Wang Quan’s side has been very busy recently, and he has met many people, especially some old employees of Zhao Guoqing’s factory.

Although the wages over there are high, but not to mention the work, the key is that recently the factory has recruited many disabled people, those people are not complete hands and feet, the salary is not low, so that some old employees in the original factory, the bottom of the heart is a little uncomfortable.

In particular, some people feel that by doing things with people with disabilities, their face has been trampled.

So Wang Quan’s side summoned some of the most popular people among them, gave some money and promises, promised that they could take people on strike at that time, there was no place to come to his side, and their wages would rise by 50 percent.

More money, less food, and will be promoted by the boss.

Under all these temptations, many people were moved and began to plan when to go on strike, demand that the disabled be evicted, and then increase their wages by 50%.

Otherwise, they will not return to work.

Because they had a place to go, they felt that it was impossible for them to strike alone, and they planned to incite others in the factory to strike together.

Moreover, under Wang Quan’s instruction, he planned to strike a few days in advance when this batch of goods was to be delivered, so that Zhao Guoqing would lose the most at that time.

Because once he refuses to drive away those disabled people and increase wages, these people will not return to work, this delivery will be delayed, customers will claim, Zhao Guoqing factory reputation is not good, this trouble, then his loss is the greatest.

This is also a big move that Wang Quan has been planning for a long time.

The strike date was set for the 26th, because the delivery was to be made on the 30th of the month, and if it was delayed for a few days, the goods could not be delivered.

Zhao Guoqing was given in, and if he agreed to the conditions of these people, he would be able to rush out a batch of goods by 28, so as to give Zhao Guoqing a little hope, lest he break the jar and completely turn his face.

Zhao Guoqing’s side did not know that he accompanied Song Siyuan to the factory.

At the gate, there are still many disabled people looking forward to recruitment, Zhao Guang and personnel are sweating profusely to invite them in, many people have bad hands and feet, Zhao Guang has been shouting in line, afraid that these people will be knocked down.

Some of them were very dissatisfied after being brushed off, and shouted vigorously.

“What’s going on in your factory? People with good hands and feet don’t want it, I don’t have any problems in me, why don’t you want me? A

man who was in a flow of air stood to the side and whistled unconvinced.

This person has been there these days, and at the beginning, the personnel side also tried to recruit him in, but this person could not sit still, and could not endure hardships, one would say that his back hurt, one would say that his legs hurt, and the other would say that his stomach hurt, anyway, he was full of pain when he worked.

If you don’t work and only pay your salary, it naturally doesn’t hurt anywhere.

The question is, if this is the case, why are such workers recruited?

Be an ancestor!

So before the probationary period, this person was directly notified by the personnel department that he did not have to go to work, and settled his salary for three days, which was regarded as the end of benevolence.

But this person doesn’t know what to think later, he still comes here to recruit workers if he has nothing to do, the personnel knows him, and when he recruits workers again, he will naturally not be selected.

But he will not be chosen, he will shout about unfairness, shout that there are problems in this factory to discriminate against normal people, etc., anyway, it is all kinds of spreading rumors or making trouble, making people and Zhao Guang very annoyed.

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When there was really no way, he called the security guard to invite him aside and let him leave.

But this person is the same every day, waiting every day to recruit workers in the factory to make trouble there, demagoguery.

“Don’t listen to him, line up seriously, he entered the factory for three days of trial, cut the fabric, the factory can’t afford this kind of talent will be sent out, everyone as long as you work seriously, whether it is good health or a little inconvenient, our factory will give a chance, skilled workers, Zhao Gong will be assessed here…”

I am recruiting every day, and I have been recruiting people.

Over there, after Song Siyuan entered the factory in Zhao Guoqing’s car, he began to be stunned for a while, and after carefully identifying it, he saw that this factory was still her original factory.

It’s just a big change, and she almost can’t recognize it.

The factory, which was originally not a big one, is now full of people, the sound of noisy machines, and the dormitories where people used to live have become factory buildings.

Although the walls of the factory buildings are painted with white walls, making this place look clean and tidy, but there are so many people, looking several times more than the original workers, no wonder Zhao Guoqing wants to build a new factory.

Without the construction of a new factory, there would simply not be so many people living here.

“How many workers do you have? The development is so fast, I remember when I left, there were less than a

hundred people…” “Well, almost five hundred people, can’t be stuffed, there are many new employees training in other places, the plan is to wait for the new factory to be built, directly pull over, the new factory conservatively estimates that the first thousand people, the second phase of the plan to recruit more than three thousand people, but there is no big problem here, just follow the steps…”


Guoqing and Song Siyuan said the planning in the factory.

At present, his family’s factory, there are many orders, can not be done at all, many lists have been pushed off.

Their own orders are scheduled for next month, and other people’s orders are also scheduled for a few months, and they can’t finish it at all, or they are at the door of their factory, why are they recruiting workers every day.

Because there is really a shortage of people, I now think that the new factory will be built day and night, and it will be built early.

At that time, most of the workers will move to the new factory, and the old factory can still leave a few production lines, and then they can start production, and they can also create a lot of benefits.

The two are talking about the future production of garment factories, and also talked about the current tram, saying that it is much faster than the sewing machine, this thing is used in assembly line production quality is good, fast, that is, the cost is a little higher at the beginning, but the problem is not big, this is the trend of garment factories in the future.

Someone was slowly approaching them, but they didn’t dare to get too close, Zhao Guoqing and Song Siyuan were talking vigorously, and they didn’t notice the person.

Until the man lingered not far behind them for a long time, Zhao Er, who was a little far away from them, couldn’t bear it anymore and stepped forward to stop the person.

This person didn’t know several people, and he looked at it.

However, he said that he had an urgent matter to find the boss Zhao Guoqing, and this matter could only be said to him alone, the god was mysterious, and Song Siyuan on the side was curious.

“Both of us are bosses, there is nothing to say to people, you can say anything about anything!”

Zhao Guoqing looked at this person, seeing that he had a cocoon on his hand, it should be a worker in this factory, but this will be working time, what is the boss going to say?


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