Jia Yan had never thought that when he was a Venerable, he was not considered a top genius. Now that he is wearing a concept ship, he is considered a top genius at the second level.

As someone who has fought against geniuses in the outside world, Jia Yan believes that his current strength in a concept ship is at best a high-level talent, not even a top-level genius.

Of course, he didn't know what a real top genius looked like, but Jia Yan was sure that if a top genius with a second-level powerhouse appeared, he would dare to fight. Even if he was temporarily at a disadvantage, he could rely on the physical strength of the evolved beast. And the energy advantage of the concept ship, it’s hard to say who will win in the end!

"What I said just now is not wrong. Since I have come to this dark realm, no matter why I came here, I have to think about ways to continue to become stronger when I get here. What's more, in this dark realm, I can feel something I haven't felt in a long time. It would be too boring to live and die without doing work like a mercenary."

Jia Yan and his clone have arrived in the sub-space again. Before, he flew slowly in the universe in order not to let the female monster know that he was recovering very quickly. Now after entering the sub-space, the speed of the concept ship exploded. Jia Yan almost used it to exceed that speed. The speed of the speeding ship is moving forward.

Jia Yan knew that he was strong enough now, and the battle he just faced with the semi-star existence was a representative battle, and with this kind of strength, he had nothing to fear.

"The name I use now is Mo Ke. This name will definitely become louder in the dark realm in the future."

Jia Yan thought with a smile, wondering how the real Mo Ke would feel if he knew that he had used his name to leave legends in several areas throughout the galaxy.

After flying for a long time, Jia Yan jumped out of the subspace and looked at the star map.

"At this distance, this dark area is already close to the edge. If we fly any further, we will be out of the dark area. Then I will stop here."

Jia Yan took a look at the surrounding starry sky. There was no shortage of anything in the Genius Battlefield, especially the amount of interstellar matter that blocked the passage in the starry sky to an annoying level.

Picking a small interstellar material with a diameter of about 100 kilometers, Jia Yan flew to it.

"This is my starting point in the Dark Realm. Now let's build a living quarters."

Jia Yan's eyes were filled with joy. Nothing could make him feel more excited than being able to build a residence with his own hands.

Just like when he was a child, he used pebbles to write in a smelly pond. Now he still values ​​something like home.

The front feet are sharp, and the clone also uses its muscle tendons to clean up interstellar matter piece by piece.

Two terrifying second-level geniuses sorted out a star with a diameter of 100 kilometers, which was simply overkill. It didn't take three days for Jia Yan to roughly sort out the star.

On the flat ground, a huge building with a height of 500 meters and an area of ​​​​five kilometers was built using gravel.

Of course, everything is still rudimentary and the details cannot be seen.

But it's enough to have some airs, and that's all Jia Yan can do now.

Jia Yan even thought about it and carved a large plaque with gravel on the gate of the huge building, which read: Tingtian Pavilion.

This is not a text written in the universal language of the universe, but in Earth Chinese characters, still in regular script.

Although Jia Yan has not returned to China for a long time, he has an excellent memory. He remembers many things that he remembered in his previous life. Especially when it comes to writing, his foot control is enough for him to imitate and write authentic regular script.


Jia Yan looked at the words on the building. He was satisfied, but suddenly he fell silent.

The ancient memories were recalled, making Jia Yan not sure what to think, but all in all, he had mixed emotions.

The name Tingtian Pavilion, which is full of Chinese flavor, made Jia Yan have some thoughts about the style of ancient China.

"Some of the ancient Chinese principles of life, as well as Zen rituals, etc., seem to be of some help to me now."

Jia Yan entered Tingtian Pavilion, and the rough stone style around it seemed to have a touch of charm under the decoration of the flat gate.

Prone on the ground, Jia Yan then recovered his body while meditating on the general direction.

"In the eyes of ancient Chinese people, although I am powerful now and can destroy people on Earth with a flip of my hand, my performance has always been a bit superficial and my behavior is not very calm. I need to improve in the future."

By reminiscing about ancient Chinese customs, Jia Yan quickly discovered some shortcomings in his character and behavior.

Of course, this kind of thing is not easy to change, and it takes a long time to settle.

After thinking a lot, until Jia Yan felt that he seemed to have gained something, and his mood was no longer full of impetuousness, Jia Yan took out the brain.

Opening the brain map, Jia Yan first looked at the forces in the surrounding star areas.

"Sure enough, as I thought, this edge place is a buffer zone from the ordinary area of ​​Genius Battlefield. It is impossible for any powerful force to establish a stronghold here. There are only some small forces around it, and even the forces called A gang that doesn’t get on.”

After Jia Yan looked at the map, he was very satisfied with the place he chose.

Then he opened some message boards.

Even if the creatures in the universe are powerful and their technology is not much higher than that of the earth, some common things will not change, such as communication and a place for discussion. These will not change no matter how advanced the technology is.

Therefore, it is not surprising that there is something like a message board in the dark network.

"Tingtian Pavilion undertakes various tasks, including killing people and stealing goods, rescuing people and collecting goods, and constructing science and technology. As long as you can afford the price, Tingtian Pavilion will be happy to serve you."

Jia Yan happily typed out rows of words and sent them out.

Yes, Jia Yan is advertising!

As for whether Jia Yan's strength is sufficient for the task he was told, the question is simpler. Before accepting the task, he will judge what to do and whether he can do it. If not, he will naturally not accept it.

Of course, talking too much will make people hate you.

"Heh, what a strange slogan. Is this actually a mission-based firm?"

"You're still killing people and stealing goods. I want to kill a powerful half-star master. Do you dare?"

"You can't find Tingtiange's name on the Internet at all. Please be careful of scammers."

When Jia Yan posted the slogan of Tingtiange, there were a lot of replies soon. Because he sent the message in the relevant section, a lot of professionals jumped out to scold it, and many of them were smeared by their peers.

Of course, if colleagues who understand the current situation of this so-called "Tingtian Pavilion", they may not even have the intention to slander him. He is just a polished commander, not even qualified by several dark forces, and is just an industry insider. I'm talking about Ye Dian.

If anyone would believe the advertisements in a place like this, they would be fools, and there is no way it could be compared with their regular offices.

Jia Yan doesn't care about all this. He just keeps leaving his advertisements in some message communities and forums. Of course, just like online forums on Earth, his account was banned by many message boards due to suspected advertising.

If the quantity is large, there must be people who are cheated... No, I should say there are customers who come to the door.

Just as Jia Yan continued to send messages, no business came to his door for several days. A dialed communication was transferred to Jia Yan's number.

"Are you Ting Di Ge? I want to do something with you."

After Jia Yan connected to the communication, his expression perked up, and he responded with a smile: "This is Tingtiange, sir. I am happy to serve you. I don't know what you want to do."

Of course, Jia Yan would not deny the word "you" the other party said. Any firm needs at least several people. He is just a bachelor and does not deserve to be called "you".

"It's like this. I come from a small force in the ordinary star region. Some time ago, I was greedy for the shortest way. When I was escorting some supplies for my force, I rushed from the edge of your dark domain. As a result, the goods were snatched by a gang running around in the dark domain. I also managed to escape with great difficulty, and I would like to ask you how much it would cost to snatch the goods back."

The opponent seemed to be a second-level monster with medium talent, and looked extremely anxious.

In fact, this is the case. This monster comes from a small force not far from the Dark Territory. This time he escorted the external materials needed by the force back to the original force. Originally, he was going to bypass the edge of the Dark Territory, but in order to save some navigation energy, he was full of energy. To keep his own money, he was greedy for convenience and went to the edge of the dark realm to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com As a result, the goods were really targeted.

He fought hard to escape, but there was no way he could get the goods back.

"Your goods have been robbed? Tell me what the goods contain and what the other party's strength is so I can make an assessment." After hearing what the other party said, Jia Yan looked stunned, and then asked a little solemnly. .

The forces that dare to steal the goods of external forces can be strong or weak. If they encounter a terrifying existence with a high talent level of half a star, Jia Yan will have no choice but to turn around and run away.

"I don't know their specific strength, but when they robbed me, they only had a few sub-level ones, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to escape. As for the goods, they were just some ordinary supplies from my power. If your firm is willing to help, , I am willing to pay one-tenth of the goods as a price."

The monster gritted its teeth and showed a profuse bleeding expression on the other side of the video communication.

In fact, the other party had already asked several large firms before this.

But those offices sounded like this kind of small business, and more importantly, the incident happened on the edge of the Dark Territory, and the person involved was a member of an outside force, so they didn't want to help.

As a result, Guan Qiang was helpless this time. When he searched on the Internet, he saw the "advertisement" posted by Jia Yan crazily. He didn't understand the distribution of dark field firms, so he thought that a firm with the strength to continuously advertise on the Internet must be strong. , then came over and asked.

Of course, now he also felt a little surprised, because he suddenly discovered that although the being who received him was just a flying monster-like venerable, the talent of this venerable was at least a high-level talent!

How can a firm with such genius be weak! ?

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