Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 12: The World After…

Chapter 12: The World After...

After a while, the shouting stopped, and everyone embraced their loved ones for surviving this catastrophe.

Smallville. Clark looked at the bodies of the Parademons which were starting to disintegrate. His eyes were full of grief and his hands gripped hard.

Jonathan and Martha came out of the house and approached him.



“...We know son...we saw too…”

Jonathan and Martha sighed. When the fighting stopped earlier, they were confused and came out of the basement to look so they saw the broadcast.

They truly didn’t think...that the small boy who came to their home years ago the Hero that saved the world…

Clark’s eyes began to pour tears.

He remembered meeting Lucas for the first he was nearly hit by a he saw his he inspired him…

“...He really took in his words seriously...that Lucas…”

Clark closed his eyes and made a vow in his heart...that he will use his powers for good...and when Darkseid returns...he will be ready!

As he thought of Darkseid, his eyes glowed red!

Over in Themyscira, Diana stood, still not believing what she saw!

Her sword had already dropped to the ground with a clang. Everyone had already stopped fighting and couldn’t help but look at her in worry.

Hippolyta sighed and walked over to her side.

“It’s over should rest…”

“! It’s not over!”

Diana snapped out of it and picked up her sword again as she ran!

“Diana! Where are you going!?”

However, Diana did not hear her. She continued to run and eventually reached...the Mother Box!

She glared at the thing that they have been safeguarding for hundreds of years and swung her sword!

“Activate! Send me to Darkseid!”

She continued to swing but the Mother Box did not respond at all.

“Why aren’t you activating now when I need you to!? Open a portal you bastard!”

Hippolyta saw what Diana was doing and immediately rushed to hold her.

“Stop, Diana! Stop!”

“No! He’s still out there mother! I know it! He’s alive!”

Diana tried to break free from her mother but was unable to so she can only flail her hands.

“He’s not alive, Diana!”

“You don’t know that!”




“...He’s gone...isn’t he…?”


Diana’s eyes were flooded with tears as she curled herself in her mother’s arms.

While crying, she remembered what she told Lucas years ago.

Us Amazons have a strong heart. We don’t break that easily.

But it seems...she had overestimated herself...and underestimated her own feelings as well…

Her heart turned cold...and a single name resounded in her mind.


He will pay!

Atlantis. Arthur’s mother, Atlanna, was busy commanding the soldiers to repair the damages to their Kingdom Orm’s help.

Normally, this was Arthur’s job but…

Atlanna looked at her son and Mera who were both silent as they looked up at the surface world.

Mera’s eyes were supposed to be filled with tears yet the ocean merely carried her tears away.

Arthur held onto his trident and gripped it hard.

Only after a while did he finally speak.


“Yes, Arthur?”

Atlanna asked cautiously.

She knew her son’s connection to the one called Lucas Wayne who was in the broadcast earlier.

From what Arthur and Mera told her, he was the reason why Arthur did not give up hope and found herself in the Hidden Sea…

Lucas is a special human to both Arthur and Mera. She knows that they are grieving...and in pain…

“I have decided. We will show ourselves to the surface world.”

“What!? Brother, you must think this clearly! The surface dwellers and the sea dwellers have been at odds since ancient times!”

Orm was quick to refute.

Still, Arthur shook his head.

“Lucas said that I am the best of both worlds...that I am the living proof that we can co-exist...he also said I could be something greater than a King.”

“...What can possibly be greater than a King? Ah, you mean to be the God of the surface dwellers?”

Orm sneered at the thought but Arthur still shook his head.

“Even better. A Hero.”

“...You’re kidding, right?”

“I’m not. Lucas said it himself...Darkseid won’t die easily. He will be back...surface dwellers, sea dwellers...we need to stand together if we can hope to defeat him when he comes again!”

Right now, Arthur exuded an aura of a King!

Orm no longer said anything as he also looked solemn. He had to admit that his brother is right!

Mera also looked determined.

“We cannot let Lucas’ sacrifice be in vain…”

Arthur looked at her and spoke.

“No...I do not believe that Lucas is dead. He said it himself right? Do not lose hope. I can feel it in my guts...he’s still alive. And he’s out there…”

“...Then we need to find him!”

“We can’t do it alone. No one knows how the Mother Box works...we need help.”

Mera nodded and looked back up to the surface.

A single thought repeated in her head. better be alive...otherwise...I will come for Darkseid!

There were many others who were saddened by the loss of Lucas Wayne.

Victor Stone continued to stand there while looking at the projection of the business card Lucas gave him.

After a long time processing his emotions, his artificial eye glowed as he looked determined.

Seemingly deciding on something, he...went back to STAR his father!

Barry Allen stood with the other officers in the CCPD and continued to think silently. No one knows what he was thinking.

But there was this focused look in his expression…

Thea Queen was still with her mother in their manor when everything happened...and when it was over, Thea continued to look dazed.

She didn’t think...that the man she met not long ago gone...just like that…

Suddenly, the doors opened...when the two of them looked, they saw a man with an unshaven beard standing there…



The three rushed to each other and hugged with tears in their eyes!

Oliver Queen is back!

Thea let out her tears in her brother’s arms.


“I know...we...met…”


Thea stopped crying and looked at her brother intently!

She remembered asking Lucas to find her seems...that he did!?

“He’s the reason why I am still alive right now…”

Hearing that, Thea continued to cry harder!

Her brother is back...but Lucas is gone! She hasn't even thanked him yet!

Seeing her sister cry so much, Oliver sighed.

Right now, there was one thought in his mind.

Once an opportunity comes...Darkseid will suffer!

Oa, the headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps. Hal Jordan just received news of Darkseid’s invasion on Earth and was about to rush back.

However, he was informed that it was already over...his ring replayed the broadcast shown at the time and watched how Lucas stop Darkseid alone.

He smashed his fist to the ground hard.

“Goddammit! I should’ve been there! I should’ve been there fighting alongside him!”

Hal gritted his teeth and flew! He wanted to go back to Earth!

“Lucas...I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you...I’ll make sure to protect Earth in your absence!” better not return! Because when you do...I will be here now!

I’ll show you the might of the Green Lantern!

Back on Earth, Gotham. Barbara and Pamela both rushed to the Wayne manor in panic. They did not believe that the Lucas they knew would suddenly have powers and...die!

They wanted answers!

When they reached the manor, it was empty.

Looking around, they finally saw Alfred out at the back...looking at an abandoned well at the corner.

Barbara and Pamela knew that well...they used to play there when they were kids…


“Apologies...young misses...the young master longer here...”

Hearing him say that, both Barbara and Pamela cried...they knew that Lucas was truly gone!

Though Barbara stood there in shock, Pamela couldn’t take it and ran away!

At this point...the two paths have diverged.

Moments after, another figure charged in.

“Alfred! Where is he!? Where’s Lucas!? Tell me that guy in the video isn’t him!”

The man looked disheveled and in tatters. However, this did not hide the handsome face he had.

“...Master Bruce. It’s good to finally see you.”

“Brother Bruce…”

“Alfred! Barbara! Where...where’s Lucas!?”

Bruce’s expression was full of fear and worry.

When he saw the expression of the two, he fell silent.

Suddenly, he roared to the skies!


As if frightened by his scream, the bats hiding in the cave sprung to life and flew out in droves!

With the sound of the bats fleeing, Bruce lost his voice and fell on his knees while crying.

“Why...why did this happen!? After everything...after everything I’ve been make sure Lucas won’t get hurt...why!?”

Alfred sighed seeing Bruce like this so he spoke.

“Master Bruce...there is time to grieve later.”

“...What are you saying, Alfred!? He’s family! He treated you like family! How can you just shrug this off!?”

Angered, Bruce grabbed Alfred’s collar and yelled. Still, Alfred insisted.

“I am just as saddened by his loss as you do, master Bruce...but young master Lucas had...given me his last command.”

“...What do you mean?”

Bruce’s anger calmed down hearing this and let go.

He was confused about what kind of order Lucas gave he seemed to know some things…

“Please follow me back inside.”

Bruce hesitated then looked at Barbara.

Barbara seemed to understand his meaning and was about to leave.

“If young miss Barbara is alright with it, young master Lucas had...requested that if you and young miss Pamela wants to know the may follow as well. It is unfortunate that young miss Pamela has left...but I was only asked to do this once master Bruce shows up.”

“I...I’ll find Pamela later...I want to follow…”

“Very well.”

Alfred nodded and led the two to the grand piano by the living room.

He pressed a few keys and waited for a second.

The next moment, the wall at the opposite side collapsed and revealed an elevator!

Bruce and Barbara were shocked!

“Alfred? This is…?”

“Follow me.”

As Alfred stepped into the elevator, the other two looked at each other then stepped in as well.

The way down was quite long. Meaning they were way below the ground...just what is under their manor?

Bruce was confused but still waited.

When the elevator finally stopped, they were greeted with a bunch of bats flying about!

By instinct, they closed their eyes and pulled their hands to their faces.

When the bats finally disappeared and they opened their eyes...they found themselves in a cave!

“A bat cave?”

Hearing Bruce ask, Alfred froze then showed a wry smile as he took out a dollar.

“...Young master wagered you would call it that when you see it…”

Bruce fell silent. It seems that this cave was something that Lucas had either made or come across…

Alfred took out a lighter and burned the dollar, as if saying that he’s giving his end of the wager to Lucas who was no longer here.

Afterward, he looked back to Bruce and Barbara and gave a slight bow.

“Welcome to the Batcave, master Bruce, young miss Barbara.”


“...This was part of the wager…”


“Ahem, shall I explain?”

Alfred continued to tour Bruce and Barbara around the cave and explained at the same time.

“2 years after master Bruce left, young master Lucas had begun secretly building this along with a few projects. These projects were only ever known to three people. Young master Lucas, me, and one Lucius Fox.”

Hearing that, Bruce asked.

“Lucius Fox?”

“Yes sir, Lucius is the one who mainly developed all the high-end technology in the cave. He’s a loyal friend of your father. Young master Lucas found him and asked for his assistance in various projects.”

One question was answered but more questions popped up.

Bruce was truly confused. Even Barbara didn’t understand what was going on.

Why was there a cave under their manor?

Alfred did not mind them and spoke.

“Computer, open Project WATCHTOWER.”

[[Voice recognized: Alfred Pennyworth. Acknowledged.]]

Suddenly a huge monitor on the wall lit up and displayed various images.

“This is…”

“This is the Batcomputer...yes, it’s also part of the wager...most things here are named with Bat…”


“Anyway, the Batcomputer is a highly advanced computer capable of analyzing, hacking, surveillance, and more. You should be able to explore its uses on your own.”

Bruce frowned. Just what does Lucas hope to achieve with all these?

Then, he started to look at the images and data displayed and his eyes went wide!

“This…!? Alfred! Is this real!?”

“Yes, Master Bruce...the WATCHTOWER project is complete. Soon, it would be launched to orbit the space.


As Bruce was still silent from the shock, Alfred handed him a letter.

“This...was something young master wrote before he...left.”

Bruce looked at the letter and took it with his hands shaking.

He tore the seal off and carefully opened the letter as if it’s the most fragile thing in the world.

[Dear Bruce,

When you read this letter, I am already long gone. Does this intro sound familiar? Hehe, unfortunately, this would mean that I really am...gone. Brother, please don’t grieve too long...I know you will be sad...but know that I have gone down fighting and I’m happy with this ending. I know you still blame yourself for the death of our parents, which was why when a certain man approached you and said he can give you a fighting took it. But do be careful. Ras Al Ghul is not a simple man. He is an immortal who has lived for hundreds of years. He long to finally die and pass on his position to someone worthy. I guess he saw potential in you...and he’s not wrong. There is potential for greatness in you. Even I can see that. But you must not join or become the Demon’s Head of his League of Assassins. As noble as they portray themselves to be, they are, in the end, killers and murderers...Anyway, I wanted to keep this matter short so I’ll jump to the point.

While you were gone, I’ve met a number of people who also have the same potential as you...the potential to be Heroes. They are strong, powerful, good, gentle, valiant...and they believe in what’s right. But though they have powers and are powerful individually...they are much more powerful together. And if there’s anyone I can think of who can join these people together...that would be you, brother...I believe in you.

I cannot give you their names. That is their secret and I don’t want to force them either. But I did give Alfred their code names and descriptions. I hope you find them. And even if you don’t, they will find you eventually…

I will find a way to stop Darkseid and stall for time...but I don’t know how long it will last. He will be back one day...I hope that by that are all ready to face him.

Please give some thought to what I said. I hope the presents I left for you are of use.

PS: Oh, and if someone named Diana or Mera finds you...emm, please don’t get killed...


Lucas Wayne.]

Bruce continued to look at the letter in deep thought.

He wondered just how did Lucas knew even about Ras Al Ghul…

However...Lucas wasn’t here anymore…

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