Chapter 19: Poison Ivy

Pamela approached us and started shouting at Selina.

“What the hell Selina!? Did you forget about our meeting!?”

“Not at all, I was just showing this rich gentleman which places to buy an apartment. Or a house. Or a mansion.”


I didn’t say anything about buying a mansion! I already have one!

Pamela seemed about to say something but paused.



“Dammit! Selina, what the hell have you been teaching my Pamela!?”


Ah...I blurted it without thinking!

Both Pamela and Selina looked at me weirdly while Harley was...umm, buying an ice cream it seems…

“I don’t think I said her name?”

“...’My’ Pamela?”

Pamela started glaring at me and I can see the plants from the sides started to crawl their way towards where I am.

I sighed and looked around.

“Well...not here. Let’s go somewhere without anyone seeing us.”

“...Suits me.”

Pamela snorted and led the way while Selina sighed while muttering ‘why do I keep on picking weirdos with dual identities…’

Is she talking about my brother? Well, it seems that they have indeed met but not in good terms I presume...otherwise, she wouldn't be so clingy to me...well, there’s the fact that she’s a thief so I guess it doesn’t really count if she’s clingy to a rich guy.

...Wait, isn’t my brother a rich guy too?

Now I’m confused...whatever, I should focus on Pamela first.

Harley just got back from buying(threatening the stall owner) ice cream and noticed we were all walking away.

“Hey! Don’t leave me behind! I wanna play too!”

...Just what on earth is she thinking?

“Ooh, are we finally going to do a foursome play!?”

“““No we’re not!”””


...So that’s what she’s thinking!?

This damn crazy horny clown...I just had a foursome earlier! Even I can’t deal with two back-to-back foursomes!

…Okay, maybe I can but I’m not touching Catwoman until I figure out what’s going with her and my brother!

As for Harley...this woman is just crazy, I don’t really feel the need to do it to her...okay, maybe a bit but I’m still not gonna do it!

I can see Pamela rubbing her forehead in frustration.

Must be tough for her huh?

After a while, we reached what seemed to be an abandoned apartment building in a corner of Gotham.

I looked around and found that the location actually isn’t bad. Why is this abandoned?

“How come no one uses this place?”

“Duh? Because we’re in it.”


I guess everyone would leave if a crazy bitch, a thieving cat, and a plant meta lives here…

“You know, if you own this place, you can do some renovations. Change it into a club or something. You can even earn some legal money you know?”


The three of them looked at each other and were surprised. It seems they tried to think of something to say to shoot the idea down but were unable to think of anything.

“...Why didn’t we think of that before?”

“He’s right...if we make a club, not only can we earn some money, if we play it right, we can also use the club to gain intel. Even target some rich folks who come to the club…”

“And I get to have free booze!”

I knocked at Harley’s head hearing that.

“It’s not free, you have to buy the supplies yourself so technically, if you’re drinking it, you won’t be earning money!”

“Aw! That hurt!”

“Oh, you got something right.”


Harley was speechless.

Using Martian Manhunter’s psychic ability, I can hear her thoughts.

‘Was that an insult? It felt like an insult. But it sounds like a compliment. Hmm…’

“It’s a compliment.”

“Aha! Thank you!”


At the side, both Pamela and Selina were dumbfounded, unable to believe what they were seeing.

Curious, I also read their minds.

‘Did he just tame that crazy woman?’

‘Wow, his watch looks expensive!’


I’m not even gonna comment on that.

Anyway, we seem to be getting off the topic.

“Well, if you want, I can buy the building itself and hire you guys to manage it, as for the profit, you can take it all for yourself. But we’ll talk more on that later.”

“...Just who are you? You seem smart and you know who we are...why are you helping us so much?”

Pamela asked, to which I smiled wryly.


Pamela saw the man in front of her smile wryly and even somewhat apologetic. She didn’t know why but when she saw him smile like that, another person appeared in her mind.

That person seemed to coincide with the face of the man in front of her and her mind went into shock. I suddenly thinking of ‘him’ when I see this guy…?

While she was thinking of such things, the man in front of her sighed when suddenly, his face morphed into another!

That face...that look…

“It’s been a while but…”

That voice...that tone…!

“I’m back, Pamela.”


Pamela’s face froze as she looked at the man in front of her. All sorts of thoughts appeared in her mind.

She took a step back and gritted her teeth.

“Damn you! You think you can use ‘his’ face against me! Who are you!? Clayface!? Martian Manhunter!? Speak up!”

Waving her hand, plants came to life and shot towards ‘Lucas’ and wrapped around him tightly.

‘Lucas’ laughed dryly while being tangled in vines.

“Hehe...I got to say, I did imagine you giving me a hug but not like this…”

“Shut up! Y-you’re not him! He’s dead! He’s dead because he had to go and be a hero! That...that idiot! No one asked for him to sacrifice himself!”

Tears appeared at the corner of Pamela’s eyes as she tightened the grip of the vines on ‘Lucas’.

‘Lucas’ sighed and didn’t seem to mind about the plants around him.

“Pamela, it’s me. Lucas.”

“Then prove it!”

“...Ahem, remember when I told you and Barbara about that time I slept with an Amazon?”

“...You damn bastard! How can I possibly forget!?”

“Ah! Why are you squeezing even tighter!?”

Lucas sweated. Isn’t she supposed to release the vines and hug him dearly instead!?

After a while, Pamela sighed and released the vines.

“...With your strength, you could’ve just broken free easily.”

“I can’t do that, I know how much you love plants.”


Pamela muttered and hugged Lucas.

Lucas smiled and hugged her back.

At the side, Selina cursed herself.

Dammit! Isn’t this Lucas Wayne!? THAT Lucas Wayne!? Why do I keep running on people from the Waynes!?

As for Harley, a tear appeared at the corner of her eyes as she watched the whole thing. The next second, she brought her hand to a bag of popcorn she had and ate some.

“Huhu, such drama...this is even better than going to watch a movie!”


Selina looked at her with half-closed eyes but her hand swiped some popcorn as well and started eating.

“Hey! Don’t steal my popcorn!”

“Harley, I’m a thief. Don’t expect me to ask nicely~”



After hugging Pamela for a while, we separated and I began to tell her what happened.

Hearing about the whole thing, Pamela sighed.

“...To think you were lost in space for 5 years…”

“Yeah...It was a good thing I found the Green Lantern of Earth. Otherwise, who knows how long I would be wandering around.”

“...Have you seen Barbara yet?”

“Well, yeah. I dropped by the Watchtower first thing. To be honest, I was hoping to see you there as well…”

Pamela sat down on the couch and shook her head.

“I’m a villain. Why would I be in the Justice League’s Watchtower?”

I sat down next to her and patted her head.

“I know. And I’m not here to convince you to be a hero. I know...that there is good in you. The fact is, you haven’t killed anyone yet despite being a villain. Same with Selina over there. As for Harley...well, she’s crazy.”


“It’s a compliment.”

“Oh. Thank you!”


Pamela was speechless once again. She turned towards me and asked with all seriousness.

“You gotta teach me how to shut her up.”

“Haha, must have been tough on you huh?”

We laughed for a bit before continuing on.

I held Pamela’s hand as I spoke.

“Look, I can’t say honestly that I am proud that you’re a villain...but I am proud of the woman you have become. You’re strong, independent,’re everything I hoped you would’ve become 5 years ago. It doesn’t matter if you’re on the side of good or long as you follow what you think is best for you, I won’t get in your way.”

“...Thank you, Lucas…”

I grinned and stood up.

“Ah, but that doesn’t mean you all get a free pass on the Justice League. At best, I won’t help them catch you all haha.”

“Hehe, that’s fine then.”

At this moment, Selina approached and handed two glasses of wine to me and Pamela.

“Well, I don’t really understand much of what just happened, but I do believe this reunion calls for a celebration.”

“Ooh! Are we finally doing the foursome play!?”


Pamela sighed and suddenly remembered something.

“Right, you said you dropped by the Watchtower earlier...I remember that Amazon woman you slept with before is actually Wonder Woman right? Does that mean…”

“...Err...Shall we propose a toast?”

“Oh god! You slept with her again!? What did Barbara say!?”

“Uhh, she was actually...also...with us…”

Pamela opened her mouth in shock.

“I can’t believe you!”

“Well, they were the ones who actually suggested it. Between Diana and Mera and Barbara, I was actually-”

“Wait! There’s another woman!?”

...Oh shit.

I forgot...did I tell them about Mera?

“...Ahem, I propose a toast! To...running away! Cheers!”

Right, let’s get out of here first and avoid the calamity!

Using Superman’s super speed, I ran away without a moment’s hesitation!

Ah wait, I forgot something.

Running back to them who still had looks of shock, I spoke again.

“Right, about the club thing, let me know if you want to go through with it, here’s my number. Oh, and don’t tell everyone else that I’m alive, I’m laying low until Darkseid comes back. Bye! Love you!”

Giving Pamela a quick kiss on the cheek, I ran away again.

From the distance, I can still hear Pamela’s shout.


En, it seems the plants also went wild that day and Batman and the rest had to go stop her but...oh well, she escaped so it's fine.


Were you also hoping for a foursome? XD

Anyway, meeting Ivy is done. As for sleeping with her, that's for another time.

See ya next chap!

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