
Little Aisha stretched out her little hand, sorting something in the sub-space, and then quickly retracted her hand.

The little fish was also blowing bubbles and swimming around in and out of the sub-space.

Jia Yan stood aside and watched.

Only he knows that there should be no problem with things in subspace.

Even if they become a Southern Superstar, under the protection of their own sub-space talents, the tools, equipment, materials, etc. in the sub-space will hardly be affected by any Super Superstar rules.

"These two little guys have not been following me for long, and they both have sub-dimensional abilities..."

Jia Yan sighed.

Xiao Yu'er's sub-space talent is recognized by Jia Yan, and her talent is miraculously consistent with the Yin and Yang Tao, so it is not surprising that she can master sub-space abilities.

Little Edisha, on the other hand, was an unexpected surprise.

She has no subdimensional talent.

But he has achieved almost the same ability as a person with strong sub-space talents.

Especially during her trip to Southern Star, she had been studying subspace technology painstakingly, and then she was really inspired by him to find a new way to develop subspace technology.

Moreover, it is a skill that others cannot use. It requires strong computing power at all times, through energy variables from time to time, and through countless calculation formulas, to stabilize the subspace cracks opened without using subspace talents.

Even in the Southern Superstar, subspace can be opened...

You know, even when Jia Yan was at the domain lord level, it was difficult for him to stably open the sub-space among the superstars.

The two of them can do it now. Although they have the huge advantage of Jia Yan's guidance, their talents are indeed enviable.

"I don't know what will change if I go out."

Jia Yan looked at the two little guys. They were fully prepared, so he easily used his mental power.

A force that only belongs to the lower level of the Territory Lord lifted the three people up and took off.

Flying higher and higher.

Below the mountain forest, some adventurous or traveling beings were shocked when they saw the scenery in the sky.

Fly away from the star.

This is not something that just anyone can do.

Only the domain lord level strength,

Only then can we help people leave.

And even an ordinary domain master would find it difficult to find a random location and take the other two people into the air.

Only senior Territory Lords, or even 'fake great masters' above senior Territory Lords, can do this.

In other words, this being who brought two children to heaven is a being who has at least reached the level of a senior domain lord.

Not to mention how the creatures below will go back and report to their masters.

It's just that Jia Yan led the two little ones and soared into the sky.

The body gradually enlarged.

"Hey...can this also bring some insights?"

Jia Yan felt the expansion of his body, and gradually a kind of enlightenment grew in his heart.

I see.

When he entered and exited the subspace several times, the enlightenment he had always had turned into some kind of understanding of the rules of the universe, lingering in his heart.

If he couldn't do it before, it's not because he has bad talent.

But before, either the strength was already saturated, or the strength was not enough.

Therefore, when the superstar goes out, he suddenly has a new understanding of the power and skills that can only be achieved by the "latest level power of the galaxy".

There is more to the feeling of power.

Bear, bear, bear.

"It hurts a little!"

The little fish gnashed his teeth beside him.

She was fine now, after all, her body wasn't compressed too much.

But Jia Yan is different.

In one breath, he suddenly expanded from five meters to fifty kilometers.

Editha didn't change at all.

So from the perspective of the senses, the existence that could still stand together suddenly turned into two little guys, riding on the huge monster Jia Yan.

Until he left the top of the superstar and came into the universe.

"Well, this feeling is quite shocking."

Jia Yan felt for himself.

It takes some time to get used to the change in perspective.

However, the body belongs to him, it just needs to be changed from a very small field of view, which does not take much time.

"I don't know where Laita is."

Naturally, it is impossible for Jia Yan and the others to pass through the area where they originally entered the South Star.

But it's not far.

It seems that they are within the southern giant star, spanning tens of millions of kilometers.

In fact, those mere tens of millions of kilometers are not enough for Jia Yan to travel through subspace for a short period of time in the outer space.

The brainwave power was overwhelming and swept out unscrupulously.

Regardless of whether it will disturb the strong people nearby.

As a junior Territory Lord, he has this ability.

Among the superstars, Jia Yan is almost looking down on the world. There is no reason for him to shrink his head and act like a tortoise when he comes to the outer space where his strength is far weaker than that of the superstars.

He is not a master of formation medicine.


"Who is so arrogant!"

"No, this aura is... great power?! No, it's more than just great power!"

"It's really... really powerful! Leave quickly and don't get entangled with the really powerful one!"

"You don't know what true power is? Anyway, leave first. It's too early for you to know about true power."

The strong men from all directions, anxious and uneasy, rubbed oil on their soles one after another.

Even though some of the juniors didn't even understand what true power was, they still pulled them away quickly.

Fortunately, Jia Yan has no intention of dealing with these domain lords.

Soon, Jia Yan located a certain sub-space location.

A range of several thousand kilometers, for the giant mosquito that has arrived fifty kilometers away from the southern giant star, is as close as a stone's throw away.

Although as a junior domain lord, it is quite difficult for him to let the brain wave power sweep through him in one breath, but the palace and Jia Yan have a long-term relationship, and Jia Yan has a special brain wave power reaction.

So he locked in quickly.

"Over there, there is no blind plan to build a palace this time."

Jia Yan smiled, took Ai Disha with him, soared into the sky, and flew towards the locked position.

A void of nothingness.

"Sir's breath..."

Laita, who was practicing, listened carefully to the voice that spread to his mind for a while, and felt happy.

He stood up and came to a controller inside the palace.

After operating a few buttons, the entire palace was shaken.

Slowly flying out from the depths of subspace.

The palace did not hide too much, and came to the outside space with great publicity. The huge and huge figure even stunned many of the creatures around it.

Although Nanyustar is a holy place for cultivation.

Most of the people who can enter and exit the Southern Giant are native Southern Giant life forms. The largest structures they have seen in their lives are houses or trees as big as mountains.

There are only a handful of people who have truly seen superstar architecture in the outside world.

At this time, the first sight of the super giant palace that is more than 10,000 kilometers in size is really eye-opening and can be seen straight.


Although there is no sound in the vacuum, the sound of the palace door opening still spreads throughout the surroundings through some strange way.

"Congratulations on your return, sir."

Laita was at the gate, standing respectfully.

"Fertile is coming!"

"Wo Yefei is here!"

Edisha and Xiaoyuer flew towards the palace in a hurry.

In fact, they wanted to fly to the Edisha star where they played, but the Edisha star was in subspace, so they had to reluctantly come to the palace to play.

The palace is not small, enough for them to have fun.

Jia Yan nodded and looked at Laita. He felt that the subordinate's modified Yin and Yang Dao had made great progress. He couldn't help but wonder whether the first 'experiment' target should be placed on Laita.


When Jia Yan was the last one to enter the palace gate, the huge gate slowly closed in full view of everyone.

Soon, the palace sank deep into subspace.

During the whole process, in the bustling space around, the powerful life forms that were originally coming and going were acting obediently. Not only did no one dare to cause trouble in the palace, but many people were flying in the air in an orderly manner. Salute to this end.

Many lower-level Domain Lord creatures attach great importance to etiquette.

It has happened more than once before that a dignified low-level powerful person casually killed the powerful people he met on the way because he did not salute him.

Therefore, in the black hole area and the giant star area, everyone knows that when you are not familiar with the lower-level powerful people, trying to be polite will definitely be much better than being rude.

It seems that Jia Yan is also very satisfied.

Otherwise, how could he not even take a look around and demonstrate?

"Lord Jia Yan, I wonder if you have gained anything from being in Nanyustar?"

After Laita entered the palace, he watched Jia Yan return to the central seat at the top of the palace and quickly asked with concern.

He knew why Jia Yan came to the black hole area this time.

"Well, I have gained something, but I don't know if these gains will bear fruit."

"It's definitely possible. The things that adults are interested in must not be ordinary things."

Laita flattered her without leaving a trace.

Jia Yan nodded noncommittally.

"Let's not talk about medical things for now, Laita, how is your Yin and Yang practice going?"

It has been several years since Laita converted to Onmyodo. Ever since he saved him in the black hole area, he began to convert, and accompanied Jia Yan to fight fiercely in the virtual world. With Jia Yan's frequent reminders later, his progress It should also be done quickly.

"Sir, my practice of Yin and Yang Dao is going well. I just have some questions."

"Well, just wait a moment."

Jia Yan asked the two little guys who were playing hide-and-seek next to him to stop.

Calling the two of them, he also ordered Edisha to control the palace and the Edisha star behind, and return to the original path outside the black hole area.

After everything was arranged, Jia Yan began to explain the Yin and Yang Tao.

"I don't understand it very well."

Xiaoyuer is the slowest progresser.

This is understandable.

Although her talent is so good that Jia Yan even lamented it, her age and knowledge are indeed a bit lacking.

Laita is quite decent, a being with ordinary talent in the middle class of the galaxy.

But Adisha is Jia Yan's unexpected joy.

The life he created with his own hands has now taken an unusual path, and is even not bad in terms of talent. For Jia Yan, it is a somewhat proud situation.

So he specifically targeted Adisha a little bit.

Edisha could understand what was said, but the other two were in a fog.

"Xiao Yu'er, don't worry, just understand the early stage clearly and listen to the subsequent knowledge once."

Jia Yan also arranged for some small fish from the Five Mysteries and Three Paths.

Afterwards, Edisha was arranged to practice on her own.

Next, it was officially turned to Laita.

After Laita's scene just now, he also understood that Jia Yan wanted him to do something.

"Sir, if there is anything you would like Laita to do for you, please just ask."

"Very good. I am pleased that you have such determination."

Jia Yan nodded, agreeing with his consciousness.

Now in the palace, there are only four people who practice Yin and Yang. It is impossible for him to be a test subject himself. Edisha and Xiao Yu'er are not willing to use it, so it can only be Laita's turn.

Laita's expression turned serious.

Jia Yan didn't do much to hide it, and directly recounted several of his experiences on Nanjingxing.

Until he talked about the formation doctor master, he greatly appreciated the power of this person's original formation, and it also involved the rhetoric that he had learned the spiritual power formation.

Coupled with the power of certain self-defense formations, which can enhance one's own talents and genes, and even create new fighting skills, not to mention Laita, even Jia Yan himself was excited after talking about it.

This envisioned blueprint is fundamentally subversive!

Not to mention, Jia Yan deliberately pretended to be calm and said that he had found a technique to roughly combine the power of the array with the Yin and Yang Dao. If the two could be combined, the Yin and Yang Dao would be enough to kill the enemy beyond the level. I'm afraid the increase is so large that it's difficult to estimate...

Laita's breathing was extremely rapid.

"Sir, I understand what you mean. Everything is ready now. All we need is the east wind? Are we missing a willing subject for the experiment?"

Jia Yan thought to himself, you are quite smart.

He nodded solemnly: "Yes, I intend to let you try it. After all, I need a perspective to observe from the sidelines. It is not suitable to do it myself. They are both too young. Only you, not only have the strength , and I also have a lot of knowledge, and I can tell you my feelings in detail afterwards."

At this point, Jia Yan was afraid that Laita would be worried about his safety, so he added: "Don't worry, I will carry out the most secure plan step by step. I have gone through many details in the book in my mind countless times, so The possibility of problems occurring is not very high.”

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The possibility of something going wrong is still quite high.

Laita heard something between the lines.

But he was undaunted.

Don't mention that if this matter comes to pass, my weight in Master Jia Yan's heart will definitely improve a lot.

He only said that if he was not willing to serve as a test subject, Jia Yan changed to a personal test. After perfecting this method, how long would it take for a marginalized character like him to have his turn to practice?

Maybe the wait will last a lifetime.

But now if you just take some risks, you might be able to get the new cultivation method that Master Jia Yan has recently researched.

It might even be a subversive practice.

"Sir, I just said that I am willing...and it is the same now."

Seeing his resolute attitude, Jia Yan finally smiled and nodded with relief.

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