"Bitch, I'm here to teach you a lesson today. Don't think anyone can hook up with Huang Changrong. My man is not allowed to touch anyone but me

At the gate of the factory, there was a play in which the main room kicked the junior.

At this time, Huang Changrong was still immersed in the joy of ruining Cheng'an.

He didn't know what happened at the gate of the factory.

Until his people came to tell him that Hao Zhenzhu was beaten and was right at the gate of the factory.

Huang Changrong likes Hao pearl in her heart. After all, she is young and beautiful, and can satisfy her vanity.

What's more, her gentle appearance makes Huang Changrong return to his seventeen or eighteen years old, when he was still young.

So Huang Chengrong didn't ask who it was, so he went to the gate of the factory.

At the moment, a large group of people had gathered around the gate of the factory. Many of them were on their posts, looking for reasons to come out and watch the excitement.

When it comes to Huang Changrong, the production director at the bottom is like breathing gas. Anyone who wants to watch the fun will not be stopped.

When we saw Huang Changrong at the gate of the factory, the smile on his face was somewhat hostile.

Huang Changrong face inexplicable, until see Wu cuifen in the crowd, subconsciously want to escape.

As a result, she was caught by Wu cuifen.

"Stop! You stole this woman, didn't you? "

In public, Wu cuifen asked, almost did not vomit blood.

"What are you talking about?" Huang Changrong asked angrily.

At the same time, he opened his mouth again: "if you don't let people go quickly, isn't it shameful enough?"

"Shame? You know how humiliating? Shame! Don't steal! Huang Changrong, do you think I don't know about your affairs, so I'm so bold? "

Wu cuifen is a broken Gong with a loud voice.

All the people around her.

"Shut up Huang Changrong yelled.

"You dare to yell at me, Huang Changrong. I'm afraid you don't know. How did you get your position as a director? Others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid of you!"

After that, in front of Huang Changrong, Hao Zhenzhu was slapped in the face.

Hao Zhenzhu screamed more than once.

Huang Changrong went to call for people to separate the two women. The group of people Wu cuifen brought over rushed up and beat the helpers. The scene was in a state of chaos for a moment.

People around him began to talk.

"For a long time, Hao Zhenzhu belongs to Director Huang. What does it mean that she comes to cry every day and doesn't give her a good life?"

"Don't you understand? These two people collude with each other and deliberately frame up accountant Cheng. "

"If you want to say that Hao Zhenzhu lived with accountant Cheng, you can't see that she lived in the dormitory every day for several months. She didn't stay at all."

It is the female workers who speak.

"If this is the object, don't you live together every day? I heard that during that time, accountant Cheng was busy and worked overtime in the factory until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, but I didn't see this woman. "

"My God, who is this? It's aimed at accountant Cheng intentionally."

Wu cuifen's arrival almost turned Cheng an against the wind, and the situation was favorable to him.

At first scolded him, now I know that he was wronged and resisted even more fiercely.

There have even been calls for strikes.

Several production directors also went to factory director he and asked him to call Cheng an back. In addition, he said that Huang Changrong was promiscuous in sexual relations and that he would be expelled.

There was a lot of trouble in the factory for a while.

The workers are waiting for the director's explanation.

The Union sent people to urge them many times.

It's all about Cheng An, the final result.

And whether Huang Changrong was dismissed?

How confident he was before, how embarrassed he is now.

Cheng An's prestige has been greatly reduced by this incident. Now, in the whole factory, he is said to be cronyistic and selfish.

The angry director he fell a lot of things in the office.

Finally, he called sun Dejian to the office.

"Secretary sun, have you heard about everything outside? What do you think I should do about it? "

Director he asked sun Dejian's idea directly.

Sun Dejian, as in the past, has no expression. "You are the director of the factory, you has the final say!"

"Factory director? What kind of factory director am I? When you dismiss a person, you have to take care of this and that.

People are gone, they now jump out, to be fair, what have they done? If I had known this, I might as well not have been the director. "

Sun Dejian frowned, "that's not the case. Without you, there would be no clothing factory today.

Maybe it's not easy for garment factories to keep their money, just like other factories. How can they make profits?

In the final analysis, this factory, who is missing, can't do without you! "With sun Dejian's words, director he didn't have much confidence, but all of a sudden he had more confidence.

Yeah, why is it that getting rid of an accountant and strangling his throat?

he is the director of the factory. He has the final say. He is going to expel Cheng an.

Cheng an wants to take over the second director from him. Dream!

Factory director he resolutely ignored those people in the factory, when someone came to ask.

He even a face strong, "so think of him, you go to accompany him!"

Director he became strong, and even didn't let people mention Cheng an.

Until the factory has received several letters of report, the above is to report Huang Changrong.

One of them is promiscuous sexual relations.

The other is collusion with outside people to damage the interests of the factory.

Third, they have dinner with the director of Daxing in private if they are not clear about it.

In contrast, Huang Changrong's empty mouth and white teeth wronged Cheng an. In the letter reporting Huang Changrong, the attached evidence is clear, with photos and account books as evidence!

Factory director he threw the evidence and report letter on Huang Changrong's face.

"Is that what you do? I don't know. I dare to throw dirty water on others. "

The first is the lightest in the eyes of factory director he.

The second and third are unforgivable!

Huang Changrong has been having a bad time these days. The first one in his family made trouble to the factory.

After returning home, he was scolded all over again, and finally started to move his hand.

Hao Zhenzhu has been hiding since she was beaten.

Huang Changrong did not dare to go to her. Now they have no contact at all.

Even if he had been transferred to the factory director's office, he was told that he didn't have to go. Huang Changrong didn't know what his job was.

After reading the report letter and evidence, Huang Changrong's cold sweat came out.

"Uncle cousin, this I've been wronged. I don't know what happened Huang Changrong rejected it.

"Dare you say you didn't take the kickback? You dare say you didn't collude with outsiders? " He factory growled and yelled.

Huang Changrong does have it. The salary in the factory is really high, but it is not enough for him to raise Hao Zhenzhu.

A long time ago, when he was talking about business with others, he colluded with others to get kickbacks.

But this matter, Huang Changrong really feel nothing, Cheng an may also be doing.

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