On the meteorite asteroid, Tianji's voice is melodious and distant.

"When the promotion period is over, you can start a counterattack on a large scale, and then wait for the situation to change... As long as your strength is improved to the middle level of the enemy star, then you will get a new breathing time. I hope you can in the future Reach or even exceed the average domain master, that way, you will have more time."

Tianji revealed some other information, some of which even shocked Jia Yan.

For example, Tianji said that he knew that the Evolved Beasts could help those at the lower levels of the galaxy. Otherwise, why would the strong man who created the Evolved Beasts go to such great lengths to create a race of Evolved Beasts?

For another example, the Evolved Beast family is not a race by blood, but there are always elements of Evolved Beasts in the Orion Arm. Even these factors appear randomly. In every organism in the Orion Arm, They may all become evolved beasts due to the emergence of factors.

Of course, because time has slowly passed, the probability of the emergence of evolved beasts has become lower and lower. Jia Yan’s new evolved beasts only appeared after a long time. You must know that in Tianji’s era, although there was only Tianji It is the most famous, but there is another evolved beast, but it is not as strong as Xinghe and was killed because of helping Tianji.

According to legend, only one evolved beast appears at a time. In fact, it is because today's civilization has long forgotten the past and just regards the recent examples of evolved beasts as ironclad rules.

There are also some things that Jia Yan doesn't know. For example, in the war that year, he used his full strength to kill many domain lords, but in the end, because his strength declined greatly, he had to retreat to the Orion Arm, and he also caused such a large area. Defense energy, even long after the real body died, the strong people from the outside thought he was alive and did not dare to attack the Orion Arm.

By the time the outside world knew what was happening inside Orion's arms, his body had already become an energy drain for major civilizations, or it had been hidden throughout the universe, and they couldn't find it even if they tried to find it.

As a result, many civilizations gave up attacking the Orion Arm, because apart from Tianji, the Orion Arm's overall strength was pretty good back then, and the attacks would cause too much loss and no gains.

So time slowly passed, and the civilizations and powerful people in the outside world gradually forgot about the evolved beasts.

Next, even those who want to get involved in the Orion Arm will be blocked by Tianji's energy. Even at the beginning, even the star level will have difficulty breaking through Tianji's arrangement.

Then there was peace for hundreds of thousands of years until Jia Yan appeared.

"So that's it, Senior Tianji, you have protected the Orion Arm for so long, thank you for your hard work."

After listening to what Tianji said, Jia Yan immediately felt in awe of what Tianji had done.

Although there may be some memory errors in the process, Tianji's general experience, according to Jia Yan's records from ancient documents, is completely correct, and Jia Yan also knows many things that cannot be found in the documents. The content is a very good thing for Jia Yan to hear.

"Haha, it's useless. Now my energy has been greatly reduced. Young man, it was your appearance that forced me to make a lot of changes. Now I have less than 10% energy left. I could have sustained several thousand It lasted tens of thousands of years, but unfortunately, it can only last for a few decades at most. You kid really gives me a headache."

"Uh, senior, I wonder if your energy can be recharged? If so, I'm willing to help you."

"It's useless. Can I recharge it? I can't do it myself? Forget it, go ahead. I can still watch you quietly for a few more decades. I hope you can let me see you in these decades. Your development and progress. Although I have actually died a long time ago, I am still a complete personality. If you can let me see the birth of an outstanding existence of Evolved Beast, I can die without death. Sorry."

Tianji's transformed body gradually became calm.

Jia Yan found that his body was still floating in the starry sky, and the meteorites in front of him were still floating in the sky so plainly, looking as if they were completely lifeless.

Jia Yan cupped his fists with his front feet to show respect for the meteorite, and then stepped back.

He knew that he was leaving because he could no longer get any information from Tianji's clone.

And he's gotten enough.

"It turns out that there are so many secrets about evolved beasts. Thanks to a senior Tianji who helped me answer them. Otherwise, I really don't know that evolved beasts have such coveted places, let alone those galaxy-level existences. , why did you come to attack me?"

Jia Yan thought a lot, but in the end he returned his thoughts to the feeling of being pulled into a certain space by Tianji just now... No, or the feeling of the world.

"The place that was like a space and a certain world just now felt very weird to me. I experienced a similar feeling last time when I was weak. I thought I would understand the principle of it when I reached the Galaxy level, but Unexpectedly, after I reached the Galaxy level, I still couldn’t understand what was going on inside.”

Jia Yan recalled that weird space, or world.

“Could it be that this is the ‘domain’ of the domain masters?”

Jia Yan has always known that the reason why Territory Lords are called Territory Lords is because the existence of the entire galaxy level is completely different from the general mid-level Galaxy existences, that is, they have a 'territory'.

This so-called domain is a "domain" capability possessed by something similar to a star level. But in fact, this kind of domain is completely different from the ordinary star level domain.

It is completely beyond the realm, and its combat capabilities and effects are completely different.

This is why Territory Lords can easily crush ordinary Galaxy Intermediate Levels, so even though their strength looks similar to ordinary Galaxy Intermediate Levels on the surface, they are divided into another level, that is, 'Region Lords'.

"If it was the domain just now, then why did Senior Tianji waste precious energy to let me experience it again? Could it be that he was deliberately showing it to me and letting me go further on the path of the domain master? Or maybe You said, do you want me to have a certain ability to protect myself when encountering other domain lords?"

Jia Yan thought of a lot.

Today's harvest was so great that Jia Yan had no regrets and spent several months traveling from the Elf Kingdom to the inner part of the solar system.

But these few months have actually been too much of a waste of time given the current situation.

Jia Yan had no choice, because he didn't have any means of transportation at the moment, and his true body was definitely too huge.

"Sir, the 16th Route Alliance Army has already begun a tentative attack."

Just after Jia Yan left the Icob Belt in the solar system, a communication call made his heart tremble.

The other party started to attack!

Although the confrontation lasted for several months, the war in the starry sky was not that simple at all. The Sixteenth Route Allied Forces were able to launch an attack together, which shows that they had been prepared for a long time, and the supplies and other supplies may have been transported together. Otherwise, it would be difficult to launch an attack so soon after this confrontation.

"So how is the war going? Also, did they tell us the reason for the war?"

Jia Yan asked with a somewhat depressed expression.

In fact, he didn't want to fight with these Sixteenth Route Allied Forces who probably had Galaxy-level strength.

But now it's impossible not to fight, after all, everyone is approaching.

"Sir, the situation of the war is not good. You can clearly know that the basic strong men on our side are much weaker than others. The initial war took place on the border side of the Biochemical Star Territory. Originally, we wanted to fight with The enemy bumped and looked at it, but after touching it, we discovered that the situation was different. The enemy was not something we could deal with at all. Even the strong man who drove a small battleship was at least the Venerable level, and the Venerable on our side was Anyone can serve as the high-level command of a fleet."

"In addition, they had a reason for starting the war. The reason was that they wanted to help the empire uphold justice. This time our fleet attacking the empire was defeated by us. Even after hearing the news about your promotion, sir, they quickly Just surrender and retreat automatically. This group of Sixteenth Route Allied Forces actually said that our Orion Arm bullied the other side and pushed the border to the Empire half a light-year into the country, so they wanted to come and seek justice."

On the opposite side of the message communication was a man who looked like a young man from Earth.

While talking to Jia Yan, he was still very humble.

This person is from Earth, and Jia Yan knows that he is his niece, Jia Qi's husband.

Jia Yan was originally extremely unhappy with his favorite niece being picked away by this young man. He even thought about using the opportunity of work to punish his cheap niece and son-in-law.

But after seeing him in person and working with him for a period of time, Jia Yan discovered that this son-in-law was indeed a good person and his work was well organized. He was even a piece of wood that was thicker than Jia Yan. It looked like his own. My niece found a man who was easy to deal with.

After thinking about it, Jia Yan didn't make it too difficult for him.

Of course, that is all in the past. At least now Jia Yan is very familiar with his niece and son-in-law, and the two parties occasionally speak like family members.

Not now.

"Well, I understand, the situation is quite serious, but since the other party is not planning to attack aggressively, then we don't have to worry too much. Let's shrink the battle circle while fighting. When there is a chance in the future, I will help everyone recover the losses from the outside world. Tu, just have to be patient a little bit now.”


"Yes, Shinobu, so many industrial warships have been set up and can be put to use now. Let the people retreat to the interior of the Orion Arm."

Jia Yan calmly stated his instructions.

"Yes sir, I know."

Seeing the communication hang up, Jia Yan let out another long sigh.

At this time, the war was already in full swing, and the industrialization products that Jia Yan had been carrying out previously, namely those basic technological mobile tools, could be used.

Among these technological items, there are battleships, relatively advanced long-range battle wheels, etc.

Each battleship and battleship can pull many people back to the battleship, and then they can follow the battleship away from the place where the battle is about to break out.

"I hope I won't use another trump card this time to let the big guy escape."

Jia Yan looked at the intelligence again and found that the people on some battleships seemed to have lost hope in life and felt very uncomfortable.

For the people in the border area, they have experienced the feeling of being displaced once, but now they have to relive it again, and it may still be a great migration in which families are destroyed and people are destroyed, so they are all more sad than heartbroken. Everyone has no hope for life.

Jia Yan had nothing to do about it.

"Huh? By the way, isn't it about the war that broke out on the border? So... Xiaorong is over there too?"

Suddenly Jia Yan seemed to have thought of something.

Jia Yan had known about Jia Rong's situation at the border before, but now that the war has begun, Jia Rong may be in danger.

Although he doesn't like a cheap son like Jia Rong, after all, he can be regarded as half his son, so Jia Yan still cares about him to a certain extent.

So Jia Yan picked up the information and looked at Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com carefully.

It turns out that in the intelligence level, Jia Yan, who ranked relatively high in the intelligence hierarchy, did not read it because there were too many. For some reason, the person who conveyed the intelligence to him actually placed Jia Rong's intelligence at the bottom.

Finally finding Jia Rong's intelligence information, Jia Yan clicked on it.

"It turns out that he also escaped. No wonder his information is put at a lower level, as long as it is safe."

Jia Yan breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the content of the intelligence.

"Okay, now that the war has begun, we have to look at the specific situation to see if these are Galaxy-level beings. They will soon reveal their flaws."

The intelligence department seems to be very advanced, but in fact it is very backward, because even now, Jia Yan has not seen where the newly arrived 16th Route Allied Forces will be the enemy, so he does not know, they Whether there is a galaxy-level powerhouse behind him would be very detrimental to Jia Yan, because he doesn't know how the situation will turn out.

"I hope that even if there are so many strong men, there won't be any mid-level galactic ones, otherwise I will be unlucky."

Jia Yan silently felt the war atmosphere revealed in the entire intelligence, and even he felt a little passionate for a moment.

You must know that the war between the Orion Arm and the Empire did not last long, and it was the threat of strong men on the Orion Arm that made the Empire take the initiative to give in.

Today's enemy is the Sixteenth Allied Forces, and judging from the situation, it seems that they are not afraid of Jia Yan, a possible Galaxy-level powerhouse. Even their strength is faintly surpassing the imperial military power. This is It is a test of the pressure-bearing ability of the Orion Arm army.

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