There's nothing wrong with Jiang Weimin's words.

Even if there is, Jiao Jiao can't pick out any thorns.

After all, her father's company has nothing to do with her.

She has no right to say anything to affect her father's judgment.

After the car drove to the city center, Jiao Jiao made an excuse to get off and buy something.

When Zhao Xiangyun asked to wait for her, Jiao Jiao immediately said, "parents, don't wait for me! I may have to see a movie later."

Zhao Xiangyun was surprised. "Didn't you just come back from the movie today? Why don't you have a good rest today? I'll go to the movie with you tomorrow?"

Zhao Xiangyun felt that he had fallen.

Once back, it will be two months, regardless of the company and its affairs.

But if it's a movie with her daughter, she thinks it's worth it.

"No, mom, just enjoy the world of two with my father! You two haven't seen each other for so long, and my father designated to miss you?!"

Drop this sentence, Jiao Jiao opens the door and runs.

Zhao Xiangyun also had to open the window and told her to pay attention to vehicles and safety on the road.

One person was missing in the car, leaving Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin, the old husband and wife.

They don't feel uncomfortable at all.

On the contrary, Zhao Xiangyun hurried back.

Back home, Zhao Xiangyun knew that Jiang Weimin had carefully prepared a candlelight dinner.

Roses were all around the table and candles were on. Although the dinner was not finished yet, as soon as Zhao Xiangyun came home, he put on his apron and went to the kitchen by himself. Soon, there was a crackling sound of cutting vegetables.

Zhao Xiangyun wanted to help, but Jiang Weimin stopped him. "It's agreed that I'll prepare everything. You can watch TV or play computer for a while."

After so many years of marriage, Jiang Weimin really seldom takes the initiative to cook.

In addition to the sloppy cooking, there has always been someone at home to help.

At first, it was Chen may, and then Zhao Xiangyun came by himself.

Life doesn't say how quality, but it's definitely warm.

Zhao Xiangyun didn't know that Jiang Weimin seemed to be missing a piece in her heart after she left for two months.

When I come back every day and face the empty home, I feel empty in my heart.

After receiving her call back, I felt that my heart hanging in the air had gradually fallen back.

During this time, he refused Xiangyang's proposal and asked his restaurant to deliver food to him.

Instead, spend some time in the kitchen.

Starting from the simplest dish, it was the same as many years ago. It can only be cooked, not taste.

After two months, although the cooking is exquisite, it can also taste clear, neither salty nor light, neither sour, not sweet, not bitter, not spicy.

Barely passed.

Zhao Xiangyun looked forward to Jiang Weimin's dinner and didn't forget to ask Jiao Jiao, who got off temporarily, where she lived tonight.

Jiao Jiao told Zhao Xiangyun directly on the phone that she went to Xiangyang and would stay at his residence tonight.

"Mom, you and dad enjoy life. Big brother here, not only me, but also big brother. Unfortunately, the second brother is still filming, otherwise our four brothers and sisters will get together!"

Zhao Xiangyun pretended to be angry. "You all get together and don't come back."

"Oh, aren't you with dad? No, big brother called me!"

Jiao Jiao hung up quickly.

When Zhao Xiangyun looked up again, Jiang Weimin had begun to serve food on the table.

Two dishes have been served, both of which she likes.

Although the appearance is not perfect, Zhao Xiangyun has a strong appetite.

Jiang Weimin not only prepared Chinese food, but also steak.

The fried steak, placed on the table, is out of place with a pile of Chinese food.

But who cares!

As long as she and Jiang Weimin don't think there's anything wrong.

All the dishes were served. Jiang Weimin took off his apron and helped Zhao Xiangyun sit down.

He cut her steak and mixed her vegetables, as if Zhao Xiangyun was the only one left at this moment.

"Should I prepare red wine?" Jiang Weimin asked.

"It's okay to have the best, not to have it! Anyway, there are always some things that are more intoxicating than wine!"

Zhao Xiangyun said atmosphere.

Jiang Weimin agreed, but the red wine was ceremonial, so he went to get it.

Candlelight, roses, dinner, and lovers.

No matter how the dinner tasted, Zhao Xiangyun was happy from the bottom of his heart.


At the beginning of school, Jiao Jiao went to school.

In just two months, the school seems to have changed a lot.

Jiao Jiao's life is still the same as before, but it is also different.

Jane Xinghan won't bother her in the studio again, but it doesn't mean that they will disappear.

There is also something called chance encounter.

Jiao Jiao went to the canteen for dinner, had a meal, looked around and finally found an empty position. She went to the empty position and looked carefully. She found that the person opposite was Jian Xinghan.

Obviously, Jane Xinghan didn't expect to meet Jiao Jiao at this time.

Jiang Weimin was right. One summer vacation, Jian Xinghan, a young man with white skin, dried a layer of black glaze.

Once upon a time, when walking on campus, people would look at him from time to time, but now, it seems that fewer people look at him.

Girls generally like white.

Like Jian Xinghan, he doesn't like those who are too dark and have rough skin.

"What a coincidence!" Jane Xinghan took the initiative to say hello to Jiao Jiao.

Jiao Jiao is also a polite child. She smiled back on her own initiative. "It's quite a coincidence. If you don't mind, I'll sit here."


Jane Xinghan looked at the man in front of her.

And before the holiday, there was no change.

The only change is that she is wearing a bright red skirt and a bow of the same color on her head.

But it's pretty good, like a blooming flower.

Jane Xinghan didn't dare to see more, so she quickly moved her eyes away.

When Jiao Jiao took her seat, she obviously felt that today's Jane Xinghan was different from before.

The eyes won't look indiscriminately. It looks more dutiful.

Jiao Jiao was relieved because she didn't know how.

She focused on her meal.

Like her, Jane Xinghan tried to eat.



Unexpectedly, the two men spoke at the same time.

Jian Xinghan held back her inner joy and said to Jiao Jiao, "you say it first."

"I heard from my father that you went to the construction site to do summer work. He said you were very good." Open your mouth.

"In fact, I also went to the construction site of my uncle's company. I just wanted to exercise myself." Jane Xinghan spoke.

"Anyway, work hard. Maybe you can find a good job after graduation." Jiao Jiao said.

"Yes! In fact, my uncle is very famous in our industry. I still have a lot to learn from him!"

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