Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 26: Going deep into the Osto Empire!

Jia Yan's attitude made everyone a little angry. What kind of strong person had they not seen before? In their opinion, the other party was also from Osto, but among the strong people from Osto, they had never seen such a strong person. A strong man who is well known. Sister-in-law Suo Kexiaoer said her emotions, I saw the most arrogant girl with clear words and said her words

That shows that this black-haired man is just a not too powerful being.

"How dare you be so disrespectful to me, Princess Ostow? Moke, I don't care if you and the princess were neighbors in the past. Now she is a princess, and she may become the emperor of Austria in the future. You must respect her."

A star mid-term soldier on the side shouted dissatisfied with Jia Yan.

"Don't be like this, Mo Ke is a good person, don't misunderstand him." Xiaoya quickly tried to persuade her, but it was obvious that the people around her didn't care about her opinion.

"Okay, let me explain to Mr. Mo Ke. Don't be too aggressive. He is our guest." The old man from Ostow shook his head helplessly and stopped the noise of his subordinates.

"Your Excellency Moke, we hope to establish a cooperative relationship with you. I know that you are very powerful, but now is a time when the Osto Empire is extremely dangerous. If you can stand up, the empire will definitely be rich in rewards in the future. "

Jia Yan was not moved at all by the other party's remarks.

"I'm sorry, I'm not from Osto. I believe that your Osto people also have my image in your system. I hope you will study it carefully before talking to me." Jia Yan directly revealed his identity.

"Earth Messenger?"

When several military personnel finally knew Jia Yan's identity through systematic comparison, their demeanors changed drastically.

Compared with before, the Osto soldiers who knew his identity no longer looked down upon him in the slightest. Although Jia Yan's actions in the Rulan Empire were despised by others, and some Osto people did not believe it, this did not hinder him. Others understand the fact that he is an extremely strong man.

"Now that you understand my identity, tell me, do you still need my help? And what conditions can be given?" Jia Yan asked, looking at the Osto emperors who were facing a formidable enemy.

"No wonder you dare to come to my army. It turns out you are confident."

The old man looked at Jia Yan fearfully, and had some luck in his heart. It turned out that a colleague had previously mentioned using force to make this Mo Ke surrender, but he denied it. Otherwise, things will get serious.

Jia Yan stopped talking and closed his eyes to rest.

In fact, Jia Yan also thought a lot when he came to this Osto squadron.

Osto seems to be in a state of disintegration. Jia Yan here in the Osto Empire originally wanted to get some things that would benefit the people on earth, but now not only cannot he succeed, but there is also the crisis of the biochemical empire's army coming to the earth. Jia Yan was also a little worried.

But now this squadron has appeared by chance, and he has also rescued the nominal royal family of this fleet, so there are many things he can do.

"It's a pity that I still don't know whether the Galaxy class behind the Biochemical Empire will take action. If it is clear that they will not, with my strength, I may be able to easily solve the threat of the Biochemical Empire."

Jia Yan analyzed in his heart the sudden outbreak of the biochemical empire. This made Jia Yan shrink back a bit. And this restriction also destined him not to dare to take action.

After deliberation for a long time, the Osto soldiers came to a decision.

"Sir Messenger, we feel that since you are seeking the welfare of the earth, you can use money and interests in exchange. You must also know that the actual national power of our Osto Empire exceeds that of the Rulan Empire. As long as you help us Recover the Osto Empire and enthrone the princess to the throne. Then we will give you whatever you want in the Osto Empire as long as the country's foundation is not shaken."

"Even our Osto Empire can declare that the earth and the Osto Empire are kinship and civilization relations, and sign an agreement of never infringement and eternal mutual defense."

Jia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the benefits offered by the other party.

What is he doing here in Orion Arm?

Are you not running for the benefit of the people on earth?

Jia Yan is a strong man. Even if the civilization he sees is more advanced than all the civilizations in the Orion Arm, he cannot bring any substantial changes to the earth. And if there is the full help of a powerful civilization like the Osto Civilization , then the evolution speed of earth civilization will increase a lot.

"Okay, our agreement is complete, but I told you in advance that there is a unique force behind the Biochemical Empire to help. I will not take action until I have no other way. I hope you understand this." Jia Yan did not hesitate too much. , agree directly.

"Okay, welcome Master Mo Ke to join our camp." After hearing Jia Yan's words, the old man's old face was overjoyed.

You must know that Jia Yan's strength, even if it is only half of the legendary one, is a big trump card for their partial division. With him, this squadron, which does not have much future at all, will have many more opportunities.

And he still doesn't know what Jia Yan said about the forces behind the biochemical empire, and thinks it's just the reason why Jia Yan doesn't want to take action.

Not only did this team get the royal princess who could increase their prestige, but they also got the legendary 'Earth Messenger' who could defeat the Rulan Empire alone. The entire squadron was filled with joy at this moment. atmosphere.

Soon after, the fleet flew up into the starry sky, merged with a group of warships on the periphery, and then sailed away from the no-no zone.

A few days passed, and Jia Yan was among one of the warships in this fleet.

He was not with the senior officials, nor was he on a battleship with Xiaoya, who had become a princess. It could be seen that the senior officials of the entire fleet were still somewhat wary of him. The battleship he was assigned to ride on was the outermost of a fleet. Battleship.

They didn't know that if Jia Yan wanted to take action, 99% of the fleet would die instantly.

"This fleet does have lofty ideals. A fleet of less than a hundred warships actually wants to control the entire Osto Empire? It even found a wandering princess. It's simply bizarre."

Jia Yan stood on the bridge of his battleship, looking at the starry sky outside the bridge.

He learned from the old man at the top of the fleet that he was a retainer of Xiaoya's mother back then. Although Xiaoya's mother was the legitimate daughter of the Osto Empire, she was still too far away from the Osto royal family. After Aohuang gave birth to Xiaoya and her sister Xiaoxun, the Aohuang could not marry her mother, so he had to live in a secluded place in the capital.

What happened next was just like the bloody drama circulated by the public. The concubines in the palace found a way to kill Xiao Yasheng's mother and exiled the two sisters.

The old man secretly entangled a group of dead officials from Xiaoya's mother's family, and just infiltrated into the army. He secretly developed and even inquired about Xiaoya's two sisters. And it happened that the strong men of the Biochemical Empire invaded the capital of Ostow some time ago, and he secretly captured an Aohuang concubine, and then asked about the news about Xiaoya sisters.

"Tsk tsk, this veteran is quite loyal." After Jia Yan recalled the scandal of the Ostow royal family, his only feeling was that 'the noble circle is really in chaos'.

"Sir, we have returned to the Osto Empire. Next, we want to use the name of the princess to capture a corner point."

The old man's communication voice came from Jia Yan's communicator.

"Okay, I will help you do all this secretly, but after this battle, I will go deep into your Osto Empire to see the trends of the Biochemical Empire. Before I come back, it will be up to you."

After Jia Yan said something to him, he closed the communication.

Of course, he couldn't help this fleet attack all the way, because he would always encounter the army of the Biochemical Empire. Before that, Jia Yan wanted to know more about the overall strength of the Biochemical Empire's attack on the Osto Empire.

"Previously, the senior management and data of this fleet have shown that the biochemical emperor team attacking the Osto Empire this time does not seem to be like the Gray and Yellow Star army. There is an extremely powerful Xinghe commanding behind it. But this is just My own guess, I have to find out whether this is the case..."

Jia Yan was thinking with some sparkle in his eyes.

Within the next ten days, Jia Yan finally understood the meaning of the saying, "Those who hit themselves are the hardest." Find Shuyuan

"Sir, there is another Osto betrayal force ahead. We have produced evidence of the princess's bloodline, but they still refuse to surrender. Please take action."

On this day, Jia Yan received another request from the top of the fleet.

"It's really troublesome." After Jia Yan turned off the communicator, he shook his head helplessly.

Three minutes later, the nightmare came to the fleet composed of hundreds of warships in front of the fleet.

The entire fleet of hundreds of ships was directly absorbed by a huge force within three minutes, and then one-third disappeared into nothingness.

The other two-thirds surrendered immediately.

Seeing that Xiaoya's fleet was slowly growing in number, and with his own help, it turned into a medium-sized fleet of nearly 400 people. Jia Yan could also do his own thing.

"Okay, you are now able to protect yourself. I'm going to take a look inside your Osto Empire. Some of the information I've discovered recently is very useful to me. I hope you can continue to give me information about the Biochemical Empire in the future. "

After Jia Yan said this, he disappeared directly into the stars.

He has shown his power in front of this group of Osto people, and I believe they understand that if they really take power and dare to go back on their word, Jia Yan alone can turn the entire Osto Empire into a The place of mourning

For Jia Yan, cooperation with this fleet is just a temporary initiative, and it can be regarded as some intelligence blessing for him. But the opponent he really wants to face is still the Biochemical Empire

"I hope that the battle I am fighting on this border land has not attracted the attention of the Biochemical Empire..."

In the starry sky, Jia Yan, who had just boarded the space capsule, turned on the fastest speed and traveled through the dark vacuum.

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