Reborn as a tiger, what's wrong with me being more self-disciplined?

Chapter 243 All dogs in Kangcheng are level three!

"Everyone, please stop for now!"

Seeing that the three monks had been beaten for a long time, Qin Changyi said loudly.

However, no one listened to his words.

After all, without the ruins of the original city, Mucheng would be much more difficult than Kangcheng.

Not only did the earthquake collapse high-rise buildings, but even dilapidated urban villages were affected. It was very rare to even have a house that could be directly lived in.

But in fact, there are too many useful things buried in the ruins.

The most basic, well-packaged food can be stored for months, even years.

Especially salt, something that is necessary for the human body and cannot be replaced.

In addition, medicines, clothing, pots and pans…

Various industrial products before the revival of spiritual energy are now very difficult to produce.

Even if it can be produced, it often requires the cooperation of an evolver with corresponding abilities.

The Zerg in the insect tide are small in size, can get through any cracks they see, and have a keen sense of smell.

The ruins can prevent the people of Mucheng from digging out useful things, but they cannot stop the Zerg.

Therefore, when the insect tide passes, it is like locusts crossing the border, sweeping away many buried items that can improve living conditions.

This makes the lives of the people in Mucheng extremely difficult.

Moreover, many people were reluctant to leave food when they evacuated when they noticed the insect tide. They misjudged the speed of the insect tide and therefore failed to survive this disaster.

For various reasons, the people of Mucheng, who had originally concealed the truth, respected the monks of Zenlan Temple who "rescued" them.

Now, after learning the truth, they were so angry at these monks.

In addition, they were not familiar with Qin Changyi, and this was Mucheng, so they did not take Qin Changyi's words seriously.

And Liao Yongchun, the deputy mayor of Mucheng and now the top leader of Mucheng, did not stop the actions of the people in Mucheng.

He also supported the atrocities committed by the people in Mucheng against these monks.

Moreover, Qin Changyi is quite famous in the official system of the Northeast Snow Ridge.

But in the final analysis, he is just the deputy director of the municipal bureau.

Compared to him, the deputy mayor of Mucheng, his level is still lower!

He has no obligation to listen to Qin Changyi's orders!

"Pippi, do me a favor and let them calm down."

Seeing this, Qin Changyi was not angry, and just said to Pippi calmly.


Pippi responded, and then a ball of light flashing with arcs instantly condensed and flew towards the crowd!

"Qin Changyi! What are you going to do?!"

This made Liao Yongchun stunned for a moment, and then said angrily.

Why is Qin Changyi so bold!

He actually attacked the Mucheng people just because they didn't agree with each other?

As he spoke, Liao Yongchun jumped up suddenly and raised his right arm!

Then, his right arm extended its jade-white bones to form a shield!

He had to resist Pippi's arcing ball of light!


But the next second, this flashing arc of light exploded in mid-air!


Immediately afterwards, countless electric arcs, like fireworks, splashed in all directions, covering an area of ​​25 meters in radius!

The arc fell on everyone in this range!

However, the arc did not cause any serious damage to them, but it made them paralyzed and their brains shut down for several seconds.

Therefore, the people of Mucheng were forced to stop beating the three monks.

Even after they regained consciousness, their movements were somewhat deformed, and they twitched from time to time, as if they were having epilepsy.

"It...what level is it?"

Pipi's hand stunned Liao Yongchun, his eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief.

"Oh, what a coincidence, you also use levels one, two, and three to divide the evolutionary levels?

We in Kangcheng divide those who awakened on the day of the earthquake into the first level. One evolutionary qualitative change is the second level, and two evolutionary qualitative changes are the third level.

Pippi is now at level three, and so are we. "

Yichen on the side said in a rather comfortable tone.

Looking at Liao Yongchun's expression, there are still no third-order evolvers in Mucheng?

"Third...Third level..."

Liao Yongchun, who had already made some guesses after Pipi showed off his move, swallowed his saliva and murmured again.

Level three!

Their pastoral city is short of resources and food, and they still don’t have a third-level evolver!

But every dog ​​in Kangcheng is a third-level dog!

He remembered that the population of Kangcheng was much smaller than that of Mucheng!

Before the revival of the spiritual energy in Kangcheng, the population was just over three million, while the population of Mucheng was a full five million!

As a result, they, Mucheng, had such a big gap in evolution speed by Kangcheng!

Judging from his experience, a team that comes out to explore once in Kangcheng will never use all its top combat forces.

In other words, Kangcheng's third-level evolvers are far more than the six people and one dog in front of them!

"We have taken advantage of Master Hu, and the insect queen that passed through your Mucheng was raised by the abbot.

In addition to putting on a show in front of you and harvesting your incense offerings, I also want to wait for the insect queen to fatten up, kill it for meat, and promote its own evolution.

Master Hu killed it, and we in Kangcheng contributed a little bit, so so many third-level evolvers were born. "

Seeing that Liao Yongchun looked shocked, Yichen kindly explained.

Hearing this, Liao Yongchun was extremely envious.

He couldn't figure out the relationship between Kangcheng's group and Cang Nian.

But according to Yichen, this big tiger can kill the queen worm and the fat monk. How terrifying is its strength?

But such strength did not pose a threat to Kangcheng. Instead, it looked friendly and like a group of people.

Why didn't they get such a good thing in Mucheng...

And those people in Mucheng who were just beating up the three monks were stunned by Pipi's move.

Then they heard that Kangcheng's people, including the dog, were all level three, and even Cang Nian who was with them solved the worm tide that Mucheng had no way to deal with...

Thinking of this, they dared not make any more moves.

After the resurrection of spiritual energy, everything is respected by strength.

As the original deputy mayor of Mucheng, Liao Yongchun was able to become the helmsman of Mucheng after other official personnel were killed. In addition to his original identity, his own strength was also an important factor.

Although he was not the strongest evolver in Mucheng, he was also one of the strongest in Mucheng.

However, such a strong man, facing a dog of the other side, wanted to stop the "attack" for them, but he failed to do it.

The opponent's strength can be imagined!

"We still have use for these three people for the time being, so we can't let you kill them.

When we are done with them, we will hand them over to Mucheng for disposal."

Seeing that everyone had calmed down, Qin Changyi spoke.

After speaking, he turned his head and gestured to Cangnian.

In response, Cangnian nodded with satisfaction.

Although it was not a pity for these three monks to die, he still had to go to Chanlan Temple to find a way to activate a few Buddhist treasures!


After exchanging a glance with Qin Changyi, Cangnian walked towards the three monks.

Seeing this, the people of Mucheng retreated in fear and vigilance, making way.

The race and size of Cangnian, plus his achievements, brought a sense of oppression that the people of Mucheng who were not familiar with him could not bear.

Seeing this, the monk who had previously confused right and wrong suddenly understood, and hurriedly stood up and wanted to escape!


But the next second, Cangnian's large claws had already slapped his back!

With just this one strike, the monk was beaten into a meat pie, blood oozing from Cang Nian's claws.

Three guides are not too many, and one is not too few.

For those who are disobedient, as he wishes, they should be reincarnated earlier.

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