Guiziliu licked the corner of his mouth obscenely, and used extremely cruel and deadly methods. The difference in strength was huge, and many snake guards had their necks broken on the spot.

The blood instantly dyed the entrance of the hall red, and suddenly the six eyes of the devil rested on Ye Mei.

"Wow, you're a snake-woman general with a great figure. I'm going to take off your armor bit by bit."


Guiziliu licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and sucked out the souls of a dozen snake guards next to him.

"Don't be afraid, beauty! I won't kill you, I will only love you well."

"Ah..." Ye Mei roared angrily: "I will fight with you, a devil."

Guiziliu easily dodged Ye Mei's attack and even sniffed her hair.

The skinny black face is greasy and vulgar.

"It smells so good, especially with your plump butt. It makes my heart itch to see it."


Ye Mei's black armor was quickly torn to pieces by Guiziliu, and her movements were so weird that she couldn't defend herself at all.

Only the black tights were left underneath, which made her breasts look even fuller.

All attacks had no effect on Guiziliu, which made Ye Mei upset and angry, only hating that she was not strong enough.

He couldn't even deal with the Guiziliu in front of him. He was too ambitious but not strong enough to support the Snake Queen.

"Guard, save me."

Ye Mei, who had to force her life to bleed without shedding tears, once again appealed to Xiao Bai for help for the queen's safety.

Seeing no response, she immediately changed her tactics.

"Husband, save me."

Chapter 124 Snake demon, you dare to play tricks on me!

"If you had shouted like this earlier, wouldn't I have come out earlier?"

Suddenly, a white bone armor appeared out of thin air on Ye Mei's body. It was covered with thorns and spikes, which would pierce her body when touched.

The devil's six hands were numb and he didn't dare to take advantage of Ye Mei.

"Asshole, why do you have the bone armor on you? Take it off quickly, or I'll crush these two bitches to death."

Guiziliu grabbed the necks of the two snake girls and used them to threaten Ye Mei.

"You bastard, don't stop yet."

The ghost mother appeared out of thin air, causing Guiziliu to panic instantly. Even Ji An and Taoist Taixu stopped attacking.

"How could it be possible? Isn't the Ghost Mother dead?"

"What are these two old guys looking at? Take the fight."

Ji An pretended to be injured and quickly stepped aside. He wanted to use the Snake Queen's hand to kill Taoist Taixu, thereby causing the human race to lose a large amount of power and paving the way for the demons to control the human race in the future.

"Taoist Priest, be careful! The Snake Queen is terrifying. She is injured and needs to rest for a while."

Taoist priest Taixu didn't dare to say it openly, so he could only curse in his heart: "The Snake Man Queen only has the strength of a seventh-level demon king. How could this old guy not be able to defeat the ninth-level peak demon king?"

In a one-on-one situation, Taoist Master Taixu obviously has no advantage.

Guizi Liuyi looked stunned. He was not born of the Ghost Mother, but the White Bone Demon was favored by the Ghost Emperor, so he was given the title of Ghost Mother. In fact, his status was similar to that of the Queen.

"Is that you, Queen Mother? You are not dead."

"What? Do you want your mother to die?"

"Hurry up and release those two snake girls. Mother will take them back to enjoy."

This remark was almost exposed, so Xiao Bai immediately changed his words.

"These two snake girls are friends of the Queen Mother, and so is the Night Demon. Call me aunt."

Guizi Liu was stunned on the spot, a little at a loss.

Xiao Bai continued to reprimand: "Son, don't you even listen to your mother's words?"

In a daze, Guiziliu remembered what the Ghost Emperor said. The Ghost Mother was killed by a snake demon, and her death was quite miserable.

"No, you are not the queen, who are you?"

Guiziliu summoned the black ghost and was ready to attack at any time.

The transformation into the ghost mother's appearance just now actually allowed Xiao Bai to unexpectedly acquire many of the ghost mother's strange skills.

I don’t know if it was because of eating fast food in Jinbo, or because of the little cute girl system that secretly rewarded Xiao Bai without notifying him.

Do you want to please him in this way, prepare for your future transformation, and create a bunch of small systems?

A huge crystal skull with a diameter of ten meters was suspended in mid-air, spitting resentment from its mouth.

"What a big boy, how dare you question your mother whether you want to be the prince or not."

The voice of the Bone Ghost Mother in front of her was exactly the same, but her tone of voice sounded a little strange. Guiziliu hesitated for a while before slowly putting down the two snake girls in his hands.

Ye Mei quickly stepped forward to catch them, and then asked the snake guards and snake girls to leave the Goddess Palace and find a safe place to hide.

They are weak and a war is about to break out. Staying here will only make unnecessary sacrifices.

Seeing a large number of beloved playthings leaving like this, Guiziliu was anxious and angry, but he did not dare to expose himself in front of the ghost mother.

Ji An seems to have seen some clues. He is quite familiar with the Bone Ghost Mother. The crystal skull in front of him is very similar, but the tone of his speech is slightly frivolous and not as steady as the Ghost Mother.

"Sixth Prince, don't be fooled, the ghost mother is fake."

"If I'm not wrong, it's most likely that the snake demon has transformed."

Xiao Bai relied on the remaining memory of the ghost mother in his mind to tell Guiziliu some past events.

"Xiao Liu, don't be fooled by that old guy from the Demon Clan. The Demon Clan is very ambitious and always wants to annex the Ghost Clan."

The devil's six eyes switched back and forth between the crystal skull and Ji An, feeling like his head was going to split.

When Ji An thought that the snake demon had killed his most proud disciple, Mo Wuliang, and that under his training, he was likely to become the Demon Emperor in the future, his dream was completely ruined.

After repeated observations, he was sure that the ghost mother must be a snake demon who transformed into a snake demon.

"Snake demon, this protector wants to avenge the death of his beloved disciple. Your hands are stained with the blood of two demon elites. You will not be able to escape this time."


A cloud of blood mist flew over and was directly blocked by the golden bowl.

"Damn it, they're all targeting me, right?"

Although he only had two usage rights left, Xiao Bai did not hesitate to take out the golden bowl to resist Ji An's offensive.

"Buddha's light shines everywhere!"

The golden light shone down, and the blood mist dispersed instantly. Ji An quickly retreated and did not dare to step forward: "How is it possible? He actually possesses the most precious Buddhist treasure."

"This kind of thing is what demons and ghosts are most afraid of. It can actually be used by them. No wonder the unscrupulous demon will die miserably. It is not surprising that there is this Buddhist treasure."

Seeing that Ji An was deflated, Taoist priest Taixu was even happier than eating bee dung.

"Elder Ji, how can you be afraid of a snake demon? He is only a fifth-level demon king. Use your blood demon magic to subdue him."

Before Taoist Taixu could finish speaking, Feng Yun came over to kill him.

"Old guy, your opponent is my king, and distraction is not a good thing."

Xiao Bai used his mind to drive the golden bowl to chase Ji An, and also covered himself with a layer of golden light, and the crystal skull instantly turned golden.

In the latest optimization of Jinbo, not only the number of times of use was increased, but also the power was optimized. The most important thing is that it has no consumption.

As long as Xiao Bai doesn't take it back, he can continue to fight without consuming his mana.

Guiziliu was always slow, and he only reacted now.

"Okay, you are indeed a fake."

Xiao Bai smiled crookedly: "My dear, you are so damn stupid, you only realized it now."

Guiziliu was furious and rushed forward to fight Xiao Bai to the death.

"My prince, no matter whether you are a snake demon or a snake man, I must let you die without a burial today."

He spoke quite wildly, but his attack methods were very simple, and he was fooled around by Xiao Bai.

"It's so fun, just like playing monkey."

Guiziliu roared angrily: "How dare you play tricks on me."

Dozens of black ghosts spit out from his mouth, which is somewhat similar to Onizuka's skills, but much weaker in terms of momentum.

"Since you want to die, I can't coddle you anymore."

Guiziliu is a sixth-level ghost king and is much inferior to Onizuka in terms of strength. Xiao Bai has absorbed the skills of the ghost mother, which will have a suppressive effect to a certain extent.

Since it was exposed in advance, there is no need to hide it now. In a fierce fight, Ji An's true identity will be revealed without Ji An exposing it.

Xiao Bai decisively transformed into a human form, and his skills were fully enhanced in the beast form. He also used the trick of turning snakes into bones.

Turn the original white python into a giant python skeleton, and the physical strength is enhanced to an epic level.

"Xiao Liuzi, you can't do it either! Why are there only a few dozen black ghosts? They are far behind Onizuka."

Guizi's six qi are all over the place. He hates Onizuka. He was always the dominant one in the clan before.

"Snake demon, why are you mentioning a dead bastard? Today, I will capture you alive and bring you back to Ghost Emperor City. My father will definitely be very happy."

"You are really capable. You actually killed the ghost mother and did what I wanted to do but didn't dare to do."

Chapter 125 Don’t give the Japanese six ways to survive

Xiao Bai lamented: "It's such a pity, my brother Kun is poisonous, otherwise the ghost mother would help you give birth to a bunch of younger brothers and sisters."

"How will you, that green bastard, deal with it then?"

"In the Misty City of Yu Kingdom, all forces compete for the position of the Prince Consort based on their abilities, and each one lives or dies according to his destiny."

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