The meat and vegetables that Zhao Guoqing brought had been prepared and placed on the table.

He also tasted it, the cured meat was very salty, the taste of salty and salty was very poor, the rice was not ready, the bottom was mushy, and the top was still half-cooked.

It’s hard to swallow.

But these children, one by one, gobbled up, couldn’t stop saying that the meat was really fragrant, and they didn’t eat such fragrant meat when they celebrated the New Year.

Watching the burnt rice that is difficult to swallow, the children eat it clean, even the side of the bowl is licked clean.

Zhao Guoqing suddenly had a decision.

It was already dark when I left from the children.

Zhao Guoqing did not return to his home, he went to Zhang Jun’s home.

When Zhang Jun saw Zhao Guoqing, he was a little surprised, but more surprised, and quickly called him to come to eat together.

“I’ve eaten, over there at the Zhiqing Institute, you eat first, leave me alone!”

“No, after eating, let’s drink some wine, we haven’t nagged together for a long time, the kid in my family wrote back, today we are still talking about him, he said that he is already a formal worker, but he is not happy at all, we are worried to death…” Zhang

Jun fried two dishes on the table, one was cowpea fried bacon, and the other was scrambled eggs.

Two people with one meat and one vegetarian, can be regarded as a better life in the village.

Zhang Jun followed his own work, it has long been more than 10,000 yuan households, and his family is different from other people’s families, and the family base is originally very rich, but it is relatively low-key.

“Uncle Zhang, you said, what about the group of children in the Zhiqing Institute? Is there a better way to resettle them, I think that group of children is quite miserable…” When

Zhao Guoqing mentioned that group of children, Zhang Jun also sighed.

In fact, every village has this situation.

Even those children whose parents died and did not rely on them, their village is actually less, and some villages have more people.

The main thing is that these children, who are too young, are simply older, and can also do some work to support themselves.

The state definitely has a good policy, but a good policy like this has not yet come to their village, I heard that there are orphanages in the county town, but Chaoyang Village does not.

“What about the orphans? Is there a place where I can read? It’s too small, and you still need someone to take care of it…” Zhao

Guoqing sighed, Zhang Jun meant that he had to wait for the state to allocate funds, but there are too many things like this, that is, if you want to send your children to a welfare home, you have to have a place to collect them.

Even the children of their village can enter the orphanage is a great thing.

But it’s not that luck, it’s okay.

One word is miserable, two words are really miserable, three words are too miserable!

When he returned from Zhang Jun’s side, everyone in the family was almost asleep, only his mother was still waiting for him in the yard, asking him if he had eaten, saying that the fish pond at home had put a fishing net of the Lost Soul Array at night.

There will definitely be fish tomorrow.

“Mom, you cook more tomorrow, I’ll call Sanwazi to come over

and eat…” “Ah, okay, Sanwazi is quite pitiful, parents are gone, not a single relative, really grew up eating a hundred family meals, I sent him fish a few times, this child, said that if it is not done well, the fish will be fishy, eat and vomit…”


Zhenfang talked about these three children, just talking about these children, it was really hungry and full.

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I can’t cook at a young age, and sometimes I can’t make good food when I send it.

In fact, most rural people are not rich, and there are many people who have just eaten their own food, even if they have the heart to help, they can’t give too much, bitter.

“Mom, I came back this time, I took more than 200,000 yuan in my hand, my business is still good, and I should be more and more profitable in the future, when Ruolan left, he actually gave me some things that were very valuable, I think I still have some family background, I want to help these children, otherwise, I feel uncomfortable in my heart, I can’t sleep at night…” Zhao

Guoqing talked to his mother about his thoughts.

Once he comes to take care of these children, there may be few people at first, a few dozen or even dozens, but later it will be difficult to say.

Maybe there will be hundreds, and once he starts doing this, he doesn’t want to stop halfway.

This is not something that can be done in three or five years, maybe he will have to insist on doing it for the next ten or twenty years, so he wants to hear his mother’s opinion on this matter.

“Ah, this person, in fact, no matter how much money you can sleep in a bed, eat only three meals a day, if you want to do anything, do it, I didn’t read anything, I just know that you are rich, very rich and rich, I am very happy, I support you in everything you do, even if you are poor one day, there is no money, there is a new house for you to live in, and there is food and drink…”

Liu Zhenfang looked at Zhao Guoqing and smiled, she was very pleased, His own son is very capable.

It has long exceeded her imagination.

No matter what her son wants to do, Liu Zhenfang will support it.

What is money?

Money is for people, and it is only when you can’t spend enough money to take some out to help people in need of difficulties.

“Well, thank you mom, I know what to do…” Zhao

Guoqing saw that his mother agreed so much, and the bottom of his heart was like something blocked was suddenly unblocked, becoming smooth and comfortable.

He also has a goal, yes, money, life does not bring death and does not bring, to do something meaningful, maybe this is the meaning of God to let him be born again.

It’s just that these children are somewhat unrealistic to settle in Chaoyang Village.

It is best to settle in the county seat, over there, there is a place to study, not just let them just eat, wear and warm, but should let them have a better fate.

Zhao Guoqing didn’t close his eyes this night, he kept thinking about how to place these children is the best.

In the place where he originally lived, the house was bought for more than 2,000 yuan.

Very good in every way.

Now he wants to get a piece of land on the county side, or buy some houses directly, settle these children first, and ask some villagers to cook for them and take care of their lives.

These children’s tuition and miscellaneous expenses and living expenses, Zhao Guoqing pondered that he should be able to afford it.

Moreover, Yingshan City’s house is very cheap, he can go back and find another piece of land, accurately build some school buildings, can adopt some orphans, educate them well, and even arrange some jobs for them.

How do you think, this thing should be able to be done.

Early the next morning, Zhao Guoqing called Zhao Shun, Zhang Jun and his uncle over.

I plan to talk to them about this for a while, and then let them help come up with ideas, after all, three stinkers can stand up to one Zhuge Liang.

They know more about things in the village than they do about themselves.

Sure enough, when Zhao Guoqing said all his thoughts, several people were stunned, and their brains didn’t seem to turn a corner all of a sudden.

But if you think about it, they have made so much money doing business during this time.

Zhao Guoqing earns more and should be able to afford these children.

However, Zhao Shun turned his head and proposed that Zhao Guoqing’s idea was good, but he ignored a huge problem.

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