Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 8 A fierce battle between four parties

What Bitan cares about most is his own reputation. After all, he is the leader of the entire Feiheng force. Fastest update

Of course, all the subordinates responded obediently. After all the subordinates retreated, Bitan's expression became more sinister and slightly flashed with murderous intent.

What he is currently on is his most powerful warship as a lord, a huge warship with a length of ten kilometers, like a small star.

"In general, it was the giant mosquito that caused me to make such a fool of myself. It made me lose my prestige. Wait for me. In two months, I will let you die without a burial place!"

After he finished speaking, he gave another order, and then he also crouched down, secretly regulating the energy in his body. The terrifying power of a pseudo-stellar powerhouse was almost endless and increasing all the time.

The strongest men on both sides began to recuperate, but the fleet below did not stop. After this battle, the two sides began to slowly come into contact, and each small but thrilling battle began!

First of all, the first battle. Originally, the Orion Arm had no intention of fighting because they were completely at a disadvantage.

However, the exploration team sent by the enemy was too aggressive. After several contacts, it destroyed an expat warship on the Orion Arm side, and then this small-scale encounter began.

Both sides have a deadly feud, especially the Orion Arm, which has been bullied for too long. At this time, a huge number of warships were dispatched in one go, overwhelming the enemy by more than three times.

This war was the first battle against Fei Heng's forces that was victorious without Jia Yan's direct participation.

Because in this battle, an alien battleship command technology that was previously reported by Jia Yan's clone was used.

In fact, there are too many similar combat skills from aliens. Jia Yan just picked and taught the command skills that are best for dealing with the Feiheng battleship.

As a result, the results of this battle were seen. With three times the number of enemy ships, even if the losses were greater than the enemy, they still won!

This victory was a hugely popular battle.

The invincibility of the Feiheng force's warships had already penetrated the hearts of the Orion Arms before, but now this scene has abruptly changed the concepts of the creatures in the Orion Arms.

It turns out that the enemy can also be defeated by ordinary fleets! ?

It turns out that with his burst of strength, he can also cause damage to the enemy! ?

At this time, almost all the ships in the Orion Arm have increased their fighting spirit. In fact, it is not that they are really afraid of fighting, but the previous war has shown that no matter how they fight, they will always be the enemy. It's just a ship target. Although everyone is not afraid of death for their homeland, no one is willing to die without meaning at all.

This battle shows that the fleet within the Orion Arm can also win, so what do they have to fear?

Only one word.


The entire Orion Arm fleet has almost no clear commander, but the fleets that came to support each civilization spontaneously summarized their war experience and exchanged combat experience.

It's not that there is no gap between them, but that the enemy they face is too powerful, so powerful that all civilizations cannot defeat it unless they unite.

As a result of this exchange, the major civilized fleets became more and more experienced. Even in a small-scale battle, a group of 3,000 Orion arm ships annihilated an enemy fleet of 200 ships at the cost of 500 warships. The small fleet of battleships almost shocked the entire war zone!

Although the cost was extremely high, the major civilizations around them heard the news and sent fleets continuously. In the Orion Arm, the warships were not fighting less and less, but more and more!

In this confrontation between the Orion Arm and the Feiheng forces, all civilizations in the entire recovered war zone sent fleets. Even a small civilization that had just been recovered had less than a million living creatures left in the civilization. Only twenty warships were dispatched, which moved all civilizations extremely.

The civilization of the earth also sent a fleet of ships, and one of the top commanders of this extremely advanced fleet of more than 300 ships was actually the new generation Princess Jia Qi who had recently emerged from the Jia family!

If it weren't for Princess Jiaqi's current junior qualifications, there must be a voice among the top leaders of the earth's civilization, that is, let her lead the army alone.

You must know that Princess Jia Qi's tactics of overcoming Wei are obtained from the true inheritance of Lord 'Jia Yan', and they are already a little bit popular. The fleet she leads is also the most powerful army on earth, and among this fleet, Jia Qi Although he is known as one of the top commanders, everyone knows that others are here to take advantage of their military exploits. The real number one commander is none other than Jia Qi!

"Colonel Jia Qi, a team battle broke out ahead. We can see through the signal recognition that one side is our friendly forces in the Orion Arm, and the other side is the Feiheng force fleet."

"Report to me the battle situation." In the command ship, Jia Qi was wearing a heroic female captain's uniform and a close-fitting uniform, which made her already worldly temperament more obvious, and she was one step ahead of everyone, reaching the starry sky After becoming the most powerful person on earth, her strong demeanor was also revealed, and her youthful beauty added a hint of a strong woman who is not angry and confident.

"Yes, Colonel." Ignoring the general whose rank was one level higher than Jiaqi's, the intelligence officer reported: "The enemy is a conventional battle group composed of a hundred warships, and ours is A battle group of 500 ships composed of three civilizations, but the battle loss ratio and number of both sides are completely reversed."

The intelligence agent did not express his thoughts. In fact, he wanted to intervene.

"Since they are at a disadvantage, does it not count as taking advantage of them if we join in the fight?!" Jia Qi's eyes lit up.

"Pass my order to raise the combat readiness level to level one. Three hundred warships will gather together to prepare for the battle."

Accompanied by Jia Qi's soft and crisp female voice, three hundred earth warships will quickly and skillfully gather in one place.

Seeing that Jia Qi was eager to participate in the first initial command battle so quickly, the general sitting on the side moved his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The general who became the commander of the Earth Fleet just after it was born knew that it was really not good to ask for a battle, but he thought that he had never won many battles. On the other hand, the opponent was a member of the Jia family, and he also had mastery of weapons. Guo Wei's tactics, and in the previous defense battle at the edge of the solar system, he used one person to defeat hundreds of enemy war weapons. He, a general with no military exploits and only relying on his seniority to get to his current position, almost didn't have the confidence to speak. .

Jia Qi looked at the general, and then a beautiful smile appeared on her lips.

She is already in her twenties, and it is time for her to emerge and take over the mantle of the person in charge of the 'Jia family'. Even though she knew that her family would not collapse so easily, but her uncle slowly came to the rear, and the giant mosquito senior did not seem to directly say anything about protecting the Jia family, then she, the new generation, had to stand up and maintain The glory of the Jia family.

In fact, what she didn't know was that behind their fleet, an ultra-small space capsule was following from a distance, and Jia Yan's clone, who had said he would not fight again, was following behind.

"This little girl, you can't wait to participate in the first command battle..." Jia Yan's clone looked at the 300 battleships starting to gather in front of him, shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly.

Jiaqi is still belligerent...

But what about bellicosity? If she fights more wars in the future, her temper will eventually stabilize. At least the opponent she chose this time was right.

The look of anticipation in Jia Yan's eyes became even more obvious.

Not long after, the three hundred battleships gathered together. With a wave of Jiaqi's hand, the three hundred battleships disappeared into space in an instant.

After being demonstrated in the hands of Jia Yan's clone, the Ping Guo Wei tactic was once again reappeared in the hands of a newcomer from the Jia family!

A moment later, when the war broke out and the Orion Arm fleet was almost overwhelmed, a 300-ship warship suddenly entered the center of the battle between the two sides!

As soon as they appeared, there was a direct salvo of main artillery fire.

By mental calculation or accidental calculation, the three hundred warships with their main guns fully charged destroyed more than twenty enemy warships almost instantly.

"Asshole, what did I teach you in the previous training? I told you to aim at their muzzle, and I asked you to read the Earth Defense War videos every day. Do you just turn a deaf ear to it? Aim carefully!"

Originally, three hundred destroying twenty Feiheng fleet battleships was already an excellent result, but Jia Qi was actually not satisfied and roared in the command ship.

Her delicate girlish voice will make people who hear it for the first time feel less majestic even if she is roaring. However, after hearing this roar, the expressions of the earthly soldiers in the three hundred battleships changed. .

The eldest princess of the Jia family? In their opinion, this is the great witch of the Jia family! During the previous years of training, they had fully realized how terrifying this girl who looked like a cute princess could be when she got angry.

So at this time, most of the fleet soldiers who were also participating in the battle for the first time restrained their various emotions before the battle and quickly carried out the operation properly.

Of course, most of these operations are completed under the command of Jiaqi's starry sky-level brain wave power.

Counterattack rays of light lit up in the sky.

Although the Earth fleet was caught off guard at the first moment, the enemy was the elite Feiheng fleet after all. After being stunned for a moment, they immediately began to counterattack.

However, when they counterattacked, Jia Qi, who had just roared, her brainwave power moved. At the same moment, the operators in the entire fleet felt the command of her brainwave power and operated at the same time!


Three hundred battleships disappeared into the visible universe in an instant.

"Okay!" Jia Yan's clone, who was observing from behind, his eyes lit up at this moment, and he couldn't help but nodded slightly in admiration.

This kind of reaction and mentality in the face of battle is very good. Even Jia Yan felt that Jia Qi's avoidance was very quick and reasonable.

During the battle, hundreds of enemy and friendly warships were stunned.

Three hundred warships suddenly appeared, fired a salvo, caused heavy losses to the Feiheng force fleet, and then disappeared again?

How can this be!

Three hundred battleships are disappearing and disappearing in space. Have they seen a ghost?

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