"Meng Yuting, get your dog's paws off her!

”Huo Shiqin approached them with a gloomy face and dragged Jiang Wan to his side.

Jiang Wan sprained his foot when he got off the bus. Meng Yuting just politely went to help him. Before he reached Jiang Wan, Huo Shiqin roared and quickly took back his claws.

"Big brother, big brother..."

As soon as he saw Huo Shiqin, Jiang Wan immediately fed the dog to Meng Yuting. After a hesitant cry, he looked down shyly and looked at the tip of his shoes.

"Advanced house.

”Huo Shiqin pulls Jiang Wan to his side. After pulling away from Meng Yuting, he releases her hand.

He said this as an order, and after saying that, he took a special look at Jiang Wan.

Jiang Wan just looked up and saw Huo Shiqin's eyes, which seemed to be mixed with a trace of disappointment? This idea frightened Jiang Wan. Suddenly, a sense of panic came out from the bottom of her heart. She didn't know what she had done to make Huo Shiqin look at her like this.

In a trance, I entered the villa and didn't care what the two people behind me would say.

Huo Shiqin didn't speak, so he looked at Meng Yuting with his sharp eyes, which made his back cool.

Meng Yuting was the first to surrender. "I didn't do anything. You asked me to apologize to her. You didn't let me in last night. I had to go to her company to find her.

”Although Meng Yuting is a big turnip, he is not stupid. He knows that Huo Shiqin is protecting Jiang night and is deeply afraid of being harmed by him again.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, just Jiang Wanchang's aura, he just didn't find a breakthrough all the way back. He was distressed and didn't know what to do!

It's right that he has been among thousands of flowers, but most of the flowers are pasted by himself. He just didn't refuse. If he took the initiative, there are really few, so he doesn't have enough experience.

"Did you apologize?" Huo Shiqin was always frightening when his handsome face was expressionless.

Although Meng Yuting and Huo Shiqin grew up together since childhood, they can't be more familiar, they will still be frightened by Huo Shiqin's eyes.

"Tao, Tao.

”Meng Yuting obediently replied that he was so big that he wouldn't be so obedient in front of Huo Shiqin.

"It's none of your business. Go back.

”Huo Shiqin waved and signaled that she could roll.

Meng Yuting finally sent Jiang Wan back. How could he leave like this!

"No, at least I went to the company to accompany her all day today. I didn't have any credit or hard work. Why did you let me sit down and have a drink?" Meng Yuting said. The more he said, the more he felt that the surrounding temperature was falling. After that, he saw that Huo Shiqin's color was darker.

"You went to the company to accompany her for a day?" Huo Shiqin said calmly, but Meng Yuting heard the hidden intention of killing.

"No, no, mainly because she has been busy and I'm waiting for her.

”As soon as Huo Shiqin was serious, Meng Yuting immediately counseled and told the truth.

Huo Shiqin narrowed his eyes, didn't say any more, turned and walked in.

Meng Yuting followed and went to the door. In order to prevent Huo Shiqin from closing him outside, he ran to block the door first.

"You have to let me in.

”Meng Yuting said, "my father kicked me out because of your sister. I slept in the car last night.

”"Get out of the way.

”Huo Shiqin had a cold face and a completely non-negotiable expression.

"Brother, how can you prevent me like a thief? I really don't know about your sister. Even if it's my fault and I caused her to commit suicide, can you give me a chance to make up for her?" Meng Yuting is going to kneel down for Huo Shiqin. He didn't expect that he would chase Jiang Wan. The biggest obstacle would be his good brother.

"Get out!

”Huo Shiqin shouted in a low voice.

Meng Yuting could see that Huo Shiqin was really angry. He stepped aside weakly and waited for Huo Shiqin to open the door.

"Are you really not going to let me in?" Meng Yuting put a soft voice and looked at Huo Shiqin pitifully.

Huo Shiqin didn't even look at him.

It's no use pretending to be poor. Meng Yuting can only use his killer mace.

"Old Huo, let's make a deal. Let me in and I'll show you something.

”With that, Meng Yuting took out his mobile phone.

He knew that Huo Shiqin would not be moved by his words, so he quickly pointed out the photography clip, which was exactly where Jiang Wan said his lines. He reached out to Huo Shiqin and shook it in front of him, and then took it back.

Huo Shiqin quickly closed the door and pushed a crack. He turned to look at Meng Yuting. His eyes seemed as calm as water, but there were threats that only Meng Yuting could interpret.

Although he was careful that his liver was bumping and jumping, Meng Yuting still met the difficulties. "This is what I went to their company to shoot today. No one else has it. I'm the only one here.

”"Give it to me.

”Huo Shiqin stretched out his hand and was domineering.

Meng Yuting didn't give it. He just clicked on the player and kept a clear distance from Huo Shiqin. He showed it to him.

How well Jiang Wan performed at that time, everyone present saw it, so many people were shocked, and Huo Shiqin, who watched the video, was no exception.

Only those who have seen Jiang Wan acting with their own eyes know that she has the magic that makes the feelings she wants to express hit the hearts of the audience.

After a few minutes, Huo Shiqin reached out to grab his mobile phone, but Meng Yuting took it back first.

"Let me in if you want.

”Meng Yuting threatened.

Huo Shiqin nodded, "go away after dinner.

”Just now, Meng Yuting's hand was shaking. He didn't see it very clearly, so he wanted to get the video and watch it again, so he had to compromise.

Meng Yuting seems to listen to advice in front of him, but he really has the courage not to give him a video.

"OK, I'll send you when I come in.

”Meng Yuting didn't dare to push an inch to achieve his goal. As long as he could enter the door, Huo Shiqin couldn't decide when to leave.

They lingered into the house and found that Jiang Wan had prepared a table of dishes waiting for them.

After Huo Shiqin returned home, in order not to scare Jiang Wan, he cancelled the atmosphere of strangers outside. Seeing that Jiang Wan was busy in the kitchen and restaurant, he also washed his hands to help serve the dishes.

Meng Yuting was surprised to see a table of dishes. "Little night, you can cook. It's so virtuous!

”Huo Shiqin, who had just picked up a dish in the kitchen, almost lost his hand when he heard Meng Yuting's call to Jiang Wan and fell the dish.

On the back of the hand holding the talent, there were faint veins, but he pressed them back.

He has been a brother with Meng Yuting for more than 20 years. He has never wanted to kill people at any time like today, so as to eliminate harm for the people.

Jiang Wan ignored Meng Yuting's unprincipled praise and arranged the meal with Huo Shiqin. The three were ready to sit down for dinner.

Because there were few people, one side of the table was placed against the wall and was not used. Jiang Wan habitually chose a position against the wall. Meng Yuting saw it and wanted to grab in front of Huo Shiqin and sit next to Jiang Wan.

Who knows, just as he was going to do it, Huo Shiqin kicked the chair open. Before he could react, he saw Huo Shiqin move his stool and put it next to Jiang Wan and sit down steadily.

When Jiang Wan moved the dishes on the table, he didn't notice the undercurrent between them. When he heard the sound of the chair, he looked up and saw that Huo Shiqin had sat down next to her.

Then Huo Shiqin said to Meng Yuting, "be careful.

”Jiang Wan thought he was afraid of Meng Yuting falling, but he didn't expect him to say again, "don't overturn the dishes on the table.

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