"I'll use my clone."

In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Xiao Bai decisively used his clone instead, and turned on his invisibility to observe from the side.

When the mask was lifted, Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment.

"This...isn't this Margery? Why is she here?"

Seeing that Xiao Bai made no next move, Feng Yun couldn't help but quickly flew forward to check.

When she saw that the Blood Moon Demon Emperor in the crystal coffin looked exactly like Margaery, she was speechless for a moment.

"How could it be her? What should Xiao Bai do next?"

Xiao Bai immediately appeared: "I'm here, that one is the clone."

"You stay away, I'll let the clone operate it, and don't let anything weird happen inside."

After careful observation, it was found that Blood Moon Demon Emperor's ears were different from Margery's. They were not pointed and long.

"No wonder it takes Margaery's blood to open the door. They are almost identical except for their ears."

"I'm going to take action. I don't know if I've been dead for so long."

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched and her brows furrowed: "Do you need me to avoid it? It's the same as taking Margaery's essence and blood before."


Xiao Bai used his substitute to rub the Blood Moon Demon Emperor's body a few times. It was still elastic and no hidden weapons were fired from it.

After some investigation, he determined that this was just an ordinary corpse. Xiao Bai definitely couldn't do it the same way as before. He didn't dare to do this to the corpse.

"Forget it, let's get started. If you really can't figure it out, then think of other ways."

There was no substitute for this kind of thing, so Xiao Bai personally put his hand in and kept testing, and based on his past experience, he found it quickly.

Even after being dead for so long, the Blood Moon Demon Emperor's skin still remains elastic, smooth and supple, like a sleeping young woman.

Xiao Bai's face was filled with joy: "Wow, I finally found it. It really exists."

He stretched out his hand, and there was a piece of blood the size of a soybean stuck to his index finger, like a drop of water that might fall to the ground at any time.

When the essence and blood left the Blood Moon Demon Emperor's body, his entire body was instantly wiped out, leaving only his clothes inside the coffin.

"Yun'er, come here quickly! I got it."

Feng Yun quickly took off her mask, revealing an old face full of wrinkles.

"Drop it directly onto my forehead and eyes."

Feng Yun slowly opened the third eye on her forehead, and Xiao Bai dripped blood essence on her forehead.

The wrinkles on my face disappeared visibly, and my appearance quickly returned to its peak.

With a full forehead, a high bridge of nose, sexy round lips, and a snow-white face, she exudes a natural charm.


Xiao Bai couldn't help but swallow his saliva, this was even more stunning than the queen in his fantasy.

Feng Yun felt a little embarrassed when she saw Xiao Bai staring straight at him, so she gently stirred her purple hair.

"Am I ugly?"

Xiao Bai hurriedly took out a mirror and handed it to Feng Yun.

"Both body and appearance are perfect."

Feng Yun didn't dare to look at it at first, but when she felt that her cheeks were wrinkle-free, she mustered up the courage to look in the mirror.

When she saw the divine appearance in the mirror, Feng Yun's eyes were moist and tears kept rolling inside.

She stepped forward and hugged Xiao Bai hard: "Thank you, you really did it."

"It's okay, it's all trivial!"

Xiao Bai also hugged her, feeling the warmth from the queen's sexy breasts.

Suddenly, Feng Yun's whole body started to feel hot, and she kept murmuring: "It's so hot..."

"Hey, what's going on! You've just recovered, don't scare me."

Feng Yun collapsed in Xiao Bai's arms, her head was very hot, and she was still talking nonsense.

Xiao Bai took out the kettle from the Qiankun bag and poured it on Feng Yun's head.

There was a hissing sound, and white smoke was coming out of my head. Not only did it not relieve, it actually worsened.

"Do I have to use a special method to bring down the fire on you?"


The scales of the graceful and slender snake's tail slowly split open, and Xiao Bai performed a shedding performance on the spot.

After the purple snake skin was taken off, a pair of straight and slender white legs appeared in front of Xiao Bai.

Without any protective measures, he was exposed to Xiao Bai at a glance.

This was the first time he had seen Feng Yun like this, a perfect beauty. Perhaps it was because of the blood of the Demon Emperor that she had evolved the snake tail.

Feng Yun became proactive, biting her sexy red lips, and her blurred eyes were full of desire.

"Xiaobai, please help me, I really can't bear it."

When she was confused, Feng Yun remembered that it was Xiao Bai who saved her when she was going through the tribulation.

"Save me the same way you did before."

Xiao Bai suddenly realized: "So you remember, you asked for it this time, I am not taking advantage of the snake's danger."

"Well, come on!"

Feng Yun's whole body was hot, and her clothes were soaked with sweat, which made her perfect figure even more tempting.

The charming pink lips trembled slightly, seeming to wave to Xiao Bai intentionally.

As soon as Xiao Bai touched Feng Yun, he felt a blazing heat.

The fiery energy in Feng Yun's body was continuously transmitted to Xiao Bai.

Blood essence is the essence of the Blood Moon Demon Emperor after his death. Even after tens of thousands of years, it can still maintain strong energy.

Feng Yun's current cultivation level will definitely not be able to absorb them all. It is very dangerous now and she will explode and die at any time.

Originally, only a little bit of essence and blood was needed to restore a beautiful face.

Xiao Bai, a fool, dripped all the blood into her eyes.

At this time, the heat on his body was even more exaggerated than his charm.

"Xiao Yun'er, you worked hard to transfer this fiery energy to me."

The waterway and the land road go hand in hand. It is indeed very powerful and cool.

Chapter 200 A two-pronged approach

Xiao Bai used the gentlest way possible. Now is the time when Feng Yun is the most vulnerable, otherwise it would be easy to hurt her.

"Yun'er, are you feeling better?"

Feng Yun bit her red lips and hummed shyly: "Hmm..."

She didn't have the aloofness of the previous queen at all, and she had no reservations in front of Xiao Bai.

So far, Feng Yun was the most difficult one. Xiao Bai finally got what he wanted. He couldn't conceal his inner excitement and almost smiled crookedly.

Before Feng Yun stopped, he would definitely not be the first to stop.

At this time, everything from Feng Yun's neck was flushed, and her whole body was dripping with sweat.

The originally hot body gradually lowered its temperature, but Xiao Bai's side became even hotter.

Feng Yun only absorbed part of it, and the remaining energy was transferred to Xiao Bai, otherwise her body would not be able to bear it and would explode directly.

"What's wrong with you? Your whole body feels like it's on fire."

Xiao Bai quickly shouted: "Don't come over yet. Most of the energy has come to me. I need to absorb it slowly now."

His body continued to emit bloody energy, which soon filled the entire tomb.

Feng Yun had just regained her composure, and her whole body was too weak to open the stone door of the tomb. She couldn't find a way to help Xiao Bai for the time being, so she could only worry around.

The flame golden elixir given by Chi Lin quickly took effect, constantly fighting against the energy of the demon emperor's essence and blood in the body, and was finally defeated. The entire golden elixir was completely dissolved by this energy, but it also alleviated a lot of the impact.

Xiao Bai's face was like a hot iron, the lotus pad ran out from the inside of his clothes, and a small flame suddenly appeared.

After Huo Ling'er swallowed the ghost fire, he could come out without turning the switch.

He is also very smart and knows to turn off the fire when entering the Qiankun Bag so as not to burn down his home.

Huo Ling'er opened his small mouth and continued to absorb the energy emitted by Xiao Bai. It had basically no effect. It would be better if he had ice attributes.

"Ah...I'm about to burst."


Xiao Bai transformed back into his true form as a giant python, making the originally small tomb overcrowded. He used bone armor all over his body to increase his resistance.

You can clearly see a lot of red anger on the white bones, and this energy makes Xiao Bai very uncomfortable.

It's different from the hot magma, which will only cause burns at most. If you can't bear it, you can run away.

This power cannot be forced out. Once it is suppressed, the body will explode and there will be no chance of running away.

Huo Ling'er had no choice but to shake his head and get back into the Qiankun Bag.

Feng Yun jumped up and down anxiously. She just studied the two kobold stone sculptures at the door and found no way to get out.

When Feng Yun's life was hanging by a thread, Xiao Bai rescued her twice.

Thinking back to helping Xiao Bai get through the difficulties in her own way, she decisively turned into a purple python and clung to Xiao Bai tightly.

I had just regained my composure, and if I approached him so proactively, something would definitely happen.

Feng Yun's body temperature returned to normal, and Xiao Bai suddenly felt comfortable when she put it on her body, and her body temperature dropped a lot.

At this time, the tomb of the Blood Moon Demon Emperor turned into a bridal chamber.

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