"This... we... we agree."

In the end, these senior officials from the underground tribe thought of what Black Flower had told them before and agreed with the words of the 'colonel' of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce troops.

What else could be done? They have all surrendered to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. Now there is only one way to go, otherwise can they turn back? That will only frustrate both ends and turn into a real meat sauce.

"The decision you made is very smart. Next, I will let you see the combat method of our Galaxy Chamber of Commerce!"

The colonel and prince smiled.

The little human, who was still excited before, finally felt proud and proud, has calmed down a lot. He found that he could look straight at, or even look down at, many ethnic people who usually could only kneel down and worship.

But it's not enough yet.

The ambition in his heart grew even greater.

He wants to become a true high-level military official, so that more races and masters can become equal to him, until the entire small human race can feel proud and proud, and finally, the small human race can obtain the status of a real ordinary life form...

"Okay, now it depends on your sincerity. Come with me."


This day.

The war breaks out again, and the underground tribesmen on this front suddenly switch sides, shocking the world again.

In terms of the enemy alliance, internal discord began to appear. After all, the underground tribe is not a small force. Their defection dealt a huge blow to the already unstable invader alliance and made it even more unstable.

Along with this, the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce Alliance is gaining momentum.

The entire Imperial Island had their impressions of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce overturned. They felt that this force had long since broken away from the ordinary business force and had become a serious top force that no one dared to mess with.

Various wild speculations about the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce have also begun to spread.

Many of the rumors were spread by the invaders' spies, but more came from various voices within the dynasty.

How long has it been since the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce sent troops?

He had already achieved invincibility and was devastated by his troops. Not only the enemies were frightened by this, but even the ministers and senior officials in the dynasty also had too many daydreams.

Everyone knows that the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has been training its troops, but no one knows that the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce has trained its troops like this.

This is a bit too much. If it weren't for these intruders, who would they want to deal with?

And if the invaders are defeated, will they, who have trained their troops on the battlefield, point their fingers at the dynasty?

This is something no one can guarantee.

As a result, with the ministers turning a blind eye or even deliberately guiding them, all kinds of weird arguments about the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce spread to the public.

Many media began to lead the trend, but after all, this is the world of the dynasty. When they began to promote the benefits of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce and criticize those remarks that were not conducive to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, they were inexplicably subjected to various similar exploitations by the government, and finally had to give up. It's all about defending the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce.

However, the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce did not respond positively to this.

The two sides are not at odds with each other, so this little bit of public opinion is innocuous at all.

As long as the agreement signed by the previous mission is not damaged, the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce will not do anything detrimental to the dynasty.

"Qiao'er, what do you think about this?"

"This is... not difficult at all. I have seen similar examples in a volume of documents. If you do this, you can solve the problem perfectly."

Jia Moqiao solved a government issue that gave Jia Yan a headache with just a few strokes.

"My daughter is still awesome."


Jia Moqiao's little nose almost turned up to the sky.

This is not Jia Yan deliberately praising his daughter.

But Jia Moqiao's performance during these days really made the Black God Jia Yan overjoyed.

During those days of training in the small town, she transformed her well-read knowledge into practical abilities. Now she is even more comfortable around Jia Yan, and many tasks are handed over to her without any problems.

This made Jia Yan a little shaken. He originally asked Jia Moqiao to dabble a little in government affairs, and with his subtle influence, his daughter would one day return to the right track of cultivation.

But now it's easy to use his daughter as the starting point. If one day his daughter says she wants to practice, he will be at a loss.

"No, for the sake of my daughter, we still have to arrange for her to practice for two hours a day, at least."

Under the arrangement of the Black God Jia Yan, Jia Moqiao has gradually become familiar with the government affairs of the entire Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, and many senior people have also come into contact with and got to know this 'Princess of the Jia Family'.

The people in the trading area knew something ominous about the Jia family's affairs, but they knew that they had a sworn relationship with the uncrowned king of the trading area, Mr. Jia Yan.

The higher-ups knew better that this Lord Jia Yan should be a member of the Jia family who entered the body of a mosquito through some means or an unexpected encounter.

This means that Jia Yan’s children may be human.

Jia Moqiao must be that real child.

Therefore, all the senior management members are respectful towards its positioning, without even a trace of overstepping.

"Next, you go and tell the Maritime Department that there will be a maritime mission in a few days. Secondly, my real body is almost coming back. If you are interested, follow them to greet me."

"Hey, is it true? Dad, is my dad coming back?"

These words, which were full of grammatical errors, gave Jia Yan a headache. He felt weird no matter how many times he heard it.

He nodded slightly and said, "Yes, my real body is getting closer and closer to the island. Although he cannot directly convey too much information to me, I can still receive this little bit of confidence."

No one else knew about the intelligence communication between the real body and the clone, and Jia Yan did not mention it to his daughter.

"Well, I'm going to pick up my dad!"

Although the person in front of him is also his father, Jia Moqiao also loves his real father very much.

After walking for so long to the far gate, it was natural to greet him.

She has lived with her father for many years. Her father brought her up in this world for half of her childhood, and she has a deep relationship with her.

Jia Rongdu is often envious of this sister.

"Then go ahead and be careful on the way. Although the intelligence system of the intruders is not that powerful, the dynasty should not take action, but we are not afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

The next day.

A team composed of a small number of people set off.

Xuancheng has been changing with each passing day under the promotion of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, and there are almost new changes happening every day.

Just from the distance from the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce's residence to the outside of the city, we can see many newly opened stores, and some buildings have risen from the ground, exceeding the height of the city lord's palace and the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce's residence.

"If I were as tall as a native in this world, looking at these buildings would be like looking at skyscrapers, right?"

"Yes, Your Highness Princess."

Jia Moqiao was sitting in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce's special aircraft, and sitting next to him was a female guard from the small human race.

Previously, Wu Peili had already become the commander of a small human fighting force, commanding the troops to enter the hinterland of the imperial dynasty, and now she can be regarded as having outstanding military exploits.

Jia Moqiao left one of her sisters by her side. Firstly, she was already familiar with her. Secondly, it was to reassure Wu Peili and others that there was one of their own beside this 'princess', so there was no need to worry. There will be no one to speak for them in the center of power in the future.

Jia Moqiao is a great intellectual who knows everything from ancient times to the present, so he naturally knows that power needs to be checked and balanced.

"It's a pity. When I look at them now, it's like looking at buildings that are much bigger than the planet. Sometimes my eyes are not full. After looking at them for a long time, I really want to go back to my hometown."

"Your Highness, what is your hometown like?"

The little human female next to me asked curiously.

For them, it is good that the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce is an outsider, but no matter how they listen to the knowledge promotion of the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, they still cannot imagine what the world is like outside the inner world.

"My hometown. In fact, I have two hometowns. One is my father's hometown, Earth, and the other is my mother's hometown, the capital planet of the Biochemical Empire. I spent my childhood on these two planets. They are both A very beautiful planet…”

Thinking of the word hometown, Jia Moqiao showed a very rare sweet smile.

It seems to recall the innocent memories of childhood.

"It must be a pretty good place, Her Royal Highness the Princess is smiling like that."

"Haha, it sounds good, and it is indeed good, but it is a bit too small for big guys like you. My father's home planet is only more than 12,000 kilometers in size. If you go up there, I'm afraid it will kill you with just one kick. Can crush a city."

"Ah?! Can we...our little humans be able to trample and destroy a city?"

The little human maid was dumbfounded.

They, the little humans, are like rats crossing the street in the outside world, and their status is not much higher than that of rats.

And they are so weak and insignificant, how can they destroy a city with one foot when they go to the hometown of Her Royal Highness the Princess?

This city is so small.

But looking at the size of the princess, the maid wisely kept her mouth shut.

The most important quality of being a servant is to know how to look at people's faces.

If she laughed out loud at such a thing, she would surely end badly.

In fact, those sisters with low emotional intelligence have long been sent away from the princess under various pretexts. They are not going to suffer, but it is hopeless to have children close to such high-level people in this life.

The fact that she has been able to stay until now is definitely understandable in terms of emotional intelligence.

"Don't be surprised. Although our city is small, it is very developed. Many of the things developed in your city are borrowed from our city. Of course, it would be quite difficult to expand so much to your city. Difficult things, I don’t know how many scientists have lost their minds.”

"Yes, your scientists are really great."

The little human woman quickly flattered him at the right time.

The greatness of scientists has been promoted in the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce. In the early days, life here was quite difficult and full of dangers. Scientific exploration missions are not just about doing research in the scientific research base. Many scientists They all more or less need to go out frequently to do research work, and in these processes, there are many casualties.

This is also the reason why the Galactic Chamber of Commerce Alliance has been sparing no effort to promote the greatness of scientists.

They paid the price for countless local lives to live a good life. Isn’t it too much for you to worship them?

It can even be said to be quite cost-effective.

"Well, those great scientists are worthy of our praise."

Jia Moqiao nodded, and then looked at the sky outside Xuancheng.

They had cars exclusively for high-level officials, and the guards only saluted but did not stop them.

It went smoothly to the outside world. The people accompanying him behind were either riding in similar cars or flying in the sky to keep watch.

"There is no situation."

A wave of people had already spread out and patrolled in front of them like a casting net.

Only after receiving the unconditional feedback, the Jiamoqiao driver behind will pass.

"This journey will pass through an enemy-occupied area in a few days. Princess, if we judge that the situation is not enough to handle, we will immediately declare defeat and escort you back."

Just as the car passed the last pass of Xuancheng and exited another city area that is now occupied by the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce, the temporary commander with guards behind him came to convey his ideas.

"Well, just do as you say."

Jia Moqiao nodded obediently.

"Thank you princess for understanding our work."

The guard commander let out a long sigh of relief.

You know, he's afraid that this princess will get in trouble, or that she's the kind of unreasonable and unreasonable princess from a big family.

Fortunately, this kind of vulgar plot did not happen.

Facts have proven that the bigger the family, the higher the requirements for emotional intelligence and sophistication, and their education is generally also very high.


Clatter. Clatter.

On a huge sea ship.

Two figures were on the bow of the ship, looking down at the huge sea in the inner world that was far more majestic and countless waves than the waves on Earth.

"The world here is really refreshing."

Jia Yan couldn't help but sigh while bathing in the water splashed by the tide.

Another figure was the old god who followed and looked at the scenery of the sea, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and chuckled: "President Jia Yan, if you are like me and have been wandering on the sea for twenty years, I won’t say these words anymore, I don’t want to think about those days too much.”

Jia Yan also laughed when he heard this, expressing that he felt the same way.

The old man next to him is not a stranger.

But it is far from being familiar.

Jia Yanzai's last meeting with him was just a passing encounter, and probably not even a passing encounter.

This person just entered the other world through his train system, and then quickly disappeared.

Now, decades have passed, and he actually came to his door in a distant continent, asking to return to the Imperial Island together.

He is the 'old domain lord' who blended into the other world not long after Jia Yan first established the trade zone channel system, and then disappeared.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the traces of the old domain lord were finally discovered, and they reached the mainland.

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