"The environment here is completely different from that of 10,000 years ago. Back then, the Demon King almost died here. Fortunately, the Dragon King came to the rescue in time."

"The passage out the back has completely disappeared."

Now in a dilemma, Ao Wuming simply led his men to sit down on the ground.

This clearing is wide enough, and there is a cliff ahead. There are a large number of crocodiles below waiting for them to rush over and die.

"Hey... let's take a rest first! I believe the saint will come here soon."

Ao Wuming also roughly guessed the strangeness. He led his men to move through several spaces without encountering the ghost clan, and finally they met here.

They had been clearly arranged for them a long time ago. There would be a dead end ahead and there would be no retreat in the future.

In the territory of other races, you must abide by the rules, even the five-clawed golden dragon of the ninth-level demon king must be coiled.

Chapter 202 The so-called win-win cooperation

Seeing those five-clawed golden dragons just lying down, Gui Jianchou also signaled his men to rest where they were.

He remained highly vigilant throughout the entire process and could respond immediately if any emergencies occurred.

"Old ghost, can you sit down and rest? You keep wandering in front of me, your eyes are going to be dazzled."

Gui Jianchou said nothing. He stood on the cliff overlooking the sea of ​​blood. He felt that as long as he could cross the sea of ​​blood, he could find the demon emperor's coffin.

With his cultivation as a ninth-level ghost king, there was nothing he could do to face the obstruction of the sea of ​​blood. He could only stay here and wait for Tiankui's arrival.

Two or three hours later, Ao Wuming had already fallen asleep, and a black hole appeared out of thin air dozens of meters above the rest area.

Tiankui and a dozen fox demons around her were teleported over, rekindling hope in the desperate ghost.



The ghosts nearby also shouted together, and Ao Wuming woke up immediately and hurriedly ran to Tiankui to show his courtesy.

"Finally, the saint I've been waiting for has arrived."

He then explained the current situation to Tiankui, especially focusing on describing the horror of the sea of ​​blood.

He kept talking, and Gui Jianchou could only stare from the side, completely unable to say anything. Ao Wuming stole all his lines.

Tiankui slowly raised her hand and interrupted: "No need to keep repeating it, I am not deaf and my brain is not stupid."

"Hehe..." Ao Wuming showed a mean smile.

"It's been a long time since I saw the Saint. I miss her a little bit."

"You are the backbone of the alliance, and everyone is waiting for you to come and take charge of the overall situation."

The second prince of the five-clawed golden dragon, the most noble of the dragon clan in the lower realm, behaved in front of Tian Kui, a bit like a dog-licker, which made the two elders around him look down on him.

"Second Prince, Second Prince..."

An elder beside him said softly: "Second Prince, please control your emotions a little."

"Talk too much!"

Ao Wuming saw that Tiankui's attitude was very cold and did not want to continue to make trouble for himself. He smiled awkwardly at Gui Jianchou and motioned for him to come over and say a few words.

The fox demon Xiaolian takes out a treasure box. When opened, a dazzling white light will be emitted.

It can easily penetrate the fog above the blood sea and form a picture to display the detected situation on the lid of the treasure chest.

Based on this situation, the two fox demons beside Tian Kui took out pens and paper to quickly tally the information.

After the white light took back the box, the screen disappeared.

"Holy Girl, the statistical results are out."

"Just read it..."


Xiaolian picked up the paper and read it seriously.

"There is a small island closest to us, about a hundred miles away, and there are mountains of corpses on it."

"In addition, the entire area for hundreds of miles is covered by a sea of ​​blood. There are at least a thousand giant crocodiles scattered in this area."

The ghosts and dragons behind him listened with gusto, and learned from Xiaolian that this sea of ​​blood was like a natural large basin.

And the area where they are located is the only place to stay. The other places are all smooth and steep cliffs, with a drop of more than 100 meters.

Once you accidentally fall into the sea of ​​blood, when your magic power completely disappears, it will be difficult to survive no matter how good the water quality is.

Just after the explanation, the Sword Immortals appeared quietly next to them.

Hua Feng clapped quickly: "This beautiful fox demon is right."

Ao Wuming suddenly felt a chill on his back and asked, "Why are you here, and what tricks do you want to play?"

Hua Feng sneered contemptuously: "Little Jinlong, I should ask you this question."

"We were just about to prepare to cross the sea of ​​blood, but we didn't expect the ghost tribe to come over, so we hid in the dark and observed secretly."

"Fortunately, there are two unlucky guys who are the pioneers."

Gui Jianchou clenched his fists and his lips trembled in anger. There was indeed a dark area behind them.

Hua Feng and his junior brothers are hiding there, and through the magical weapons in their hands, they can achieve temporary invisibility.

He pointed in the direction of the small island in the middle and touched his white beard.

"If Pindao's guess is correct, the main tomb of the Blood Moon Demon Emperor should be inside."

"What we see outside is just an illusion, just to lure us here and kill them all. Only the truly strong can reach the island safely."

Hua Feng once again showed his cunning eyes and looked at Xiang Tiankui.

"Holy Girl, now that we are facing a powerful enemy, we should work closely together."

"You must also know very well that if you want to reach the corpse mountain island in the center, flying will definitely not work."

Tiankui said nothing, and Ao Wuming's teeth itched.

"Despicable old guy, don't think we are afraid of you. If you want to cooperate, don't talk about it. The debt of killing my men before has not been settled yet."

Hua Feng ignored Ao Wuming directly: "Little Jinlong is still so young and energetic. This attitude is very impolite when talking to seniors."

He stroked his beard again and pretended: "According to the information Pindao knows, there are two top emperor-level experts hidden in the sea of ​​blood."

"The Golden Crocodile King and the Imperial Turtle, as long as one of them takes action, our entire army can be wiped out."

"But you can rest assured that they only operate in the sea of ​​​​blood and will not take the initiative to go ashore to attack."

Huafeng once again showed a strong willingness to cooperate.

"Since everyone has the same goal, cooperation can lead to win-win results."

Tiankui smiled and said: "Okay, then let me see the Taoist Master's sincerity."

Hua Feng slowly walked to the edge of the cliff, and a pungent and rich smell of blood hit his face. Suddenly he made a cuckoo cry.

Everyone was confused. They really didn't know what tricks this old guy was trying to play.

Tiankui continued to remain calm and calm, while Hua Fengtian shamelessly proposed cooperation again, surely he had a trump card.

She just watched quietly from the side, not in a hurry.

Ripples suddenly appeared in the calm water, and a crocodile stuck its head out and was swimming towards the cliff.

"Pindao is a fairy from Mengjing Mountain, please do me a favor."

Hua Feng threw down a token and a bottle of elixir, and the crocodile opened its bloody mouth to catch them.

"These elixirs will make you no longer need to eat to replenish energy for a thousand years, and your cultivation speed will also be accelerated."

The nearly 15-meter-long black crocodile floated on the water, gently swaying its tail, showing goodwill to Huafeng.

Hua Feng picked out the two strongest juniors and smiled at Tiankui: "Fortunately, the poor Taoist has lived up to his fate. Next, we will see the saint."

"The crocodile will carry us there, and we need to use the elixir of the Sky Demon Fox Clan to help us become invisible and cover the smell."

"The Ghost Clan and the Dragon Clan can only send one representative there, and the Celestial Demon Fox Clan, except for the Saint, can't go."

Ao Wuming was the first to refuse and angrily yelled at Hua Feng: "You still want to send three of you when there are so few of you. It's not fair."

Hua Feng snorted coldly: "Before you came, three of Pindao's junior brothers had already died here."

"If you feel it's unfair, you can withdraw completely. You two tribes have not contributed a single cent, and Pindao is willing to take you all for the sake of the saint."

Chapter 203 Shameless Old Thief

"Stop arguing and hurry up."

Tiankui spoke and told Ao Wuming to shut up immediately, not daring to continue complaining for fear of being kicked out.

Tiankui took a small green bottle, poured out six pills and distributed them to Hua Feng and the others. She took the first one herself.

Then, her legs began to become transparent, and in less than three seconds, her entire body completely disappeared.

"You should take it quickly and set off immediately."

Even in the invisible state, her voice can still be heard.

After they all took it, Hua Feng asked his junior disciples around him to use his true energy to detect whether the pill was poisoned. He only took it after confirming that it was correct.

Before departure, Tiankui also emphasized: "Everyone will lose all their magic power when entering the blood sea area. This elixir can only last for two hours."

"The smell has been completely isolated. We must remain silent throughout the process. As long as we don't actively expose ourselves, it will be difficult to detect."

"Okay, everything will follow the instructions of the saint." Ao Wuming answered the most cheerfully.

They jumped out of the sea of ​​blood almost at the same time and lay on the back of the black crocodile.

Hua Feng whispered in Hei Crocodile's ear: "Trouble..."

The black crocodile speeded up and swam toward the mountain of corpses. He met a few friends along the way and exchanged casual greetings with each other, but found no clues.

The mountain of corpses was getting closer and closer, already in sight.

Black Crocodile, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

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