Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 14 You didn’t use all your strength

[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

The reason why Jia Yan has not shown crushing strength until now, nor has he defeated any senior domain lord with one blow, is actually because of this 'big fish' who has never shown up.

As long as he is ready to kill a certain senior domain lord, this hidden guy will definitely take action. Otherwise, he will lose his helper for no reason, and he must be unwilling to do so.

So Jia Yan has been trying to make insinuations.

That hidden power, perhaps because of his confidence in his own hiding ability, made him unaware that Jia Yan already knew where he was.

"Region Lord's lower level! And it has been a short time since he entered the Domain Lord's lower level..."

Jia Yan soon understood.

After making the assessment, he did not show any fear.

He had already prepared to face the super strong people here, otherwise why would he forcefully stay in Jianghu Star Territory.

This battle was not only to familiarize him with the strength of the lower-level Territory Lords, but also to complete the battle in one battle and solve the biggest dangerous problem that had plagued the Orion Arm for a long time.

"Puff, puff, hahaha, Edisa is going to open the palace."

Suddenly, not far from the battlefield, the palace that had been avoiding the battle circle took action and gradually retreated towards the depths of the sub-space.

The palace has always been lingering between the sub-space and the normal space. Because it is separated from the battlefield, the power that will completely loot the sub-space has not affected this place.

After Edisha took control of the palace, the strong men around her also felt the movement here. Some of them moved their expressions, but in the end they did not choose any measures.

This palace is famous.

Many powerful people are quite envious of the huge palace that is 10,000 kilometers away. After all, it not only represents the cards, but also represents the means to move quickly in the sub-space. It is both beautiful and practical, so why not do it? .

But others really can’t afford it. Even if they could, they wouldn’t have the subspace technology.

Therefore, it is true that they are jealous, so much so that when they fought just now, they deliberately did not affect the palace here.

Even if they are now at a disadvantage, none of them will use the palace to vent their anger, because if they lose, they will have nothing, so venting to a mere palace will be of no use.

Besides, Jia Yan will definitely stop them. Now he has the initiative in the fight.

"He ordered the palace to enter the sub-space? Why?"

"Are you planning to do something? Hum, no matter what you do, we won't allow it."

"Is it possible that he has really reached the point of exhaustion..."

For a moment, the seven powerful men's minds were turbulent, and each had various thoughts.

The roaring sound of the confrontation was louder than the previous wave, but it did not directly cause any injuries to anyone present.

It wasn't until Jia Yanfu's eyes flashed with something brilliant, and he felt that he was almost ready, that he took aim at the metal exoskeleton-like creature and struck down.

"Speaking of which, your exoskeleton method is somewhat similar to my original evolutionary skills. Haha, in that case, let's start with you first. Who made us predestined."

Of course it's not fate.

Jia Yan killed him with one blow, and the guy with the metal exoskeleton instantly felt that the stabbing of his foot was completely different from the previous feeling.

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []


His eyes were about to burst, and he immediately activated the metal exoskeleton on his body with all his strength, preparing to survive this attack.

However, there was only a pop sound, and at the moment of the assassination, the azure blue color on Jia Yan's feet burst out with light, piercing through the metal exoskeleton armor with one blow, and then piercing into the opponent's body.

"You are really strong, but you are following my old path. This defense has to be the best from the inside out."

Jia Yan said this call in this person's ear, and the sarcasm was quite obvious.

Is it really because of fate that I chose this metal exoskeleton to operate first?

Wrong, simply because he was the most troublesome. He had resisted several of Jia Yan's frontal killing moves.


The senior domain master, who was gifted with metal exoskeletons, felt like he was dying. He looked at his injuries and quickly pulled away Jia Yan's feet. He saw that the injuries were bleeding profusely, and he stumbled towards him in great discomfort. Then fly away.

He is not dead yet, senior domain lords are not so easy to kill.

Jia Yan was also blocked by the strong men behind him.

They knew very well the truth behind the death of lips and teeth. When Jia Yan killed the man with extremely strong defense, it was like losing a shield.

Although this person is injured now, as long as he goes to the side and rests for a while, he should be able to regain some of his combat power.

Everyone present was injured a little, it was just a matter of more or less.

The sound of fighting and fighting echoed in the starry sky.

This is not a created world, and sound cannot be transmitted in a vacuum. However, because the level of the confrontation is too high-end, the people present have triggered various unique innate powers, resulting in the collision of rare particles in the vacuum and causing violent noises.

Jia Yan faced this group of guys who once again blocked him desperately, but did not choose to continue chasing him, because he knew that even if he caught up, he might not be able to kill the metal exoskeleton. His purpose from the beginning was to make him lose Just fighting power.

"Without defense, how can you resist me?"

Jia Yan was enjoying the fight, and felt a joyful fighting sensation all over his muscles and bones.

He carried forward the rhythm of making false claims in the east and attacking in the west.


Dang Dang.

There are a total of six feet, each with its own attack ability, especially the two pairs of front feet, which are often swung out with azure blue and can easily break through the opponent's defense. If the senior domain master did not have his own life-saving skills, maybe There has been death.


Seeing that another one was shot through the abdomen by Jia Yan, he quickly retreated from the battle circle with an ugly look on his face, but this time the people around him failed to catch him and could no longer protect him from staying away.

Jia Yan's quick eyes and quick hands ejaculated from the back foot again!

You know, Jia Yan rarely uses his hind feet, so people misunderstand that his hind feet have no combat effectiveness.

In fact, it is correct to say this. Jia Yan has not specifically trained his hind feet, but this does not mean that he really cannot fight with his hind feet.

At least the characteristic of the hind feet is that they are extremely long. Compared with the front feet and mid-foot, the attack range is greatly increased.

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

At this time, everyone present did not notice that the rear foot kicked out, and the length was much longer than Jia Yan's usual front and middle foot, so it had an unexpected effect in an instant.


This foot cut the strong man's heart, causing a large rain of blood.

"Uh-huh!" The strong man's whole expression changed drastically, and then he continued to retreat quickly in the face of the dead soul. After all, he had suffered a real fatal injury now. If Jia Yan applied another blow, he would definitely die.

"Want to leave? Stay."

Jia Yan did not choose to be merciful, but allowed his body to move forward despite the obstruction of the strong men, preparing to use his ultimate move to end this man's life.

But just when he was about to start his killing move, his expression changed slightly.

"Are you here? Haha, I've been waiting for you for a long time."

A silent attack, the subgravitational wave system surged out from within, like a tsunami, with each wave higher than the next.

In an instant, the gravitational wave system was directly shot, and the attack came to the center of Jia Yan's forehead.


Before the attack came, Jia Yan could already feel waves surging like ocean waves.

It seems that this huge force cannot be stopped by human power.

Jia Yan remained motionless as a mountain, instead of avoiding the sharp edge, he stepped forward despite the difficulties. The positive and negative force that had been brewing for a long time exploded directly on the incoming wave-shaped attack.

The sky and the earth turned pale for a moment, and then the space seemed to be broken, and a lot of ping-ping-pong-pong sounds could be heard.

The senior domain lords who were attacking Jia Yan all around were affected. Many people were affected and they retreated violently. Although they were not hurt, everyone was in danger.

Who else showed up?

Judging from the strength of this attack, it seems quite tricky!

However, among the group of besiegers, there was one person who looked directly ecstatic after feeling the power of that energy.

"Welcome to Senior Zhu Yu!"

The senior domain masters on one side heard the words and felt as if they were enlightened. They felt the warmth rising, and they saluted respectfully towards the direction where the wave attack was coming: "Welcome to Senior Zhu Yu."

"Zhu Yu?"

Jia Yan was stunned for a moment, then laughed it off.

He knows this name, or in other words, he has known it a long time ago. After all, this existence is a famous one. In the Northern Territory, it is a high-end flower and stands at the top of the entire Northern Territory.

A master at the lower level of the Territory Lord.

And he has the "gravitational wave talent" that makes people extremely headache.

Although Jia Yan's face was expressionless, he was sighing a little in his heart.

It’s over, Barbie is Q.

Those who came were from the gravitational wave system, and they were the late domain masters.

It's okay to fight, but he doesn't think he will lose because his backhand hasn't been shown yet.

But the problem is that Zhu Yu is rumored to be the only proud person in the entire Northern Territory.

It's not that she is strong.

Instead, she possesses the 'gravitational wave talent', which is a weird talent alongside the subspace talent and is recognized as difficult to kill.

Jia Yan had escaped disaster in the gravitational wave system. He had a deeper understanding of the relationship between gravitational waves and subspace, so he knew that even if the opponent was not outstanding in hand-to-hand combat, as long as he entered the gravitational wave system, he would Whether you want to kill someone with strength or hurt them, it's very difficult.


Because of this difficulty, do you just give up?

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []


The emotions have been brewing to this point, and even if he wants to leave, will Zhu Yu be willing?

Thinking of this, Jia Yan straightened his expression and said calmly to where the tsunami-like attack was coming: "Senior Zhu Yu, right? I've heard about his name for a long time, but I didn't expect to see his face today."

A great master in the lower ranks of Territory Lords would be an incredible being no matter where he is. Jia Yan is right to be respectful.

Even if life and death were to be decided immediately, Jia Yan would not be too rude. The strong men who have reached this stage only agree on this point.

Because what you respect is not the other person, but the entire cultivation system. Respecting the system means respecting yourself.

Of course everyone is different and there are exceptions.

"Jia Yan... After only a few decades of seclusion, there are children from the Northern Territory who have cultivated to such a level. I am really impressed."

As he spoke, a white creature tore open a hole in the surging gravitational wave space behind it, and walked out gracefully and slowly.

Her whole body is like white jade. Although she is not huge in size, she is still more than ten kilometers in size. Although she is too small for a fifty-kilometer-long monster like Jia Yan, it is not difficult to understand that the other party is a female creature. .

The most important thing for a strong person is energy fluctuations. As soon as she appears, the inside of her crystal clear body has an aura that exceeds that of a senior domain lord. This alone will make people ignore her figure.

"Seniors are overly praised. I can't learn from the juniors. Compared with you, your senior, a great master who has enjoyed a long reputation, I am still inferior. How dare I be praised by my seniors."

After Zhu Yu walked out, Jia Yan was a little surprised, feeling like he had an impression somewhere.

She walked out of the gravitational wave system, looked at the senior domain lords retreating in the distance, then looked at the injuries of several of them, and sighed: "If one person faces the cooperation of seven senior domain lords at the same time, not only will he not be affected by Those who are seriously injured and can injure them are not worthy of my praise, so there must not be many people in this galaxy who are worthy of my praise!"

"Haha, it's just that these friends don't want to bully me, a new strong man."

Zhu Yu looked at Jia Yan with bright eyes and said slowly: "Don't you want to bully them? I think you don't want to bully them. So far, you haven't used all your strength."


Jia Yan was a little surprised when the truth was revealed, but he immediately became magnanimous. If he could discover a lower-level Domain Lord within the gravitational wave system, how could he not let the other party realize that he was not giving his all?

If you can cultivate to this point, find Shuyuan www. No one is a fool.


The seven senior domain masters at the rear all looked shocked, and then looked at Jia Yan in confusion, and soon became miserable.

It turns out that Jia Yan fought with them for so long, or was it because he showed mercy?

The embarrassed senior domain masters looked at each other, not wondering whether Senior Zhu Yu was wrong.

Given that person's status, he would probably not talk nonsense.

"Well, Jia Yan, now that I have appeared, you must also understand that it is difficult to have any results in a confrontation with me. It's not that I look down on you, but I have the talent of subspace similar to yours. I have gravity. Bo talent, the two major talents, from ancient times to the present, are rarely heard of being able to decide the winner at the same level. Therefore, no matter how strong you are, you can't do anything to me. In the same way, I don't think I can do anything to you. Since So, why don't you and I shake hands and make peace? I will ask the juniors to apologize to you for besieging you. From now on, we will try our best to make convenient passages in the northern region for the Orion Arm incident. What do you think? "

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[Rebirth of the Starry Sky Giant Mosquito] []

Before the Zhu Yu expert could finish speaking, there was a senior domain master who had been severely injured on the other side. He said slightly unwillingly: "Senior Zhu Yu, he has lost a lot of physical energy and has injuries on his body. Moreover, the subspace has been blocked by us in every possible way. This Jia Yan cannot enter again..."


Before he finished speaking, the opponent who was about to persuade the strong Zhu Yu to start a battle with Jia Yan was stunned.

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