Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 45: Contact the Queen.

"No, the war outside has not affected us, but there are many more powerful people on the planet who have applied to move in. The fastest update"

"You can make up your own mind about the applicants. I'll take a rest. Also, you can send me some of the supplies I got recently. The requirements are still the same, high-energy substances."

Jia Yantou, and then entered his stone house.

"Yes!" The powerful monster from behind was overjoyed to accept the order.

You must know that subordinates like them should not have much trust from the leaders of the forces, but now Jia Yan leaves things to him again and again. In his opinion, it is definitely a sign that Jia Yan trusts him.

But what he didn't know was that Jia Yan couldn't even remember his name clearly. Tingtian Pavilion was just a place he built casually to grab supplies.

Entering the stone house, Jia Yan first took out the smart brain communicator.

He wanted to resolve the clone issue quickly, otherwise the increasingly weak strength of the clone at the Orion Arm, where the situation was urgent, would not be enough.

As soon as I dialed Xibala's communication number, the other party connected almost instantly.

"Master Jia Yan, long time no see. You actually called me through the communication. I'm so happy." The other party's thin head entered the communicator screen.

"Long time no see, Xiba. I have some questions to ask you now." Jia Yan showed a smile.

"Whatever the problem is, as long as it is asked by Mr. Jia Yan, I, Xibala, will definitely help you solve it."

"That's right, I have a clone..."

Jia Yan organized some conversation, and then slowly explained the matter about his clone.

"I see, my lord has a clone. The quantum linkage method of this clone is really interesting. I have never thought of it." After hearing Jia Yan's description, Xibala's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Well...don't you have a way to solve my problem?" Jia Yan was startled, and then asked with some disappointment.

Judging from Xibala's tone, it seemed that he had never been exposed to quantum linkage clones, so he thought the other party didn't understand.

"No, I understand. I'm just interested in their linkage method. But apart from this idea, other parts of your avatar are relatively primitive. At least I can make it." Xibala shook his head and said Words that made Jia Yan overjoyed.

"Then you think, how should I solve the clone problem." Jia Yan asked with a slightly happy expression.

"In this way, sir, I don't know where you got that clone, but what you need is the specific coordinates there, and then communicate with the other party. I will give them some data and let them improve to get what you want. Function."

"Presumably the creators of the clone are still helping you run the quantum linkage device of the clone. Otherwise, it would be impossible for you to remotely control the clone. So they can solve your problem as long as they make improvements according to my data. "

"I see." Jia Yan was stunned. Xibala was indeed very powerful. She could think of the working principle of the clone just by listening to her simple description. This was already an extremely terrifying scientific ability for Jia Yan. .

"If you need it, I can also construct it here. Your previous space ejection method also gave me some inspiration. Give me some time, and I can even make a similar ultra-fast catapult to launch you or Something else catapults where you want it to go. It's just that the materials are hard to come by."

Xibala's eyes brightened slightly. Although she understood the principles of what Jia Yan had told him before, the most important thing was creativity. In the Genius Battlefield, her creativity was not used at all. Now after listening to Jia Yan's After resigning, ideas came to me one by one.

"You can actually make something similar? Okay, if you need anything, I'll give it to you. It can be genius yuan or anything else. If there are no raw materials, I will also find a way." Jia Yan listened to her words , was also shocked, and then overjoyed.

You must know that he once calculated that he could withstand the power of his clone in the space capsule that day and flew to the solar system. If Xibala can really develop something similar, then he might be able to use it in some way. Under certain circumstances, it is not certain that this machine can be used to fly to the Orion Arm.

Of course, Xibala is only starting to take action now after all. It's not known how long it will take to really get it done, and it's not even certain whether it will succeed, so Jia Yan can't rush it.

"The catapult is not in a hurry, Xiba. Give me the modification information you want to give to the other party. I will find a way to contact them now." Jia Yan said clearly.

"Give me a day, I'll go sort it out now." Xiba nodded, and then closed the communication.

By the time Xibala handed over the information to Jia Yan, it was already a day later.

"Is this what needs to be changed? A lot."

Jia Yan looked at the information Xibala sent to Zhi Nao, and it was a bit overwhelming. Fortunately, this kind of stuff was written in common language, and people in the Northern Star Region could also roughly understand it.

After thinking for a while, he thought of the land of Taiya in the northern star region that he had not contacted for a long time, and the princess Kama, no, she should be the emperor of Taiya now. Thinking of them, Jia Yan's long-lost memories were brought back, and he let out a long sigh.

"I still have the ultra-long-distance communication method they gave me before. Let's take it out and use it. Unfortunately, I can't make calls and can only make simple contacts. Even because of the low power here, I can only use it. Sending information unilaterally.”

Jia Yan took out the ultra-long-distance communicator given to him by scientists in the Kingdom of Taiya.

Fortunately, this thing is not big, and Jia Yan did not put it on the Edisa, otherwise there would be no way to communicate with the Pacific Kingdom.

After that, he got this series of information into a message, and then sent it with a glimmer of hope.

Almost not long after, we were thousands of light years away from the Genius Battlefield.

There is a star field here. In this star field, it is surrounded by large mysterious star clusters.

There is a name for this place, called the ‘Northern Star Territory’.

In the Northern Star Territory, there is a country that only relies on technology as its national productivity.

The highest level of this technological country is none other than Kama, the first queen of the empire who has just ascended the throne a few years ago.

Kama, who has a great figure, has been at the top of a country for several years, and his demeanor has completely changed.

"Your Majesty, the technology our country just sold to the mercenary organization was sold to the Longtian tribe in the West at a high price by the mercenary organization. The profit was a hundred times. The mercenary union is really bullying people. I suggest that we No more selling them any technology."

A thin human-like creature was crouching at the bottom of the hall, speaking angrily to the Supreme Being of the country above.

"Alas." The woman at the top swept her long hair slightly.

"No, our Taiya Kingdom has promised them too many unequal terms before protecting the Giant Mosquito Fleet, and there are also the Kuditan clan who keep coming. If we hadn't made concessions to the mercenary union and other forces and the country, , how could they let these people come through? Forget it, this is all for our promise."

Today, Kama seems to have regained the grace of his youth, and his every move is full of luxury.

"Promise? Your Majesty the Queen, do you think that the giant mosquito clan will come back? What's the use of his coming back? There is now a star-level resident in the Northern Star Territory. He..."

"Okay, no need, you don't have to worry about your Excellency's affairs. Anyway, just do as I do."

Before the thin old man could say anything, Kama interrupted him with a slight frown.

After the old man left, Kama sat helplessly on the royal chair.

"I can hardly suppress such remarks. Some of you are even dead. Your Excellency Jia Yan, where are you? Are you dead or alive? I need to tell you the news." Kama thought of that and refused to give it. Jia Yan, who heard the news, almost smiled helplessly.

The powerful quantum communicator was given to him so that he could receive news frequently, but now it's good, there has been no news for several years.


Just when Kama was thinking about Jia Yan, he was surprised to find that a teleportation device he was carrying suddenly rang.

She was startled. She didn't understand what kind of machine it was at first, but then she suddenly understood something and opened the machine to take a look.

"Ha... it turns out that this is the same adult I know. I haven't contacted him for so long, but when I contact him, it's because of something. Isn't he going to stop contacting me when nothing happens?" Kama saw the communication and smiled bitterly.

"This guy is so bad." No matter what communication is sent from the other side, as long as there is news, it is enough at this time.

Her Majesty the Queen, who had not really smiled for a long time, was actually smiling like a child alone in this deserted hall.

Soon, the Queen of Taiya seemed to have changed into a different person, and she vigorously suppressed anyone who dared to speak ill of the 'Giant Mosquito' clan leader.

Then she personally went to Huo Liao Xing, the place where Jia Yan, the 'Giant Mosquito Clan' master, had stayed for a long time, and conducted an 'inspection'. After vaguely meeting with several high-level scientists on the planet, he returned to the main star of Taiya Kingdom.

No one knew that Her Excellency, the Great Queen, had secretly assigned a certain task to the senior officials of the Ke Family on Huo Liao Star.

Jia Yan, who was in the Genius Battlefield, didn't know all this.

He thought that at such a long distance, even if the other party could receive the message, it would be a long time later.

But what Jia Yan doesn't understand is that the principle of quantum entanglement is that no matter how far the distance is, as long as the connection between the two parties is still there, the reaction speed will be extremely fast. Of course, distance is always a problem. It's only a few thousand light years, and it's not as long as quantum entanglement.

So at a time when he thought it was impossible, Taiya Country had already started taking action.

"Okay, things have been arranged. Whether it can be done or not depends on fate. What I want to do now is to improve the strength of the main body."

After Jia Yan had done all that, there was nothing else he could do.

Next, he will carry out another big plan to improve his strength recently.

This thing is also the most important item that makes him famous...

Artificial black hole!

Thanks to a book friend who gave a tip, thank you! ! (To be continued...)


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