Because the day she chose was the Dragon Boat Festival.

According to custom, Liu Zhenfang also had to take time to go back to her mother’s house during the Dragon Boat Festival.

And that day she also had to entertain the married girl and son-in-law and prepare something for them, but Hu Lan did this, and there were more people in the family that day.

There are also sons-in-law and daughters, this, I always feel that this matter is not reliable.

“Second sister-in-law, the day of the Dragon Boat Festival is very busy, the big festival, your niece has to go back to her mother’s house, you see, this is really not HE suitable for blind dates…”

Liu Zhenfang felt that her scalp was numb, and her second sister-in-law was really difficult.

No wonder the son didn’t let himself meddle in this matter, saying that the Zhang family was good and couldn’t harm others.

But no matter what she said, Hu Lan must insist on this, and she had to go to Liu Zhenfang’s house that day, and asked them to find Zhang Guoqing.

It made the scene very embarrassing and tense for a while, and Hu Lan cursed.

“You are an aunt, so petty, what’s wrong with your niece and sister-in-law eating your meal?”

“No, it’s not like this, I really don’t mean that…”

Liu Zhenfang quickly explained, while Huang Xiulian looked almost frozen, this Hu Lan was messing around, and could only give the girl’s eyes.

“How old are you, can’t you listen to your sister-in-law, come to see me after Duanyang?” You better go back and think about it, treat your nieces and daughters well…” Huang

Xiulian really didn’t want their sister-in-law to quarrel at home.

I can only persuade the girl to agree first.

Hu Lan saw that her mother-in-law was facing her this time, so she went back happily, thinking about whether to buy a new dress for her daughter and dress up well?

When Hu Lan left, Huang Xiulian sighed.

“Hu Lan messed around, you don’t care about it, she wants any day, some things are natural marriages, you don’t care too much, do your best to resign yourself to fate…” Huang

Xiulian was not like Hu Lan, thinking that the conditions of the Zhang family were good, and Lili would be blessed when she married.

She just talked to her girlfriend about homely things, and very quickly took her to the pigsty to see the chickens, saying that it was the eggs brought by the last National Day, and she was not willing to eat any of them.

All hatched, just twenty eggs, and now only eighteen are alive.

This time, let Liu Zhenfang capture all these eighteen chickens.

“Your family now has a thin foundation, don’t always think about subsidizing us, don’t eat eggs, leave the chickens to hatch, save some grain to raise these chickens, a year’s oil money will fall…”

“Get up early in the morning, be diligent, order pumpkin corn and sweet potatoes, use these to feed chickens and pigs, as long as you are diligent you will not be hungry!”

Huang Xiulian was talking to her girl, while telling Liu Zhenfang to be diligent.

Do more, run out of strength, rest for one night, and be refreshed the next morning.

Tell her to raise these chickens well, even if the life is a little harder, if these chickens are raised until the New Year, it will be money if they are sold.

The expenses of the New Year came out.

Liu Zhenfang listened to her mother’s words, looked at the white hair on her mother’s head, and also asked why her mother didn’t see her younger brother Liu Zhendian?

“I received a telegram a few days ago, so I hurried back to the army, hey, this kid, originally said that he would come back this time and promised to find a girl, this, who is almost thirty after the New Year, has not yet started a family…” At the

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mention of this, Huang Xiulian sighed.

The marriage of her youngest son is about to become her heart disease.

It is said that his youngest son is not bad in appearance and ability, and his monthly allowance in the army is said to be quite a lot, and it seems that he has become some other official?

Manages a lot of people.

But this family affair made people worry, and some people also said that several people, either people disliked Liu Zhendian for being old, or they disliked him in the army, afraid that they would not be able to follow the army when the time came.

In addition, the opportunity for the younger son to take leave is not particularly numerous, so it is easy to delay.

“Zhenfang, you also help your brother pay attention, there is a suitable girl, it doesn’t matter the grade size, but it must be that person with good character, must have good character, otherwise it is also harmful to marry…”

Huang Xiulian’s family is in the Baya team, and the conditions are good.

Especially Liu Zhendian’s situation is not bad.

Huang Xiulian thought of finding a reasonable daughter-in-law, with good character, and not to mess around like Hu Lan.

Not only did the son suffer, but the next generation was not well educated, and both the grandson and the granddaughter were destroyed.

“It’s best

to read a little girl, read wisely, so that the girl is sensible…” “Well, I remember, last time the little brother and the National Day got together and muttered, I vaguely know a little, they seem to be talking about the little brother’s family, mother, don’t worry, the little brother is smart…”

Liu Zhenfang comforted her mother in a voice, and then talked here, she was worried about the pigs raised at home, so she took the eighteen chickens and hurried home.

She also has twenty chicks in her house, plus these eighteen chicks, a total of thirty-eight chicks, these chicks are not sloppy, you have to soak them in broken rice.

Ordinary people themselves are reluctant to eat rice, how can there be rice for these chickens?

So even if you know that raising chickens is good, who can afford to have so many chickens?

In Liu Zhenfang’s home, her family has a lot of pumpkins, use pumpkin to cook some millet, stir and give these chickens to eat.

Even so, Nami is reluctant to put a little more.

And as soon as the family had a little money, it was taken to buy rice, and several times the family waited for the rice to be cooked, even so, Zhao Guoqing also asked the family to eat white rice.

Every time their family eats white rice, they actually secretly leave a bowl and specially send it to Chen Hongmei.

Every three to five, she will also specially stew a little big bone or fish soup for her to replenish her body, because Chen Hongmei can’t eat enough for a long time, her body is too thin, and it is difficult to have children!

After returning from her mother’s side, Liu Zhenfang was worried, and she told her son Zhao Guoqing what Hu Lan said.

“Hu Lan really set his sights on Zhang Guoqing? The

Zhang family is good to us, we can’t pit people…” “Yes, such a valuable sewing machine, people lend it to my family, not to mention, in the past, sending bacon and things was really fastidious, the Zhang family is good, but you can’t pit people to death, but you don’t know about your second aunt…”

Liu Zhenfang looked embarrassed.

This time, if she let Hu Lan know that she didn’t help, it was estimated that once she went back to her mother’s house, she would block the door and scold once.

I don’t have anything, mainly because my mother is embarrassed.

Her mother had white hair, and Liu Zhenfang didn’t want her to be old, and she was scolded by this unreasonable daughter-in-law.

“Mom, don’t worry about this, I’ll deal with it, keep this Hulan blame you don’t talk about it, don’t dare to offend you, don’t dare to offend grandma, in fact, she has a good job, there is something that can’t be delayed…”

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