Reborn As A Turtle And Evolved From The Underworld

Chapter 19 The Turtle Shell Is Coming~

"Is Qin Ye okay?"

The white-haired ape held the black wooden sign in his hand, spoke to it, and rushed towards the Yinshui Pond.

"The rat tide is too huge, he should be dead."

Near the Yin Shui Pond, the one-eyed snake also spoke to his black wooden sign.

"Guard Chief, don't worry about him for now. We need to control the rat tide."

The White Bone Bear was next to the one-eyed snake. He was extremely anxious and spoke to the black wooden sign.

"How's the situation?"

The white-haired ape said.

He looked back and saw a large number of people at the same level as him followed behind him.

All come from part of the combat power of the Yin Death Python forces.

This was what he called before when he learned about the outbreak of rat tide.

"I don't know what happened, and I don't dare to go and take a look."

"But the only thing that is certain is that the rat tide did not rush into the Yinshui Pond."

The one-eyed snake coiled up high, looked into the distance in the dark night, and said uneasily.

"It's okay, okay, you continue to investigate, I'll be there soon."

The white-haired ape breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chief Guard, the rat tide is in chaos. I don't know what happened. They are running along both sides of the territory."

The Bone Bear discovered the phenomenon of rat tide and immediately conveyed the latest news.

When the white-haired ape heard this, his heart sank.


These rat tides probably want to invade across the board.

After all, a single-line invasion can be easily blocked.

Invasion across the board, spread out, can fish in troubled waters and break through easily.

The white-haired ape took out a white wooden sign and informed other guard chiefs at the same level as him.

These guard chiefs have the same duties as him.

His duty is to lead his men and guard the territory on the edge of the territory.

But soon, the white-haired ape received news feedback from other guard chiefs.

"White Ape, didn't you say that the rat tide is spreading along both sides of the territory's edge?"

"My left side is fine."

"Those rats ran for a distance along the edge of the left territory, then rushed into the wilderness and disappeared."

This is news from the guard chiefs on the left.

"This is not good!"

The white-haired ape breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don’t know what happened, as long as the mice didn’t invade, it’s a good thing.

"The right side can't hold on any longer!"

"Damn it, there are 50,000 to 60,000 extremely sinister rats, each of them is about the same size as a cow. It's too huge."

"Hurry up and come to the right. They are running along the edge of the right territory. Some of them have already invaded."

At this time, news from the guard chiefs on the right roared out crazily from the white wooden sign.

"we are coming!"

The white-haired ape was very anxious.

If the Extreme Yin Rat invades, no matter what the outcome, they will be executed.

To the right of Yinshui Pond is the rubble pile where the White Bone Bear guards the territory.

The territory further to the right of the rubble pile is guarded by another group of guard chief's men.

At this moment, these guard chief's men were frightened to death.

The endless swarms of extremely sinister rats rumbled along the territory they were guarding.

There are thousands of extremely sinister rats, and they have even invaded.

"It's so scary! Why are there so many extremely sinister rats!"

These men were scared to death.

They are only at the beginning level seven, eight or nine.

Don't dare to get close to the Extreme Yin Rats.

"Captain of the guard, hurry up and provide support."

They all took out their black wooden cards to send messages and asked for support.

But now, the only thing they can be thankful for is.

The extremely sinister rat that came in now has not penetrated deeply.

Still running to the right.

Although I don’t know what happened, at least this is the only good news for now.

at the same time.

Outside the territory, Qin Ye's turtle shells were rolling, and from time to time they would attack the rats, crushing and rolling like a bulldozer.

A large number of extreme Yin rats screamed, blood spattered everywhere, and were finally crushed into pulp by the turtle shells.

"You still dare to invade Lord Yin Death Python's territory, you deserve death!"

Qin Ye found an excuse, cursed and struck harder.

He saw a small hill in front of him and immediately rushed up and flew up.

Then he landed hard!


Dozens more extremely sinister rats were smashed into pulp.

Then he stretched out his limbs and head and activated his skill - shock wave!


This time, it was the farts of thousands of extremely sinister rats.

"Guri, it's obviously you who are massacring us!"

"Get out of here! We'll leave on our own!"

The leader of the extremely Yin rat in the middle level was so angry that he vomited blood.

This turtle is so mean. He obviously wants to be slaughtered, but he still wants to find reasons for himself.

"Okay, get out now!"

Qin Ye laughed ferociously, and another wave of turtle shells rolled, and large areas of extremely Yin rats died.

"No, do you have turtle disease?"

The leader of the Extreme Yin Rat tightly restrained his murderous intention and rushed forward in frustration.

Hurry up!

Hurry up!

As long as you get past that tortoise, you can disperse and escape!

Look, hundreds more of the same kind have escaped and gone deep into the wilderness!

This is hope!

"Here comes the turtle shell!"

Qin Ye ran faster and faster.

The last shock rose into the sky.

Then it fell from the sky again.


He directly smashed to death the Jiyin rats who ran to the front and were farthest from him, trying to escape.

Then he slowed down again, came to the very back, and killed the Ji Yin Rat who took the opportunity to escape.

Qin Ye's back-and-forth approach was completely like herding cattle.

He chased the Extreme Yin Rat away and killed him continuously at the same time.

The number of Extreme Yin Rats was constantly being consumed and decreased sharply.

However, from the perspective of the chief guards guarding the territory, nothing has changed.

After all, they are standing on the inside looking out and cannot see changes.

All that could be seen were groups of extremely sinister rats running wildly, threatening to invade.

At this moment, there was a prairie covered with dense black grass.

There are a lot of evil things gathered here.

Standing at the front is a huge black pig four meters tall, with a stone-like skin color all over its body.

He looked towards the darkness on the left, feeling the vibration coming from the earth on the left, with a solemn expression.

"The rat tide is coming."

Black Stone Pig said in a deep voice.

"Chief Guard, what should we do? Look at the situation, the left side has been invaded, and it will be our turn next."

Black Stone Pig's men were panicked and showed signs of wanting to run away.

"Just try to block it, don't let them invade directly!"

"Otherwise, once these rats invade, we will be derelict in our responsibilities, and even if we survive this invasion, we will be bitten to death by the Yin Death Python."

Black Stone Pig said coldly, it was these words that made the men present stop thinking about running away.

"Don't panic, support is on the way."

"Look, they're coming."

Black Stone Pig turned his head and looked towards the back of the grassland, where hundreds of his peers were rushing over.

His men were relieved, but they were still very uneasy.

"Oh no, what on earth is going on? A rat tide breaks out."

"And their behavior is too unusual. They should not be running along the territory."

Several of his men were talking all over the place.

Black Stone Pig frowned, he couldn't figure it out either.

At first, he thought the rats were trying to invade.

But he received news from the guard chief of the same level nearby on the left.

These rats were not invading, they were just running along their territory.

It felt like I was being chased away.

"It's impossible. This is a rat tide. Even the existence of intermediate strength can't do it."

"And the existence of high-level strength is even less likely to do such a thing."

"This is the territory of Lord Yin Death Python. Existences of high-level strength don't even dare to approach here. How could they cause trouble here?"

After Black Stone Pig figured it out, he no longer thought about such outrageous things.


The ground shook violently.

In the darkness on the left, the figure of the extremely sinister rat gradually appeared.

"They are coming! Everyone, you must stop them!"

"Kill all rats that invade!"

The Black Stone Pig roared, and black energy erupted from his body. He dug his heels into the ground and prepared a counterattack posture.

The rest of the colleagues also became nervous and prepared.

At this time, something unexpected happened.

"Here comes the turtle shell~"

A mean voice came from the outside of the Extreme Yin Rat Group.

Then, they saw a huge turtle shell of about three meters, quickly rolling over from the outside of the group of rats, and then crushing the extremely sinister rats who wanted to escape further outside.

These extremely sinister rats screamed and were crushed into pulp one after another.

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