“Older and able to travel a lot? This is to check, people who went to Jiangcheng on business during this time, this is easier to check, in the exclusion, maybe there will be eyebrows…”

Wang Bing analyzed with Zhao Guoqing a little bit.

Over there, Sun Yi just shouted, there are so many people in this Yingshan City, where can this sea of people find people?

“Older, no son, relying on daughter-in-law to start, just these three points, can exclude many people, maybe some, not rich and powerful, some positions look inconspicuous, in fact, the oil and water is particularly large, will make people overlook, I will look back to help you see, I am more familiar with the mountain than you do…”

Wang Bing is more brainy, he actually has a few people in his mind who can be on the number.

But this really can’t be guessed, and you can’t say it casually.

You can only hide it in your heart, observe the temptation first, and feel that you are seven or eight percent sure before you can talk to Zhao Guoqing.

“Thank you Uncle Wang and Uncle Sun, if it weren’t for my life, I wouldn’t be too lazy to investigate this, but people want my life, no matter who it is, if someone is determined, I won’t spare him, the blood debt is to be repaid in blood!”

Zhao Guoqing also hated this adulterer in his heart.

The debts of past and present lives must be taken back.

Otherwise, this life is really in vain.

You can’t be bullied by others, and everyone will step on him.

“Okay, our nephew, can’t be bullied by anyone, Muggle, dare to make a black hand on you, that is really not putting us in the eyes, if something happens to you, this time other comrades-in-arms will laugh at us uselessly, this little thing can’t be done…”

Sun Yi was full of blood.

Wang Bing also said that Zhao Guoqing believed them in this matter and was willing to say it, and they naturally helped with all their might.

When he came out of Wang Bing’s side, it was already dark, and Zhao Guoqing was very full, and walked slowly to the house.

Zhao Er followed him.

It seemed that some people were passing by in the dark, but when they glanced at Zhao Er and Zhao Guoqing, their eyes looked away.

After all, this is the location of Yingshan Compound, there are guards standing guard not far away, this is the safest place, no one really has the guts to dare to make trouble here.

“I asked the teacher to come and see, the brakes were moved, failed, have been repaired, I drove the car to your yard, but the yard door was removed, and it has not been rebuilt!”

Zhao Guoqing and Zhao Er were talking, and when they returned home, they found that the gate of his yard had been demolished.

This will have already expanded the gate, saying that tomorrow there will be a master to redo the gate, so that the next time Zhao Guoqing’s car can be driven directly into the yard and parked, instead of being put outside the yard as it was.

That’s not safe, in case the car is manipulated again.

Then if something really happens, it’s a big problem.

“I went to find some people today, but I didn’t see anyone walking around the car, and I also asked the punks over there in the lotus pond to help me pay attention to who has been

staring at the Zhao family recently…”

As soon as Zhao Guoqing returned, Ji Xiaosi also said what he had investigated.

He ran to the gangsters in the lotus pond in the evening to inquire, and there were no favorable clues for the time being, but he also found a few people, which was regarded as a hello.

Keep an eye out.

“Don’t tell my mother and sister about this, lest they worry!”

When he went back, Zhao Guoqing repeatedly told the two.

He is outside, just afraid that his family will worry, and some things they still don’t know are good.

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Back at home, Liu Zhenfang was still packing up her things, saying that it was a matter of going back tomorrow, and asked Zhao Guoqing if the things brought from her uncle were sent out?

“They all sent out, Uncle Wang and Uncle Sun left me for a meal by the way, and talked about my brother-in-law, they all knew that my brother-in-law gave birth to a girl, and they all sent things over to congratulate me!”

Zhao Guoqing said this, Liu Zhenfang was really kept in the dark, and gossiped with him before going to sleep early.

Zhao Guoqing took a shower and waited for his younger siblings to come back from school.

When they came back, he gave them all the things they brought from Jiangcheng, and told them about the teachers they hired in Jiangcheng, saying that they would wait until the summer vacation, and they would all go over, make up classes, and learn English.

It is rare to have two children, and there is no objection to Zhao Guoqing’s arrangement.

Instead, he showed great interest.

Speaking of this May Day, they will go to Jiangcheng with their eldest brother at that time, and they have never been to Jiangcheng.

This name, only seen in books, they have not yet been to the field, so yearning.

Looking at the yearning appearance of his younger siblings, Zhao Guoqing felt that all the hard work was worth it.

At least in the future, younger brothers and sisters will definitely have a different fate than in their previous lives.

That’s fine.

This life is finally changing little by little.

This night, Zhao Guoqing did not sleep very steadily, and in his dream, he remembered Ruolan.

This time back to the village, he plans to go to the Zhiqing Institute to take a look, especially the house where Ruolan lived, he wants to go and see, and he doesn’t know where Ruolan is now?

At this time, in another place, Xia Ruolan looked at the obviously emaciated face in the mirror and couldn’t stop frowning.

But she heard someone outside calling her.

“Ruolan, let’s go, don’t stay in the house all the time and be depressed, go out with your sister-in-law, I made an appointment with a doctor today, there are some things I want to ask!”

A woman who resembled Xia Ruolan appeared in front of her with a smile in a foreign dress.

Pulling Xia Ruolan was about to go out.

Where they live, the environment looks particularly nice and there are several cars parked in the yard.

“I don’t want to go, I want to write a letter!”

“Don’t make trouble, go to the doctor first, write at any time, go, my aunt!”

When the woman said this, Xia Ruolan was a little crying and laughing, so she had to follow her and leave.

It’s just endless thoughts in her heart, and she thinks that she must secretly write a letter to Zhao Guoqing.

Otherwise, Xia Ruolan felt that she was going crazy, she had been holding back for so long, and she thought that those who were staring at Zhao Guoqing heard that there was no more, and if she thought about it, there should be no big problem.

Zhao Guoqing did not know the situation of Xia Ruolan at this time.

He drove back to Chaoyang Village, walking very slowly on the road, firstly, he was afraid that the condition of the car would not be good, and secondly, he was more careful.

Even so, the jeep was much faster than the tractor.

When Zhao Guoqing drove back, he happened to meet the Hongxing Town to catch up.

On the day of the market, the villagers around will gather in Hongxing Town, take their own things to sell in the market, and buy some useful things by the way, so the whole market is very lively.

And as soon as Zhao Guoqing’s big jeep drove back, almost everyone in the market was looking at him, no, it should be said that they were looking at his car.

Suddenly, someone shouted Zhao Guoqing!

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