Yu Yan pretended that nothing happened and smiled awkwardly: "I also wanted to come and play with eldest sister. Since my brother-in-law is back, I'm embarrassed to interrupt."

"Third Princess, please keep this little white snake, he just bit me."

"Why, the little white snake is mine, you can't even think of hurting him." Yu Yan's attitude was very tough

"Third princess, I am also your brother-in-law and the first prince-in-law of the Yu Kingdom. The little white snake you raised bit me. Not only did you not apologize, but you were so arrogant."

In the past, Mo Ze didn't dare to talk to Yu Yan like this, and he always nodded and bowed.

As Yuhuang gradually valued him, coupled with his own viciousness, he had been forbearing and secretly developing his power over the years.

The tone of his speech now is obviously much more domineering than before, all due to the improvement of his own strength.

Yu Yan rolled her eyes: "Tsk, you just barged in the door upside down, don't put gold on your face."

Mo Ze clenched his fists, his eyes were scarlet, and he almost wanted to take action, but in the end his reason overcame his impulse.

He forced a smile on his face: "The third princess taught you a lesson."

"Hmph, it's good to know! Make your position clear. Just because my sister is afraid of you, it doesn't mean that I will pamper you."

Yu Yan rose into the air and flew away with the little white snake.

This kind of privilege of being able to fly freely in the mist city is something Mo Ze will never envy. In order to let the Black Peng lineage control the Yu Kingdom, he is willing to act as the Yu Emperor's son-in-law.

In the past three years, he had been treated like a bully and looked down upon. When he looked at Yu Yan's retreating back, the murderous intent in his eyes kept rising.

"Little bitch, just wait for me. You will feel better when the time comes."

A man is a man who can bend and stretch. Mo Ze felt that it was not the time yet, so he used his forbearance to the extreme again.

He quickly returned to Yu Wei's room, slowly entered on his knees from the door, and slapped himself hard at the same time.

"The humble minister deserves to die, the eldest princess, please forgive me."

"The humble minister deserves to die, the eldest princess, please forgive me."

Yu Wei was also confused. Mo Ze, who had such a tough attitude just now, turned back to his previous slave behavior.

The slap sounded loudly. Mo Ze was indeed a ruthless bird and showed no mercy to him.

Although Yu Wei was very angry just now, she had a soft ear and felt that what she had just done was a bit too much.

She and her sister were playing in the water, and they were indeed playing a little wildly.

Mo Ze happened to catch him and let a snake bite him, which made him feel guilty.

"Mo Ze, are your injuries okay? The little white snake is not poisonous, so don't worry."

"Thank you for your concern, Princess." Mo Ze bowed and saluted.

I thought to myself, this damn thing is not poisonous, but with the strength of the seventh-level demon king, it will be amputated a little later.

Yu Wei felt that when Mo Ze was bitten, the black blood that flowed out was his own and had nothing to do with the little white snake.

Mo Ze and Yu Wei kept a safe distance of more than five meters, which made Yu Wei feel embarrassed.

"Mo Ze, you don't have to be so polite. Although we are not actually husband and wife, we are still called husband and wife. I'm just not ready yet."

"In the future, sooner or later, I will be yours. Let's just treat what happened tonight as if it didn't happen and we won't let it reach our father's ears."

"Thank you very much for your forgiveness, Princess. I don't dare to think anything wrong."

Yu Wei then closed the door, fearing that the guards outside would see it. After all, Mo Ze was the consort, so it was not appropriate to keep him kneeling.

She stepped forward and helped Mo Ze up: "Get up."

"Thank you, princess."

This time around, the atmosphere was much more harmonious than before.

Seeing that the opportunity was good, Mo Ze pretended to be concerned about his sister-in-law's lifelong affairs.

"I just saw the third princess in the garden in a hurry. She stayed for a while and then left."

"She is not young anymore. Last time, my father seemed to have said that he would recruit a consort for her, but he never mentioned it again."

Yu Wei's expression was very unnatural and she could only pretend to be dumbfounded.

"Really? This damn girl didn't say hello to me when she came. She doesn't understand any rules. It's time for my father to help her find a consort. She should be restrained after getting married."

Mo Ze set a trap for Yu Wei step by step, and finally the couple decided to go to Yu Huang to discuss the matter.

Although Yu Wei is the eldest sister, she is very simple and has no scheming intentions. She usually takes good care of her younger brothers and sisters. If she comes forward to talk about this matter, Yuhuang has no objection.

Red lists for recruiting consorts for the third princess were posted everywhere in the Misty City, and they were held in the form of a ring competition, and anyone who was interested could participate.

There are no restrictions this time. Not only the elites of the Yu Kingdom can participate, but the strong players in their regions are also eligible to participate.

The Yu Kingdom's teleportation array is exposed on the northwest border of Xuantian Continent, and anyone who has the strength can come to compete for the Prince Consort.

"The princess is not well."

The maid ran all the way to Yu Yan's room.

Yu Yan was talking to Xiaobai Snake: "Xiaobai, you understand me, right? My brother-in-law is a bad guy. Seeing him act like a slave makes me want to vomit."

Boom boom boom!

Yu Yan kissed the little white snake on the mouth several times in a row. The more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

The two Kunkun reacted again, and Xiao Bai was already trying very hard to restrain himself.

"Don't keep doing this. If I really can't help but change back to my original form, I won't be able to kill you."

"Xiaoying, what's going on?"

A rapid knock on the door interrupted Yu Yan's kissing the little white snake.

"Third Princess, His Majesty the Emperor Yu has issued an announcement to tell the world to recruit a consort for you."

"The prince-in-law is selected through a competition to recruit a bride. Emperor Yu is willing to give out the fragments of the Demon Emperor as the princess's dowry."

Xiao Bai had quietly slipped out of the window when he heard the big news.

Yu Yan was furious: "Damn it, my father is going to sell me. I don't want to just sit there and wait for death. I have to run away quickly."

"Xiaobai, let's go."

When she turned around, the little white snake had disappeared.

Yu Yan searched all over the house, but still couldn't find her beloved little white snake.

"What? When I'm unlucky, my teeth get clogged when I drink cold water. I was still here just now."

"Ignore him, I have to retreat quickly."

When she walked out the door, Mo Ze was already waiting there.

"Where are the third princess going?"

"You slave, stop meddling in other people's business. You must be the one behind it."

Mo Ze spread his hands and smiled bitterly: "The third princess has really wronged me. It was the eldest princess who suggested it to His Majesty the Emperor Yu."

"Auntie, I won't accompany you anymore. Goodbye."

Yu Yan kicked her legs hard and flew into the air, but was pulled down by Mo Ze.

"The third princess is offended. Emperor Yu has an order. You can't go anywhere before the consort is selected."

In order to suppress Yu Yan, Mo Ze also took out the gold medal given by Emperor Yu, and relied on his own cultivation to suppress her, leaving her with no choice but to be locked up in the West Palace and unable to go anywhere.

Added an update chapter, and was caught by a snake friend with a typo. (?o_o)?

Chapter 93 Marriage Recruitment Conference

After leaving the West Palace, Xiao Bai transformed into a birdman and walked around the streets.

Red notices were posted all over the streets, attracting many men from the Yu tribe to watch, and they were all talking about it. It was a big event for Misty City and even the entire Yu country.

This was the first time that he publicly found a consort for a princess. He had chosen a consort for the eldest princess before, but Emperor Yu did it in secret. The wedding was also very simple and there was no big fuss.

Suddenly, Xiao Bai saw a very familiar figure among the birds. The blue feathers on his head were very conspicuous, making him stand out from the flock.


Being hit in the head for no reason made Mo Peng very angry.

"Asshole, who attacked me secretly?"

Xiao Bai grabbed his tuft of blue hair and started to spray: "Okay, so the unloyal bitch is hiding here."

"Brother, you are finally out. I have been having a hard time finding you these days. I only regret that I am not strong enough to save my brother."

Mo Peng burst into tears, which can be called a movie-level performance. This guy was probably influenced a lot by Tu Shan Youyou, and even Xiao Bai couldn't stand it.

"Okay, don't be nagging! Take off this red list and let's go fight for this prince-in-law together?"

The corner of Mo Peng's mouth twitched: "Brother, let's forget it! By then, not only will there be strong men from the Yu Kingdom, but also strong men from other regions will pour in."

"The competition is so fierce. It's a bit difficult with our current level of cultivation. We don't have much chance of winning."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Your cultivation level is one level higher than mine. What a coward."

"Work hard and try hard, and the bicycle will turn into a motorcycle."

Xiao Bai decisively took off the red list and took it to the official to register the information.

The civil servant who wrote the letter glanced at Xiao Bai specifically, his eyes full of disdain: "You look fair and clean, can you do that?"

"It's common for swords to have no eyes in the martial arts arena, and it's common to have missing arms and legs. If you want to compete for the position of Prince Consort, you have to sign this agreement."

"If something happens, we are not responsible."

With Yu Yan's figure and appearance, she had to sign it. I don't know what was wrong with Emperor Yu, but he took out the fragments of the Demon Emperor's tomb as a dowry for the Peacock Princess for the first time.

"I sign..." Xiao Bai picked up the pen and signed decisively, with a flourish of dragons and phoenixes.

"Demon Peng, come here and you sign too."

"Okay!" Mo Peng's face was filled with bitterness and he was quite reluctant.

A tall commander in red quickly walked into Yuhuang's study.

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