Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 36 The true meaning of contemplation!

"Jia Yan?!"

"I don't believe it's you. If it's really you! I will really kill you!"

Black Sheep's eyes flashed with an unprecedented coldness!

Black Sheep hates Jia Yan very much. He is a small-minded person. He let Jia Yan leave before because of the intervention of the Zerg Queen. Now the Zerg Queen cannot save herself. If he sees Jia Yan again, how can he let Jia Yan go? Rock escape? !

As for the mysterious strong man being Jia Yan, he didn't believe it.

Even if it was true, he still thought that Jia Yan was trying to hide his identity from others, using some unique skills to pretend to be a powerful domain lord. This can actually explain why the strong man always hides his face and dare not show his true face to others!

"Yes, even if the strong man is him, it must be because he has some way of pretending to be strong! Because when he fought with me four years ago, he had just reached the peak of the middle level of the galaxy. In the past few years, even if he is the middle level of the galaxy, It is absolutely impossible for a creature with extremely high talent to reach the level of a powerful domain lord, I don’t believe it anyway!”

Black Sheep found the best reason.

He emboldened himself for what he thought was the most reasonable reason.


Between the stars, a large number of battleships were as fast as when they came, but they were high-spirited when they came, thinking that they could defeat the remnants of the Zerg Queen's forces in one fell swoop, and then turn into a complete victory for the Black Sheep side. But now when they returned, they were dejected one by one. They walked so fast just because they wanted to leave this shameful place as soon as possible.

"Just now... Jia Yan helped me again."

Far away on the twisted and random planet where the Zerg Queen's power remained, the Zerg Queen was deep in the simple palace on the planet, and then she sighed slightly.

She was sighing. Jia Yan helped her again, and she was so powerless. She seemed to truly understand the hardships in the central star field of the Milky Way.

When she came, like other creatures, she thought that even though it was difficult to get here, there was still a high probability of development.

She even thought that she would quickly become a senior domain master in the bustling central star field of the Milky Way, and then climb to the level of a mid-level domain master, quickly approaching her final dream - to reach the top of the galaxy level existence!

That is the strongest level recorded in the entire galaxy.

It's a pity that when the Zerg Queen really arrived here, she found that she was not as powerful as she had imagined, and her development was not as smooth as she imagined. After countless battles, frictions, escapes, and the final blow, she began to become less aggressive.

"Actually, before Jia Yan appeared, I never thought about really committing myself to the Black Sheep, then relying on that Territory Lord-level force, and then slowly developing, obliterating my own edges and corners..."

She smiled bitterly.

In her opinion, Jia Yan's strength is completely her dream.

The existence that he had to protect a few years ago has reappeared and reached such an extent...

At least Jia Yan's promotion speed is what the Zerg Queen wants, but she can't do it!

"Forget it. If Jia Yan is really capable of solving the life-and-death crisis of my Zerg Queen's force after he comes back, then even if he asks me to hand over the Zerg Queen's force to him, what's wrong?"

She nodded, then her eyes became firm.

The Queen of the Zerg saw from Jia Yan the path she should take, and also knew that the previous way was wrong.

If Jia Yan is willing to take over, then she can hand over the rights to Jia Yan in the future, and then she can learn from Jia Yan and travel to the outside world to improve her own strength, trying to find improved skills in the outside world, and then try to do it as quickly as possible. Raise to the ideal level.

After making the decision, this strong female with a head similar to that of a beautiful human woman calmly stopped thinking so much, and instead immersed herself in her heart and continued her repair.

Of course, the premise of everything is that she must wait for the healing medicine sent by Jia Yan. In fact, the Zerg Queen does not have any expectations for the highest-grade healing medicine, because she understands that it is impossible to obtain that kind of medicine. If she purchases it herself, she may only be able to buy the lowest-grade one. Using that level of drug resources to cultivate her body will not only repair it more slowly, it may even leave hidden dangers in her body in the future, affecting even her talent.

But there is nothing you can do about it, who will let you lose!

The Zerg Queen has no idea that the lowest-grade drug resources she thinks are not that at all!

It’s okay if she doesn’t give Jia Yan the highest level of demands.

Since he has shown the highest level, how could Jia Yan not do his best? !

Puff puff--

In the subspace, Jia Yan is flying rapidly into the Edisha star, practicing on his knees.

In fact, Jia Yan has been in a bottleneck period recently.

After all, he had made too much progress in the past few years and had not had time to digest many things. Under such circumstances, how could he still have the chance to make significant progress!

Of course, the so-called lack of progress refers to his basic strength. For example, his brain wave power cannot be improved further, and his physical fitness cannot be improved. However, it does not mean that he cannot be improved in knowledge and theory.

On the contrary, it is precisely because Jia Yan needs to complete the blank theory as soon as possible to match knowledge with strength, which slows down the progress of strength!

So he is still improving, but compared with the crazy improvement period, this improvement is naturally not worth mentioning.

"To be so ambitious, to be a strong person, or something that any cultivator is taboo on, I am already a senior domain lord level creature, and in fact I am not a senior domain lord at all, I am just very powerful in combat. When I really reach the senior level in the future, I will definitely be much stronger than ordinary seniors. So I can't rush for success. I am indeed a bit radical about some things. I need to be calm in the future, and this includes cultivation."

Jia Yan tried his best not to think about cultivation, because even if he absorbed it, he wouldn't be able to absorb much energy, and even if he improved, his state would be unstable, and he might go crazy anytime and anywhere.

So he is not in a hurry.

"First of all, I have to sort out the things in the realm, and then improve the knowledge points. Secondly, I need to know more about the entire domain lord level, and I also need to know more about the power of others. In this way, I will have a better understanding of myself. More enlightenment from the sidelines.”

Before Jia Yan was promoted to Territory Lord, he was originally promoted quickly. He crammed in a lot of knowledge points before he had the chance to be promoted. However, the essence of this knowledge has not changed. Compared with the old knowledge points that other creatures slowly mastered throughout their lives, he Just a little rough.

Before his promotion, he could be said to be a relatively knowledgeable person among the top mid-level players in Galaxy.

But after being promoted to Territory Lord, and soaring to the senior Territory Lord level in one breath, the lack of knowledge has become a major issue again, especially when the person he wants to compete with now has become a senior Territory Lord. Those are all years. There are creatures that are more than a thousand years old, or even five or six thousand years old, and have accumulated accumulated knowledge points in their lifetime, which is simply unimaginable. In front of these beings, Jia Yan's knowledge pales in comparison.

So regarding this point, Jia Yan can only catch up, even if it is impossible to reach the same level as other senior fields in a short time, but on big issues, he has to catch up to the same level, otherwise it will be easy to fail in cultivation. question.

Of course, he also has advantages. For example, his main practice plan is his own Yin and Yang Dao.

This kind of thing was created by him, and he also has his own natural positive and negative physical advantages, so at least at this point, he is born to understand many things, and he must be able to quickly be promoted to the domain master. There are also these reasons. in.

Therefore, Jia Yan did not belittle himself or be too arrogant. He was just devouring all the knowledge he could find.

Even if you can't remember or understand it all at once, just read it before talking about it. Even if you can't remember it completely, it's good to have a flash of inspiration when you use it in the future. In fact, most powerful people do the same thing. Otherwise, no matter which domain lord wants to memorize a large amount of knowledge or books, their brains will not have to do anything else.

"Adisha, please help me select the categories, especially the knowledge on cultivation and biology. I think these are the most useful to me at the moment. After sorting them out, send them to me so that I can read them."


Edisha was busy in the sky, but no one could understand what it was doing. In short, it was just a small light and shadow mosquito flying in the sky, then pointing here and looking over there, it seemed like As if to show off.

Of course, it is not just showing off, but actually directing the brain program to do its work. Of course, it can actually complete the same work without doing these actions. Maybe the little guy does this just to increase the sense of ritual. Bar.

But Edisha was no longer a pure brain. It seemed to have remembered something, and then while letting the brain work, it flew towards Jia Yan, who was crawling in the palace.

"Master! You will be able to return to the Zerg Queen in two days. Editha misses them so much, but master, don't you prepare for a fight? Maybe we will have to fight again in the past!"

Edisha kindly reminded Jia Yan that there might be a fight there.

Its logical processor told it that Jia Yan would definitely be in trouble when he went back there. Although he had been dominating there for a while last time, Edisha didn't think Jia Yan could deal with so many Domain Lords in one go. Power is really easy.

There may be quite a big battle!

So it has to remind its owner to prepare for a big fight.

Jia Yan looked at it and then smiled slightly.

"Adisha, I'm already making preparations, can't you tell?"

"Huh? Is the master already making preparations? Editha can't see it! Doesn't the domain lord level no longer need to concentrate on preparing for battle?"

Edisha was shocked. She found that she didn't know enough about the Domain Lord level because there was so little information on the Internet.

Jia Yan shook his head and smiled again: "It's not that I don't have to devote myself wholeheartedly, but my energy is full now, and practice can't improve much. Instead of cramming for the moment, it's better to read more knowledge, and maybe deal with it next Among my opponents, there is a skill used by a strong person that I happened to see? Wouldn't that be more useful?"

"That's it, Edisha knows how to do it! Look at Edisha! Master, I have compiled all the information about the domain lord's fighting methods that I know in that starry sky, and then found the relevant knowledge to show you. If we fight them, there will be a way!"

"Of course, thank you, Edisha."

"Wow, wow, Master, thank you Adisha, Adisha will work hard!"

Editha flew around and danced happily like a little bee.

Jia Yan smiled, ignored it, and fell into deeper contemplation and reflection.

In fact, many times a strong person not only focuses on cultivation, but also spends more time in such contemplation, not only thinking about his own strength, but more often, thinking about the big problems of the universe, so that he can find the more essential nature. The energy becomes closer to the power itself.

When you reach the Territory Lord level, practice is not so important. Sometimes even if some strong people practice till death at the primary Territory Lord level, their energy cannot reach the key point to advance to the next level. That is because they do not understand the nature of the universe. not enough.

However, the understanding of the nature of the universe and your own perceptions are still difficult to teach other creatures.

For example, as a human being, you can communicate with others. How does it feel when you move your fingers? Can you tell me what it feels like when you see something with your eyes? Although everyone knows that 'moving your fingers' and 'seeing the scenery' are basic human abilities, God knows if everyone moves their fingers and sees the scenery exactly the same? Maybe everyone has a completely different feeling about this kind of thing, but they just can't communicate about this kind of thing! Because you can't tell.

The same is true for the strong. After reaching the Domain Lord level, what is tested is the most basic things.

Each of the strong men who can reach the domain lord level has extraordinary talents, and even at a certain level, they can no longer be explained by talents.

To improve your strength at this level, what you need is not talent, but a test of your understanding of the general environment and the true meaning of the universe.

So Jia Yan often meditates.

Edisha doesn't understand it now, but it won't take too long before she will understand that Jia Yan's current practice has long gone beyond simple practice. Find Shuyuan www. But it takes more time to meditate.

"Master, we've found it! After the brain upgrade, it will be really powerful. The processing speed is so fast!"

Adisha came to Jia Yan holding a smart brain screen projection device, and then turned on the screen projection.


Jia Yan saw that there was countless knowledge on the screen, including books, videos, audio and video, plus a lot of practical operations and so on.

Of course, Adisha would not just pile it on Jia Yan, because it had found out hundreds of billions of information from its own database, which was incredibly huge, and let Jia Yan look at it one by one. I'm afraid he would With the Territory Lord’s mental strength and speed, it would take hundreds of years to see it all.

"You also picked out the important and unimportant ones for me. That's right. Thank you, Adisha."

"Wow! Wow, Master thanks Adisha again! You're welcome, Adisha should do it!"

Editha did another somersault.

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