Reborn As A Turtle And Evolved From The Underworld

Chapter 16 Killed Hundreds Of Extremely Sinister Rats With One Kick!

"Boss, those rats dug a lot of holes, and I know the locations."

The little black jade spider lay at the mouth of the turtle shell and said.


Qin Ye said coldly, but his eyes looked forward.

Ahead, two bull demons appeared.

"Bastard, it's you."

"It turns out that you have joined the forces of the Yin Death Python, and you are the one guarding the Yin Water Pond."

Two bull demons were approaching, looking malicious.

They are four meters tall, standing upright, with short forelimbs, thick hind legs, and long curved horns on their heads.

Their strength is in the eighth stage of the initial stage.

Qin Ye looked at them indifferently.

Last night, he even met the other party.

At this moment, the two bull demons continued to approach.

When I saw that it was the tortoise who was driven away by them last night, my thoughts arose.

"This kind of guy who didn't dare to retaliate after being scolded by me last night can also join the forces of the Yin Death Python."

A bull demon cursed in a low voice, with jealousy in his eyes.

The other bull demon said nothing, but the look in Qin Ye's eyes was also full of jealousy.

They wanted to kill the tortoise and replace him, but they held back.

I heard that the guys who guard the territory are selected from within the Yin Death Python force.

Outsiders who want to join the Yin Death Python force need recommendation from insiders.

And once they dare to kill Qin Ye and replace him, it is impossible to do so.

Doing so will only result in the Yin Death Python's forces targeting you.

"Niu Da, do you want to..."

The silent Niu Mo couldn't help but spoke, with murderous intent in his tone.


The other bull demon shook his head.

Then, he stepped forward and said: "Hey, bastard, let my two brothers go sit in the Yinshui Pond."

The silent Niu Mo heard this and said: "Give me some face, my two brothers will never mess around."

Their tone was mixed with threats, and they were not afraid of Qin Ye at all.

"Looking for death?"

Qin Ye said indifferently.

When the two bull demons heard this, they laughed at the same time.

What is this bastard trying to do?

Last night, this bastard was yelled at a few times by them.

The bastard doesn't even have the courage to fight back, let alone fight back.

Do they need to be afraid of something like this?

"Then I'm afraid your Yin Shui Pond will never have peace in the future."

The two bull demons smiled ferociously.

Although they were afraid of the Yin Death Python's power, they did not dare to take action.

But I still dare to scare this bastard.

"Yesterday I gave you a way to survive, but you still have to push further."

Qin Ye smiled coldly.

"court death!"

When the two bull demons heard this, they were enraged and rushed towards Qin Ye with a rumble.

Qin Ye sneered and rolled forward when he saw them approaching.

Only the sound of cracking bones and screams could be heard.

But as soon as the turtle shell rolled, the two cows were crushed.

"How can you be so strong!"

"Spare your life! Spare your life!!!"

The heads of the two cows were not crushed. They fell to the ground and screamed in terror.

Why is this bastard so strong? Why didn't he talk back when he was scolded like that yesterday?

Could it be that the other party really didn’t want to cause trouble, so that’s why he didn’t talk back?

For a moment, the two bull demons felt extremely regretful.


Qin Ye used his two feet again to crush the heads of the two cows.

Then he lowered his head and started eating.

[Swallowing the initial stage eight Yin cow, evolution value +0.5]

[Swallowing the initial stage eight Yin cow, evolution value +0.5]


"After your strength is improved, if you eat low-level femininity, your evolution value will be very low."

Qin Ye sighed, a little disgusted, but mosquitoes were still meat no matter how small they were, so he just ate them.

After he finished eating, the little black jade spider couldn't wait to speak.

"Boss, they have holes in your territory, as well as the territory of the bear and the one-eyed snake."

Qin Ye shook his head and said, "Just tell me where their lair is?"

These rats have dug so many holes in the ground that it will definitely be difficult to catch them.

It would be more cost-effective to just squat in the rat's nest.

"Go straight forward from the left."

The little black jade spider showed the way.

Qin Ye followed.

"Fortunately, it's not far."

Qin Ye looked into the distance, he didn't dare to go too far.

There is a very powerful evil thing in the distance, which is very dangerous and he cannot deal with it.

Moreover, the Yin Ming Wolf has more powerful members of its kind, but they are afraid of the Yin Death Python's power and do not dare to come over.

But he has a mortal feud with the other party. Once he goes far away, he will most likely be targeted by the other party.

He slaughtered the Yinming Wolves last night with great fanfare, and the news must have been leaked.

"It's a hundred meters underground."

The little black jade spider said.

It is a thousand meters away from Yinshuitan.

It is a grassy area.

Qin Ye took one look and started digging the soil.

With his large size and strength, he dug a huge deep pit in less than a moment.

The pit is about twenty meters deep.

When Qin Ye was about to dig, the pit suddenly collapsed and he fell in.

With a bang, Qin Ye fell into a pitted underground hall.

The hall is a hundred meters long and wide, filled with black mice the size of cats.

There were a lot of them. Qin Ye took a rough look and found that there were at least four to five hundred of them.

But dozens of them were smashed to death by Qin Ye, with black blood splattering everywhere.

Some of them were still alive and screaming.

More of them clung to the edge of the hall, staring at him in horror and growling.

"Aren't you afraid of me? Don't run?"

Qin Ye smiled coldly, feeling a little disappointed.

He used his perception skills to sense it.

The strength of these rats is not very strong, they are only around the second or third level of the beginner level.

But fortunately, there are many.

"Boss, they are just cubs. They probably don't have the experience to deal with this kind of situation."

"Their parents all went to Lord Yin Death Python's territory and secretly absorbed Yin Qi."

The little black jade spider had already done the investigation, and when he saw the boss had doubts, he immediately prompted him.

"No wonder I had to run!"

"Okay! It turns out it's just a cub!"

Qin Ye laughed, these mice are really fat, the cubs are the size of adult cats.

If this was an adult mouse...I wouldn't believe it.

The baby mice around were a little confused, not knowing how to deal with the sudden appearance of the giant turtle.

They relied on instinct and growled at the giant turtle from the side.

Qin Ye snorted coldly, raised his foot and activated his skill - shock wave.

Stomped down hard.


This is a mid-level kick, and it also comes with skills.

All he saw was an extremely terrifying shock wave spreading from his feet.

This underground hall was shaken with spider web-like cracks.

Any mouse that hits the bottom will have all its internal organs shattered and die before it can even scream.

The power of the shock wave doesn't stop there.

The power of the shock wave is still spreading, spreading outside the underground hall.

The various chaotic tunnels leading directly to the underground hall also collapsed.

The ground collapsed in a large area with great force.

"Little one, you have done a great job."

Qin Ye said with a smile, and then ignored everything else and lowered his head to cook.

One bite at a time.

[Swallowing the initial stage two polar rat, evolution value +0.1]

[Swallowing the initial stage three extreme Yin rat, evolution value +0.1]

"These mice are indeed rich in nutrients."

"Although the level is very low, the protein is more than ten times that of beef, so it gives a lot of evolutionary value."

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