Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 4 Pseudo-stellar level

Everything on the earth has changed.

Not to mention technology, the mental outlook of people on earth is completely different from what Jia Yan is familiar with.

In his impression, the people on Earth were still under the crisis of metal monsters, ignorant and could only passively endure it.

But now when I look back, it's completely different. The people on earth haven't received much help from his true form in these years, and they have honed their diplomatic skills. And because of the prosperity of the coming countries, everyone is extremely confident.

Every family has a speed car, and almost every family practices brainwave power. Although in Jia Yan's opinion, there are only a few who have broken through to the heaven level, this tendency is good.

When all soft and hard powers are further improved, then the earth's civilization will reach at least a medium level of civilization. With prestige and popularity, it will no longer be a ridiculed primary civilization, but a truly powerful civilization that can have influence in all aspects. .

"Then uncle, I will send you here. My task is to continue to familiarize myself with the Pike Wei tactics. Now that I have reached the starry sky level, I feel that I can exert most of the power of the Pike Wei tactics."

Jia Qi sent Jia Yan to the outside of the earth, shouted urgently, and then drove Jia Yan out of the battleship.

Watching the battleship leave quickly, Jia Yanku shook his head.

He stood in the vacuum and felt the lively scene on the ground, especially the large number of aliens of various races, which made him pay more attention, and then he sighed.

The development of the earth is good, but it seems to be different from the earth in his memory. Jia Yan has an inexplicable complex emotion.

He calmed down and then descended towards the surface of the earth.

The earth's defense system, which had been notified long ago, was not activated, and there was no greeting. Jia Yan quietly returned to the Jia family's land.

Fortunately, not much has changed here from before.

"Xiao Yan, you are back."

Sitting in the house, Jia's mother, holding needle and thread in her hand, said hello to Jia Yan while pricking.

She was smiling, and although she tried her best to hide it, Jia Yan could still see a trace of tears in her eyes.

Jia's father also returned home. He seemed to be interested in some sports. He was wearing sportswear. He obviously rushed back after hearing the news.

Jia Lin is not at home, she must be busy with business.

"Rongrong and Ruoruo have both gone to school and will be back in a few hours. As for you...your wife, she is in her own room."

After talking to my parents, everything didn't feel like years had passed, nor did it feel like a rebirth after separation, it just felt like a normal family chat.

After talking, Jia Yan stood up and said goodbye.

Arriving at the Satsuma niche house, Jia Yan hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door.

The door opened silently.

The woman, whose appearance was so perfect that it was almost fake, was sitting on the sofa in the room. There was a wine glass in front of her, as if she had been waiting for a long time.

"Assassin, I've been waiting for you for a long time." She said with a smile.

When she saw Jia Yan's true form, she understood everything. She also understood that Jia Yan in front of her was just a clone.

Jia Yan smiled, not caring about the past.

Most of the time, he was lonely. He always wanted the feeling of home, but every time he returned to Earth, he always felt a little disappointed.

Returning this time, Jia Yan didn't want to struggle too much and didn't resist too much, so he knocked on the door of Satsuma's niche.

Sitting opposite the Satsuma niche, the two drank red wine, and then chatted about domestic topics and cultivation issues.

Satsuma is getting closer and closer to the character of an Earthling, and it no longer feels as stiff as before. Jia Yan doesn’t know if this is because she has integrated into her Earthling identity, or if she has learned it deliberately, or a combination of both. Anyway, Jia Yan can Feeling that this temperament came from her heart, Jia Yan felt very comfortable chatting with her this time.

"Are you going out this time? What I'm talking about is, this body of yours..." Satsumakan hesitated for a while, and then asked pointedly.

"I won't go out. This body will stay on earth from now on." Jia Yan shook his head.

"Really? Then I have a chance..." Satsuma's red lips raised slightly.

Jia Yan looked at her and smiled the same way.

When giving opportunities to others, who is to say that you are not giving yourself opportunities at the same time?

Identity, race, etc., Jia Yan figured it out. His own race and identity were too messy, so why did he ask others to do so much?

But he is a man with no love experience, so it is not easy for Satsuma to 'pursue' him.

The relationship between the two is as light as water, but they are slowly getting closer.

On this day, Jia Yan has been immersed in the life of his new avatar, and the giant mosquito's body is filled with a sense of happiness.

But the clone is just a clone after all, and matters regarding the real body are still important.

"Senior Mosquito Ancestor, thank you for your rescue!"

Opening a letter of thanks from a certain recovered civilization in the super-fast ship, Jia Yan forced himself to recover from the emotions of the clone.

"Okay, another war zone has been recovered, and next is another war zone close to the great empire."

Jia Yan calculated the next journey route in his mind, and then analyzed all aspects of intelligence to determine the strategic route for the next period of time.

It has to be said that this several-year battle has brought Jia Yan a lot of gains.

It's not just as simple as regaining the lost ground, and then he is admired by the creatures in Orion's arms.

During this period, he had more systematic improvements in his strategic abilities, fleet operations, and even special tactics, especially in the face of powerful weapons such as black holes. A lot of coping skills.

To be honest, before Jia Yan came to Orion Arm, he never thought that this would be such a long war.

It is foreseeable that he believes that he has only regained so much lost ground, and it will take at least ten more years to completely help the Orion Arm return to its original state!

This made Jia Yan a little frustrated. It was only more than 20 years since he was reborn. It was a difficult process for him to accept that he had to waste more than ten years in this war.

But you have to accept it if you don't want to. After all, the Orion's arms are too big. It will take a lot of time to even walk around completely, and it won't be fast at all.

But something extremely unexpected happened to Jia Yan!

When Jia Yan came to the next war zone he wanted to attack, he suddenly saw a scene in front of him that shocked him.

In this war zone, there are densely packed and almost endless battleships and interstellar defense facilities.

These warships and defense facilities were pushed almost to the edge of the war zone, and they looked like they were about to launch an all-out counterattack.

As soon as Jia Yan's body appeared in the starry sky, the huge fleet over there also moved at the same time!

They originally spread out for half a light-year, but after confirming Jia Yan's figure, one fleet after another gathered.

Jia Yan was silent for a moment, and then his eyes shone brightly. Even though the scene in front of him was extremely strange, the previous victories made him not too timid, but stayed where he was, wanting to watch. See what tricks the other party is playing.

"With so many warships and defense facilities, they must have used all the war resources from the surrounding war zones. Do they want to fight a final battle with me here?"

The confusion in Jia Yan's eyes was extremely obvious.

To know his strength and advantages, the opponent should know it best after fighting with him for so long.

Quantity doesn't mean much to Jia Yan, who has subspace talent.

Moreover, the opponent did not seem to have been preparing for a long time to gather here, so there were very few explosion black holes. Such a front, despite having more than 100,000 warships, could actually cause harm to him, which might not even be the same as in a war zone. None of the turtle defensive positions compare.

Jia Yan couldn't understand the opponent's intention, but he was not frightened. Instead, his compound eyes were shining brightly as he looked at the tens of millions of enemy troops.

When Jia Yan appeared, it seemed that there was a slight disturbance in the opponent's position. After all, the giant mosquito was already famous among the enemy.

Not long after, a creature that was one kilometer in size slowly flew out from the group of battleships.


At this moment, Jia Yan's heart suddenly shook, and at the same time, an extremely dangerous feeling filled his heart.

"Who is this creature?..."

He felt that the flying behemoth had an energy fluctuation that made his heart palpitate. It was not only because of the huge size of the opponent, but also because of the power of his brain waves, which was separated by tens of millions. Kilometers already gave him the dangerous feeling of death.

"Heng, star?!"

Jia Yan's heart kept beating. At this moment, he almost had the urge to turn around and run away.

You must know that although he is confident, he has even had the idea of ​​using a black hole to reach out to a star class before, but the idea is an idea. In fact, when he encounters a star class, he knows that he will never be his opponent.

Star level is no longer comparable to half-star level in the life level. There have been rumors in the Genius Battlefield that several geniuses in the Genius Battlefield can defeat a star level together, but there are preconditions for that. The stellar class entered the battlefield of geniuses and fought against the geniuses while the heaven and earth suppressed their strength.

If placed in the normal outside world, even a group of top geniuses in the Genius Battlefield would be unlikely to defeat the weakest star.

No matter how arrogant Jia Yan is, he doesn't think he can fight head-on with a star.

"No! This guy's strength seems a bit weird..."

Just before Jia Yan was about to put his idea of ​​escaping into action, he suddenly felt something strange in the figure of the other party who was getting closer and closer.

This monster is huge, reaching a height of more than one kilometer, and the fluctuations emanating from his body are also extremely terrifying. From a distance, it even gives Jia Yan the illusion of a star.

But after actually feeling it carefully, Jia Yan was shocked to realize that the opponent's strength seemed to be vaguely separated from the real star level...

"It looks like a star, but it's not a star. Could it be?"

Jia Yan was startled, and then he thought of a term.

"Pseudo-stellar?!" He was surprised, and the figure that originally wanted to escape actually stopped.

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