Reborn As An Interstellar Giant Mosquito

Chapter 12 The employer is shocked

The monster at that level showed the call records on the brain, as well as a small mosquito pattern that Jia Yan had previously sent to the strong man.

"It turns out to be a guest, please go this way."

That time, the monster Guan Yingbin quickly showed a professional smile, and then greeted the first employer outside the ancient servant stone house where Jia Yan was located.

On the door of this stone house, there are several Chinese characters engraved: Tingtian Pavilion.

"What an interesting text."

Although he didn't take much notice of the surrounding buildings, after seeing the characters on the building, the monster who came over suddenly had another feeling. After all, Chinese characters are a kind of elegance and ancient meaning, and in the eyes of alien creatures , which is also very delicious.

After entering the stone house, the monster saw a main hall. Above the main hall, a metallic life with the appearance of a flying creature stared at him silently.

As soon as he saw this monster, the strong man in the secondary level felt uncomfortable for a while.

Although the opponent seemed to be just a second-level powerhouse, as a being who had grown up in fighting, he certainly understood that the opponent was much stronger than him.

"I have met this friend from Tingtian Pavilion."

The monster in the second level quickly and respectfully saluted the monster above.

At the same time, he looked around the monster from the first level and was shocked again. It turned out that beside the flying monster, there was another second level whose strength completely exceeded his.

These two monsters turned out to be highly gifted beings.

There was something drumming in his heart, almost a hint of fear.

As for the existence of advanced talents, as a genius among the general outside forces, he is more afraid of the creatures in the dark realm.

"Okay, you don't need to be too polite. You are our employer."

The metal bird monster above nodded lightly, seeming to be very majestic and telling it not to be nervous.

And the feeling of speaking like this made the other party even more nervous.

"I wonder, my friend, has the task I entrusted been completed?"

Although the monster below is a little nervous, he will not forget the business.

In fact, when he came to Tingtian Pavilion today, he was completely surprised. After announcing the mission to Tingtian Pavilion before, there was no news from the other party. He thought that his 10,000 genius yuan was wasted again, but Unexpectedly, after some time passed, the other party actually sent a message directly, saying that the task was completed.

Even before he descended to the ground, he saw the shadow of one of his cargo ships high in the sky.

"Of course, come with me now and take a look."

The metal monster led the opponent's actions, and after leaving the stone house, he went to the outside world where the warships were parked.

"It's indeed my cargo ship, thank you, thank you." When the second level monster saw the cargo ship, the joy in his heart could no longer be concealed, and he almost cried with joy.

"You're welcome, it's just our duty. Now you calculate the payment, and if some of the things I requested are ready, we can deliver the goods."

The metal bird monster in Tingtian Pavilion was naturally Jia Yan, who was wearing a concept ship. At this time, he spoke to the other party in Yanyan and showed off his style. The other party was also infected by him and was a little afraid of Tingtian Pavilion. After that, he could be considered to have achieved his goal.

After a round of delivery, the other party even offered some of the supplies Jia Yan had requested before.

For example, a space stone, plus part of the payment.

Although the space stone is relatively rare, it is not so difficult for powerful people from the outside world to obtain. If the other party loses the goods, they may not even be able to save their lives. For a space stone plus part of the payment, they will naturally be willing to pay .

Not long after, a series of cargo ships flew up on the Tingtiange planet.

It turns out that this series of cargo ships are actually linked, and one monster can barely operate them.

On this string of cargo ships, the first employer of Tingtian Pavilion was muttering to himself with some emotion inside the cargo ship.

"This Tingtian Pavilion is completely different from what is said on the Internet. It is so fake. It is simply much better than many firms I have seen."

The employer thought of the series of doubts and ridicules he had received when he asked others about Tingtiange on the Internet. Even he himself felt that what others on the Internet said was right, so he sent it again. Ten thousand genius yuan is given to Tingtian Pavilion. As a result, he scolded Tingtiange together with others, and he suddenly felt very sorry in his heart.

He went online, found his own posts on the Internet and criticized Tingtiange, and dug out his refutations one by one.

"Assholes, it's you who made me almost curse my benefactor. Tingtiange has helped me get things done today without any overlord clauses, and he is very powerful. Where is the leather company you are talking about? All of them are bastards. You are the incompetent colleagues."

"I hereby guarantee that Tingtian Pavilion is absolutely reputable."

Only after he had finished replying to all the posts and even exchanged scoldings with a group of guys who had scolded Tingtian Pavilion for a while did this second level powerhouse finally stop.

"By doing this, I can repay Tingtian Pavilion a little bit. Okay, now I will go back..."

"Hey, it seems like something was wrong before."

"I vaguely know some of the monsters who received me. Well, where have I seen them before?"

After thinking for a long time, the monster's expression was startled, and then his expression became strange.

"It turns out that monster was the guy who fought me head-on, and there were a few others who were also part of the robbers. This..."

This employer thought for a long time in astonishment. He couldn't understand what was going on.

Of course, after thinking about it for a long time, he still smiled helplessly and stopped causing trouble.

Tingtian Pavilion's two high-level talents are the second-level geniuses. If they want to take revenge on him, they will die in one sneak attack in his own force, so let's forget it.

Although he felt that there was something hidden in Tingtian Pavilion, he did not modify the post he had made before scolding others. He just accepted it as a mute eating yellow lotus.

On the Tingtian Pavilion side, Jia Yan was his first employer, and he couldn't even recognize his previous enemies, which was a bit funny.

"It makes sense. The other party would never have thought that when he came to the force he hired, the people serving around him were all those who had robbed him before."

Jia Yan smiled and shook his head, then turned on the Internet.

Seeing that the employer still looked loyal and scolded Tingtiange desperately for them, which made Tingtiange's reputation even greater, and he suddenly felt happy again.

With that in mind, the communication came.

"Tingtian Pavilion, right? I want to ask you to carry out a security mission."

Another business has arrived, and the correspondence has continued. It seems that the post has had an excellent effect.

Jia Yan established the Tingtian Office as usual, and it was also a small group close to the power. He didn't know that the Disciple Group, which had made a big fuss before, still valued his movements very much.

"According to reliable information, Tingtian Pavilion is probably the one who invaded my Carnival Planet before. After offending our disciples, they still dare to appear in the public eye in such a big way. It is simply not good for our disciples. Mingtuan takes it seriously."

"However, the opponent's strength should not be underestimated. Even a mid-level talent with a half-star level cannot keep him. Even if he joins forces with another high-level talent with a secondary talent, he is still vaguely able to fight against a mid-level talent with a half-star level. This is definitely not the case. An ordinary high-end gifted genius."

Several stars existed, discussing something solemnly on top of a dark star.

"That Mo Ke, we don't have to deal with it, but we are afraid that if the opponent becomes stronger again, he will turn around and deal with our disciples. You must know that such a genius can be half as powerful as a high-level genius with just one casual step. There is a countervailing force on the stellar level.”

"But we can't guarantee that he will still hold a grudge. Of course, if there is a chance to kill him, it is better to avoid future troubles."

"Then as an employer, we will test him."

"Sir, we heard that Tiange's affairs have suddenly increased recently. But the manpower is really insufficient. I see that the two highly gifted adults often act together. I suggest... the two adults should look after a fleet separately. Find Shuyuan For example, for the next two escort missions, if the two adults go separately, there is no need to keep the employer waiting. "

Listening to the stars above, a sub-conservator loyally put forward his own opinions.

This sub-level being was one of the strong people from the sub-level that Jia Yan had 'forcibly' brought to Tingtianxing. Perhaps he saw that hanging out on Tingtianxing was much more nourishing than they were as small bandits before. Now this Most of the group of strong people from the secondary level were actually much more obedient, and the number of times they put forward their opinions like today has increased.

Of course, Tingtian Pavilion's charges are reasonable, and there are two high-level talented sub-level experts. Some people who don't know if they are causing trouble actually found the 'Moke', which was the one who caused a big fuss in the Disciple Group's Carnival Star. After that, no one would question the strength of the entire Tingtian Pavilion.

You know, Mo Ke may be a powerful existence that can rival the average talent of half a star!

This kind of being can usually serve as a high-level person in a certain force without having to do any work at all, but Mo Ke came to do it, and his service attitude was excellent.

And for a person whose strength is almost equivalent to a medium-level talent and a half-star level, what else is there that he can't solve?

Originally, the monsters in trouble at the border would not be serious problems. Even if there was something that Tingtian Pavilion could not deal with, Jia Yan and the others would simply refuse it.

The result of this is that Tingtian Pavilion's reputation is growing day by day. Even if some colleagues want to discredit it, they dare not say anything against a force that has a strength that is almost equivalent to a medium-level talent and half a star.

"We will not act separately. The specific reasons are secret."

In Tingtian Pavilion, after Jia Yan listened to his subordinate's words, he shook his head neatly in response.

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