Jia Yan did not expect that the Baishen family would lower their proud heads and choose to retreat.

This is a good tactic to use when you are at a disadvantage.

Because this buys time for a major internal reform.

It is also the so-called ‘exchanging space for time’.

The Baishen system is becoming more mature.

In other words, he regained his composure.

"You are obviously several times older than me, but you have only learned to grow up now. Tsk tsk, it's good to be born in a powerful force."

Jia Yan sighed.

There is no doubt that he is mocking this enemy.

Either the sarcasm is belittled, or the sarcasm is in name only.

If he had been given such a family background, he would have taken off long ago.

Of course, situations are different, and people’s growth status is also different.

Maybe it turned him into a white dolphin, or maybe it was just a 'white dolphin' that changed its form.

White dolphin in mosquito form?

Bah, White Dolphin's father will beat him to death.

"What are you thinking about?"

Jia Yan laughed to himself.

Anyway, things didn't work out. The White Dolphin was now fighting with its last resort and chose to retreat. As for him, he was leading the powerful black god-type army to fight in the original hinterland of the White Dolphin.

In small-scale battles, comeback battles abound.

However, in a larger-scale war, if you are weak, you are weak, and if you lose, you are defeated.

For example, in the ancient times of the Earth's Huaxia Kingdom, the wars between the Ming and the Qing, the wars between the Ming and the Yuan, and the wars between the Yuan and the Song Dynasty, all of them were the decline of the former dynasty's national power and its military strength, which was undoubtedly replaced by the latter.

The relationship between the Black God System and the White God System is similar.

Even when the White God Sect had the upper hand, they were unable to push the Black God Sect into a corner. Today, the Black God Sect has risen strongly, but it is too late for them to reverse the decline.

"In fact... in this battle to create the world, if we use national power as a metaphor, I am afraid that the White Dolphins are doomed to lose from the beginning."

Jia Yan thought a lot.

When the Black God system is at its weakest, it is in its initial creation stage.

At that time, the White God Sect wanted to destroy the Black God Sect, which could be said to be overwhelming.

But they can't do that.

Because the white dolphin wants more, it wants to force out all the power of Jia Yan, and then swallow his energy in this world, thereby forcing Jia Yan's real body to death, and finally swallows the whole of Jia Yan, becoming the driving force behind his strength. A stepping stone to the next level.

But White Dolphin missed something.

That is this method of raising Gu's self-respect, which can easily cause him to suffer backlash, not to mention raising an opponent whose apparent strength is similar to his.

The white god system gave way to the black god system time and time again.

Dead and invincible?

It’s nothing, just a chess piece of this world.

Dead god level?

It doesn't matter, we have far more people than the Black Gods, so it's no problem for him or two.

Hit and hit.

The white dolphin gradually discovered that the people around him were demoralized.

He was confused and at a loss.

In fact, the idea is a good one. It is to support Jia Yan and prevent Jia Yan from being forced out of despair to create the world before he becomes stronger, so that he can gain the maximum benefit.

But he never thought that if you fail, failure will become a habit, and death will become a habit, and the morale of your subordinates will decrease.

Even he himself may have cast a lot of shadows.


By now.

The Black Gods began to gain the upper hand, forcing the White Gods to enter a defensive phase.

Is this called shooting oneself in the foot?

"So, pretending to be cool will not end well."

Jia Yan bared his teeth and wanted to smile.

He really had no sympathy for White Dolphin at all, and looked down on that guy from the bottom of his heart.

The strength is there, but unfortunately, the heart is as high as the sky and the life is as thin as paper.

Not long after sighing, Jia Yan received a report from the front line again.

Another good news.

As expected.

Switching to a defensive posture cannot be accomplished in a short while.

Not only in terms of mentality, but also in terms of equipment and personnel ratio, it requires an adaptation process.

Therefore, on the frontline battlefield, the Black Gods continued their attacks, quickly destroying the enemy camp and capturing two key planets.

This is a strategic location behind enemy lines whose importance is comparable to that of a cultivating superstar.

When Jia Yan set the key events of the war before, the best result he set was to end this big offensive.

Now, the Black God-type troops have successfully achieved his planned plan.

Of course, it’s also related to the enemy’s astonishing ‘stupidity’.

Faced with such a defeated enemy force, sometimes it is impossible not to win even if you don't want to.

"My order is that the plan for this advance operation is over. The frontline troops should stop the front line and rest in place."


The staff officer retired respectfully.

Jia Yan held Zhinao in his hand.

He did not feel overly excited because of the complete victory of this forward general offensive plan.

Because of this kind of opponent, such a result is not surprising at all.

As soon as the good news came, he was already working on a more radical next war plan.

Soon, Jia Yan, who simply drew a few fronts on his brain, set up commanders of each front and the main attack force, sent out this simple war plan.

And the target people of the mass message are all the absolute top leaders of the Black God System - the gods of the Black God System!

The title of the war plan is eye-catching and exciting: The Decisive Battle Plan!


The battle is over, and Jia Yan has prepared the final battle plan.

The last plan to completely destroy the white dolphin group in this world.

"Gentlemen, although the White Dolphins are in a bad situation, they still have some resistance. I hope you don't take it lightly and fight this last war well."

"Don't worry, sir, we won't make the same mistake as the White Dolphins."

Faced with Jia Yan's instructions, someone responded with great ease in the reply letter.

Jia Yan smiled reassuringly.

Compared with the unreliable subordinates of White Dolphin, he believed that his subordinates would not disappoint him.

"Speaking of which, if this battle ends, I might have to fight again with White Dolphin's subordinates after I go out... I don't know if those guys who went out earlier will take advantage of my Orion Arm's empty combat power to do something bad. action……"

The battle to create the world has not yet ended, and Jia Yan is already worried about things in the galaxy.

However, he believes that the Orion Arm should be in peace for the time being.

At least the scene he saw during his last real body activity was not a battle scene.

Presumably the White Dolphins are still dreaming of winning and then taking over the Orion Arm.

Or maybe they are worried that the people in the Orion Arm will have a way to inform Jia Yan in the creation world and attack the Orion Arm casually, causing Jia Yan to give up the fight for the creation world and break free, thus messing up the White Dolphin's plan.

There are several reasons, and the real answer may be a combination of many reasons.

In short, the outside world must not be so easy to fight, so my worries will be reduced.

Thinking back on the experiences and journey in the magical world over the past few years.

Jia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

"Although the White Dolphin is indifferent, this world has really allowed me to appreciate the fighting methods of high-level experts, and it has also fulfilled some of my dreams. Now that I am so close to getting out of trouble, it makes me a little reluctant to give up. .”

However, as a strong person, attachment is the most undesirable emotion.

Jia Yan often abandons his family, let alone a world like this.

So the mood swings are momentary.

Then it was back to normal.

He closed his eyes.

Around the entire Black Temple, the energy level began to rise sharply.

He is adjusting.

Because Jia Yan believes that the time for a decisive battle is coming soon.

He had been working hard for several years, which even accounted for a large part of his life span of just over a hundred years. How could he be willing to let these years go to waste.

So no matter whether his opponent is defeated or not, he will go all out for the final battle.

"I hope the White Dolphin will not have other back-up players. If he has someone more powerful, then no one knows. I will also use some of my trump cards."

"I'm afraid that the trump card in the end is too shameless. I'm really afraid that he will accuse me of cheating, haha..."

Jia Yan smiled sarcastically to himself.

at the same time.

Compared with the smooth sailing of the Black God Department, the current situation inside the turtle-shaped White God Department is already in a state of dire straits.

The general public of the White God Sect, since the recent sudden attack of the Black God Sect, which destroyed several frontline planets of the White God Sect, and even advanced into the hinterland of the White God Sect, capturing the two most important defense planets in the hinterland, the entire people have become panicked.

Although there are hundreds of central planets in the hinterland of the White God System, each one can be said to be impregnable.

But facing the menacing black god-type army, no one had the slightest confidence anymore.

The entire Baishen system is like a pool of stagnant water.

Except for occasional reports from the front line and losses in legion battles somewhere, there is nothing that can arouse the emotions of the people.

In fact, there are other variables in the two major gods.

Among them, the biggest variable related to people's livelihood comes from the fact that the person who created the world has been activated and gradually transformed into a real "person", or "intelligent life".

They become more reasonable and can do certain things that the program cannot calculate.

Such as more romantic love, more complicated grievances and hatreds, and a more difficult world.

The hinterland of Baishen.

A young man and a woman were holding hands and walking on the beach.

"I'm going to the battlefield."

The young man looked at the sea and did not dare to look at the girl next to him.

The girl's hand suddenly tightened. She looked back at the boy, her pretty red lips trembling a few times, wanting to say something.

However, thousands of words turned into one sentence: "I'm waiting for you..."

"No, please forget about me. The future of our planetary force is uncertain here. I will probably... die on the front line, so you find other boys and live a good life..."

"I don't... I only want you. If you die, I will die with you."

"You don't understand, you really don't understand. The world will change soon and we won't survive. Just forget about me and live a good life..."

"I don't! I won't!"

Boys and girls were wailing in pain on the beach. The boy wanted to leave, but couldn't bear it.

A bard in the distance sighed after looking at it, picked up the morin für, plucked the strings, and sang a sad and tragic song.

Whether it's artistic conception or emotion, everything is very different from the "unremarkable" songs of the bard in the past.

Whether it's him, the girl in the distance, or many people far away in the city.

As big as this planet, the entire White God System, including the small creative world of the Black God System.

All intelligent life has produced human nature that is far more complex than the original, as well as various emotional fluctuations.

It is quite different from the original created world.

There were too many unreasonable places in the past.

Today they are getting closer and closer to the outside world.

All in all, there are a lot more "human feelings" here.

Perhaps, many people think this is a good thing.

But this kind of change in human relations has had an unprecedented impact on the previous rule foundation of the White God System!

Because the main tool of White God System's governance is 'faith'.

Although there is no right or wrong in belief, the main reliance on ignorance to spread belief and the way of spreading belief by treating people as fools has allowed the White God Department to endure the pain of the past amid the rising personal will.

The backlash of personal emotions caused countless people under the rule of the White Gods to question their past practices.

Why did they believe in the White God System so firmly in the past?

The Baishen system is so great, why are they losing ground?

And why is it that the Black Gods’ side is rumored to be more humane, but the White Gods’ side doesn’t do that?

Too many reasons why.

There are more and more people who have developed more self-awareness and are more likely to question the White God system, and even question the White God himself.

Perhaps for individuals, most of them just have doubts.

But when this kind of will is magnified to the entire Baishen system, what is shown is that the fighting spirit is low, the work efficiency is reduced, and all the strong men are unable to work one or two.

As a result, the so-called 'shrinking tactic' also suddenly weakened a lot of its effect.

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent.

Senior executives within the White God Department, please look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com Some people also looked back and recalled the bitterness and sweetness, and bitterly discovered that their approach was indeed much simpler and cruder than that of the Black God Department.

The reason is not that they don't understand the people.

In other words, the Black God System may not be such a humane existence.

The only reason is that the Black God Department’s ‘starting point is too low’.

The original Jia Yan had to be brought out by his subordinates one by one.

You say, does he dare not be unkind to his subordinates and not think more about them?

This is again the fault of the original setting.

The White God type has a good hand, which makes people sigh and beat him to pieces.

"Young Master, frontline battle report... Three more planets could not be defended. I waited in the dark to protect them, but I could not save them."

"Yeah, I know."

The white dolphin sits on the chair with an expressionless expression.

No emotion or anger can be seen.

"Young Master, don't you want to say something? You must always come up with some countermeasures!"

White Dolphin's eyes fell on the middle-aged man who spoke, and his expression remained unchanged as he said, "Then tell me, what should I do?"

"The defeat is still uncertain. You can push our high-end combat power to the front, or you can protect other territories, or you can give up the star fields in the outside world, gather forces to defend near the Kingdom of God, or you can block Jia Yan and the others' final attack, and still have……"


The white dolphin suddenly shouted and stopped him from continuing to propose.

He stood up from the chair, and the paralyzed facial expression he had developed recently finally failed.

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