"Only a few years ago, the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores in our county have completely changed! They were not allowed to be sold before. " Li Jianshe couldn't help saying that.

Jiang Fangping: "no! I always feel that things around me are changing. What I didn't allow to do before can be done now! "

Zhao Xiangyun: "maybe the times are developing and progressing! We should learn more and look more, so that we can follow the times! "

Zhao Xiangyun said this to everyone present.

Especially for Li Jianshe and Jiang Fangping, if they go to Shanghai to do business next year, their eyes will be too important.

We must seize every opportunity.

"What Xiangyun said is that we must see more and learn more!" Jiang Fangping said.

In the past, most of the things in the supply and marketing community were related to life.

Now it's time to focus on things outside of life.

also sells face cream at the counter selling clams and cream. The price is not cheap, but it smells good.

Jiang Fangping and Zhao Xiangyun bought two bottles each.

Zhao Xiangyun is going to keep one bottle for herself and give another to her mother Chen may.

In addition, there are more ready-made clothes in department stores than before.

The skirts and flared trousers popular in Shanghai two years ago have finally arrived in the county seat. It is this point that has strengthened Li Jianshe and Jiang Fangping's determination to go to Shanghai.

Back home from the county, Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin did not mention buying a house.

However, building a house also needs workers. Those invited from outside are not familiar, so we still have to find Zhao Zhiyuan.

Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin have an agreement, so Zhao Zhiyuan can't let Zhao Zhiyuan know for the time being, so when asking if Zhao Zhiyuan has any workers, Zhao Xiangyun said that his classmates were repairing houses in their homes.

Zhao Zhiyuan said: "when it comes to building houses, there is a construction team. It's made by the team next door. It's organized by more than a dozen young guys and foremen. As a matter of fact, the foreman is also a relative of our Zhao family and the nephew of your second uncle's daughter-in-law. "

Zhao Xiangyun:

"Anyway, you call cousin, and we have no blood relationship!" Zhao Zhiyuan.

Zhao Xiangyun has always been confused with her relatives in the countryside. However, Zhao Zhiyuan said that her cousin was reliable and efficient. After discussing with Jiang Weimin, Zhao Xiangyun used the man.

That night, the two men began to discuss how to repair the house.

The roof and beams must be rebuilt, and these materials must be prepared in advance.

In addition, indoor and outdoor, how to design, both have their own ideas.

Zhao Xiangyun put forward several requirements, such as how to make the kitchen, kitchen garbage, sink, should be done.

What to do with the toilet, and then a bathroom.

Zhao Xiangyun in the bathroom has her own ideas. She thinks that she can make a big iron bucket. Put the iron bucket outside and connect the water pipe with the faucet.

In summer, you can pour some cold water into it for a day. In the evening, the water is hot and you can take a bath by turning on the tap.

This is a relatively simple shower, which can't be compared with the shower in the big bath house. It can only be used in summer, but not in winter. It can be used for family, even if it's a good idea.

Jiang Weimin's eyes brightened when she asked for them.

He studied civil engineering, and he also learned some interior decoration. He didn't consider what his wife Xiangyun said, especially the kitchen and toilet.

"I feel that if I help people build houses, kitchens and toilets in the future, I will do what you say now, maybe..."

"Maybe a lot of people will like it?" Zhao Xiangyun asked with a smile.


"You are engaged in this industry, and you will only contact more and more in the future! We're just doing it casually now, and we're comfortable with it! " Zhao Xiangyun said.

Zhao Xiangyun doesn't know much about decorating this area. Fortunately, she has a pair of eyes that are good at finding things, so she can communicate with Jiang Weimin more in the future.

Compared with the houses built in the 1980s and 1990s, there are still many problems.

The two discussed all night. The next day, Jiang Weimin drew the drawing.

Inside and outside, how to decorate, how to make, he marked out on the drawing.

In the afternoon of that day, he took the drawings and Zhao Zhiyuan's letter of introduction to the team next door to find the man named Li Dacheng introduced by Zhao Zhiyuan.

Li Dacheng was a construction team set up a year ago. He usually took some of his brothers to take over the scattered work, such as repairing the roof, repairing the water pipes, and mending the cement.

In recent years, more and more rural people have made money. Many people have come home and started building brick and tile houses.

However, recently, he caught up with the busy farming, and there were few houses built in the countryside, and Li Dacheng's business also dropped sharply.

Jiang Weimin went to him. For him, it was like giving him a chance to eat a full meal. Otherwise, he had to take his brothers and go to the countryside to collect money for others.After a day's hard work, Li Dacheng was not willing to do these jobs.

Jiang Weimin told Li Dacheng about the drawings and his requirements, and agreed on the salary.

Because he is a relative of the Zhao family, Li Dacheng pays less than ever for other people's work and promises to repair the house.

"Brother Weimin, did you buy those wooden tiles?" Li Dacheng asked.

Jiang Weimin shook his head: "no!"

"What If you trust me, can I buy it for you? I'll buy you all big pieces of wood. "

It takes a lot of wood to repair the beam of a house. If you save money, you can buy a small piece of wood. But the function of a small piece of wood is far less than that of a large piece of wood. Li Dacheng said this because he has his own way and can get it cheaper than ordinary people.

"Yes! You can give me whatever you give others. I don't take advantage of you here, but I have to be satisfied with the wood before I pay, otherwise I won't pay! "

The house for his father and mother-in-law, Jiang Weimin wanted to make everything better. He was afraid that the couple would be uncomfortable and not used to living in it.

Li Dacheng has heard that Jiang Weimin is not short of money and wants good quality.

"Don't worry! My uncle Zhao introduced the people, I will not pit, I must do a good job for you Li Dacheng said.

Jiang Weimin: "that's good! I'll leave the address for you first. All the materials you buy will be sent there, or I'll send someone to pull it! "

Li Dacheng: "no, it's a small matter. The donkeys of our brigade can use anything! I haven't snatched it now. Donkeys and oxcarts are not in short supply. I'll go to find brother Qingguo. He has a tractor. "

"Good! Then buy all the materials and then repair the house! "

In the next few days, Li Dacheng went to several nearby brigades and brick and tile factories and collected a lot of good wood and tiles. Almost every other day, he went to the brigade to report to Jiang Weimin and asked Jiang Weimin to check the quality of the materials.

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