It turned out that my brother-in-law went to many places as a soldier, but later, not far from Tianfu City, it seemed that there was some task.

Just over there, many of his former comrades-in-arms have changed jobs to the local area.

But he has always stayed in the army, which has delayed his life’s events, the leaders have always cared about him, and Liu Zhendian has also saved up several years of vacation, so that he can go back often.

Liu Zhendian took Li Ping to the rear of the troops.

She also wrote several letters to Huang Xiulian, either sending her money or sending her something.

Or just talk about my situation in the army and reassure my mother.

According to Liu Zhendian’s letter, there was a large reservoir where their troops were stationed, and they could occasionally catch fish during holidays, and the food of the troops was also very good, and there were also places to live, occasionally they had to go out on missions, and they were surrounded by comrades similar to him, so they had a very comfortable life.

Li Ping counted the days and estimated that she would be born in April and May of the solar calendar.

Huang Xiulian was not at ease.

“Your brother-in-law, that person, just to report good news and not worry, I am worried that your aunt is a woman, and when the confinement child is at home, what if your brother-in-law has a task again?” Women, confinement is the most difficult time, in case of any root of the disease can be troublesome, although I am old, it is still okay to help take care of the confinement…” Grandma

is actually not young, many elderly people like her age in the countryside are at home not here and there pain, some are at home without going out waiting for the elderly.

Like my grandmother’s age, from her hometown Chaoyang Village, all the way to Jiangcheng and then to my brother-in-law’s garrisoned troops.

This is also a very difficult thing for her.

“Grandma should also be going to my brother-in-law’s station for the first time, I just happened to be free this time, and I will accompany you to stay there for a while before leaving!”

Zhao Guoqing has never been to his brother-in-law’s residence, but he has heard his brother-in-law or mother chant, saying that there are always many cloudy days, a lot of rain, some humidity, like to eat spicy taste, and the rest is fine.

In his previous life, Zhao Guoqing knew that Tianfu City was not far from his brother-in-law’s station, and the environment there was also very good.

Eating and drinking are particularly comfortable.

In the previous life, the two were severed, and the brother-in-law never came to Zhao Guoqing’s house later, and when his grandmother passed away, the brother-in-law almost never came back, and settled there and settled there, I heard that he has always lived in the army.

But then I changed jobs, and I still didn’t come back, so I settled there.

Just listened to my mother later said that my brother-in-law didn’t seem to know what was going on, and the income was still okay, but he never saved money, so that he didn’t buy the house until later, it seems that life is a little tight, and his life is not very good.

At that time, Zhao Guoqing was still a little puzzled.

The uncle’s allowance salary in the army is still relatively high, how can there be no money?

So at that time, he didn’t believe it, and in this life, he had the opportunity to accompany his grandmother to his brother-in-law’s station, and also took the opportunity to take a look.

When I got off the train, my grandmother’s feet were a little soft, and she looked for a place to rest for a long time, and said that her ears were very uncomfortable, like a train was rattling all the time.

Zhao Guoqing knew that this was a situation that would only occur if her grandmother had not taken a train.

They found a guest house in Tianfu City, and there was an alley for food not far from the guest house, and Zhao Guoqing specially took his grandmother around there.

That is, where some large families used to live.

Like the hutongs, some of the bricks and tiles are a little old, and occasionally some outsiders look around curiously.

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Grandma thought it was strange that this place and the place where they lived were two completely different feelings.

On the road, I came across a beef noodle seller, a large iron pot with a layer of red oil floating inside, the red oil is beef hundred leaves beef intestines or something, all stewed soft rotten, noodles poured with a bowl of this red oil beef offal, smell particularly fragrant.

There are also a lot of peppercorns and chili peppers floating in the bowl.

Even if everyone can eat spicy, they can see this bowl of red beef noodles, and some faces look at each other.

Because it is numb and spicy, they feel that their mouths are unconscious after eating a bite, but they are only spicy and not spicy, and they feel that their appetite is great after eating a few bites.

Next to the beef noodle seller, there is also a stall selling stewed vegetables.

Rabbit meat is being sold above, and what Zhao Guoqing cares about the most is the rabbit head, one by one, the rabbit heads are piled together, and the top is all chili peppercorns or something, but it seems to smell good.

Zhao Guoqing bought four rabbit heads, one for everyone to taste when eating noodles.

The boss who sells beef miscellaneous also said that the rabbit braincase next door is delicious, and who makes money nearby has a little more money, so he will be willing to buy some rabbit braincase here to eat, after all, this taste is really good.

“I don’t eat it, it’s weird and scary, you young people taste it…” Huang

Xiulian smiled and pushed the rabbit head to Zhao Guoqing, saying that she was still a little scared, after all, this thing is indeed a little scary to look at.

“I’ll taste it first!”

The rabbit braincase does not look good and is a little scary.

But taste it, numb and spicy, the key is that the meat on the rabbit’s braincase is particularly chewy, and the taste is delicious that cannot be tasted in Jiangcheng.

“It’s delicious, it’s really delicious, why don’t you eat it, taste it, this is a specialty here in Tianfu City…”

Zhao Guoqing beckoned Zhao Er and Zhao Zizi to taste it too.

They followed Zhao Guoqing now can be regarded as well-informed, have traveled to a lot of places, heard that this is delicious, hesitated or learned Zhao Guoqing’s appearance, and also took a bite of the rabbit braincase, who knows that this taste will make them taste it.

Not to mention, it tastes really good.

“Delicious, delicious, this rabbit head looks at less meat and more bones, I didn’t expect this to taste so good?” But this is all peppercorns, it feels numb to eat, but it’s enjoyable…” Zhao

Erhui also tasted and couldn’t help praise.

The rat over there also said that it was delicious, and Zhao Guoqing also felt that this thing did not look good, but it was really good to eat.

Simply went to take some rabbit heads and rabbit legs, had to ask her grandmother to taste them, Huang Xiulian couldn’t taste it, her eyes lit up, wondering if there were rabbits at home, could they also eat like this in the future?

It’s really spicy.

Zhao Guoqing ate the rabbit head, and then ate a bite of beef hundred leaves, which would be cooked in beef offal.

It’s not like when this thing eats hot pot in the future, it becomes very expensive, and it almost has to be sold.

When paying the bill, Zhao Guoqing felt that the price here was not expensive, relatively affordable, but this peppercorn tasted really heavy.

The food is all eaten, but the mouth is still full of peppercorns.

The boss who sold beef noodles over there laughed.

“You guys must be from out of town…”

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