"There are so many people who are mocking me, who are you?"

Xiao Bai smiled at Samadhi True Fire: "Go ahead Huo Ling'er, I know you are holding it back."

Huo Ling'er jumped out of the lotus platform, rolled and jumped in the air, and then flew towards the ghost fire like a shooting star.

All he had to do was stretch out his little hand and touch the iron chain, just like a welder, to fuse all the iron chains released by Hua Feng and others.

Hua Feng was furious: "You little bastard, you released an evil thing like ghost fire. It's really a sin."

Huo Ling'er stuck out her tongue at Hua Feng and stood in front of the Netherworld Ghost Fire with her hands on her hips.

The wild ghost fire that was originally violent and raging suddenly became quiet, and all thirteen blue fire snakes were withdrawn, turning into a small flame that kept nodding and bowing at Huo Ling'er.

This scene left Gui Jianchou and all the ghosts behind him stunned.

Tiankui waved to him: "Bring your tribe here."


Even though Huo Ling'er was only about the size of a thumb, he was able to swallow the ghost fire in one gulp, and even burped and licked the corners of his mouth with satisfaction.

When he returned to Xiao Bai, he did not forget to kick Hua Feng in the face, leaving a red mark on his old face.

"How dare you, little thing, carry out a sneak attack? I will destroy you."

Hua Feng stabbed Huo Ling'er with his long sword. The entire sword became extremely hot, and then completely melted and turned into gas.

Hua Feng was heartbroken and covered his head in pain: "My sword."

How could he just give up? A junior brother next to him stopped him and persuaded him softly: "Senior Brother, let's withdraw!"

"This little flame is really weird. It can easily melt the fairy sword. We have lost the opportunity now. We can leave the green mountains without fear of running out of firewood."

Hua Feng shouted: "Just wait, we will meet again."

"Junior brothers, let's retreat."

These sword immortals insisted on withdrawing, but Xiao Bai and the others had no choice. After all, their strength was there.

Now that you've broken up with each other, you don't need to be polite when you encounter them next, just get started.

For this great kindness of saving people from danger, Gui Jianchou led his men to bow forty-five degrees to express their gratitude to Xiao Bai.

And he himself fulfilled his previous promise and knelt down in front of Xiao Bai.

"Big brother, please bow to me."

This sudden action really confused Xiao Bai, and he quickly stepped forward to help Gui Jianchou up.

"Old ghost, what are you doing? We are all in the same boat, so there is no need to be so polite."

This move really surprised everyone present. In their impression, the ghosts were almost as good as the demons, and even more cunning.

However, Gui Jianchou changed from his normal state and dared to do what he said, which was really impressive.

If it weren't for Tian Kui's sake, Xiao Bai wouldn't want to wade into the muddy waters and unexpectedly conquer a ninth-level ghost king like Gui Jianchou, which was completely unexpected.

In fact, Tiankui had already known about Gui Jianchou, and at this juncture, she must not let the ghost clan switch sides to Huafeng.

Otherwise, the alliance will lose most of its combat effectiveness in one fell swoop, and subsequent operations will be difficult.

"Everyone pack up and set off immediately to search for the Demon Emperor's coffin. We must not let Hua Feng and others get ahead of us."

Gui Jianchou carefully recalled the last time he entered the Demon Emperor's tomb, and combined it with Magbi's Feng Shui compass.

They finally confirmed the best route. At this time, the two ninth-level swordsmen beside Hua Feng were hiding in the dark and watching.

Once Xiao Bai and the others discover the Demon Emperor's coffin first, they will send a signal to Hua Feng and others. This is also the safest way.

As long as the two sword immortals don't take the initiative to expose themselves, it will be difficult to be discovered based on their own cultivation.

"Old ghost, it's been ten thousand years, are you sure you're on the right track? Why is it getting more and more wrong?"

Guijian frowned: "There is no other way now. I can only find it the way it is in my memory."

They didn't know how long they had been walking in the corridor. When they fell into despair, a bright light suddenly appeared not far ahead.

Magbi immediately jumped up and picked up the compass to check the direction.

"Oh my god, we unknowingly reached the middle of the tomb, which is most likely where the main tomb is."

"Everyone, be careful. I'll go explore the way first."

Gui Jianchou took the lead and turned into black liquid and flowed quickly. This skill is indeed more suitable for pathfinding. Many hidden weapons can't do anything to him.

Once poisonous gas is discovered, he can quickly withdraw.

The journey went smoothly without encountering any obstacles. When he arrived at a bright place, he shouted from behind: "Come here, everyone."

The magnificent scene in front of them shocked everyone. The corridor had reached the end, and under the cliff was the coffin of the Blood Moon Demon Emperor.

There is an array of the Big Dipper on the dome, with the sun and moon on the left and right sides, both of which appear blood red.

The entire tomb could not be seen to the end at a glance. Under the light of the sun and the moon, the entire space was shrouded in bloody terror.

There is a huge crystal coffin suspended in the middle, pulled by nine extremely thick iron chains, the other end of which is deeply pierced into the stone wall.

Xiao Bai stepped forward and carefully inspected the thick black chains. Each link of the chain turned out to be a black dragon, which was about as thick as Xiao Bai's waist.

I don't know how many black dragons were used in this chain alone. There are also eight chains of other colors, and each ring is formed by dragons of different colors.

"Damn, this is much better than Jiulong coffin pulling."

"With this chain of mine alone, there are not even a thousand but hundreds of black dragons."

Ao Wuming exclaimed repeatedly: "Oh my God, so many giant dragons of different colors were used to pull his coffin."

There are many corpses of large monsters suspended in the air. They are all rare monsters with different and lifelike shapes. Even after so many years, their bodies are still incorruptible.

They were all made into specimens of the Guardian Blood Moon Demon Emperor, including two two-headed giant pythons that were over 100 meters tall.

Chapter 196 Do you dare to hit my wife?

More than a hundred monster beasts were suspended in the air, protecting the coffin of the Blood Moon Demon Emperor.

There are mountains of gold and silver jewelry on the ground, and a large number of spiritual coins are buried inside. Each piece is several times larger than what Tiankui holds, which means that the spiritual energy contained in it is at least several times greater.

Ao Wuming was very excited: "Wow, I'm rich! These many spiritual coins are more than enough for all the dragon clan to use for a thousand years."

Magbi's eyes were filled with copper coins. He was only interested in the mountains of gold and silver on the ground. If he just packed a bag and took it out, it would be enough for him to enjoy a lifetime in the Elf Kingdom.

"Thank you for your hard work. Without you, I really wouldn't be able to find this place."

Hua Feng led his junior brothers to fight out from behind with flying swords, hovering in the air and watching eagerly.

He didn't like the treasures on the ground. He stared straight at the huge crystal coffin, which contained a large number of treasures.

They were all used by the Blood Moon Demon Emperor during his lifetime, and any one of them could defeat the most powerful immortal weapon in Hua Feng's hands.

Hua Feng showed a hypocritical smile: "You can choose any of these gold, silver and jewels on the ground. Just give up on the treasures in the demon emperor's coffin."

"Only the truly strong can possess such treasures."

The coalition forces experienced a near-death experience before arriving here. The original tens of thousands of demon troops were completely wiped out and lost on the road.

All the dragon clans combined have tens of thousands, and in the end there are only about twenty five-clawed golden dragons left here.

The ghost clan also suffered heavy losses, and only Xiao Bai and Feng Yun were left among the demon clan in Xuantian Continent.

Seeing that the treasures from the Demon Emperor's tomb are right in front of them, how can they give up? Although there are a lot of gold and silver jewelry on the ground, they are not rare treasures and are not enough to make them risk their lives all the way.

As the commander of the coalition forces, Tiankui took the lead in expressing his attitude.

"I'm sorry, the human race is not included in this treasure hunt. You have never provided map fragments."

"We have been overcoming obstacles and overcoming various difficulties along the way. For this reason, all major races have suffered heavy losses."

"There are more than 200,000 coalition troops, but now there are less than 200 left. If you want to enjoy the gains, ask us first if we agree."

Hua Feng looked arrogant: "I want to correct the saint. The sacred mountain in the dream does not represent the human race. We are the immortals who have achieved enlightenment and are the beings that you collectively look up to."

"Since ancient times, the most capable people have lived here."

"If you monsters and ghosts are not convinced, you can come over and give it a try."

The demon emperor's coffin was right in front of her. Feng Yun clenched her fists and wanted to rush over to seize the demon emperor's essence and blood, but she finally endured it.

Xiao Bai scolded: "I'm an immortal, if you want to beat me, just beat me up."

Ao Wuming roared angrily: "If you do it with them, aren't you a ninth-level swordsman? There's nothing to be arrogant about."

The coalition forces are all waiting for Tiankui's orders. When she was chosen as the captain, they would definitely obey her orders.

Tiankui's words were cold and stern: "Since the Taoist Master wants to bully the weak, our Heavenly Demon Fox Clan will not just sit back and wait for death and let others slaughter us."

"Dream Mountain did not contribute to the opening of the Demon Emperor's tomb this time. If you want to get a share of the pie, I will not accept it."

Tiankui issued an order from the fox demon next to her, and three level nine demon kings appeared out of thin air. They had been hiding their cultivation before.

Gui Jianchou, who was a little worried just now, smiled knowingly and raised the corners of his mouth.

"As expected of our captain, the Holy Lady of the Sky Demon Fox Clan indeed has a trump card."

Currently, there are eight level 9 players on both sides. Hua Feng suddenly lost a lot of strength, but he still feels that he has a better chance of winning. After all, they hold immortal weapons.

There are also six junior brothers who are all eighth-level sword immortals, so fighting against other rabbles is not a big problem.

When the war is about to break out, Xiao Bai secretly takes out the golden bowl and covers the Magbi brothers and sisters in it to ensure their safety.

Since you promised to protect their safety, you must do it.

Furthermore, the golden bowl cannot cause any harm to the cultivators, and serves more of a defensive role.

Hua Feng shouted: "Junior brothers, follow me to slay demons. Treasures must not fall into the hands of demons."


Tian Kui drew out her sword and attacked Hua Feng head-on, without giving in at all.

"Let me experience the strength of a ninth-level sword immortal."

Gui Jianchou and Ao Wuming also joined the battle, fighting against other ninth-level sword immortals respectively.

On both sides, there are eight top combat forces competing 1V1. They display their unique skills in the spacious main tomb chamber and decide the ownership of the treasure in the simplest and crudest way.

Xiao Bai only has the strength of the sixth-level demon king, so he definitely cannot choose to confront the eighth-level swordsman head-on. He prefers to hide behind and be an old bastard.

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