Reborn as Batman's Little Brother

Chapter 17: VS Justice League

Chapter 17: VS Justice League

The three girls dragged me to a guest room and shut the door behind them.

Without a word, Diana had already taken off my clothes and pushed me to the bed!

As she straddled on top of me, she licked her lips.

“Are you ready for your punishment?”

“T-this is supposed to be punishment!?”

I sweat. How is this supposed to be punishment! No matter how I see it, aren’t I getting laid!? How on earth is this punishment!?

Diana laughed and took her Lasso of Truth.

With a circle, she wrapped it at the base of my crotch and smiled.

“You’re gonna tell us everything.”


“And you will only cum when I allow you to.”


I stand corrected...this is indeed punishment!

Rather, is it really ok to be using the Lasso of Truth for S&M play!? Isn’t that a sacred artifact or something!?

Barbara also approached me from the side and pulled out some kind of glove from her utility belt.

With a push of a button on the side, the glove let out zapping sounds from time to time...Oi! Is that some kind of stun glove!?

“Oh, don’t worry, this won’t shock you much. If it's you, I think I can safely set it to max output.”


How on earth is that supposed to be safe!?

It will probably not really do me much damage but...still!

Lastly, Mera approached while holding onto a trident.

...Eh? Mera? Why are you holding Aquaman’s trident!?

“Fufu, try to guess where this will be sticking to?”


Hearing that, my face lost all color and I started to panic.

Just when I thought she really will stick that in my butthole, the three girls suddenly laughed.

“Hahaha! We’re just messing with you, Lucas!”

“Hehe, you should see the look on your face!”

“Fufu, were you that afraid?”


My face twitched uncontrollably.

These damn girls!

In my anger, I pushed them all down and started to remove their clothes as well.


“W-wait! Lucas, I’m not ready!”

“Ah! T-that’s not the hole you are supposed to-...!!!”

<Insert imagination here.>

After a few hours, I looked at the three exhausted girls beside me and sighed.

They had fallen asleep in the end yet I am still energetic…

Forget it, I should go back to the others and ask about the situation.

I kissed the three girls on the cheek and left the room after getting dressed.

Back in the Main Hall, I greeted the others once again.

“So...I guess I should properly introduce myself since there are some here who I have not yet met.”

There’s Martian Manhunter, Black Canary, Hawkman, and Hawkgirl here. It was a shame that I don’t have additional slots to sync them but I can simply meet them again in the future.

“My name is Lucas Wayne. 5 years ago, I was the one who pushed Darkseid away and somehow got thrown as well somewhere in the universe. Darkseid is still very much alive and I have no idea when he will return again so I hope I can be of some help in the future.”

With a bow, the rest nodded or clapped.

Martian Manhunter and the Hawk couple also introduced themselves and shook hands with me.

“I am J’onn J’onzz, or as I am well known here on Earth, the Martian Manhunter. I am the last surviving Green Martian from Mars and has come to seek refuge here on Earth. I’ve heard a lot about you, Lucas. It’s a pleasure to be able to work with you.”

“My name is Laurel Lance, the Black Canary. Ollie’s told me about you.”

“I’m Carter Hall, this is my wife, Kendra Saunders. We are otherwise also known as Hawkman and Hawkgirl.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lucas. We’ve heard so much about you.”

I smiled wryly. It seems I’ve gotten very popular huh?

Batman smiled as well.

“After you disappeared 5 years ago, the whole world acknowledged you as the symbol of Heroism. You had sparked a new idea to the world and created an era of Superheroes. Unfortunately, this had also marked the era of Supervillains as well.”

“I see...oh, right. How come I don’t see Pamela? Is she safe?”

Batman sighed and tapped a few keys on the computer.

A display of a red-haired beauty in a green dress appeared on the screen.

“This is her now. It seems your disappearance had caused her to...turn a different path. She goes by the name Poison Ivy now. A metahuman who has the ability to control plants.”

“...I see…”

So she still turned out to be the same...perhaps I should see her later. Maybe if she sees me, she’ll turn good again.

“Any other piece of news I should know about?”

“Well, 5 years is a lot to catch up on. You can just slowly get used to it.”

“Yeah man, wait till I show you Netflix!”

Flash ran to my side and rested his hand on my back with a laugh.

“By the way, do you know who I am?”

“Hmm, let’s see...are you perhaps that guy who always runs late to his work?”

“Hey! I was not always...well, fine! Maybe I am!”

I laughed and patted on his shoulder as well.

“It’s nice to see you again, Barry.”

“Heh, I am called the Flash now. Sorry if I stole your superhero name.”

What stole?

Just as I was confused with what he said, Green Arrow also approached me and removed his hood.

“Hey, remember me?”

“Of course, Oliver Queen. How’s Thea?”

“She’s ok. She’s off the drugs and has been helping out with Lena in their company.”

It’s good she stopped with the drugs. But what does he mean by ‘their company’?

“Their company?”

“Yeah. She and Lena set up a new company outside of Queen Consolidated and Lex Corp.”

“Really? That’s good! What’s it called?”


Green Arrow smiled wryly and scratched his cheek as he hesitated.


“...They called it Lucas Enterprise…”


...Does this mean I have a company now too? But what about Wayne Enterprise?

Batman patted me on the shoulder and nodded.

“I’m handling Wayne Enterprise fine. You can join them if you like. You have my full support.”

“You have my Lex Corp’s support as well.”

Lex nodded at me with a smile.

“Then...thank you. But I’m not sure I want to go back out there again.”

This time, Superman smacked me at the back and laughed.

“Haha! It’s fine, we already talked about it. We won’t release news that you’re back until you are ready.”

...Does he realize that being smacked by a kryptonian still hurts me?

“Clark, did you have to smack me so hard…?”

“Haha! It’s fine, it’s fine!”

It seems Superman is really happy...but can you stop smacking at me already!?

“So, what are your plans now?”

Cyborg asked.

“Well, right now, Darkseid still doesn’t know that I’ve returned and most of the supervillains are the same. I’d like to remain it this way. I’ll be staying here for now and back you all up if needed.”

“Ooh, like some kind of last line of defense?”

Green Lantern laughed jokingly but I nodded.

“Yes. Something like that. I don’t mean to offend you all...but as you all are now, you still don’t hold a chance against Darkseid.”

The entire room was filled in silence as they couldn’t believe what I just said.

I sighed and motioned for them to follow me to the training area.

“Well, I know you all are too stubborn to believe this. Follow me, all of you will attack me. If you can make my knees hit the ground, you win and I’ll acknowledge I was wrong.”

“Heh, no offence, but dude, you can’t even reach the training hall before me!”

Flash snorted but I didn’t mind.

“Wanna bet?”



Without waiting for a go signal, the two of us raced to the training room and I was able to arrive a whole second earlier than Flash.

“Wha-!? How!?”

“There is still a lot of potential you can use with the Speed Force, Flash.”


While we were speaking, a batarang flashed in front of me which I managed to catch with two fingers.

Batman grinned and the next moment, the batarang exploded in my face!

“Bro, you know that wouldn't work on me.”

“It’s not supposed to.”

Suddenly, two pairs of hands appeared beneath me and pulled me down. It was Martian Manhunter phasing through the floor.

The exploding batarang was simply a distraction for this move huh?

Still...this isn’t enough!


With a snort, a white flaming energy surrounded me. This was ultraviolet radiation in energy form which I used using Blackfire’s powers. I call it Lightflame.

Martian Manhunter’s weakness was fire. Even if this isn’t a real flame, it was still as hot as a real fire...perhaps even hotter!


Martian Manhunter quickly let go and retreated.

Batman grimaced seeing me hovering while covered in the white flame.

“...You didn’t have that power when you fought Darkseid before.”

“What can I say, I picked up a few tricks on my way back.”

As I spoke, two winged figures flew towards me while wielding metal maces on their hands.

“I don’t know what kind of power is that, but no mere flame can melt our maces!”


I grinned as I held both maces with my hands.

“Perhaps not, but I don’t really need to melt it to stop you.”

“Perhaps...but we don’t need to hit you to stop you as well.”

As if on cue, Green Lantern appeared from behind and swung a huge green hammer.

I smiled and my eyes started to glow white.

Just as Hawkman and Hawgirl thought I was going to shoot them, the beam that shot out of my eyes turned and shot towards Green Lantern instead!



Green Lantern quickly changed the form of the green hammer into a green shield but he was still pushed back.

“Ghh-! Don’t think enough to break my will…!”


I squinted my eyes and strengthened the power of the Omega Beam slowly.

At the same time, I took a deep breath and blew towards Hawkman and Hawkgirl. This was Superman’s Freeze Breath!

They didn’t get blown away but their wings started to freeze instead!

“...Uh oh.”

Hearing Hawkman, I grinned and stopped the Omega Beam while throwing the two hawks towards Green Lantern instead.

Green Lantern quickly changed his shield into a baseball glove to catch the two.

At the same time, Superman flew towards me and hugged my shoulders.

“Do it!”

Lex appeared in his Lex Armor and aimed his missiles at me.

I looked at Superman and smiled while changing the ultraviolet energy into the ultraviolet energy I took from a red star instead.

While I was out in space, I stored various kinds of ultraviolet energy from different stars I passed. And there happened to be a red star on one of them.

Suddenly, Superman felt his grip loosen and gradually lose power until he falls to the ground.

“W-what...happened? My powers...they’re gone!”

After being freed from Superman, I casually grabbed the missile that Lex fired and tossed it to the side.

“Don’t worry Superman. I am generating the energy from a red star which caused your powers to be gone temporarily. Just sit this one out, they can’t keep relying on you every time.”


While I was speaking, an explosion hit me from the side.

Turning around, I saw Cyborg aim his cannon at me and the muzzle was still smoking.

“Hm, that’s not enough if you want to bring me down.”

I felt a power on me and tried the newest ability I gained. Green Lantern’s character!

A white transparent appeared as I thought about it and turned into a cannon as well.

Hm, it seems I did gain his powers...or more specifically, his ring’s powers.


Just like that, Cyborg was blown away as well.

The next moment, a loud cry sounded out which made my head dizzy. Black Canary had just used her Canary Cry and I admit that it’s really annoying…

Using this opportunity, Green Arrow also rained down on his arrows with various kinds of attacks. Aquaman also jumped at me with his trident.

Huh? How did he get his trident back? Oh wait, that’s a different seems Mera only took his old trident…

Still, even though Black Canary’s cry made me feel dizzy, it wasn’t enough to throw me off. I was able to still knock down Aquaman back to the ground.

With a single lightbolt, I was able to shoot down Black Canary as well. Green Arrow was able to dodge a few times but was still hit after the 3rd shot.

The fight continued for a few more minutes but it all ended the same way.

I am still standing and the rest of the Justice League is down on the ground.

“...Alright, this is enough. Now, do you see what I mean?”

“...Lucas...with your power...can’t you defeat Darkseid by yourself already?”

“Maybe, maybe not. Are you really willing to bet on that chance?”


Superman sighed and shook his head.

“I understand...we know what to do now.”

Batman nodded.

“We will continue to grow stronger and hone our strengths.”

“Still, knowing you had such power...we can rest assured with you being the last line of defense.”

Lex smiled and got out of his armor.

Aquaman sighed and patted me on the shoulder.

“Leave the rest to us, Lucas. You’ve fought enough 5 years ago against Darkseid. We’ll handle everything and won’t be needed to fight.”

“You are too powerful to be revealed to the world. The consequences should the public know of your unimaginable.”

Martian Manhunter said and the rest nodded including me.

“Nn, that’s why I didn’t want to show myself to the public for now. Don’t worry, I’m here when you need me.”, my brother Bruce nodded at me with a smile.

“I know it’s too late to say this now...but I’m glad to have you back.”

“Hehe, I’m glad to be back.”


Basically, Lucas beat the entire Justice League on his own...and also knocked up three of them in the same day. XD You know what I mean.

Ultimate Fruit Chap in a few hours!

See ya next chap!

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