Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 28 Unable to reach this level 1?

Even this group of beings have to respectfully address people as ‘seniors’…

The attendant could no longer imagine it.

Naturally, no one here would consider the attendant's feelings.

"Senior, you came from outer space? Are you stronger than other superstars?"

Each of those people was a 'fake great master'. In front of Jia Yan, even though he called Jia Yan a senior, he didn't have too much fear.

It's not that he is not afraid of Jia Yan's strength. At least with Jia Yan's reported ability, it may not be too difficult to kill them. But people who can become strong will generally not have much problem with their temperament. If they are greedy for life and afraid of death, come to them. Those who are stronger than themselves will have to kneel down and be like dogs. They will not be able to reach their current strength through hard work.

Besides, Jia Yan had no reason to attack them.

"Yes, I come from outer space. However, I am not the other giant star you and others mentioned. I just lived in the northern giant star for a while. I am actually a visitor from outside the central star field of the Milky Way."

"Beyond the central star field of the Milky Way?"

"Can the outside world actually have such great power as Senior?"

All the fake powerful men were stunned and looked at each other in shock.

From the perspective of the giant giants, what they understand as the "Galaxy Power" is almost limited to the small central star field of the Milky Way, and even outside the black hole area, they don't think much of it.

The central star field of the Milky Way, from the perspective of the Zerg Queen and other powerful people, it is a holy land that they want to set foot in throughout their lives. But from the perspective of the strong locals in Southern Star, they are no different from the barbarians.

There are some powerful people in the Milky Way Central Star Region. Although they are far inferior to the superstars, even if their fake powers come out to the Galaxy Central Star Region, they can easily cause panic and fighting on a large scale, but they still understand. , the central star field of the Milky Way also has many top experts.


Beyond the galactic central star field?

A wild land beyond the wild?

Can there still be such a top powerhouse as before?

Everyone stared at Jia Yan like a giant panda.

"Haha, you all are impressed and have the intention to practice in your hearts. Where in the world can't you practice?"

"That's right, heroes don't ask where they come from."

Several fake powerful men showed their high-spirited smiles. In fact, it was unclear whether they were ridiculing Jia Yan's birth or truly admiring him for being able to cultivate to this level despite his humble background.

Even Jia Yan couldn't directly penetrate the heart of a top senior domain lord second only to himself.

He didn't look down on the top senior domain lord at all.

After all, not long ago, he was also at this level. Looking down on others was not just looking down on himself.

"Okay, everyone already knows my details, so can you make your intentions clear? When you gather together, it won't be as simple as just coming to see me."

Jia Yan didn't want to communicate more with this group of strangers and said it bluntly.

The other party must also know the rules of communication between strong people, so you look at me, I look at you, and a being who is probably the strongest among several strong people stands up and speaks.

"Actually, our original intention was to come and see if Senior had any intention of practicing in this area for a long time. However, what we saw today shows that Senior probably wants to leave. This idea was naturally given up."

Jia Yan smiled half-heartedly: "Oh, what if I really like this Feng Shui treasure land and want to practice here?"

"That is of course our honor. To be in such a peaceful place and guarded by someone as powerful as our seniors must be enough to intimidate masters from all over the world. No one within a million miles will dare to come and cause trouble here again."

Jia Yan smiled calmly.

He knew that these guys were just talking. If he, a really powerful person, really settled here, he would not dare to fight them, but he would definitely think of ways to deprive them of resources, otherwise he, the Queen of the Territory Lord, would If Jie practices here, their life will be difficult.

And because they dared to invite me, they must have seen that they were sincerely taking the two little girls on a voyage, and they must have left the million-kilometer radius soon, so they came to visit.

"Okay, since you all have come to see me off, Jia will not let you down by waiting for a drink."

Jia Yan held up a glass of wine at one end and toasted the fake elders present.

"Senior is indeed a quick talker."

"How generous. It's a pity that I didn't get to know such a wonderful person as Senior earlier."

"Haha, it would be great if Senior Jia were really the senior like me."

Who said a strong person wouldn't have to flatter someone? At least based on the situation at the scene, Jia Yan believed that the ability of these guys to flatter was no weaker than any of the flatterers he had experienced before.

After three rounds of drinking, they deliberately controlled their physiques and did not let the strong men's alcohol odor be resolved. One and two of them smelled of alcohol, and they began to speak unscrupulously.

Of course, there is more to this, and it must be an expression of intimacy. If you really want to say something bold, they will never do it.

"Senior, if you go to the red forest area ahead, be careful. There is a real powerful man there who is not weak, and this true powerful man does not have a very good temper."

"Oh? Mr. Su, please speak clearly."

When Jia Yan heard this, he couldn't help but ask.

The other party is also selling himself out, and Jia Yan knows it very well.

"Haha, senior, you come from outer space, so naturally you don't know that in this southern giant star, true powerful people and our so-called fake powerful people confuse the public from time to time. Some powerful people are clearly true powerful people, but they pretend to be fake powerful people. , some fake powers are disguised as real powers, so many people can’t tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones, which ultimately leads to a large number of real people who don’t know each other in person, and countless fake powers are running rampant.”

The fake powerful being named ‘Su Daneng’ came and spoke.

Jia Yan didn't ask in a hurry, just sipped his drink and listened silently.

After showing off some basic knowledge, the other party added: "Actually, between the true powerful and the fake powerful, there are some beings in between. They are wavering, and their strength is also unpredictable, and they have created more chaos, and the so-called great power in the red forest area is actually a unique individual that is far from the above-mentioned existences."

Jia Yan no longer asked, but looked at each other, and the meaning was self-evident.

Su Daneng stood up with a smile and said: "The Red Forest Great Master, in these short three hundred years, made a total of three attacks, and each time he killed more than two fake great masters, even the last one. , and even killed five fake powerful men, which is not far from the great achievements that you, senior, achieved in our area a few days ago..."

Jia Yanyun nodded calmly.

In fact, what Su Daneng wanted to express was that the opponent's strength was probably about the same as Jia Yan's.

However, this doesn't mean anything, at least to Jia Yan.

He could also kill five fake powerful men with great ease. He believed that any true powerful man could do this easily.

"In other words, this so-called 'Red Forest Power' is entrenched in the Red Forest area and often takes action?"

Jia Yan asked.

"Yes, as far as the real powers in our memory are concerned, there really aren't many as violent as the Honglin Power. But that one is a bit different. He often takes action without saying anything, and he is even more unreasonable. I waited for three strikes. Killings are still widely spread three times. There are many secret incidents, so I will tell you, senior, if you are going to the red forest area, please be more careful."

Jia Yan's eyes were fixed on this 'Su Daneng' for a moment, and for a moment he stared at him with horror.

But when Jia Yan was about to ask something, he looked away and said calmly: "Do you mean to say that I am not as good as that red forest expert? Or are you saying, Su Daneng, you are trying to provoke me?" Are you trying to cause a conflict between me and the mighty Hong Lin?"

"Junior doesn't dare! I just said this. If senior is displeased, I won't say anything."

Na Su Daneng pretended to be horrified and left the table, continuously saluting and expressing his apologies.

Jia Yan snorted coldly and said lightly: "No need to act like this. Everyone knows what you are imagining."

He drank the wine in the glass, stood up and said: "Okay, I drank this wine too, and I haven't had any trouble with you and the others. If you still want to stir up trouble or do some tricks, you can do it yourself."

"Don't dare, I'll get off the boat right away!"

All the powerful officials looked at each other, knowing that their behavior had already caused Jia Yan some displeasure.

Jia Yan walked halfway, suddenly stopped again, looked back and said: "Whoever has a map in their hand, including this giant tree area and the surrounding areas, the more detailed the better."

"Uh...Senior, I have it here and will transmit it to you immediately."

Jia Yan received several maps and then smiled.

Sure enough, the map in the hands of the fake master is more specific than what is sold in the store, and the maps mastered by the fake masters just make up for each other. I am afraid that the map information in his hand now exceeds any of these in an instant.


Jia Yan walked out of the cabin.

The powerful men behind them felt a force that could threaten their lives and silently walked away.

Not to mention anything else, just this sense of threat, they understood that the big man was far beyond their prepared strength.

"That's it, get off the boat. If you still want to seek death, I won't cooperate."

A strong man smiled bitterly and jumped towards the bow of the ship.

"I'm leaving too. This senior is truly astonishing as Su has ever seen in his life. Staying here will lead to your own death."

Su Daneng also shook his head and flew directly into the sky.

The remaining great powers left with different expressions, and stayed at the last one. After thinking about it for a long time, he found that everyone walked away without looking back. He finally had to sigh unwillingly and turned into A stream of light flew away.

At this moment, Jia Yan, who returned to the guest room below the deck, noticed this.

"Hmph, if Jia hadn't taken the children with him today and finally left this guy, he would have died at my feet."

The ferocious flame in Jia Yan's eyes flashed away.

After all, he is by no means a kind person.

The gentler treatment here today is just because he is taking little Edisha and Xiao Yu'er on a trip.

If not, with his usual violent temper, if someone wanted to plot against him and had to reluctantly give up and leave, he would take action.

Killing that kind of guy is not worth Jia Yan's hesitation at all.

"Master, brother, we are playing a game, do you want to play or not?"

Editha's childish voice reached Jia Yan's ears.

Jia Yan looked at the two expectant little girls, and his anger suddenly dissipated. He nodded and joined the game.

In fact, under this situation, Jia Yan himself sensed something.

The two little girls accompanying him on his trip may not have benefited them both. On the contrary, it may have been of greater benefit to Jia Yan's own ambitions.

Because this is a rare similar experience in his life.


Above the bow of the spaceship.

A giant mosquito takes the place of a high-altitude lookout, looking far into the distance.

Jia Yan silently observed the entire field of vision.

"I have experienced a little bit of the uniqueness of the Southern Superstar, but it is this tranquility that makes me have some guesses about the composition of the Southern Superstar."

The scenery at high altitude remains unchanged, but below the earth are endless mountain forests. However, these mountain forests are colorful at night, with leaves of various colors, trunks of various colors, and various mountain forests, which outline a very eye-catching and dazzling unique landscape.

This is true for the entire Southern Star. For locals, I am afraid they are used to seeing these beautiful scenery.

But for Jia Yan, it is unique and quite attractive.

"Tsk tsk, it's full of artificial meaning. It's really a big deal, a super big deal. Even at today's level, it's hard for me to imagine how powerful the person who created this style of painting is."

Jia Yan had the illusion of being extremely insignificant.

He even had the feeling that if he was not far away from that level, he would never be able to cross the barriers of these levels in his lifetime.

This feeling was very mysterious, but he didn't have much doubt.

Because as a lower-level Territory Lord, the feeling he had was already like a prophecy.

"Am I unable to reach this level?"

He suddenly frowned—the tentacles.

For a time, whether it was the positive response in his mind or the feeling in the dark, Jia Yan became a little listless.

It seems like I can't really break through.

Regardless of talent, strength, physique, or all aspects, it seems to tell him that looking for to reach the level of making a superstar is no different from wishful thinking.

Jia Yan didn't believe it.

He took the strong man's wine from the accompanying spaceship and drank it in large gulps.

This wine was a gift from the spaceship. Since that day when several powerful men arrived, chatted with Jia Yan and escaped, the captain treated Jia Yan and the other three as VIPs above the VIPs, and not only refunded the cost of the ticket , and they were served good wine and delicious food every day. Although Jia Yan was not short of this little money, he still thought that it was a bastard to not take advantage of others, so he accepted their kindness with peace of mind.

Under the night sky, the spacecraft soared silently, penetrated the giant tree boundary, and arrived at the 'red forest area'.

In fact, the two major territories are very easy to distinguish.

Because after traveling to the red forest area, although the mountain forest is also colorful and majestic, the whole is dominated by red forest leaves. It is obvious that the entire world has begun to turn into a color that only belongs to 'red'.

The pink little Yu'er was woken up by Edisha during practice and howled with her in the room. He looked very excited, after all, his color was very similar to hers.

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