“How many people, and how long has this been going on?”

Zhao Guoqing looked at the personnel and Zhao Guang’s anxious look, and also asked carefully about the situation.

“Since the last time the boss you gave the order, there have been nearly fifteen disabled people recruited here, these people have been training since they were recruited, who knows that since that day, there are more and more disabled people at the gate of this factory, it seems that all the disabled people in the entire Jiangcheng City have suddenly appeared, and they all feel at the door of our factory…”

In the past, when he came out to recruit workers, he was selected for what kind of people.

Well, now, as soon as the door is opened, any kind of disabled person can be seen, they are crowded in the front, looking at him, and his scalp is numb when he sees it.

He panicked.

This is becoming more and more abnormal, there are actually other factories around, but I have not seen the interview of disabled people, only Yuanqing Garment Factory, there are more and more disabled people.

So much made him wonder, where did so many people come from?

“This must be news that the disabled are recruited here, and then many disabled people have a glimmer of hope in their hearts, after all, many disabled people are physically disabled and want to do something with their own labor, at least to support themselves!”

Zhao Guoqing quickly thought of the problem.

Zhao Guang also said that these disabled people because of their physical reasons, although the attitude is better, but the learning of technology is still relatively slow, normal people can be trained in a week to work, they need half a month, or even longer.

This, for the people in the factory, the cost is a bit high.

“It’s okay, the profit in our factory is okay, the unit price is also high, the key is that the new factory is already under construction, so let’s recruit a group of disabled people for training, extend the time a little longer, be more patient, ten days is not enough for twenty days, in case you can’t change a job, try to control the proportion of handymen recruiting disabled people at half, or at least one-third of the number of people…”

If these disabled people cannot be accommodated, they will temporarily rent a place for training, so as not to get these people in the new factory to keep up! Zhao

Guoqing’s arrangement has already made Zhao Guanghe wide-eyed.

Wait, they came to ask the boss to take back the direct sight of recruiting disabled people, how did they get here, and the boss even asked to rent a place for disabled training?

This, will this be a lot more expensive?

Moreover, their unit price is high, and the profit is high, but who does not want the business to get better and better, and the profit is getting higher and higher?

But Zhao Guoqing seemed to have abolished his martial arts, taking the initiative to recruit these troublesome things that others can’t get rid of?

Lose your marbles?

“You go down, just arrange it like this, the subsequent rented house, the fee will be paid in the factory, and the one you want to sign will be given to me!”

As soon as Zhao Guoqing opened his mouth, Zhao Guanghe and personnel could only go on silently.

But he was in a hurry, so he went to Wu Di and told Wu Di about it.

Wu Di was also a little surprised, he was silent for a long time, thinking about it, he didn’t think of why Zhao Guoqing did this?

But looking at Zhao Guang has been saying that the welfare benefits in the factory are very good, such good conditions, he can recruit high-quality workers with very good conditions, and can create high profits and value for the factory.

The quality of those goods, not skilled hands, can not make such a good thing.

Wu Di felt that Zhao Guang had a point, even if they were handymen in their garment factory, the wages were relatively high, and they could find particularly skilled workers, young and efficient, so that the profits in the factory would be high.

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Now although the factory is better than making money.

But Wu Di also remembered that when it was difficult at the beginning, he was losing money at the beginning, so he thought about it and didn’t go directly to Zhao Guoqing, but just talked to Zhao Xiahe.

“According to the theory, the owner of the factory is the National Day, I have no right to dictate, but I have feelings, I have feelings for the factory, I hope the factory is bigger and better, I can also go further, this matter, I am afraid that I can’t stop behind, and if you calculate it, you need a lot of money, this, you have to think twice about opening a factory to do business!”

“I also don’t understand, why did the National Day do this, turn back, I asked him, don’t worry!”

Wu Di is the most powerful person in the garment factory except Zhao Guoqing, but he is very weak about these rights, and he spends more attention on clothing design, which he likes to do.

I feel much more comfortable doing this than in a pipe factory.

So in charge of the work of the factory, he is pushing Zhao Guang’s body.

Zhao Xiahe specially came back early this day, bought Zhao Guoqing the marinated vegetables he usually likes to eat on the way, and then when he arrived home, he happened to see Zhao Guoqing cleaning up the yard.

I was also very happy to see Zhao Xiahe, saying that it was busy these days, and it was rare to see my second sister so early today.

“In two days, I will go to Tianfu City, and then I will take my grandmother and aunt over there to play, last time my aunt said that I had never been to

Tianfu City…”

Zhao Guoqing and his second sister talked about the house in Tianfu City.

When I bought it, I spent a lot of money, and the other part of the house is also very good for living people, taking advantage of this opportunity, Zhao Guoqing plans to pick up his grandmother and have fun.

Zhao Xiahe looked at his brother’s happy appearance, and unhurriedly told him about the garment factory.

Whispered what did he think?

In the past, even if everyone couldn’t understand what he did, there was nothing wrong with it, but this one thing, even she felt that it was really inappropriate.

“Second sister, do you think it is inappropriate because you think that recruiting those disabled people in is because it will make the profits of the factory less and our interests suffer?”

“Well, although there are not many disabled people, but, if you recruit like this, there will be more and more people, and it will indeed have a great impact, Zhao Guang’s worries are not unreasonable, they are all for the good benefits of the factory, I think you should consider it!”

Zhao Xiahe hesitated, but still insisted on his own dissuasion.

Although Zhao Guoqing now has a lot of money, in her mind, he is still her brother.

“Sister, do you remember our family before? It is difficult to eat enough, and in the middle of the night, I will often be woken up hungry, hungry front heart against the back, hungry eyes dizzy, at that time I thought, if someone can help me, how good it would be…” Zhao

Guoqing did not answer the second sister’s words positively, but talked with her about the past.

Zhao Guoqing’s opening, Zhao Xiahe’s heart soured.

At the beginning, the family was because they were poor, and there was really no way, so they married themselves off, thinking that when they got married, they would have food to eat, which was much better than at home.

The people I am looking for are also from the town.

Who would have thought that Qian Yin was not a thing at all, and he didn’t treat himself as a person at all!

I was even more bitter at that time!

Thinking of this, Zhao Xiahe’s eyes turned red.

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