Reborn as a Transcendent

Chapter 401: Oh, men are big pigs ...

"All die for me!" Lin Yuanyuan issued the last

Hit, the two remaining players instantly died. fresh

The moment the red whirlwind stopped, she saw-Dao Ying

Fly past him.

Immediately, he hit the stone wall severely,

Loud noise.

Looking closely, he was a black armored soldier.

(The princess is really amazing!) Look around

Those adventurers have disappeared, only the place left

Three black armored soldiers being blown away.

A pair of thirteen, win!

You know, adventurers and black armored soldiers are better than those

Players don't know where to go.

Even so, it is not the enemy of the princess!

At this moment, Lin Yuanyuan looked at Ye Feng, full of

It's little stars.

Three black armored soldiers rose from the ground, looking

Pale, shocked.

They couldn't believe the scourge of this empire

How amazing!

Seeing is believing, hearing is false, even if

I've heard many stories of Princess Blackheart, but I haven't personally.

I have fought with her, I don't realize her horror at all!

As subordinate soldiers of the immediate legion, these three,

Is the elite among the elite, the comprehensive strength ratio [Sword of-

Yasuo (normal) is even stronger.

But the other party just let their letter with one blow

The heart produces cracks that are difficult to repair.

Looking at the beauty wearing a fox suit, walking slowly

Lai figure, the strong fear rises from the heart of the three

Come out and grow like wild grass.

Can't win, absolutely can't win.

No, you must escape!

Winning or losing is no longer their consideration.

It's important to save your life!

The three eyes communicated, even the blood in the corners of their mouths.

If you don't care about rubbing, just turn around and run!

So decisive, so fast

Seeing is well trained.


"Want to escape? Ha ha ha, I said you guys can


Just before the three of them took their steps, they had n’t had time

When flying, the sound of Dao-Dang sounded nearby

Immediately, everyone covered-tight, as if by something

East and west linger.

They looked down and saw that it was translucent.

The fox's tail was entangled in his body, and he was immediately scared.

Cold sweat DC.

Before they could react, the three bodies were

Hanging in the air and slamming it to the ground!


The hard floor tiles burst and three blood arrows flew

.SF light

Torn nerve pain hits the brain well

Like to blast.

A scream of screaming broke out.

But this is not over.

Ye Feng's foxtail danced and beat them repeatedly

, Beat hard.

There was a rumbling sound at the scene.

And screams.

Looking at this scene, Lin Yuanyuan saw the stars

Flashed brighter and immediately remembered something, quickly opened the tour

The show is live.

Outside, Roselle Hotel.

Nangong Yu, Luo Shuiyao and Qin Xianer are watching


The live content is exactly what Lin Yuanyuan saw

Before entering the maze, they and Lin Yuanyuan

Say well, without disturbing the princess ’strategy

, To start the live broadcast at any time, let everyone see the princess's

Also watching the live broadcast is Raksha Girl,

She was in her room, covering her body with a quilt, staring

Looking at the screen of the mobile phone, she showed a happy smile.

In-game, one-sided sling ends, three

The black armored soldier lay on the ground, unknown to death.

At this point, Ye Feng has lifted her fox clothes, and God

Looked forward puzzled.

There is a standings there.

She is still No. 1 and has three more points than before

Points, 103.

(These three points can't be defeated.

Got it?

Strange, these people are not part of the maze

But there are products ...

Ye Feng was puzzled.

What made her even more puzzled was that the system sister didn't play

Broadcast the report.

(--No rewards? No.

She looked down at the three black armored soldiers underground,

The doubts are deeper.

At this moment, Lin Yuanyuan jumped over and smiled.

"It's truly you, it's amazing!

Talking, she stared at Ye Feng.

Beautiful and flawless, fascinating.

"It's okay," Ye Feng said modestly.

With her current strength, go to three or thirty levels

Npc, don't take it easy.

"Tough work.

Alicia came quickly, took out a handkerchief and light

Gently wiped Ye Feng's pretty face without sweat.

"Our whereabouts have been revealed." Ye Feng


"Um. But it doesn't matter, many mazes are

Randomly transmitted, with little effect.

Alicia said.

"Such, I just wanted to kill those

What about adventurers? Ye Feng turned around and looked into the distance,

There is a passage there.

There is a dark array at the end, emitting a strange

Exotic danger.

"You don't have to hunt them down, I feel that

Edge is dangerous.

Where she feels dangerous, either

With a Warcraft that is too powerful to cope with

Dangerous illusion.

Considering the level restrictions here, the former is basically

Can be ruled out.

In other words, there is a 99% chance that it is a fantasy

For Ye Feng, a maze of fantasy,

It can indeed be described as dangerous.

Last time she was in the Senro fantasy, she almost couldn't wake up

(My mental strength is obviously higher than the average person

Many, why is it so weak to the illusion?


This is the most confusing place for Ye Feng.

There seems to be a special reason.

"Next, which maze should we enter?

Alicia asked.

Compared to her choice, she believes more [天

Child of Life] choice.

"I don't like it over the French Front." Ye Feng

Looking over to Shimen, "Here, it is a trap.

Maze, boring.

Better go to the cave.

Looking back, Ye Feng looked at the dark front.


Three labyrinth entrances, this one didn't let her

Creates a feeling of resistance.

"Well, let's go for a break."

After all, Ye Feng took out the medicine, "ton tons tons"

Drink it.

Lin Yuanyuan did not turn off the live broadcast while watching Ye Feng

While drinking potions.

Outside, Nangong Yan and others stared at Ye Feng and drank the potion

In the picture, the eyes are almost blue.

Seeing the potion slip from the corner of her mouth and dripping in the snow

In the picture on the mountain, Nangong Yu and Qin Xianer almost came close

Water flows out.

What a beautiful meal this is!

Luo Shuiyao is quite normal, there is nothing to counter.

Somewhere in the apartment room.

(Ah, it's wet.)

Rakshasa looked at the drool on the screen and froze

Next, quickly wipe clean.

At this point, Ye Feng has been replenished.

The three talked a few words and entered the cave together.

On the other side, [小 魔 仙] walked tremblingly

At the front, his face was pale and cold sweat.

She has walked past five tiles, no wonder

Trigger a trap

However, her stress continued unabated.

"Hurry up, didn't you eat?

"That is, the turtles are faster than you!

"If you go on like this, you wo n’t be able to walk out


Behind them, [Blue Sky and White Clouds] and others were very impatient

Annoying Road.


[小 魔 仙] Insulted in the heart--the sound, then stepped forward

Step forward and step on the next floor tile.


The floor tiles shook slightly, emitting a faint white light.

(--It will be fine, it will be fine!

She stared down, breathing quickly.

Wait for a few seconds, no signs of a trap being launched.

There was another urging voice in the rear, [小 魔

Sin] was furious to kill.

However, she has limited strength and does not

This is

Some people's opponents.

Can only be obedient and continue to mine physically.

The moment she walked to another floor tile, first

The former floor tile suddenly burst into red.

"Yes, there is a problem!" [Blue

Tian Baiyun] exclaimed.

"Female cousin, do you dare to overcast me

Before the words are finished, a pillar of fire emerges from the floor tiles

Burn him and the rest of the players to ashes.

\ "Hoo, ha ha ha ha ha! Deserve it, die well

Good death!

Seeing this, [Little Devil] was frustrated first

Alas, then laughed wildly.

I do n’t know what happened, but

The results are very good.


"God condemned, scum!"

[小 魔 仙] stomped his feet: "Huh, man

No ...

With that said, a sudden thought came to her mind

Of two boys.

"No man other than him is a good thing

In my mind, that figure is so bright, that

What a memorable one.

(I don't know, he has survived the crisis ...)

Gently shaking his head, [Little Devil] decided not to think about these things. ps

"This game is really amazing, my feet,

Obviously no longer work, but here can walk

Sighing, she looked forward, where there was

With dozens of floor tiles.

To find an exit from these floor tiles, no doubt ten


-If you are not careful, you may be swallowed by a trap,


[小 魔 仙] Take a deep breath, look

Gradually calm, firm eyes.

"Come on," she said, taking a decisive step

I do n’t know if it ’s good luck or mentality

For the sake of this, I walked several floor tiles in succession, but they did not

Trigger a trap and pass the level smoothly.

"This time, choose this one."

[小 魔 仙] Continue to move forward, and pass smoothly.

"No way, I'm actually lucky?

She tilted her head, her face puzzled.

I always walked on these tiles with the idea of ​​dying

Yes, nothing happened.

It was too smooth to believe.

If it hadn't been triggered before

In the trap, she thought the maze was fake.

"Try it-try, you will know." [Little Devil Fairy]

She bit her lip and walked away.

Floor tiles.

Nothing happened.

All right.

Rush Rush.

Same thing. .

"My luck today is simply overwhelming!" [

Little magic fairy] clenched his fists, said excitedly.

This is how people are, no matter how desperate, as long as

There is a bright light ahead, so you won't stop.

Seeing the hope to get out of the maze, [小 魔 仙

] Immediately energized and full of energy.

She didn't notice it at all, with eyes above

The eyes are peeping all the way!

Woohoo ~

Not only that, there seems to be cute there.

Laughter sounded.

"Here, um,-it must be here!" Below.

[小 魔 仙] Feeling better and better, almost jumping

Jumping through the barriers.


Suddenly, the floor tile she just stepped on came out very light

A slight sound.

Immediately afterwards, the white light bloomed, turning [Little Magic Fairy]

Devoured! =

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