Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 10: The Last Stop

Chapter 10: The Last Stop

One year forward, I am now 17 years old.

It’s already been 5 years since Bruce left. I was getting worried about whether he would come back or not.

Who knows if he really did accept Ras’ offer of becoming the Demon’s Head of the League of Assassins…

Diana is still in Themyscira, Arthur in Atlantis, and Clark in Smallville still.

The particle accelerator still hasn’t exploded and Barry did not become the Flash yet. Victor is also normal still.

As for Hal...he has disappeared from the radar. My guess is that he finally came in contact with the Green Lantern and probably went to Oa...I have no idea when he will be back on Earth.

Barbara and Pamela are also still normal and are enjoying their 2nd year of high school.

The world is still peaceful...there are no supervillains emerging yet...nor are there any superheroes…

I started to wonder whether there is something wrong in this world...I mean, this is obviously the DC universe! Why are there no heroes and villains!?

Everyone is still basically living peacefully...well, I guess this is good but...somehow, I keep feeling that there's something wrong…

I feel as if they all just one last to go about doing that last push is the problem.

Sigh,’s time to meet Oliver Queen in Russia…

But before that, I made a quick stop in Starling City.

As for why...well, it seems that Thea Queen’s been kidnapped.

There are a few prominent families that would garner the attention of most people.

The Waynes, the Luthors, then the Queens. Whenever something happens on these families, it would usually be a big thing and the media would always report on it.

It seems that now, Thea has been kidnapped after just coming out of a nightclub.

Ever since her father’s and brother’s supposed death, she had been quite a rebellious girl. Going out to various nightclubs, drugs, or having one night stands…

This time, it seems she partied a little too hard and was taken advantage of.

Since I’m about to meet Oliver Queen, the least I could do is keep his little sister safe. Which I did. Quite easily in fact.

When I arrived at the abandoned building where she’s being kept, her kidnappers attacked me but ultimately failed.

Seeing the 10 or so armed kidnappers lying on the ground unconscious, Thea’s jaws dropped.

“Ha...I must still be drunk. This is impossible…”

“Well, you’re indeed drunk.”

I just laughed and shrugged.

“Who...rather, what...are you?”

“Lucas Wayne. A friend of your brother’s.”

Thea looked surprised at the sudden mention of her brother.


“Yeah. So...had a fun night?”

I asked casually while sitting on the stacks of bodies.

“...Oh yeah...loads of fun! I only just got kidnapped!”

Thea rolled her eyes in annoyance.

“Did they do anything else to you?”


“That’s good.”

I stood up since the matter’s already dealt with and prepared to leave.

Then, Thea called out.



“’re just gonna leave me here!? What if they wake up!?”

...Well, she does have a point...but her attitude is so...Queen-y…

I smiled wryly and pulled her close to me.

“W-what are you doing!?”

“Sending you home, my Queen.”

Perhaps she misunderstood what I was going to do but I ignored her and carried her in a princess carry.

Walking over by the open window, I laughed.

“Up up and away!”


Thea’s face paled when she saw that we just jumped out of the window and closed her eyes shut.

But after some time, she didn’t feel any impact so she opened her eyes curiously.

What she saw next was...we were still in the air!

It was currently still daylight so I flew above the clouds for cover.

Thea was speechless as she watched the seemingly endless sea of clouds under us!

Eventually, she focused her gaze back to me.

“ exactly did you and my brother become friends?”

Thea knew her brother. He was a waste, a prodigal at best. He would party with his friends without a care in the world and waste his father’s money.

So how was it that his brother meets someone with powers like this?

I knew what Thea was thinking so I laughed.

“Haha, actually, we haven’t met yet. I lied. But I still know your brother.”

“...What do you mean?”

Thea asked with skepticism.

“I told you, I’m Lucas Wayne. A Wayne. You and your brother are Queens. Of course I know about you both.”

“...You say you haven’t met my brother yet. There’s no yet...he’s dead.”

Thea sighed and continued to watch the clouds.

“Is he? You know, I have this friend. He thought his mother died when he was young. Died in the sea they said. And he believed those who said it for so long. But he was wrong, they were all wrong. Just about a year ago, he finally reunited with his mother. Actually, his mother survived and was simply stuck, unable to leave for a long time.”


“It’s not a sin to have hope. Just ask yourself, which is more impossible? Your brother living...or you flying in the skies right now?”

Thea fell silent. I didn’t mind, however, our little trip has reached its end.

I dropped Thea on the area behind their manor. It was where the empty coffins of her dad and brother were buried.

“Well then, there is still somewhere else I need to be.”


Thea called out again.

“ have these powers...can’t you find my father and brother?”

I smiled wryly.

“I’m no God...but I’ll take a look. It would take some time though.”

“Then...thank you.”

“Thank me when they return. You behave alright?”

“Hmph, you know I’m older than you by about 2 years right?”


I nearly tripped when she said that.

Clearing my throat twice, I flew away and reached Russia in a few breaths.

Where is he though? Honestly, I’m still new to this super hearing thing. It’s hard to pinpoint a specific person’s location. More so someone who I haven’t met.

Wait, I hear some muffled screamings...hopefully, it’s not just some weird sex play or something. Otherwise, it would be so embarrassing…

...I should use my X-ray vision first…

I flew towards the location of where the screams were and found a man tied to a chair and a dozen or so thugs surrounding him.

Hmm...blonde hair, and that goatee...this should be Oliver Queen then. What a pinch he’s in. It sure is very convenient for me.

“Kovar, you won’t get away with this!”

Oliver shouted.

“No no Oliver. You see, I’m not going to do anything to you. In fact, I’ll let you go now.”


“How about we make a deal?”

Just as Kovar asked that and was about to begin his plan, another voice sounded out.

“Oh wow. Are you guys filming a movie or something?”


Everyone turned to look at who had talked.

They didn’t think someone would suddenly appear here!

When they saw a kid walking around and seemingly looking at them curiously, Kovar snapped.

“What are the guys outside doing!? Get this brat out!”

“Oh, are you talking about those dogs barking outside? They were quite noisy so I put them all to sleep.”

With super speed that is. Sigh, it would be even faster if I have the Flash’s speedforce…

Kovar was stunned then looked at the men beside him.

The man understood and pulled out their radios.

But it was getting boring for me so I knocked them all down too.

“Well, no need to call. This is basically what just happened.”

“Y-you...what are you!?”

“Me? Does it matter? Now then, go sleep.”


Aaand he’s out.

I looked at the ‘corpses’ beneath me and dusted my hands together.

Finally, I turned to Oliver who was still unable to believe what just happened.

“Oliver Queen. Quite a pinch you’re in for a supposed dead guy in the bottom of the ocean.”

“Who...rather, what...are you?”

Hearing his question, I felt a sense of deja vu.

“It’s funny you asked that. Thea asked me the same way just now too.”

“Wh-!? Thea!? She’s here!?”

“No, she’s in Starling City. Oh, by the way, she was also in the same scenario as you just now. Tied to a chair, surrounded by thugs, kidnapped, and all that.”

Is it really a coincidence these two brother and sister are in the same situation in different corners of the world?

This is just so sad that it’s funny…

“What did you say!? What happened to Thea!? Is she okay!?”

Oliver panicked immediately and asked.

“Oh, she’s fine. Managed to save her before anything was done. It was all over the news so I stepped in.”

“...I see...that’s good.”

Oliver sighed in relief hearing that.

“Well, what do you plan to do now? Are you still not returning?”

“I...still have things to do here...but soon, I will be until then, I would appreciate it if you don’t speak to anyone that I am alive.”

I was silent for a moment then sighed.

“Do you know what your sister is like now?”


“She’s young, and beautiful...partying hard every day...and she’s taking drugs.”

“...What are you saying?”

“What I’m saying is, once you get back, do not think that everyone you knew is still the same as when you disappeared...just be ready for that.”

Oliver fell silent.

“...I know…”

“...Well, I believe I have yet to introduce myself. I am Lucas Wayne.”

I gave a small bow as a way to present myself.


“Yes, Wayne. I’ll be going now then. If ever you need me, you know where to find me.”


“Oh, and Oliver.”

Just as I was about to leave, I remembered something and turned around.

“Take it from someone with dead parents, do not shackle yourself from the shadows of them. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a path of no return.”

Oliver frowned. He didn’t seem to understand what I was saying.

I sighed and did not pursue the matter.

With this, most of the Justice League has been met. It’s a shame about Martian Manhunter though...he’s too hard to find.

Hawkgirl and Hawkman too…

Eh? Wait, if I copy their powers...would I have wings too?

...Meh, it’s kinda cool…

Even though I can already fly, wings are cool! Wings are justice!

A few more months flew by, before I knew it, the year had ended.

Currently, it’s February. Next month would be Bruce’s 26th birthday. And my 18th birthday in May...yet Bruce is still missing.

Clark also mentioned that he will soon be transferring to Metropolis to become a reporter then visit Gotham in my birthday. Diana and Mera are also visiting that month for...reasons…

Another thing of note was that I already told Barbara and Pamela about my situation with the two of them and...well, let’s just say we nearly stopped seeing each other.

Thankfully, they both calmed down...still, they would rarely talk to me now…

Lena and Thea seemed to get along well and enjoy my plight though...but I have no idea why are the 2 of them even included here…

As usual, me and Alfred were about to prepare Bruce’s birthday, even if he’s not here. they say, all good things must come to an end.

The skies suddenly shone blood red.

And then they appeared.

Parademons...Darkseid’s army.

This can only mean one thing...I was too late gathering the Justice League!

I looked at my status and sighed.

[Name: Lucas Wayne]

[Level: 4 (280/400)]

[Characters: ]

It’s not enough…

Sure, these three are powerful enough...but to take on’s not enough at all…

What should I do? Call everyone immediately?

...No, they’re not ready for this yet...I will have to take him on my own somehow!


“Young master Lucas, you must remain in the manor!”

“Alfred, we both know that’s not going to happen…”

“But…you said you'll wait for master Bruce…”

Alfred sighed.

I already told him about me and my powers. And my plan as well...of course, not everything. I didn’t tell him how I knew all this would happen.

I told him because he’s Alfred. He’s family.

“There’s no time waiting. I need to go. This is my last stop to make.”

Pausing for a moment, I took a pen and paper and began to write on it in super speed.

When I was done, I sealed it and gave it to Alfred.

“This is for Bruce...”

“Young! You must come out alive!”

“I know. But if...only if…”


I gave Alfred one last hug and flew away.

“Goodbye Alfred. Take care of brother.”

As I flew away, I can see Alfred’s eyes covered in tears as he gripped the letter shakingly.

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