Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 29: The war between gods is about to begin? !

There are difficulties over there at White Dolphin.

Jia Yan also has many obstacles.

But compared to the complicated forces on his end, Jia Yan was better off. He didn't have so many bullshit troubles. At most, he just faced the pressure from the White God Department.

The masters under him are grassroots, all of them were recruited by his personal charm. To put it bluntly, they are all grassroots heroes, and they admire him the most.

So even if Jia Yan was a little more arbitrary, they wouldn't say anything.

It's just that recently, a major problem in the entire Black God system has begun to be exposed.

That means there are too few talents.

There are few high-end talents and few combat capabilities, and even low-end talents are also few.

At least for the White God system, that is extremely few. Looking at the general comparison of personnel, almost one person has to deal with three or four talents of the same level in the White God system. This is still a conservative calculation.

So Jia Yan also really wants the White Dolphin to be overcrowded, but he has a slightly disobedient subordinate.

Better than having no one available.

"Go back and tell your superiors that our Black God Department did not kill any of your goddesses. This matter is a slander and a proper achievement. If you continue to talk nonsense, do you believe that I, the Black God Department, will keep you and others here forever?! "

Within the diplomatic department, several diplomats from the Black God Department almost roared and drove out those from the White God Department who came to negotiate seriously.

"This person from the White God Department is simply talking nonsense. He said that we killed a certain goddess of theirs, and he couldn't produce a strong testimony. It is completely nonsense."

"That's right, do you still think that our black god family is like their white god family, going back on their word every day?"

Several diplomats were outraged.

Almost furious.

In fact, this is called not knowing the true face of Mount Lu, just because you are in this mountain.

One leaf is blinding.

People of the black god type naturally treat themselves justly, but people of the white god type are not the same.

If the two god-level experts were to confront each other, they would all be blushing.

There are a lot of little tricks going on behind the scenes, but they are just not brought to the surface, and no one below the god level knows about them.

On the other hand, the White God Department is probably really in trouble this time. All the goddesses have disappeared inexplicably. Goddess are already a scarce resource. Recently, the White God Department has been pushing several goddesses to the forefront to give people more recognition of the God Department. Well, I didn’t expect that not long after it started, one fell directly.

So even though he knew it was the Black God Sect's fault, and knew that it was impossible for the Black God Sect to admit it, he still asked the envoy to come to the Black Temple's diplomatic department to protest.

In fact, there is no need to protest or investigate who did it.

Who doesn't know that in this world, there are only two god-level forces, black and white, and if a god dies, who will he go to if he doesn't go to each other? It can't be that the goddess is in a bad mood and goes to kill herself, right?

In short, the people of the White God Department have been making trouble in the diplomatic department for several days. They have been making trouble every day, and they have only cursed in the street. The foreign department here is also a little worried. After all, their diplomatic department is not only facing the White God Department. In this In the world, in addition to the black and white factions, there are also many vassal forces, as well as forces that are still not attached to either side and have only set up offices to watch from afar.

When these forces come to do things, they will inevitably have random thoughts after hearing the Baishen faction scolding them and understanding the matter.

Killing a master of the other side's gods naturally demonstrated the strength of the Black Gods. However, this method of spreading prestige is somewhat unkind. The Black Gods broke the agreement between the gods. If someone with intentions catches it, To put it bluntly, even the gods are not moral. Is it necessary to rely on this pantheon?

As a result, people were in panic, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Black God Department tried to appease them, but after a lot of trouble, the White God Department's goal was achieved.

Of course, these small tricks are nothing more than small scenes. Similar games between the two sides are everywhere. Not to mention the White God Sect, the Black God Sect has also come up with similar things recently. For example, the embassy in the White God Sect's base camp has been conducting White God Sect diplomacy in the past two days. Department, howling that there are gods from the white god system intervening in the mortal war, killing countless mortals from the black god system.

Both sides have evidence, which can be said to be irrefutable, or it may be easy for people to confirm that the other party did the thing.

But the senior officials of the external forces who are not blind, took a closer look and realized, my dear, both sides have real evidence, but they are both breaking the rules.

The two of you are not playing in the spirit of contract. It is basically intrigue.

Today, both sides have a vague feeling that a storm is coming. A kind of terrifying pressure that only belongs to the gods is gradually permeating the forces of both sides, and it seems that a war is about to begin.

"Has that person from the White God system recently come to ask questions again?"

"Replying to Sir Bing Jia Yan, the White Gods are indeed here, but I did some tricks secretly several times, so that they had to stop spreading rumors. They have stopped a little bit in the past two days."

Laita is easy to use.

When other god-level masters do things, they do whatever Jia Yan tells them to do, but Laita thinks a lot. He will also do things that Jia Yan did not tell him that he thinks are useful and will not hinder Jia Yan's principles of action.

This is not because close friends dare not do this, because if they are not careful, they will step on the master's red line, so others do not dare to do it.

Laita dares to do it, but who makes him the 'number one scoundrel'?

"Well, I don't worry about you doing things. It's just that I've been feeling a little bit whim lately. You know, I and other strong people have this kind of feeling, and it's usually not wrong. So lately, everyone has paid more attention to me and made inquiries for me. What the hell is the White God Department doing again?"


Laita left the Black God Hall with a smile of success and his head held high.

Jia Yan was left alone, sitting on the main seat in the hall, thinking about something.

He does have a sense of whim.

The White Dolphins probably also knew what he sensed, but they were confident, so Jia Yan guessed that the method used by the White Dolphins this time would definitely not be a simple one, but might even be the ultimate killer move.

Unfortunately, no information was obtained.

The new intelligence department of the Black God Force is still too immature.

Jia Yan is sure that the intelligence department of the White God Department is much stronger than his own. If there is any big movement in his Black God Temple, the information will reach the White Dolphin in the next minute, but he cannot do this.

This is also where the talent gap between the two sides lies.

"But there is no time for me to slowly catch up. In this world... I think it has almost reached its end. It is just an opportunity to improve my strength. The White Dolphins may have tried their best to fight for it, but for me it is not It’s optional, it can take a year or two, but if it takes a few more years, I would rather go to the outside world for self-cultivation or adventure, and maybe the harvest will be greater.”

Jia Yan is not boasting, it is fact.

The essential difference between him and the White Dolphin is that one is still young and has high talent, while the other is not an old man, but his talent is definitely not as good as his own, so they can slow down, but Jia Yan can't.

In fact, if he didn't want to see the domain master's high-level battle methods, Jia Yan might not have taken the bait of this artificial world. For him, the way to improve did not involve accompanying the white dolphin to fight to the death in the small world.

"Maybe the White Dolphins have also thought of my idea, so they have been speeding up the progress of the war recently, for fear that I will get tired and leave. Forget it, let them speed up the progress, no matter how many back-ups there are, I really can't defeat them, just leave. My mental strength is my greatest protection, what can he do to me?"

The only problem.

As for the White Dolphin, they will choose to start the ‘God War’ on that battlefield.

"At first I was thinking of the Cultivation Superstar, but now I see that the situation is different. The location of the Cultivation Superstar is important, but several other places are also good choices."

Jia Yan tapped his brain and opened the map.

There are small red dots on several major locations in the Cultivation Superstar, the southeast, the northwest, and the middle of the battle line.

These were all places where the fighting was relatively fierce and had important geographical factors. The two sides fought several times, and several large-scale mortal wars broke out around these locations.

Today we are still in a serious tug-of-war, with a large number of casualties filling these battlefields every moment.

Jia Yan never thought about the Black God Department's first divine battle.

Because the personnel on our side are indeed relatively weak and have insufficient foundation, it is better to play defensive counterattack, which is suitable for the weak to defeat the strong.

His military literacy is not to be underestimated. He has been trained on the Northern Superstar and is enough to cope with ordinary interstellar wars, let alone small world battles.

Although White Dolphin and the others come from a big power, they have never traveled across the galaxy alone, and they have never seen more of the world than Jia Yan. No matter how long they have, they will not be much better than Jia Yan no matter how much they read poetry and books, so they At this point, I am not worried that I will be eaten to death by the opponent.

"Although the defense will have more advantages, the situation is still serious. We must strictly guard against them using their god-level combat power advantage to directly swallow up a certain front. Each front is a top priority. If one of them is swallowed, it will be A single move can affect the whole body, putting us in an absolutely unfavorable state, so there is no room for error in this wave of speculation."

Jia Yan has experienced the collapse of the entire enemy many times, but those were all caused by the collapse of the enemy, and he did not want to suffer such a loss himself.

Courting Disha in this matter is of no use.

Despite the fact that Edisha is a master at predicting the war situation in this world, she seems to be an omnipotent top strategist.

However, that is for the army of this world.

All life forms in this world were in a state of computer evolution before Jia Yan and the others entered. It seemed to be a relatively complete world with different personalities. However, in the eyes of computers, there are still traces to be found, even in wars. Often counted to death by Edisa.

Once it involves war planning with real lives in the outside world, things are different.

What's more, the opponent is still a powerful lord from the top forces in the galaxy. Jia Yan doesn't dare to bet his life on Edisha.

So and so.

Many god-level subordinates under Jia Yan also sensed the impending storm.

Even if they don't sense it, Jia Yan will notify these real subordinates.

After all, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands. Jia Yan wants them to enter this half world just to find some helpers for himself.

It's just that now all the subordinates have their own tasks, such as sitting in certain key war zones, searching for clues to the White Dolphin conspiracy, or performing certain secret missions like Edisha and Jia Lin.

All in all, many people were outside and received notifications.

"The divine war will begin?!"

The bodies of all the generals were slightly shaken.

Among the immortal cultivating superstars, Qing Ling has the most solemn face.

According to reliable intelligence, she has the highest possibility of a divine war breaking out on this planet.

Because the location of the Cultivation Superstar is too important.

And even now, hasn't she already dealt with a god-level master? He also killed his clone, which showed that not only the Black Gods valued this place, but the White Gods also regarded it as a key location.

Generally speaking, the possibility of a divine war breaking out here is more than 60%!

"Are you ordering me not to initiate a divine battle...Is this a defensive counterattack?"

Qingling looked at the Zhi Nao information in her hand and her expression changed slightly.

"Senior Sister, what are you looking at?"

A familiar girl's voice came from behind. Qingling glanced over and saw Qingjuan looking curiously.

"How long have you been following me?"

Qing Ling calmly put away her brain. Although this object has been seen by Qing Juan many times, to people on the Immortal Cultivation Star, it is still a foreign creation. With its strange and obscene skills, it will inevitably be stained. If possible, it is better not to reveal it.

"Back to Senior Sister, I have been following you for nearly a year and a half."

"It's been a year and a half...that is to say, it's been about two or three years since I came to this world."

Qingling only felt in a daze.

She is a behemoth in the outside world, one of the behemoths in the starry sky, and a master of the domain master level.

I'm afraid that before entering this world, she herself never thought that she would spend two or three years here.

She was almost getting used to the human body.

However, all this should be over soon.

She believed what Master Jia Yan said. In this world, her whim ability has deteriorated a lot, but it does not mean that she has no whim power in the outside world. In fact, in these small skills, she is no worse than Jia Yan. After all, women What's the sixth sense? Moreover, she is also a Domain Lord-level existence outside.

But for this world, look for Shuyuan Jia Yan is one of the world's creator gods, and he still has a lot of ability to act on a whim, so he looks stronger.

"Senior Sister, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just said that we have been together day and night for a long time, and I feel a little reluctant to leave."

"Ah...Sister, are you...where are you going? I really can't bear to leave you."

Qingjuan was about to cry.

However, Qing Ling has already trained this girl to be the leader of the intelligence department and the dark army. Her current thoughts are too dark to look good, so Qing Ling will naturally not believe her words.

"Don't pretend to be a loving child. You should have expected it when I leave. Don't worry, as long as your performance is good enough, after I leave, Xingchen Gate will be yours, and even this entire planet. I can leave it to you to take over, but you must survive the next danger. It is a big crisis that even I dare not say will be safe and sound. You have to hold on for me, don't let me down. Expectation, understand?”

"Huh?...Okay, okay."

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