Zhao Xiangyun their village, although it is called a village.

But every family is basically a two-story building.

If you have more brothers and sisters, add a few more floors.

The cement road and everything have been repaired long ago.

Children's education has not been borne by the villagers for a long time. It is part of the profits of the daily chemical products factory to pay the tuition fees of the children in the village.

Not only that, those with good grades can even make money.

Those admitted to university can be rewarded with a school fund.

The number of this school fund is not fixed. It is based on family conditions and academic performance. The poorer the family, the more rewards.

The better the performance, the harder you work, the more you will be rewarded.

Of course, the preference of boys over girls is a severe blow.

There are various slogans on the walls of each family in the village.

What, men and women are the same, and girls are treasure.

You can't rely on your son.

If my son has no ability, he might as well raise a pig.

These were all made by the villagers themselves.

When Chen Baihe came to the countryside for the first time, he could hardly believe what he saw.

She asked the object around her, gowardesh.

"Is this really rural? You didn't bring me to the wrong place? I think it's great here. Your family is very big, much bigger than where my parents live."

Gowardesh smiled.

"If I hadn't grown up here, I probably wouldn't believe it! But this is where I grew up."

Chen Baihe showed an envious expression on her face.

"In fact, I want to change with you."

Chen Baihe's parents are employees.

Her father is still a small leader and her mother is a nurse.

She used to think that she had a good life, but by comparison, she felt that her family was too poor, okay?

Most importantly, this is the countryside.

You can play in the countryside, according to her boyfriend.

Gowardesh reached out and touched Lily's nose. "How can you talk like that? Dogs don't dislike poverty!"

"I hate it, I hate it." Chen Baihe raised her head and pursed her lips.

That kind of disagreement, some lovely, and let gowardesh some heart.

While there was no one around, he bowed his head and kissed Chen Baihe quietly.

Chen Baihe's face turned red in an instant.

"Zhao Mo! What are you doing? It's so sudden..." Chen Baihe's voice is getting smaller and smaller.

The gowardesh smiled, "anyway, when we come back this time, we will discuss the marriage. Sooner or later, you will be my daughter-in-law, and I will charge interest now."

"That can't......" Chen Baihe looked around like a thief.

Fortunately, it's noon. Everyone is basically cooking at home.

"Can't what?" Gowardesh asked with a smile.

"Anyway, I'm not ready. You're a sneak attack." As he spoke, his white face became more and more red.

Gowardesh smiled and nodded, "can I kiss you now?"

Chen Baihe looked around and there was no one.

It should be OK.

But she was still a little proud, "you just kissed, and now it's my turn."

Gowardesh don't know how to describe how they feel now.

Just feel happy.

He leaned slightly and brought the company to his girlfriend.

Chen Baihe gave a quick kiss, then reached out and pinched it.

Pinch and run.

The dog boy who came back to God followed him.

However, he deliberately slowed down his pace and was always close to Chen Baihe. He could catch up, but he was a little short.

Chen Baihe begged for mercy while running.

"I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't pinch you. Don't chase me."

Gowardesh laughed, "just chase you, just chase you!"

The two played for a while. He didn't have to go back until the phone rang and his family called him to eat.

On the way back, gowardesh told Chen Baihe.

"You don't think we're doing well now. In fact, we can't live without two people. They proposed to open a daily chemical factory."

"Who? You say so."

"My sister-in-law and my uncle! Especially what you know about the free school for the villagers, the free bus for the villagers, the free staff of the daily chemical products factory and the discount for the family. It's all my sister-in-law and my uncle's idea."

Chen Baihe opened her mouth, surprised and admired.

"Wow, your aunt and uncle are so powerful!"

"No, my mother said, my sister-in-law and my sister are here."

"Your sister? Do you have a sister?" Chen Baihe found many secrets in her boyfriend.

"My sister-in-law's daughter is the only girl in our family. She has been spoiled by us as a pearl and treasure since childhood. Other families may prefer boys to girls, but don't worry, our family will never."

Chen Baihe listened, feeling envious and yearning for the days after marriage.

Finally went home.

Gowardesh took Chen Baihe to recognize people.

First, the elders of the family, Grandpa and grandma.

"This is my grandfather. He used to be the leader of the village. Now he helps look after the daily chemical factory."

"Good grandpa and grandma." Chen Baihe said hello.

Chen may and Zhao Zhiyuan, looking at the little girl in front of them, were also happy. They immediately took two red envelopes out of their pockets, one by one.

Chen Baihe was embarrassed and looked at the gowardesh.

"It's all right. Take it. It's a gift from Grandpa and grandma!"

Chen Baihe received the red envelope.

Parents have said hello, so they don't have to say hello.

Then Zhao Xiangyun and Jiao Jiao.

When gowardesh pointed to Jiao Jiao and said it was her sister-in-law, Chen Baihe covered her mouth.

Logically, the person in front of her should be in the same era as her mother.

But her mother, her boyfriend's sister-in-law, is not the same person at all.

She even felt that her boyfriend's sister-in-law was younger than herself.

"How's it going? Isn't my sister-in-law and sister very good-looking? Call my sister-in-law quickly. After calling, we'll go to dinner."

Chen Baihe timidly shouted, "aunt."

Zhao Xiangyun took out the prepared red envelope and handed it to Chen Baihe and gowardesh.

"Thank you, auntie."

"You're welcome!"

Jiao Jiao is a peer. You don't have to say hello deliberately. Just introduce each other.

"Jiao Jiao, this is my girlfriend Chen Baihe."

"Lily, this is my sister, Jiao Jiao. Her name is Jiang Si. Miss Si!"

The two little girls are very beautiful.

They felt that they looked at each other very well. They reached out and said hello.

The Zhao family doesn't have so many messy relatives.

Mainly at the beginning, sang Honghua drove Zhao Zhiyuan out of the house after the death of master sang.

Since then, all the relatives in the family have been broken.

Even if they walk again in the future, there is no reason to invite them to come.

They are all their own people. Chen Baihe is not so nervous.

Before dinner, gowardesh said he came back to discuss with his family about marrying lily.

Everyone in the family raised their hands in favor.

However, Zhao Qingguo and Wang Xiuying, two honest people, didn't know how to deal with this kind of thing, so they had to give Chen may and Zhao Zhiyuan their eyes for help.

Chen may doesn't know anything about the marriage of girls in the city.

What's more, our children got married very early.

Bicycles and sewing machines have long been out of fashion.

Therefore, Zhao Xiangyun has to speak.

Zhao Xiangyun looked at Chen Baihe, "Baihe, did your family ask for anything? It's what bride price, banquet, and even where to live after marriage."

Chen Baihe shook her head. "My parents said, let's see what you say here."

This question is not easy to answer!

Zhao Xiangyun felt that if he was perfunctory and didn't do well, his parents would be dissatisfied.

Once there is a contradiction, it is easy to affect the relationship between the two people in the future.

"Well, do you two, their respective units, have a housing distribution policy?"

Chen Baihe shook her head. "I'm not old enough."

Gowardesh is better. She is the production director of the factory.

But we have to get married.

Zhao Xiangyun thought for a moment and replied, "that's it. Let's pay for a suite for you. For the bride price, it depends on what Lily's family thinks and how much it needs to prepare. As for other furniture, it's up to us to buy it.

Because marriage is a matter for both of you, you can put forward any requirements you have at this time, or you can discuss with your parents what they think.

For example, the form of the wedding should be Chinese or western. How many tables to entertain, and so on, can be discussed. "

Lily was quite comfortable listening to Zhao Xiangyun's words.

In fact, her parents did not ask.

Before coming, I tried to scare her.

Said she might be disappointed.

First, the rural environment. Second, Zhao Mo's own conditions are good. Maybe his hometown conditions are very poor.

Parents are difficult to get along with.

Even going to live with them, etc.

Chen Baihe was really frightened.

But fortunately, all things are not what their parents think.

"Aunt, I have to ask my mother about these."

"Then ask clearly first. Anyway, we communicate more. We must let your parents believe in our sincerity."


After talking about marriage, it doesn't affect eating.

On the contrary, everyone is in a good mood.

As for the bride price mentioned by Zhao Xiangyun, Wang Xiuying and Zhao Qingguo were not in a hurry.

They saved two cents. If necessary, two sons, one for each.

As for how to spend it, they won't interfere.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings!

Just take care of themselves.

After dinner, gowardesh took the initiative to wash the dishes.

Beside the low stove, he bowed and worked.

Zhao Xiangyun saw that Lily had been looking over there and said with a smile, "it's all right. A good man should help wash the dishes and chopsticks at home after dinner."

Chen Baihe didn't say anything.

But Zhao Xiangyun saw her tangle.

It's estimated that if you didn't come, your parents should be more diligent.

Or her father didn't wash the dishes at home, which made her feel uneasy.

"Lily, is your mother doing more housework or your father?" Zhao Xiangyun asked.

Lily didn't think about it and answered directly, "Mom!"

"In fact, housework is a matter for two people. You can do it, and he can do it. It doesn't have to be women who do housework. Men read books and newspapers."

What Zhao Xiangyun said is about Chen Baihe's family.,

Her father is a small leader and is used to shouting and drinking in the unit.

She went home, and so did her mother.

Even their whole family think so. Women do more housework while men work outside.

"Men go out to make money, and women stay at home because of love. In fact, they are also making money. Do housework and do it for others, can they receive rewards?"

Chen Baihe heard this for the first time, but it seems to sound very comfortable.

"It's okay. We'll sit and watch TV. The gowardesh will come out later."


Although she was suffering from sitting, looking at Zhao Xiangyun and Jiao Jiao, she didn't think about the people working in the kitchen. She also tried to suppress her anxiety.

Gowardesh washed the bowl and brought a plate of washed fruit.

Then he picked some very tender lotus pods, peeled out the lotus seeds one by one and handed them to the lily.

Lily motioned him to look around.

Everyone in the family is here. There is no such thing.

Gowardesh smiled and shook her hand to reassure her.

Everyone has different ways to express their love.

The older generation may have different opinions.

Obviously, it is blame, but secretly, it is love.

Noisy life, noisy, also inseparable.

But gowardesh's own love, he likes to hold it in the palm of his hand.

Lily is the person he chose, then he will use his heart all his life to be good to her!


At night, everyone else slept. Lily got up quietly and called home.

On the phone, I naturally told my parents what Zhao Xiangyun said during the day.

Her mother didn't say anything.

It's his father, "you ask them if Zhao Mo's parents will come to the city with him."

"It shouldn't be. They're here and there are a lot of things." Chen Baihe boldly analyzed.

"It's no use guessing. People have to say it themselves!"

"I'll ask tomorrow! By the way, Dad, how much is the bride price for our family?"

"You asked them to prepare 50000 yuan."

"Fifty thousand? Dad, my monthly salary is less than one thousand yuan. How dare you ask for fifty thousand betrothal gifts?"

"Dad didn't want it. It's for you. I'll give you only one daughter. Won't I give you the money in the end?" Father Chen spoke.

"But they are willing to buy a house and be responsible for furniture. Dad... Zhao Mo's salary can't afford it."

"Didn't you say that their home is not like the countryside? It's still a building with three floors! In that case, 50000 yuan should be able to be taken out."

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