The Dragon Lice King couldn't help but lick his tongue: "I haven't eaten dragon meat for a long time since I was driven to this hellish place."

Chi Lin stood up slowly: "Since you are more interested in this transaction, then listen to our signal."

Xiao Bai gave the Dragon Louse King a token: "As long as I send you a signal, immediately launch an attack on the Bibo Sea Dragon Clan."

"Get the eggs."

The female dragon louse brought a small jar, which was densely packed. When she took one out alone, it was hard to see with the naked eye and was smaller than an ant.

"Is that enough? I just have a lot of eggs. Each of these concubines in the harem can produce hundreds of millions of dragon lice eggs."

Xiao Bai smiled awkwardly and said: "That's enough, thank you King Dragon Lice."

Chi Lin turned around and left: "Let's go, see you later."

The Dragon Lice King suddenly shouted: "Sir, wait a minute, if the Black Sea Dragon Clan comes to support, I'm afraid things will be difficult to handle."

"There is nothing difficult to do. I will stop the more powerful black dragons and will never let them cross the trench. Other weak black dragons will only become your nourishment if they rush over."

"The relationship between the Black Dragon Clan and those hybrid dragons in Bibohai doesn't seem to be that good."

The Dragon Lice King was very excited: "I feel relieved when the Venerable is here to take charge."

"Farewell to you, Your Majesty. Brother White Snake, please go slowly."

Xiao Bai and Chi Lin left the Dragon Lice territory. They originally thought that this matter would be more difficult, but with Chi Lin's intervention, it was solved so smoothly.

The always arrogant Dragon Lice King has restrained himself a lot. If Xiao Bai comes alone, he may have to use some means to get the eggs.

If this is discovered, it is very likely that they will have to pay a heavy price to retreat. The dragon louse king has the strength of a fourth-level demon king. There are hundreds of millions of dragon louse in this area. Their reproductive ability is extremely strong and they will be consumed by the dragon louse army.

It is such an evil nature that snakes swim in the water and blessings come from the sky.

He fought with the fire demon dragon Red Scale in the magma and completely conquered her, so he followed her to the dragon louse territory to stand up for him, helped Xiao Bai clear all obstacles, and reached strategic cooperation with the dragon louse army.

Such a huge number of dragon lice can chew up all the bones and dregs of the Bibo Sea Dragon Clan.

"Xiao Bai, please go back first. I can't leave this trench. This is my territory and a sealed place."

Xiao Bai was a little disappointed and asked: "How can I lift the seal? What can I do?"

Chi Lin shook his head: "Let's go, I don't need you to be responsible, and you don't have to come back to see me in the future."

"Don't be embarrassed, I just want to have some children and come out to accompany me. I am the only one there in that magma, so I will choose you as my target if you happen to be passing by."

"Okay, I'll go back first."

This is forcing Xiao Bai to be a scumbag, and he won't be responsible after the incident. The children born in the future will follow Chilin, and he can just take away the rewards from the Zhisanye system.

Xiao Bai was a little reluctant to give up and had no choice but to return to Bibohai Mansion. On the way back, he carefully recalled the adventure that happened when he entered the trench.

Especially the encounter with Red Scale was really full of tricks. He switched back and forth between the two forms, and kept rolling into the magma. Xiao Bai felt that his skin had also been greatly strengthened.

But Chi Lin told him not to take responsibility, and also gave him a red flame magic knife. No matter how you look at it, it looks a bit like a heavy-money begging for a child posted on a telephone pole.

Chapter 82 Sneak attack, no martial ethics!

Back in the house, everything was fine. During this period, the boss Ao Tianba came over secretly and went back when he saw the bed in Xiao Bai's room creaking.

This was Yu Ji's one-man show. She had long noticed that Ao Tianba was coming this way. She shook the bed vigorously and made a slutty sound. Although it was very difficult, she still had to cooperate and finish the performance.

Seeing that Xiao Bai had returned, Yu Ji immediately went up to greet him and whispered softly: "Brother Xiao, Ao Tianba came here just now."

"Is everything okay?"

"Well, I left without saying anything."

"Where is the old patriarch Tushan?"

"Still in the alchemy room."

Xiao Bai gave the dragon lice eggs to Tushan Mingyi and asked Yu Ji to guard them outside. Even the servants in the mansion were not allowed to come near, for fear that there would be spies among them.

"Chief Tushan, I got the things."

As soon as Tu Shanming opened the small jar and saw countless insect eggs, he forced a smile on his face: "This is much better than I imagined. With these eggs added to the pill, Ao Bo can be killed."

Most of the rare formulas that Ao Bo painstakingly collected went into Xiao Bai's stomach. They were really good tonics that made Xiao Bai feel energy in his body and strengthened his body.

Half a month later, under Ao Bo's repeated urging, Tu Shanmingyi slowly handed over the elixir and asked Xiao Bai to take it over.

"Ao Bo is more cautious. I have specially prepared two pills. With his suspicious character, he will definitely let you try one."

"Drink this bottle of medicine. If he asks you to take the elixir, it will kill the dragon lice eggs in your belly."

In order to let these dragon louse eggs enter Ao Bo's body to increase their power, Tushan Mingyi fed them with his own blood for ten days. Coupled with the superb medicine refining skills passed down by the Tushan tribe's ancestors, it is difficult to find that a large number of insect eggs were added to the elixir. .

After the matter was explained clearly, Tu Shanming watched Xiao Bai leave, and he tightened his palms tightly.

He pinned all the Tushan clan's revenge plan on Xiao Bai. Once the action failed, he would immediately commit suicide and apologize to his clan members.

Yu Ji followed Xiao Bai's instructions and returned to the Mermaid Palace, and everything went according to plan.

As soon as Xiao Bai arrived at the gate of the Dragon King's Palace, he was blocked by the second and fourth sons.

"Lao Liu, why are you going?"

"Second brother and fourth brother are here. I want to see my father."

"Stop!" Ao Xiang grabbed Xiao Bai's collar: "Why are you in such a hurry? What are you holding in your hand?"

"My father asked Old Fox Tushan to refine the elixir and ordered me to deliver it."

"Open it and let my second brother smell it."

Xiao Bai decisively refused: "Second brother, this is my father's elixir, you can't smell it."

The fourth child, Ao Ming, scolded him sternly: "The sixth child, your wings are stiff, how can you talk to the second brother?"

Seeing how fierce they were, Xiao Bai didn't give in at all and showed Ao Wuxu's usual arrogant momentum.

"Get out of here, you're delaying my father's important matter. Even if you two die a hundred times, it won't be enough."

"If you're happy, I'll call you brother. If you're not happy, you're just trash, and you'll have to bear it."

The fourth child wanted to take action, but was stopped by Ao Xiang: "Forget it, the fourth child, this guy won't be arrogant for long. When he loses his father's favor, we will make him live and die."

"Second brother makes sense. Let's go. Seeing this arrogant person gives me a headache."

Sure enough, this method worked better, Xiao Bai walked into Ao Bo's room.

"Xu'er, why is it so noisy outside and disturbing my father's practice?"

"It's the second brother and the fourth brother who are messing around and dare to check father's elixir."

Ao Bo quickly opened his eyes, unable to conceal his inner excitement.

When he opened the delicate wooden box, Ao Bo's eyes lit up. The surface of the two blood-red elixirs was shiny, and there was a circle of red mist surrounding the elixirs.

"Xu'er did a great job. The elixir that my father has longed for has finally been successfully refined."

Ao Bo couldn't wait, so he took out one of the pills and stuffed it into his mouth. He put it halfway in and took it out again.

Ao Bo rolled his suspicious eyes and looked at Xiao Bai next to him.

"Xu'er, do you think Tushan old fox can cheat? If it's poison, it'll be over if he eats it."

Xiao Bai immediately picked up the other one in the box.

"The child is testing the medicine for my father. If it is poisonous, I will poison the child to death first. My father must avenge me."

Ao Bo was very moved by such a filial son: "My father will definitely remember Xu'er's filial piety."

He was still worried, so he let Xiao Bai eat the one in his hand, and watched Xiao Bai swallow it. After a few minutes, nothing happened.

"Xu'er, how do you feel?"

Xiao Bai deliberately forced the hot energy out of his body: "Father, my whole body is so hot. I feel like there is huge energy flowing in my body."

Xiao Bai deliberately hid his cultivation, and Ao Bo thought he was only a first-level demon king, whose combat effectiveness was not as good as the fierce ninth-level demon beast.

In this case, it was obvious that it was a pill for improving one's cultivation. Ao Bo did not hesitate and quickly took another pill.

He sat happily waiting for his cultivation to improve. After waiting for ten minutes, he still didn't have Xiao Bai's fiery energy. Instead, he felt a twinge in his stomach.

"Ah, my stomach hurts so much, Xu'er, are you sure the elixir is fine?"

Ao Bo held his stomach hard, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


Xiao Bai took out the red flame magic knife and stabbed Ao Bo, piercing his entire body from the back.

"Xu'er, you..."

Ao Bo was so focused on using his magic to resist the dragon louse larvae that kept biting his stomach that he didn't even notice that Xiao Bai would launch a sneak attack from behind.

"Of course I'm sending you, an old loach, on your way."

Xiao Bai returned to his original appearance, and Ao Bo backed away repeatedly, his face filled with anger: "It turns out it's you, the stinky snake, who has been hiding next to me, pretending to be Xu'er."

"It's a pity that you found out too late." Xiao Bai imitated Ao Wuxu's tone of voice.

The dragon louse larvae sucked the energy from Ao Bo's body and quickly grew in size, causing Ao Bo's cultivation to plummet.

Ao Bo decisively changed back to the dragon form and wanted to fight Xiao Bai desperately.

The Red Flame Demonic Sword is Red Scale's personal sword. It is extremely powerful and can easily break through Ao Bo's dragon scales.

Xiao Bai cut from the top of the head to the tail and pulled out the dragon's tendons, which was quite cruel.


Ao Bo roared in pain: "I am going to kill you."

Xiao Bai sneered: "You did not die unjustly. I have called you father for so long, so you should rest in peace."

"You damn old man."

Ao Bo glared at Xiao Bai fiercely. At this time, three dragon lice had emerged from his body.

Xiao Bai raised the red flame magic knife and chopped off Ao Bo's dragon head, and took it back to Tu Shan Mingyi.

The dragon corpse, which was more than sixty meters long, was instantly chewed into a skeleton by an army of dragon lice.

Perhaps he liked the skin and flesh of Ao Bo, the sixth-level demon king, so much that he even spared no bones and was eaten clean.

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