Zhao's relatives are very interesting.

Jiang Weimin even doubted whether his daughter-in-law, an interesting soul, was inherited.

"Don't worry, daughter-in-law. I'll let you have a companion to do your hair in the future."

Have a daughter, let her accompany.

Give birth to a son, kick one side, he will accompany!



After Zhao Aiguo and Xia nianxue got married, it was only a few days away from the new year.

Before that, Zhao Xiangyun and they moved to the newly bought courtyard.

When she went last year, the quadrangle was still relatively deserted. There were too many places to be changed.

Living in this year, she found that her previous dissatisfaction had disappeared.

Outside the main house, a cobblestone road was paved.

In the courtyard, the weeds were all gone.

Those old houses have been renovated.

All the furniture has been replaced, and the feeling inside and outside is a great change.

On the first day of moving in, Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin separated their rooms. She and Jiang Weimin lived in the largest room in the East. The sun was just right there. When you open the window, the sun could shine in. It was especially sunny.

They chose the house, and the rest was for others to choose their own.

Anyway, the yard is large and there are many rooms. Almost everyone can choose what they are satisfied with.

After choosing the house, Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin moved all their belongings to the courtyard.

Xue Xiaolan is used to the place before. She and Zhao Xiangyun say that she doesn't plan to move to siheyuan. During the Spring Festival, she will live here. When she goes to work, she will move back.

Zhao Xiangyun respects her choice. She can live wherever she wants. Anyway, she will leave a room for Xue Xiaolan.

Of course, there is also a room for Cheng an!

Speaking of Cheng An, we have to mention that he will not come back for the Spring Festival this year.

The clothing factory was opened by him, and started work years ago.

Cheng an pays a high price to let the workers stay in the factory for the Spring Festival. He is ready to rush out a batch of summer clothes.

In this way, Zhao Xiangyun's clothing store will not be closed to sell other things because of Xinxin clothing factory.

For this goal, he also worked hard!


Chen Shuofeng and Chen Guofeng, their brothers and sisters, have finally had the time and opportunity to reunite.

Five brothers and sisters get together, although everyone is old, but the friendship is still there.

Chen may and Chen Jun are the most beloved sisters.

The three brothers, even when their wives are around, are not afraid.

Say, don't know how, mentioned that year.

"Speaking of it, we were not so good at that time. It was difficult to eat a full meal!" Chen Guofeng made a start.

Chen Guofeng, "may married a good man, so difficult time, return to us to send food."

When it comes to sending grain, Chen Junjun feels that he has the most say, "you are far away. My brother-in-law and I are from the same province.

He started from home, went to the provincial capital, walked for a few days, and came to me.

Send food to me and Lao Qi. The feet in straw sandals are blood blisters.

As soon as his brother-in-law left, Lao Qi began to cry. He said that if he mixed up in the future and bullied anyone, he would not bully his brother-in-law's family! "

Five brothers and sisters, except Chen may, are all in the city.

But Chen may, who was in the countryside, helped them in their most difficult time.

Chen Junjun sent Zhao Xiangyun a lot of cloth and made a lot of clothes. Neighbors said that she treated Xiangyun better than her own son.

My son's clothes are year after year.

But there is a little cloth, thinking about my niece.

But if they had experienced their own, they would have been the same.

"It's a pity that Lao Qi didn't come. If he did, he would have cried all over the family." Chen Junjun said.

Chen Jun's children grew up in such an environment.

Zhao Xiangyun doesn't hate anyone.

Even if Zhao Xiangyun had no new clothes to wear for a long time, it was the same.

"If my brother-in-law doesn't come, we'll be crying." Chen Guofeng said, wiping his tears.

Many things, only through experience, can we know how we feel.

Chen Guofeng at the beginning, where others can bear.

They are middle-aged people, have their own career, if not to the sad place, will not cry.

Chen may: "among the brothers and sisters, I'm in the countryside, but I'm glad I'm in the countryside, otherwise I won't meet such a good man!"

In recent years, Chen may is vicious, but he doesn't really want to bully Zhao Zhiyuan.

Zhao Zhiyuan also suffered.In winter, I was driven out by my mother sang Honghua, even a piece of sweet potato was not given.

Zhao Zhiyuan worked hard to get a few moldy sweet potatoes. He could only sleep in the haystack at night.

"May, if you want to say thank you, I should say it! I was driven out by my mother. Everyone thought I would freeze to death and starve to death.

But you chose me to bear hardships with me, let me not give up! Gradually, we had our own thatched cottage, and then I became the captain

Zhao Zhiyuan once felt that the heaven favored him and sent such a fairy to save him.

If not, he would have been a piece of mud.

The elder brother will not remember him, nor will his mother.

Life in the world, each has its own pain, each has its own misfortune.

But God also gives hope in the time of pain and misfortune.

Chen may and Zhao Zhiyuan supported each other and gave each other hope.

Chen may believes that Zhao Zhiyuan will make his mark.

Zhao Zhiyuan believes what she believes.

After they were together, they brought something different to others.

"Although the past is over, what has been buried in my heart is hard to forget! There is no other way to solve it, only in mind! Brother in law, our two families should love each other at any time. " Chen Guofeng said.

Chen Guofeng also nodded, "and I!"

Don't forget me. I don't have a girl. Xiangyun is my daughter

Referring to Zhao Xiangyun, Chen Shuofeng also joined in, "stop, don't rob my daughter with me. Xiangyun said that she is on one side with me!"

Chen Shuofeng never mentioned the stone in front of him.

Zhao Xiangyun is on his side.

Chen may wiped her tears, "second brother, you said, what kind of infatuation soup did you give my daughter?"? How come you come back, my daughter is happy with what like? Not even with my mother? "

Chen may is still thinking about it.

originally Zhao Aiguo and Xia nianxue got married, but she forgot.

Suddenly jump out and grab her daughter, let her remember again.

Others heard that Zhao Xiangyun was different from Chen Shuofeng. His eyes were bigger than Tongling.

What? Second brother (second brother) still left behind?

Facing so many "cannibalism" eyes, Chen shuofengsi is not afraid.

"It's a feeling, a bond between relatives! Otherwise, how do you think Xiangyun is more happy to see me than to see anyone else. "

Chen Shuofeng is not vague.

At the same time, I still think in my heart that I should make more stones for my niece and play for her.

"You say relatives, aren't we her relatives?" Chen Jun and his second brother are on the bar.

Dare to rob her daughter and look for shit!

"It's useless for you to tell me. If you have the ability, you can make Xiangyun smile all night!"

Although I know, Xiangyun is in a good mood because of the stones.

But other people don't know, but they can cheat people.

Chen Junjun stood up and said, "I'll go, just me! I'll call for Xiangyun! "

As soon as they say they want to call Zhao Xiangyun over, Chen Guofeng and Chen may quickly wipe their tears for fear that Zhao Xiangyun will find out that they have cried.

Chen Liujun went out for a while and called Zhao Xiangyun, who was still basking in the sun in the yard.

Before entering the room, she whispered, "Xiangyun, no matter what they say later, you should say you like my aunt! My aunt went back to the provincial capital and made clothes for you every day to make you look beautiful and beautiful

Chen Jun's tone of speech is a little like coaxing a three-year-old.

Zhao Xiangyun has a headache.

But the biggest headache is still ahead.

When she entered the room, several pairs of eyes, looking at her directly.

"Xiangyun, come and sit down with my second uncle!" Chen Shuofeng photographed the empty space around him.

"Xiangyun, don't go, come to mom!" Chen may Tao.

"Come to me again!" Chen Guofeng and Chen Guofeng spoke at the same time.

Chen Jun coughed, "Xiangyun, sit by my aunt, I like you!"

Zhao Xiangyun's head is full of black lines. He can't figure out what they are doing.

Looking at Zhao Xiangyun, Chen Shuofeng turned his eyes and suddenly pointed to the ground, "Oh, there is a stone here, but it's not big enough, not enough flash! If only there were big and shining stones

Zhao Xiangyun understood Chen Shuofeng's hint almost every second. He looked at the room, picked up a small stool, and was about to rush to Chen Shuofeng.

A group of people looked silly.

One after another, they asked themselves, are they really worse than their second brother?

"Xiangyun, my second uncle likes you as a sincere child. You can rest assured that everything you want can be realized." Chen Shuofeng finished and looked at several people in the room.It's funny to think about it. I'm old enough to be in love.

Zhao Xiangyun doesn't know this at all. She only knows that she will have a lot of sapphire and jadeite.

From her rich woman's road, a step closer.

This time, Chen Shuofeng won.

Next, several brothers and sisters competed several times.

Without exception, Chen Shuofeng won.

A few people are itching.

However, Chen Shuofeng was helpless. No one knew the secret between Chen Shuofeng and Xiangyun.

What's more, Chen Shuofeng is still talking about stones.

It's common, but as long as he says, the situation must be very different.


In the blink of an eye, it's Spring Festival.

This year is a big family to celebrate the new year. For the sake of atmosphere, Jiang Weimin also bought big firecrackers, especially the ones that sounded. On the new year's day, they were put out at the door, let alone have a festive atmosphere!

In the past, Jiang Weimin wrote the Spring Festival couplets. This year, Chen Guofeng, a big cadre, did the work on his behalf. He wrote many Spring Festival couplets, and some of them were distributed to his neighbors.

In addition, because of the large number of people, last year's Dumpling competition continued.

Xue Xiaolan is still a strong enemy, Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin two joint forces, unfortunately, or lost to Xue Xiaolan.

Everyone was convinced by the speed of her dumplings, the biggest reward, 50 yuan, came to her again.

Other people who saw it couldn't be envied, but their strength was there again. They couldn't get the maximum welfare for themselves.

Different from previous years, it used to be young people like Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin. This year, all middle-aged uncles and aunts in their forties have come out.

I don't sleep at night. I play cards.

If you win, you'll lose. If you lose, you'll lose.

Chen Guofeng's image on the outside must be faithful and honest. As a result, he was the most unreasonable one. He was also the first to do this.

Chen Guofeng looked serious, played a card, but also secretly changed cards, was caught by Zhao Xiangyun on the spot.

Chen may and Chen June even a let alone, lost, even the card are moved away, even the opportunity to speak to you!

Pity Zhao Xiangyun and Jiang Weimin, as well as Zhao Aiguo and Xia nianxue. They want to play cards seriously. As a result, they are cheated by a group of uncles and aunts. Lei's outside is burnt and inside is tender.

Say a bad word, have not seen so shameless.

Finally, a few people discussed, rogues can only be with hooligans, they are good people, must be with good people.

Otherwise the underpants will lose.

Zhao Xiangyun and their several, one by two, found a reason, quietly left the living room, went to the room and opened a table.

When there are more people, they will come in turn, and no one will do anything furtive.

In the room, they play cards at a regular table, but outside they still cheat all over the place.

Liu Han and Zhao Xingguo, Wang Xiuying and Zhao Qingguo, all belong to non staff personnel, they do not play cards.

In the evening, take care of the children.

But also by this group of people to do things, make crying and laughing.

All night, no one said they were going to bed.

Zhao Xingguo went to tell his mother that he was going to bed. As a result, Chen may was distracted from Zhao Xingguo and his card was changed by her third brother Chen Guofeng. If it had not been for the Spring Festival, Zhao would have climbed on the ground!

[today's update finished ~ good night! 】

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