
An object suddenly appeared in the sub-space and sprayed towards the leader of the Dark Guard who was about to arrive.

"What the hell!"

The opponent's morale was rising, but no matter what hindered him, a waist knife appeared in the darkness, and the knife struck at the projectile.

This thing is neither big nor small. It is spherical in shape and exudes extremely profound power.

After he finished slashing out the sword, he took a closer look and saw clearly what he was stabbing at.

"Tao Heart?! No, this is the kind of Tao Heart I gave Qian Shu!"

"He...didn't swallow the Tao Heart?!"

The leader of the Dark Guard's mind changed rapidly, and some bad thoughts arose.

But it was too late to stop, so he simply continued to drop the knife neatly. No matter what, it was easy to open a Taoist heart with his own blade. Jia Yan was hiding behind the Taoist heart, so the sword could hurt him a little no matter what. .

That will determine who wins or loses.

A strong person is very good at seizing opportunities.

He didn't care why Jia Yan threw out this poisonous Taoist heart, but he was not afraid. He had the most contact with the corrosive power attached to this Taoist heart, and he knew very well that as long as he didn't swallow it, it would be useless to their guru. Nothing at all.



The waist knife came into contact with the heart of the Tao, and he was already expecting the result to be cut in two.

But at the same time, he also saw that behind the Dao Heart that was hundreds of kilometers away, Jia Yan's pair of deep eyes flashed with a treacherous smile that succeeded.

"not good!"

Before the blade came into contact with the Taoist heart, he felt that the Taoist heart suddenly bloomed with brilliant brilliance.

A burst of heaven-destroying energy burst out from within the Dao Heart in front of him.


This is a method that Jia Yan has not used for a long time - Yin and Yang Dao explosives.

Not using it for a long time does not mean that this method is no longer helpful to Jia Yan. On the contrary, as Jia Yan's Yin and Yang Dao has become more mature, the method of Yin and Yang Dao explosives has long been reborn from the oldest and rough techniques and has become a Something closer to professional means.

Since the Dao Heart was something that could harm him, Jia Yan followed the opponent's plan and refined the Dao Heart into Yin-Yang Dao explosives.

The effect.


The shocking explosion that changed the color of the situation began to expand from the contact point between the waist knife and the heart of the Tao, and swept out at a fixed point toward everything in front of it.

At first, the power of the explosion was evenly matched with the contact surface of the waist. But within a billionth of a second, the explosion was like an overwhelming force, swallowing up the whole waist. Then it rushed towards the leader of the Dark Guard himself behind the waist knife.

"Damn it!"

The leader of the Dark Guard was filled with anger.

Even though he had all kinds of means and many ways to hide his body, he couldn't use it in such a shocking explosion.

After a huge muffled sound, a broken limb flew out of the empty space.

His whole body fell to the ground.


A Dark Guard rushed forward, but before he could get closer, he stopped in fear.

It turned out that the amputated limb was in a state of being torn apart, at least half of the original body was damaged.

The lumps of flesh and blood that filled the sky flew out at this moment, splattering the hall with blood like a crime scene.

In fact, it is the scene of the execution.

And he committed the crime in front of the most mysterious and most amazingly powerful ‘Dark Guard’ in the dynasty.

The one who killed them was their strongest leader.

"one strike!"


Only at this moment did the onlookers react and couldn't help but step back.

The leader of the Dark Guard said he was not the strongest in the dynasty, but he had reached the 'guru level' anyway.

The natural attribute of his Dao power lies in 'darkness'. It can be said that the Dark Guard of the dynasty was set up because of it. For thousands of years, countless high-ranking officials and businessmen of the dynasty have been uneasy after hearing his name. They are because of the special nature of the talent. , in many cases the action is silent, and the mode of action is also extremely light, which can be said to kill without leaving a trace.

But such a top expert died here with one blow.

Does this mean that the gap in strength between Jia Yan and Jia Yan is so great that it is unimaginable?


The small biological assassin who was about to join forces with the leader of the dark guard to subdue Jia Yan suddenly turned pale and immediately stopped his attack and retreated backwards.

But he didn't expect that even this reaction was included in Jia Yan's calculations.

An old god with a foot swept over in a whirlwind.

"You happen to be not that big, so give me a fight."

Jia Yan happened to have no opponent of similar size, so he couldn't fight for 800 rounds at this time.

The assassin creature had an ugly expression. It was swept away by Jia Yan again and had to return to Jia Yan's attack range.

Afterwards, Jia Yan only made two attacks before he was disappointed and saw clearly the fundamentals of this small creature.

Because they are small creatures in this world, their Dao power skills are all focused on how to assassinate them. They can't hit a target thousands of miles away. They don't even have much physical training, and they are extremely exhausted in close combat.

What's more, his strength is not as good as that of ordinary masters. As a result, even Jia Yan's two probing attacks were dangerous.

"The Jue of Extreme Chaos"


Jia Yan was a little disappointed and pierced the small biological powerhouse with his feet.

"You dare!"

A figure happened to enter outside the door, and his expression was instantly locked on Jia Yan.

He looked down at the body of the Dark Guard leader that was broken into countless pieces on the ground, and then at the small biological assassin cut in half by one of Jia Yan's feet.

In the solemn moment, he did not retreat but advanced, waving his huge fist.

This is a powerful guru-level master born from an intermarriage with the giants.

The foundation of the dynasty is a descendant who is related to the Giants. Even the royal family is the same. However, they do not admit their relationship with the Giants. Instead, they are smearing the Giants, saying that they are barbarians who drink hair and drink blood. They are not allowed to do so. The pure-blooded giants entered the court.

On the contrary, if you attack this strong man with giant blood, you will be treated politely.

Before the punch came, flying sand and rocks were already coming towards his face.


One of Jia Yan's feet turned into azure blue, and after a head-on collision, Jia Yan was slapped with such terrifying force that a wall of the Chamber of Commerce collapsed, and he flew millions of kilometers away.

Smoke and dust billowed from the ruins, and there was no movement for a long time.

"Isn't this possible?"

The half-giant master's blood was brimming with blood and his muscles transformed into extremely amazing shapes. He knew that Jia Yan could not die with just one blow.


Subspace breaks apart.

A figure holding the light of hundreds of kilometers of formations suddenly came out to assassinate.

His whole body was covered in blazing flames, and the temperature of this flame alone surprised the half-giant man.

He raised his fist and collided with the attacking figure, but the flame first burned his fist completely red, and then the fist was burned into coke by the flames.


The charred fist turned into fragments and was torn apart inch by inch quickly.

"Damn! What kind of flame is this!"

This half-giant man finally felt cold all over his body and suddenly wanted to retreat.

But at this time, Jia Yan's body finally flew out of the sub-space completely, and the crazy flames it caused were terrifyingly high temperatures that even a man could not imagine.


The shining flames made Jia Yan look like a sun, even compared to the scorching sun in the sky.


The man opposite could not even stand firm, and stumbled to get away from Jia Yan, but his body was already melting rapidly under the indescribable temperature of the flames.

By the time he ran to the door of the Chamber of Commerce, he had turned into a charred corpse, and the ping pong had broken into countless pieces.

So far, the third master-level master has died at the hands of Jia Yan.

And the speed is extremely fast.

The methods used by Jia Yan are even more diverse, each of which is short-lived, but full of lethality. Killing a master is as easy as slaughtering a dog.


Jia Yan heard several voices screaming in the corner behind him.

He had already distanced himself sufficiently, but the temperature on his body still caused severe injuries to several Galaxy Chamber of Commerce staff and subordinates behind him.

"You quickly enter the retreat room, where the defense is strongest."


The group of staff members were terrified, tremblingly supporting each other and stumbling toward Jia Yan's retreat room.

After Jia Yan finished doing this, when he raised his head again, there were already more than ten eyes in front of him, looking at him.

A group of masters who had reached the master level were looking at him with all kinds of eyes.

Scrutiny, fear, hostility, shock, horror, and transfixion.

This group of guru-level experts were already waiting nearby, but they never expected that three guru-level experts would die here one after another in just a short time of their support.

And each of these three has unique fighting methods. Even if there are so many masters in the dynasty, the three of them still have a place.

However, in such a blink of an eye, he died in the little-known Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

"Dear guests, do you want to come to our chamber of commerce to make friends, or do you also want to come and cause trouble?"

Jia Yan would no longer be polite, and his eyes were shining with light at this moment.

The flames all over his body were still burning hot, but the temperature was much lower than when he first emerged from the subspace.

In fact, Jia Yan was also frightened.

Just now he was hit by the semi-giant's fist, and he immediately used his tricks and entered the sub-space the moment he flew back. But he completely failed to anticipate the danger level of this complete version of space.

He had guessed that the subspace in this area must be quite terrifying, so he only entered it for less than a tenth of a second.

It's just a channel for sneak attacks.

But in just one tenth of a second, he followed him into the ultra-high temperature core region of the star.

In fact, the subspace here was distorted to a degree that even Jia Yan could not imagine. Not long after 0.1 seconds, one-third of his hundreds of kilometers of defensive formations were abruptly wiped away.

Two more times, the defensive formation he had worked so hard to build would no longer be able to support him into subspace.

But this tenth of a second is enough.

Besides, even if he doesn't have sub-space means, he still has other backup methods.

"Did you kill these three?"

An extremely old guru-level expert had his lips trembling.

Not only because he was old, but also because the half-giant strongman who was killed was one of his juniors, and he was expected to succeed their clan's top master after his death.

Now he died in the battle besieging Jia Yan.

Obviously he had told this junior member of the clan not to be impulsive and not to be the first to rush into the battlefield, but he didn't listen and ended up being turned into coke and falling apart.

"Sorry, it was indeed me who did it. In fact, it doesn't count as active killing. If they didn't provoke me, they would probably still have some lives left."


A giant crocodile with five or six heads pounced directly on Jia Yan.

The matter has reached this point, no matter how strong Jia Yan is, he will never be able to negotiate peace with his mouth.

Without a fight, their group of masters will not be able to get along well in the future, and public opinion will drown them out, saying that there is no one in the dynasty.

As this man was dispatched, there was another strong man behind him with arms as long as noodles. He slapped Jia Yan with one hand and was 20,000 meters long. His fighting style was quite amazing.

"Everyone do it!"

Each of the ten masters took action, while others muttered words, and a large area of ​​virtual space filled the place.

Each of these master-level masters has their own means. If Jia Yan is not strong enough, their virtualization methods alone can make Jia Yan trapped in the spaces of several masters forever, unable to get out, and trapped inside for the rest of his life. .

"Well done."

Jia Yan was not afraid.

He didn't know the outcome of this battle, but he had to fight it.

As the saying goes, if you hit with one punch, you won't get hit by hundreds of punches.

And he has a trump card.

"Take your life!"

Those two palms arrived first. Before approaching Jia Yan, the palms suddenly disappeared, as if they had turned into two giant gates that covered the sky and the sun. They were millions of miles high and mighty, as if they were not going to be destroyed. Jia Yan won't stop filming until she becomes meat sauce.

"You don't have to take it, you can't do it!"

The azure color on Jia Yan's body became brighter, and in the blazing flames, his body turned into blue light, colliding with the two slaps from the left and right.

He closed his palms, but there was hundreds of kilometers of defense blocking the palm, preventing him from taking the shot.

Katcha kacha kacha.

Large areas of defensive apertures were shattered.

Jia Yan stabbed his foot in the palm of his hand, and the sharp front end pierced the hollowed palm, and blood suddenly gurgled out.

"Ah, I want you to die!"

Jia Yan couldn't be beaten with his palms, but his palms were already furious. He put his palms together neatly, trying to hold Jia Yan inside to death.

Another figure with several heads also rushed into this huge space. The heads became as tall as the sky, and their bloody mouths opened wide, as if they were ready to bite them off bite by bite regardless of their friendly forces.

"I told you you can't do it!"

Jia Yan felt vaguely passionate. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

This scene seemed to arouse his ferocity.

It had been a long time since he had experienced a battle of this level, and there were still many strong men attacking him.

His feet drew a circle along the palms of his clasped hands, but the muscles and flesh inside the palms looked real and were hundreds of thousands of kilometers thick. It was not easy for him to rush out.


But the heat wave brought out in the subspace just now helped Jia Yan, vaporizing large pieces of muscle and blood. Jia Yan had an idea and used the tiny Tao power he had mastered to cause the 'fire attribute' Tao absorbed by the Tao heart. The force burned the muscles in the palm of his hand all the way.


The owner of the palm let out an unbearable roar of pain.


And the giant crocodile's bloody mouth also fell down.

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