tremor in Jiang Wan's voice.

Huo Shiqin tightened his arm again, held Jiang Wan tightly in his arms and walked towards the ward.

The chaotic ward has long been cleaned and restored to its former appearance.

Carefully put the man in his arms on the hospital bed. Huo Shiqin slowly fell down and printed a kiss on Jiang Wan's forehead.

"Little evening, I will never leave you alone in the future, and I will never let you face such a dangerous situation again.

”Huo Shiqin's tone was filled with deep guilt. He didn't protect her. He didn't consider that she wanted to kill Jiang Wan after he attacked peixinya.

Jiang Wan put his hand around Huo Shiqin's neck, absorbed his breath, took a deep breath and said, "Shi Qin, no matter what kind of scene I encounter, I'm not afraid.

Because I know that you are by my side, no matter what, you will always be with me!

”"Yes, I will accompany you forever!

”Huo Shiqin's low voice was soft, and his hands kept beating back and forth on her back.

Gradually, Jiang Wan, who had been in a state of tension, relaxed and fell asleep.

As soon as he got up, he saw Jiang Wan's involuntary frown.

Huo Shiqin couldn't help but feel a stab in his heart. He stretched out his hand painfully to smooth her eyebrows. He saw Jiang Wan holding his hand uneasily and calling his name eagerly in his mouth.

"Good, don't be afraid, I'm here.

”He gently comforted Jiang Wan's ear, and gradually Jiang Wan settled down.

Huo Shiqin has been with Jiang Wan. Whenever she calls his name uneasily, the pain and guilt in his heart are even heavier.

He gently pulled out his hand, pulled the quilt up and covered her.

He turned around and quietly walked out of the ward. Suddenly, he was full of cold breath.

Qiu Chi, who had been outside, shivered when he saw the devil like smell on his president.

Every time the president looks like this, it shows that someone's life is worrying

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