There are usually few phone calls in Jiangcheng, but now the garment factory has installed a telephone.

It’s easier to make a phone call.

Generally, it is called to the unit, shouting people, and making an appointment time for Zhao Guoqing to pick it up.

It turned out that the second sister called and asked him why he hadn’t gone back yet, didn’t he say that he went back to Jiangcheng on May Day, he didn’t see it go back, I don’t know what happened?

Zhao Guoqing said that something was delayed, and asked about the situation in Jiangcheng.

It turned out that the Chamber of Commerce over there needed Zhao Guoqing to preside over a meeting this month, and it was notified in advance, and then the two shops on the Jiangcheng side had been decorated.

Those masters who have been decorating their homes, this will go to the Kingdom of Heaven, and it will be almost good over there.

Two stores on Jiangcheng’s side will open next week, and Zhao Xiahe asked Zhao Guoqing if he wanted to come back?

“Well, okay, the time should be in time, when I come back, the younger brothers and sisters will let them go to Jiangcheng after the summer vacation,

and it will be delayed again…”

Zhao Guoqing and the second sister said a few words and hung up the phone.

On the side of the orphanage, he can only temporarily hand it over to Zhao Quan, and then let Zhou Yong assist him, and if there is something important, let him call, moreover, he still has to think about where to find a suitable person to take over the orphanage?

This is something that requires patience and love to do it.

It’s really not suitable for the time being.

Originally, the second sister was very suitable, but now the second sister has become his most powerful assistant, and what is left to her, Zhao Guoqing is really relieved.

When Zhao Guoqing returned home, Qian Yin was still busy, and he was counting the accounts these days, checking the account books of the National Day Department Store.

He said that the business here is very profitable, more profitable than the brick factory, but cash is not good, the liquidity is not as good as the brick factory, and too much inventory is not good.

But Zhao Guoqing took the opposite view.

He feels that he can have more inventory and is not afraid, because all goods from making to selling, every once in a while will encounter the price of raw materials and other situations, so that they can actually make money by stockpiling.

Earn extra money, but some things with shelf life should be paid attention to, and there are some bells and whistles, the price of that kind of goods is easy to rise and fall, so you can’t stock up too much, you can stock up mainly on some daily necessities, such as soap or hot water bottles and other things.

These things are going up for the next decade.

Hoarding some is actually very profitable.

However, Zhao Guoqing didn’t talk to Qian Yin about this, but just told Zhou Yong that he had to tell himself what goods he would hoard in the future, and it was best to make a form.

“Uh-huh, I know this, you said it last year when it was almost the New Year, but this year there are fewer stockpiles, and you come back less, I will make my own decisions, I remember, I won’t turn back!”

Zhou Yong nodded uncontrollably, indicating that he understood.

These days he also has a headache, although this accounting is very troublesome, but he is also open, there is no problem of fake accounts at all.

At most, some accounts are not right, look for them, or recall them, and forget which one to write.

In doing business, Zhou Yong is fair, he still admires Zhao Guoqing’s vision, which he is very strong and has to admire.

When Zhao Shuangqing and Zhao Dongxue were on vacation, Zhao Guoqing took them to an orphanage.

The children here, in fact, almost all of them know, what they don’t know is that many children have accidents at home.

I can only sigh at the impermanence of life, but also help them do something.

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This will be hot, and the children will be able to sleep on the ground with a straw mat.

But that’s not an option, the children have to have a cot for each person.

Originally, Zhao Quan planned to make a one-meter-five bed for each person, anyway, there were only eight or nine, but he was stopped by Zhao Guoqing, and he asked Zhao Quan to build some wooden beds for the children.

Up and down are almost one meter two, a little solid, one upper and lower bed can sleep two people, here may be more children in the future.

As for the doors and windows, they have also been replaced.

This is to avoid that when winter comes, it is too cold outside to come in through the doors and windows, and then freeze people.

Some roofs also need to be repaired, otherwise if it snows and rains in winter, the roof will collapse, which is easy to accident.

Zhao Guoqing took his younger brothers and sisters to help the third uncle work here, and asked about the third aunt’s body by the way.

After the third aunt gave birth to twins in the hospital, the hospital stay was a little longer, and the health was not very good, the third uncle was doing things here again, and the third aunt also followed, by the way, the child here can also help him take care of the two little babies.

This year, it’s all the older children taking care of the little ones.

Almost every household is like this, and everyone is not surprised.

And in this group of children, seven-year-old will be sent to school, and there will be some tuition waivers, but some miscellaneous fees and the like, still have to be paid, and these children have a poor foundation, almost all of them have not gone to school.

Thirteen-year-old Sanwazi is still in the third grade of primary school.

No way, he didn’t understand the third-grade curriculum.

It is said that he has to study the fifth grade, but the fifth grade course is like a heavenly book for him, and he can only temporarily mix in the third grade.

These are all difficult problems, and Zhao Guoqing also found the problems.

These children, even if he tried his best to send them to school, they could not keep up.

The teachers of several classes came to visit their homes, only to learn that none of them had parents, they were all children of welfare homes.

After a period of sighing, some teachers will leave these children in school extra, make up for more lessons, or open more small stoves, and there is no concept of charging for make-up classes, just simply hoping that their grades are better and can keep up with the rhythm of the teacher.

Although Zhao Guoqing was still worried about these children, Jiangcheng himself hurried back.

So after explaining to my younger siblings, saying that he had broken his word, he did not take them to Jiangcheng on May Day, and he could only see that he would take them to Jiangcheng after the summer vacation.

By the way, I also have to make up lessons, especially in English.

English in small places, what a disaster.

They simply won’t.

If you don’t think of a way, none of your younger brothers and sisters will be able to do it, and the college entrance examination will be completely blind in English.

Fortunately, whether it is Zhao Youqing or Zhao Dongxue, one by one, they are very respectful of Zhao Guoqing, and generally what the eldest brother says, let them naturally listen to them all, so for his arrangement, several people have no opinion.

They all said that they would go to Jiangcheng during the summer vacation and listen to the arrangements of their eldest brother.

Guaranteed cooperation.

This made Zhao Guoqing feel a lot relieved, and after explaining the matter on the welfare home’s side, he immediately drove back to Jiangcheng, taking Qian Yin with him when he left.

Zhao Er also went back with him, but his daughter-in-law thought about staying in Yingshan, saying that Zhao Chunlan was very busy here, and he stayed to help her bring a child, anyway, Zhao Er will come back often.

As for Zhao Guoqing, he caught up with things as soon as he arrived in Jiangcheng.

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