At present, in front of the two families, the most urgent thing is to buy a house.

Only when you buy a house can you get engaged.

Gowardesh told Zhao Xiangyun about it.

Although Zhao Xiangyun felt anxious, he was not too embarrassed.

As long as the money is in place, the house can be settled immediately if you are lucky.

However, Zhao Xiangyun felt that he should find Chen Junjun.

She has been in the provincial capital for a long time and has many friends. It is much easier to inquire about this kind of thing than Zhao Xiangyun.

So the Zhao family discussed it and Zhao Qingguo called Chen Jun.

When he learned that he bought a house for gowardesh to get married, Chen Jun said, "it's a cheap gowardesh boy. I have several Suites under my name that can be transferred to him."

As soon as Chen Junyi opened his mouth and said several suites, not surprisingly, he was going to startle Zhao Qingguo.

He asked in surprise, "Auntie, how many Suites do you really have? Can't you divide the rooms? Why do you buy so many houses?"

"The unit is also divided, but I will buy the right one." Chen Jun smiled and told Zhao Qingguo, "Xiangyun taught me. If you have a good house in the provincial capital, you can buy it. You too. Don't always think about one-third of an acre in the countryside. You can't tell. The house in the city will be valuable one day!"

Chen Jun believes Zhao Xiangyun very much.

Zhao Xiangyun asked her to buy a house, so she bought a house.

She bought two sets in the capital.

But the money hasn't been given to Xiangyun yet.

I can't help it. After several houses in the provincial capital, the savings for many years are almost consumed.

"Anyway, I believe it now." Zhao Qingguo said.

If he had bought a house in the provincial capital earlier, the children could get married directly.

"Don't think about that either. Come earlier and see which one the couple likes. I'll let that one out. As for the money, you can give it casually." Chen Jun said generously.

"Whatever it is, it's just as much. We've taken advantage of Xiangyun. We can't take advantage of you any more." Zhao Qingguo said.

"You are too polite!"

Hang up and Zhao Qingguo goes to find Zhao Xiangyun.

Zhao Xiangyun also helped.

Zhao Xiangyun was confused. She knew Zhao Qingguo and said she said it. She asked Chen Jun to buy more houses before she went to buy a house.

Otherwise, in such a hurry, I really don't know how to get the house.

If you buy it directly from Chen Jun, it's really much simpler.

It's not necessarily a good thing to be engaged anyway. If you drag it, you don't have to start a family and start a business early. The two children don't have to run back and forth in urban and rural areas all the time.

We sat together and discussed it. Taking advantage of Zhao Xiangyun and Jiao Jiao, we arranged the wedding banquet before Jiao Jiao's school in September.

The bride price that should be given was given together.

The conditions that should be met are met.

Everything follows her own heart, and Chen Baihe is embarrassed.

She wants to get engaged to gowardesh in the country without telling her parents.

However, as soon as the idea was put forward, gowardesh refused.

"In fact, what your father said is not wrong. Engagement is not a small matter. Both parents should be present. If you are engaged in my hometown and your parents are not present, people will gossip."

Gowardesh is not afraid, but afraid of wronging lily.

"But... But my uncle and aunt, your sister-in-law and others, they have met our family's requirements. There is no complaint, I..."

"They don't want to repay you with kindness! Besides, there is a wedding banquet. When they get married, they will call your parents and we will do it happily. What do you think?"

Chen Baihe looked at everything for her good gowardesh. She secretly vowed that she would follow this man no matter what hardships she suffered in her life.

Including Chen may and Zhao Zhiyuan, they all packed up a few changed clothes.

Followed to the provincial capital.

As for Zhao Wangcai and Zhao Decai, the family discussed them and won't let them come forward. When they get married, they will call two brothers again.

So those who are going to attend the engagement banquet are several close relatives.

Chen may and Zhao Zhiyuan, Zhao Xiangyun and Jiao Jiao, and then Chen June's family.

After arriving at the provincial capital, everyone went to Chen Junjun's house.

Chen Jun waited for this day. I don't know how long she waited. She asked a man to go to the vegetable market to buy vegetables. She wanted to show her hand to her own sister and brother-in-law, niece and niece, and others.

Noon is a good wine and food reception.

In the afternoon, Chen Jun couldn't wait to take gowardesh and Lily to choose a house.

Finally, the two candidates chose a house close to the two person unit.

Although it is an old building, it has a large area and is about 80 square meters.

At that time, there was no shared area of the old house. When it was said that 80 square meters was 80 square meters, only a lot more.

Chen Jun only wants Zhao Qingguo two thousand.

But Zhao Xiangyun knows that the two thousand yuan is definitely not enough to buy a house in the provincial capital.

It's true that everyone has made efforts to get married for gowardesh.

Now, I only hope that the two families can become a family as soon as possible.

After the house was finished, Lily contacted her father.

When he heard that the houses had been bought, his father felt incredible.

"Lily, have you not been cheated? Zhao Mo, the boy, really bought a house? Or a house in the provincial capital?" Father Chen couldn't help but speak.

"Dad, it's true, but it depends on relatives! Zhao Mo's aunt lives in the provincial capital. She sold the house to Zhao Mo and it's close to our unit. Dad, the house is ready. Can Zhao Mo come to the door to discuss the engagement?"

Father Chen never thought that things should be so fast.

In just a few days, there were 80000 betrothal gifts.

Then there is a suite in the provincial capital.

Is this too fast?

"Lily, why don't you... Wait? Wait until the end of the year..."

"Dad, you said it yourself. After buying a house, you can talk about engagement. Do you want to go back now?"

Chen Baihe was unhappy.

Dad Chen naturally heard it.

"It's not impossible, but our family wants to do it in the best hotel. Do they have money for the hotel?" Dad Chen said.

"Dad, the people invited this time are basically our relatives. Why should they pay?"

"It's our relatives. Yes, they're coming too. Don't you mean that there are several relatives in their family to attend? In this case, we can't be married yet. Let's stick it in our family?" Chen's parents said.

"Dad, what are you talking about? What's upside down? Zhao Mo's family is already very good. They can't find such a good person with lanterns. Can you stop changing your mind?"

Chen Baihe is really afraid.

If she hadn't contacted Zhao Mo's relatives, she might have listened to her father.

But they are such good people. Why should they put up with her father's bad temper again and again?

That's not fair!

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