Not only the domain lord level, but also several major galaxy levels, star levels, and even half-star levels, all caused great shock.

"This this……"

"Did Jia Yan actually realize some way of leveraging his own strength in such a short period of time?"

"Could he be lying when he said he reflected on the last failure in the past few days?"

"It's impossible. It only takes a few days. What a powerful understanding it must be."

"Haha, it turns out that Your Excellency Jia Yan is a real person who doesn't show his face!"

Everyone's attitude gradually changed.

Especially the weak ones, who originally imitated the strong ones and were full of ridicule towards Jia Yan. Many guys at the beginning of the Galaxy were even eager to try and see if their strength could defeat such a weakest Domain Lord. create a threat.

But now, they have completely shut up.

Even one of the more powerful young Territory Lords in this army was beginning to be suppressed by the new Territory Lord Jia Yan. They were just a short step behind the Galaxy Beginners, weren't they waiting to be beaten?


In the end, Jia Yan put one foot on the neck of the young strong man who was a junior domain lord.

If he exerted even more force, the opponent's head would definitely fall off completely.


Jia Yan smiled and retracted his foot.

"I, I...I lost?"

The other party seemed to be unable to accept this fact, and his whole person was shaking.

He didn't hold back the last few moves, but in his perception, Jia Yan seemed to slowly gain more fighting skills from the battle with himself, and began to become familiar with his strength. As a result, After fighting to the end, he was still defeated, and defeated miserably.

"Awesome, really awesome!"

The senior leader of the domain lord level clapped his hands and walked out of the spectators.

His eyes roamed back and forth over Jia Yan's body.

"Your Excellency, the method is too superb, but I don't think that you suddenly grasped the insight. After all, it is impossible for existences at our level to believe such nonsense. I wonder, Your Excellency Jia Yan, if you still have What do you want to say?"

While speaking, the senior domain master had already used some power to seal off the entire surrounding space.

He believed that he, a senior Territory Lord, could definitely make mistakes when trying to deal with an ordinary Territory Lord.

Jia Yan's method was too abrupt for them. It was like the sun that was ordinary yesterday and suddenly grew several times bigger the next day. It was impossible and unreasonable to happen.

No matter how talented Jia Yan is, he can't improve so much in a few days. Otherwise, the realm and methods of the strong men in this world will become a joke.

The so-called realm is the realm that the strong men at the lower levels can only achieve if it is difficult to break through.

They believe that there will be those talented masters who can kill enemies beyond their level.

But I don't believe that an existence that was so weak a few days ago can transform into the strongest person at the same level after a few short days of cultivation.

This is like a myth, impossible to happen.


Jia Yan smiled slightly when he was threatened by the senior domain master.

"Actually, I wanted to understand the other party's strength earlier. It's true, but the injury is not that deep. It's true. You are making a fuss about it and blame me for something."

Jia Yan showed a helpless attitude.

"Huh? Are we making a fuss out of a molehill? Your injuries are so serious, we can all see it."

"Actually, no, my race is like this. It seems that the injury is serious, but my injury is not serious at all. Of course, I was also wrong at the time. I borrowed the donkey from the slope and wanted to go to the ward to digest it. The enemy's strength is such that he is preparing to take revenge after coming back in the next few days."

Jia Yan kept telling lies as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Racial identity?"

"Is he really just studying the enemy's methods?"

"I see, Master Jia Yan is not as miserable as we imagined."

"No, when he cried out in pain, I was one of the people who lifted him up... Well, why are you covering my mouth..."

"Hahaha, in this case, we have finally found a powerful Territory Lord."

After listening to Jia Yan's words, the senior domain master didn't believe it in his heart, but after thinking about it, he really couldn't imagine what Jia Yan's purpose was.

Then, he chuckled.

"Very well, Your Excellency Jia Yan, since you have recovered your true strength, why not join the army tomorrow to avenge yourself? According to me, your strength just now is enough to deal with the domain master who once hurt you."

"It's what you wish for!"

Jia Yan looked overjoyed and hugged his feet.

All the powerful men present looked at Jia Yan with thoughtful or fearful eyes, and then dispersed one by one.

Starting today, this character who was once known as a joke has turned around 180 degrees.

But he hasn't turned it over yet. After all, he just proved himself in the hands of his own people.

On the second day, the entire battlefield ushered in characters that made people laugh.

A huge black mosquito.

The man himself was holding his head high, but both the enemy and ourselves had the urge to laugh when they looked at him.

"Haha, isn't this the Domain Lord who was knocked down by one move last time?"

"He actually dares to come. Is he planning to make us laugh to death this time?"

"That shouldn't be the case. He was defeated so miserably last time. Now that he's here again, are he really prepared to show off his face and fail to fight against Xinghe's primary class?"

"No, no, I think he is here to be a cheerleader."

On the battlefield, both the enemy and ourselves actually ignored their main strength, and instead turned their attention to the 'weakest domain master'.

"Today, who is willing to be the first to go up and fight the enemy?"

The senior domain lord-level commander of Jia Yan's front army asked calmly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Jia Yan stepped out.

I lost face last time, I want to get it back this time.

Although this was just a temporary expedient for him, it was really embarrassing to lose face, and he still used the name "Jia Yan".

This was quite a source of discomfort for him.

Given the nature of a top master, they would hardly hide anything about their character.

For example, Jia Yan is unhappy now. There is no one suppressing him at the scene, and there is a high probability that there will be no back-up situation in the future. If not revenge, how long will it take?

"That person who fought with me last time, please come out."

"Oh? Who am I talking about? It turns out to be the weakest domain master..."

A figure walked out from the opposite side, it was the junior Territory Lord who had fought with Jia Yan before.

The opponent recently defeated Jia Yan with one move. Although everyone knew that Jia Yan was the 'weakest domain master', he was able to defeat him with one move and was also sought after.

Therefore, the whole person's energy and energy are in a blazing and extremely excited state.

"Come on, it's still us this time, I want to avenge our shame."

"Hahaha, just you? I defeated you with one move last time, I just hope you can stick to two moves this time!"

There was no way the other party could believe that the character who was defeated with just one hit by his hand had grown tremendously in just a few days.

For a strong person at the domain lord level, there is no such thing as "a person who has been separated for three days should be treated with admiration".

Even if there are powerful treasures and the like, treasures suitable for this level cannot be mastered in a few days.

Besides, it is almost difficult for the Domain Lord level to adapt to treasures. Countless strong people who use weapons are accustomed to using weapons, rather than using them because they are powerful, because things that they are not used to, no matter how strong they are, are not suitable for people of this level. Existentially, it is useless.


The other party didn't want to talk to Jia Yan anymore, so he flew down head-on with a courageous attitude.

Jia Yan was a little surprised.

After this guy defeated his own, his strength has improved somewhat.

Didn’t you win with just one move? This energy makes you feel as if you have won some kind of terrifying monster.

Of course, Jia Yan forgot that the other party was also a junior powerhouse.

Before Jia Yan came forward, he was almost the weakest Domain Lord between the two armies. Just like Jia Yan's current role, he was ridiculed and looked down upon.

As a result, he won a great victory, and even made him popular, and his energy and spirit would naturally change greatly.

"Do you want to do the same thing again? Boy, you think too much."

Jia Yan shook his head and smiled in his heart.

This guy was sure that Jia Yan would hit the same trick again, so he used it again.

It's a pity that he is destined to fail today.

Not to mention using the moves he used before, even if he were to strengthen three to five times, he still wouldn't be able to defeat today's Jia Yan with one move.

"If you are like a mountain, I will be like a pillar holding up the sky!"

Jia Yan raised his feet, tried his best to use only the primary level of Domain Lord strength, and stood up.

The feet collided directly with the opponent's pressed attack.

"What? Can he block it?"

"Is there really any way to make rapid progress?"

"Or, is there a master from the other side who taught him how to deal with my move..."

Suddenly, the face of the Domain Lord who was pressed down from above became extremely gloomy.


"Sure enough, Jia Yan was just promoted last time, and his strength has not yet reached the peak after promotion."

"Hey, there's something good to watch this time."

The spectators on both sides were all changed for a moment, but those who belonged to Jia Yan's army were overjoyed, while the other side was thundering like thunder.

"Hmph, the first level of Territory Lord is definitely not something you get into without being sure!"

"This is normal. The guy on our side is a junior domain lord. His strength is at the bottom of the junior class. No matter how weak the opponent's junior domain lord is, he can't be defeated in one blow..."

"There must be some unknown secret last time. The other party did not recover to full strength, or he was in a bad mood..."

"Then, this battle still has to be fought..."

"Don't think about the first level of regional master, we are going too!"

In an instant, several domain master-level masters from the opponent team had joined forces to attack.

The two sides are already in a state of war. In the past few decades, masters have gradually evolved into masters fighting masters. The weak fight against the weak. Except for the weak who can easily die one or two, it is almost impossible for a strong person to fight against each other and die. Under such a battle.

The beginners let them fight against themselves, while others, in order to regain their face, found their old opponents to fight against.

"Hey, you guys forgot, I'm extra!"

At this moment, a first-level Territory Lord who was supposed to deal with the existence opposite Jia Yan was left alone.

He laughed evilly and looked at the weak fighting group.

It was not good for him to join the circle of domain lords and above.

Even if you can really take advantage of the opponent's lack of attention and give the opponent a hard blow, it must be difficult to kill.

Moreover, even if he is killed, he will receive extremely crazy rewards from the opponent. Maybe next time this battlefield will attract a senior domain lord, and even he may be sacrificed.

And the best way to take advantage of it is to kill the existence under the domain lord!

Those who are elementary in the galaxy and the like will not have such a big impact if they die.

It is also difficult to attract the opponent's resource deep domain master to intervene.



The existence of the primary level of Galaxy is only below the domain lord level. On these battlefields, they almost enjoy the same treatment as the domain lord level, and most of them are old faces. They will not die or leave for decades. of.

"Hey, what am I?"

The extra Territory Lord level pierced the chest of the enemy's first-level galaxy powerhouse.

"You old guy, you fought with me when I was in the first level of the galaxy. I already dislike you."

"Now that I, the Territory Lord, have reached the first level, killing you is like searching for something. What can you do to me?"

The disembowelled Xinghe primary class felt that its vitality was rapidly draining away.

" wait to be killed by our...masters one by one!"

After saying that, this powerful man at the beginning of the galaxy, who would rather die than surrender, actually exploded from it.

However, inside the giant star, the explosive power of the first-level powerhouse of the galaxy only covers the area near his body. If he gets out of the way quickly enough, it will not reach too far at all.

At least the first-level strongman from the Territory Lord calmly left the center of the explosion, taking with him the first-level strongman from the galaxy he was fighting against.

"Well done."

Someone praised this person.

Even the senior domain lords from both parties couldn't help but look at this extra junior domain lord.

Having one more top expert is so troublesome.

"It's not all my fault. Your Excellency Jia Yan also deserves a lot of credit."

The first-level Territory Lord laughed heartily, looking for Shuyuan and stepped forward into the enemy's weak group.

This is a huge change that has rarely been seen in this war zone in several years. Perhaps the enemy's blood shed on the battlefield today is much greater.

"You, you, you! Why can you fight me in just a few days!"

"I'm sorry. It was just because of my poor health before. Now I have been successfully treated by Doctor Miaoshou and my strength has been restored. You are just a clown. How could I still be defeated by you?"

Jia Yan couldn't help laughing.

The two sides exchanged dozens of moves, and gradually, Jia Yan suppressed the opponent.

Of course, Jia Yan didn't want to be too exaggerated.

Otherwise, he will win with one blow, and all ghosts will know that he is a strong man in disguise.

Since he was defeated as a strong person at the 'Elementary Level of Territory Lord', today he would regain the lost face as a strong person at the 'Elementary Level of Territory Lord'.


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