Just then, two strong men came in. Jiang Wan subconsciously turned his head and looked at them in horror.

Jiang Wan wanted to shout, but his mouth was sealed. He couldn't say anything except the voice of "hum".

The two men didn't stand close to them and didn't know what they were whispering.

"Brother, what should we do next?" "wait until I call and confirm that the money has arrived.

”Then one of them took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone without remarks, and the owner of the mobile phone number was Xia Yunhan.

Xia Yunhan has been waiting for this call. She can't wait to see Jiang Wan's miserable face.

"Hey, did you catch it?" Xia Yunhan's eyes flashed an evil light, just like ready to jump on the prey at any time.

The gangster laughed very dogleg. Even though they were drinking on the phone, they still nodded and bowed. "It's all done. They're in our hands now. As soon as the money arrives, we'll do it right away.

”Xia Yunhan snorted coldly, "don't worry, you're indispensable, but I have to confirm it first. Let me listen to her voice.


no problem!

”The leading man made a gesture to another man. The man immediately went to Jiang Wan and tore off the black tape pasted on her mouth.

The feeling that the hairs were about to be pulled off was a heartbreaking pain. Jiang Wan cried out in pain and couldn't help scolding: "get out!

Why did you bring us here?!

Let us go!

”The man snorted disdainfully, raised his hand and slapped Jiang Wan, "be honest!

”"Miss Wang, how's it going? Are you sure now?" the leading gangster smiled at the other end of the phone. "What is Miss Wang going to do with these two people? Just say, and we will do it!

”The two gangsters didn't know who asked them to do it. Xia Yunhan said his surname was Wang. The law of the Jianghu. These gangsters didn't care what each other's surname was. As long as they could get the money, everything would be fine.

Xia Yunhan laughed with satisfaction after hearing Jiang Wan's cry, "very good.

What I want you to do is very simple. Scratch her face, take off her clothes and throw them on the street. Shouldn't it be difficult? "" no difficulty, no difficulty, we must do it!

”The gangster responded again and again, and the flattering smile made the flesh on his face pile up.

"OK, I'll ask someone to transfer the money to your account right away. Remember, you must handle this matter well without leaving a tail. I'll allocate the balance to you when you're all done.

”"OK, just do as you say!

”After hanging up the phone, the gangster completely laughed, as if he had seen a lot of money running towards him.

The other man rushed over and asked curiously, "brother, how's the conversation? Have you got the money?" the first man replied while putting his mobile phone back in his bag: "it's settled. We'll start when we receive the transfer message.

”Although Jiang Wan couldn't hear the voice on the phone, she knew something from the performance of the two gangsters.

The gangster calls each other Miss Wang, which does not mean that the other party is really surnamed Wang, but at least it should be a woman.

Jiang Wan muttered in his heart. Obviously, there are only two possibilities for a woman to embarrass her in this way - Mo Ling and Xia Yunhan.

However, Xia Yunhan didn't have much contact with her during this period, and she would suspect that Xia Yunhan was completely because she was actually Xia Yunxi. Therefore, Mo Ling was more suspected. Mo Ling threatened her not long ago.

During the phone conversation between the gangster and Xia Yunhan, Jiang Wan can only think of these, which is her only reason in such a panic and fear situation.

The two gangsters came towards them step by step. Jiang Wan hurriedly moved back and tried to protect Huo Shiyan behind him.

"What are you... What are you doing?" "Oh, what do you think we want? You can't escape here anyway.

”The leading gangster squatted down in front of Jiang Wan, looked straight at her, and raised an evil smile at the corners of his mouth.

Jiang Wan suddenly "bang" in her head. She moved back half a step and looked warily at the ugly man in front of her.

Are they trying to rape me first and then kill me?!

That woman Mo Ling is really hateful. She can come up with such a vicious idea against me. If I am lucky enough to escape from here, I will devour her alive!

Jiang Wan thought, his heart getting tighter and tighter, for fear that the two people opposite would really do something to themselves.

"I... I tell you, you'd better be smart and let us go.

What you have done is against the law. If the police know... "

Jiang Wan was so nervous that he didn't know what he was talking about.

"What would happen if the police knew? You still want the police uncle to catch us?" the gangster took over the words and laughed sarcastically.

Jiang Wan blushed with anger. She wanted to say something to intimidate the two people, but she couldn't find a suitable speech for a moment.

And now Huo Shiyan is here, she has to take care of him, but now she is too busy for herself.

Anyway, it's important to run for your life. Now you have to move out of the Huo family.

Jiang Wan took a deep breath and said to them word by word: "haven't you considered the consequences for us like this? Haven't the people who said to give you money told you who we are?" the two gangsters laughed more wildly instead of being bullied.

"I don't care who you are. I'm not afraid even if you are the king of heaven!

”Then one of them kicked them fiercely. Jiang Wan saw him and hurriedly protected Huo Shiyan. That foot kicked Jiang Wan's stomach.

Jiang Wan cried out in pain. Huo Shiyan, who was just curled up on one side and shivering, suddenly became excited and kept patting his head with his hands.

"Xiaoyan, what's the matter with you? Don't be afraid, my sister is here!

”Jiang Wan is busy to appease Huo Shiyan, but her hands and feet are bound and she can't touch him at all.

The two gangsters saw this scene and hissed, "no wonder this little boy doesn't roar or make noise. He's a fool!

”Hearing what they said, Huo Shiyan said that Jiang Wan's heart was as painful as being pricked by a needle. She shouted angrily: "you are a fool, your whole family!

”"Hey, smelly girl!

I think you are tired of living!

”The leading gangster was angered and raised his foot again and kicked her down.

One foot after another fell on Jiang Wan. How could she bear such a thin body? In a hurry, Jiang Wan shouted: "we are from the Huo family. You won't come to a good end to us like this!

If my big brother knows, you must be finished!

”As soon as he said this, the gangster's foot that was about to fall stopped suddenly in mid air.

The Huo family... Is her brother Huo Shiqin, President of the Huo group?

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