“Okay, I listen to you, my son’s leg injury will definitely need to be nursed for a long time, I will clean up the room at home, I should leave two rooms for you, in the future, you can come here, you can have a place to rest…” Shen

Yihe thought about it, Zhao Guoqing helped him so much.

He didn’t have any money to pay back for a while, so he built the house so that when they came here, he could rest and rest.

“Okay, if your family can set up a farmhouse, we can rest assured every time we come here and have a hot meal on the way!” We will also give money, one yard to one yard…”

Zhao Guoqing smiled.

After the shop on the other side of Tianfu City opens, it will continue to open later, and then he will come to Tianfu City almost once or twice a month.

Even if Zhao Er and him take turns driving halfway, but they can’t eat or sleep well for a long time, and no one’s body can bear it.

If there is a place to eat and stay here, you can also relax and rest.

Zhao Er slept until noon, Shen Yihe made a large table of dishes, and invited the village chief to accompany them, but they refused to drink when they wanted to drive.

When leaving, Zhao Er also prepared a lot of marinated pork feet, as well as a marinated chicken and hard-boiled eggs.

Zhao Guoqing looked at the appearance of Shen Yihe, the chickens in the family were eaten by himself, his family is so difficult, simply, he put all the cash on his body under the empty bowl after eating, and estimated that there were two thousand yuan.

Zhao Er, who was well rested, was very energetic when he drove, and he sighed that there were still many good people.

I have always been worried about encountering something in the middle of the night, but I didn’t expect to take so many things when I ate and drank well and finally left.

Shen Yihe was discussing with his brothers at home, saying that the child had to spend money in the hospital, so that everyone could help make it up, and he wanted to find a way to earn money, wanted to open a farmhouse at home, and gave those passing drivers what to add water to stir-fry and stay.

But Shen Yihe said this, his brothers did not agree very much, felt like a joke, what kind of farmhouse are they doing here?

Not reliable at all.

As for borrowing money, he was willing to borrow it, but everyone got together and did not get five hundred yuan, this is still his younger brother who is the village chief took one hundred and fifty yuan out, and the remaining large group of people made up three hundred and five.

Shen Yihe sighed, thinking in his heart how much he owed Zhao Guoqing.

People gave themselves a thousand yuan for no reason, although they always said that they would return it to him, but where did he go to earn money to pay it back?

Just thinking about this, when he cleaned up the table, he saw the two thousand pieces covered by Zhao Guoqing under the bowl, and he was instantly stunned, and his nose was sour, and he couldn’t help himself.

A big old man instantly felt like crying.

Soon, he told his brother and the others.

With the money for Wa’s treatment, the boss Zhao invested a sum of money in him, opened a farmhouse here, and worked for him to look at the shop himself.

Many people in the village were half-convinced, and they only thought that Boss Zhao’s braincase was sick.

Why do you want to open a farmhouse in this poor ravine?

And Shen Yihe secretly made a determination in his heart, in the future, this farmhouse will be called Zhao’s Chicken Soup House, and the money earned will be removed from their wages, and the remaining profits will be given to Zhao Guoqing.

This is what people deserve, not to mention that they are still so much less than him?

For these Zhao Guoqing did not know, when they returned to Jiangcheng, it was not yet dark.

When I got home, I took out the food that Shen Yihe sent, and got a few steamed buns to eat a meal.

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The second sister of the family here, Zhao Xiahe, is not there, and Zhao Er’s daughter-in-law is in Yingshan.

There is almost no one at home, a good villa, it looks a little messy, or in the end, Mu Qingwan can’t look over to help clean up, and said that their several old men are too unsophisticated.

Such a good house, such a hoho is really a pity.

“National Day, I see that you have to recruit someone at home when you go back, reliable rest assured, we will have food when we come back, or you will run away like this, and you won’t want to eat hot food when you come back…” Zhao

Er proposed to Zhao Guoqing, Jiangcheng got a resident person at home.

First, to help clean up, and second, to have someone to watch the house.

“Well, when your daughter-in-law comes back from Yingshan, let her take care of it here, this will not find a suitable one!”

Zhao Guoqing felt that it made sense.

There must also be a reliable person over there in Tianfu City, and there must actually be a talent here, and he and his second sister are always running around, and a few people around him follow.

There are also people at home who clean and cook, or they will be uncomfortable when they come back to the cold pot and cold stove.

Mu Qingwan listened to this, a little moved, turned back to her and Zhao Er said, said that she also graduated, want to come here to work, even if it helps Zhao Guoqing’s house clean up, cook and clean.

Zhao Er hesitated and told Zhao Guoqing.

but was rejected by Zhao Guoqing.

“Mu Qingwan is not suitable, she should also have her own career, after the family, Zhao’s second aunt will do it, she will cook the meals in Chaoyang Village, in case it doesn’t work, we are looking for a suitable one from her hometown again, the little girl’s house is not convenient…” Zhao

Guoqing thought of Mu Qingwan’s face that resembled Xia Ruolan, and immediately denied it.

He was not a saint either, such a girl, who had always been by his side day and night, and he felt that sometimes it would make him delusional.

In case, if there is any misunderstanding or something else, he feels that the gain is not worth the loss, in this case, Zhao Guoqing plans to pinch it when he starts to show signs of it.

No need, let it continue to develop.

Hearing Mu Qingwan, who was relayed by Zhao Er, felt a little lost in her heart.

But she didn’t give up, since Zhao Guoqing said that she should have her own career, then she went to get some of her own business.

However, through getting along with Zhao Guoqing these days, Mu Qingwan feels that his personality is really charming, he is too generous, and he is the person who attracts her the most among all the people she has met.

Therefore, Zhao Guoqing is a high god in Mu Qingwan’s mind, and when can she stand by his side, Mu Qingwan feels that there is no regret in this life.

However, this kind of careful thinking, Mu Qingwan did not dare to say it to anyone, only dared to hide it in her heart.

At this time, Xia Ruolan, who was abroad, was busy, she began to study, even if she could not return to China for the time being, but after enriching herself and avoiding this storm, she still had a chance.

Even if he can’t come back as Xia Ruolan.

She can also try to come back in other capacities, such as some returned overseas Chinese or overseas scholars.

In the end, it is not completely impossible, she will only have to wait, but Xia Ruolan is also a little worried here, she is afraid that the information she left behind will not be enough to remind Zhao Guoqing where she is going.

What if, by the time he can come back, Zhao Guoqing has already married someone else?

So what should she do?

For a while, Xia Ruolan’s side also fell into deep thought and worry.

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