Reborn as a Mom

45 Was it or Was it not?

Ira and Viv were looking at the tablet screen.

3:00 am.

A man, in a black T-shirt with a hood, sneaked in from the second-floor window in a room.

This room is above the garage.

The man is obviously coming from the house next door.

That house is closest to this room.

Also, Ira had tightened the security before leaving, installing cameras.

Security was tight in the front gate with a break-in alarms.

However, he didn't seem to know in advance that this room is equipped with a camera, yet he was well prepared. He wore ablack mask. That figure strolled their house like it was his own backyard, he knew every room and corner, even in the darkness, he went down smoothly. He was obviously oriented with the house.

The pixels of the camera was very good and the picture is clear.

The man in the video screen moved

down the stairs to the garage.

In the garage, he was squatting, then lied under dad's car. He stayed for a long time.

He definitely had done something to the car.

Surely, he had a hand in the accident!

It was preplanned.

Her Dad was lying in the hospital with a broken knee which will be soon operated. He probably could not stand on his feet for at least a year.

This time he didn't crash into something and was saved.

"I pulled over to the side of the road then slowed my speed and applied the emergency brakes. I didn't panic, Your father, I was as calm as a mountain." Ira's Dad described his accident with pride.

Jam Uncle!

She thought it would take some time for him to stabilise his latest loss, however, the loss of their plans in view of Company and Ash would have made him anxious to attack.

Ira would visualize that night of the accident

... her dad driving, ...ring of his phone, ... news of Ash's death from Clara, ....'killed by Ira', .... dad lost his senses, ....crash into the divider, ....his head smashed on steel wheels ....broken ribs, ....blood dripping from the wound of forehead slowly covering the whole face, .... dad's eyes of horror.

These images came to her as if seen by her own eyes corresponding with the sounds she heard on the call.

But it was still an illusion. A mirage she built based on her insight.

Her ears heard the accident, not exactly seen it!

In past life, With Ash, Ira could refute the suicide because she didn't exactly saw his death.

However, with Dad, She was on another side of the phone!

The harsh breaks,

The huge crash,

The screams.

Still rang in her mind.

It was an accident!

Was it or was it not?

'Argh! Such simple facts how could you miss Ira. Were you so stupid to let go of these murderers?'

Ira was just so absorbed in guilt and self-blame that she didn't even investigate her brother and fathers death...

or let's say Murder!

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